Python gin.REQUIRED Examples
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code examples of gin.REQUIRED().
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Example #1
Source File: From rl-reliability-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def evaluate_metrics(): """Evaluates metrics specified in the gin config.""" # Parse gin config. gin.parse_config_files_and_bindings([p.gin_file], []) for algo in p.algos: for task in p.tasks: # Get the subdirectories corresponding to each run. summary_path = os.path.join(p.data_dir, algo, task) run_dirs = eval_metrics.get_run_dirs(summary_path, 'train', p.runs) # Evaluate metrics. outfile_prefix = os.path.join(p.metric_values_dir, algo, task) + '/' evaluator = eval_metrics.Evaluator(metrics=gin.REQUIRED) evaluator.write_metric_params(outfile_prefix) evaluator.evaluate(run_dirs=run_dirs, outfile_prefix=outfile_prefix)
Example #2
Source File: From disentanglement_lib with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, embedding_model_class=gin.REQUIRED, reasoning_model_class=gin.REQUIRED, optimizer_fn=None): """Constructs a TwoStageModel. Args: embedding_model_class: Either `values`, `onehot`, or a class that has a __call__ function that takes as input a two-tuple of (batch_size, num_nodes, heigh, width, num_channels) tensors and returns two (batch_size, num_nodes, num_embedding_dims) tensors for both the context panels and the answer panels. reasoning_model_class: Class that has a __call__ function that takes as input a two-tuple of (batch_size, num_nodes, num_embedding_dims) tensors and returns the solution in a (batch_size,) tensor. optimizer_fn: Function that creates a tf.train optimizer. """ if optimizer_fn is None: optimizer_fn = tf.train.AdamOptimizer self.optimizer_fn = optimizer_fn self.embedding_model_class = embedding_model_class self.reasoning_model_class = reasoning_model_class
Example #3
Source File: From disentanglement_lib with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, hub_path=gin.REQUIRED, name="HubEmbedding", **kwargs): """Constructs a HubEmbedding. Args: hub_path: Path to the TFHub module. name: String with the name of the model. **kwargs: Other keyword arguments passed to tf.keras.Model. """ super(HubEmbedding, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs) def _embedder(x): embedder_module = hub.Module(hub_path) return embedder_module(dict(images=x), signature="representation") self.embedding_layer = relational_layers.MultiDimBatchApply( tf.keras.layers.Lambda(_embedder))
Example #4
Source File: From mesh with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def product_learning_rate(step, total_train_steps, factors=gin.REQUIRED, offset=0): """Learning rate is the product of one or more factors. Takes a list of factors which are either numbers or learning-rate functions each taking step and total_train_step arguments. If `offset` is nonzero, then subtract offset from the step and from total_train_steps before computing the learning rate. Args: step: a tf.Scalar total_train_steps: a number factors: a list of numbers and/or functions offset: an optional float Returns: a tf.Scalar, the learning rate for the step. """ ret = 1.0 for f in factors: ret *= f(step - offset, total_train_steps - offset) if callable(f) else f return ret
Example #5
Source File: From mesh with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_t2t_vocabulary(data_dir=gin.REQUIRED, vocabulary_filename=gin.REQUIRED): return T2tVocabulary(os.path.join(data_dir, vocabulary_filename))
Example #6
Source File: From rl-reliability-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def evaluate_metrics_on_bootstrapped_runs(): """Evaluates metrics on bootstrapped runs, for across-run metrics only.""" gin_bindings = [ 'eval_metrics.Evaluator.metrics = [@IqrAcrossRuns/singleton(), ' '@LowerCVaROnAcross/singleton()]' ] n_bootstraps_per_worker = int(p.n_random_samples / p.n_worker) # Parse gin config. gin.parse_config_files_and_bindings([p.gin_file], gin_bindings) for algo in p.algos: for task in p.tasks: for i_worker in range(p.n_worker): # Get the subdirectories corresponding to each run. summary_path = os.path.join(p.data_dir, algo, task) run_dirs = eval_metrics.get_run_dirs(summary_path, 'train', p.runs) # Evaluate results. outfile_prefix = os.path.join(p.metric_values_dir_bootstrapped, algo, task) + '/' evaluator = eval_metrics.Evaluator(metrics=gin.REQUIRED) evaluator.write_metric_params(outfile_prefix) evaluator.evaluate_with_bootstraps( run_dirs=run_dirs, outfile_prefix=outfile_prefix, n_bootstraps=n_bootstraps_per_worker, bootstrap_start_idx=(n_bootstraps_per_worker * i_worker), random_seed=i_worker)
Example #7
Source File: From rl-reliability-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def evaluate_metrics_on_permuted_runs(): """Evaluates metrics on permuted runs, for across-run metrics only.""" gin_bindings = [ ('eval_metrics.Evaluator.metrics = ' '[@IqrAcrossRuns/singleton(), @LowerCVaROnAcross/singleton()]') ] n_permutations_per_worker = int(p.n_random_samples / p.n_worker) # Parse gin config. gin.parse_config_files_and_bindings([p.gin_file], gin_bindings) for algo1 in p.algos: for algo2 in p.algos: for task in p.tasks: for i_worker in range(p.n_worker): # Get the subdirectories corresponding to each run. summary_path_1 = os.path.join(p.data_dir, algo1, task) summary_path_2 = os.path.join(p.data_dir, algo2, task) run_dirs_1 = eval_metrics.get_run_dirs(summary_path_1, 'train', p.runs) run_dirs_2 = eval_metrics.get_run_dirs(summary_path_2, 'train', p.runs) # Evaluate the metrics. outfile_prefix = os.path.join(p.metric_values_dir_permuted, '%s_%s' % (algo1, algo2), task) + '/' evaluator = eval_metrics.Evaluator(metrics=gin.REQUIRED) evaluator.write_metric_params(outfile_prefix) evaluator.evaluate_with_permutations( run_dirs_1=run_dirs_1, run_dirs_2=run_dirs_2, outfile_prefix=outfile_prefix, n_permutations=n_permutations_per_worker, permutation_start_idx=(n_permutations_per_worker * i_worker), random_seed=i_worker)
Example #8
Source File: From compare_gan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, self_supervision="rotation_gan", rotated_batch_size=gin.REQUIRED, weight_rotation_loss_d=1.0, weight_rotation_loss_g=0.2, **kwargs): """Creates a new Self-Supervised GAN. Args: self_supervision: One of [rotation_gan, rotation_only, None]. When it is rotation_only, no GAN loss is used, degenerates to a pure rotation model. rotated_batch_size: The total number images per batch for the rotation loss. This must be a multiple of (4 * #CORES) since we consider 4 rotations of each images on each TPU core. For GPU training #CORES is 1. weight_rotation_loss_d: Weight for the rotation loss for the discriminator on real images. weight_rotation_loss_g: Weight for the rotation loss for the generator on fake images. **kwargs: Additional arguments passed to `ModularGAN` constructor. """ super(SSGAN, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._self_supervision = self_supervision self._rotated_batch_size = rotated_batch_size self._weight_rotation_loss_d = weight_rotation_loss_d self._weight_rotation_loss_g = weight_rotation_loss_g # To safe memory ModularGAN supports feeding real and fake samples # separately through the discriminator. SSGAN does not support this to # avoid additional additional complexity in create_loss(). assert not self._deprecated_split_disc_calls, \ "Splitting discriminator calls is not supported in SSGAN."
Example #9
Source File: From text-to-text-transfer-transformer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def select_random_chunk(dataset, max_length=gin.REQUIRED, feature_key='targets', **unused_kwargs): """Token-preprocessor to extract one span of at most `max_length` tokens. If the token sequence is longer than `max_length`, then we return a random subsequence. Otherwise, we return the full sequence. This is generally followed by split_tokens. Args: dataset: a with dictionaries containing the key feature_key. max_length: an integer feature_key: an string Returns: a dataset """ def _my_fn(x): """Select a random chunk of tokens. Args: x: a 1d Tensor Returns: a 1d Tensor """ tokens = x[feature_key] n_tokens = tf.size(tokens) num_segments = tf.cast( tf.ceil(tf.cast(n_tokens, tf.float32) / tf.cast(max_length, tf.float32)), tf.int32) start = max_length * tf.random_uniform( [], maxval=num_segments, dtype=tf.int32) end = tf.minimum(start + max_length, n_tokens) return {feature_key: tokens[start:end]} # Filter empty examples. dataset = dataset.filter(lambda x: tf.not_equal(tf.size(x[feature_key]), 0)) return, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls())
Example #10
Source File: From mesh with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def untokenized_tfds_dataset(dataset_name=gin.REQUIRED, text2self=gin.REQUIRED, tfds_data_dir=gin.REQUIRED, dataset_split=gin.REQUIRED, batch_size=None, sequence_length=gin.REQUIRED, vocabulary=gin.REQUIRED, pack=gin.REQUIRED): """Reads a tensorflow_datasets dataset. Returns a containing single tokenized examples where each feature ends in EOS=1. Args: dataset_name: a string text2self: a boolean, if true, run unsupervised LM-style training. if false, the dataset must support supervised mode. tfds_data_dir: a boolean dataset_split: a string batch_size: an integer sequence_length: an integer vocabulary: a vocabulary.Vocabulary pack: if True, multiple examples emitted by load_internal() are concatenated to form one combined example. Returns: a of batches """ del batch_size dataset = tfds.load( dataset_name, split=dataset_split, as_supervised=not text2self, data_dir=tfds_data_dir) if dataset_split == "train": dataset = dataset.repeat() dataset = dataset.shuffle(1000) if not text2self: dataset = supervised_to_dict(dataset, text2self) dataset = encode_all_features(dataset, vocabulary) return pack_or_pad(dataset, sequence_length, pack)
Example #11
Source File: From mesh with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def simple_text_line_dataset(glob=gin.REQUIRED, shuffle_buffer_size=100000): return tf.gfile.Glob(glob)).shuffle(shuffle_buffer_size)
Example #12
Source File: From mesh with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_text_line_dataset(glob=gin.REQUIRED): return sample_from_text_line_datasets([(glob, 1.0)])
Example #13
Source File: From mesh with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, layers_per_encoder_module=gin.REQUIRED, layers_per_decoder_module=gin.REQUIRED, encoder_num_modules=gin.REQUIRED, decoder_num_modules=gin.REQUIRED, dropout_rate=0.0, **kwargs): """Create a transparent attention EncDec Layer. Args: layers_per_encoder_module: positive integer telling how many layer are in each repeated module in the encoder layers_per_decoder_module: positive integer telling how many layer are in each repeated module in the decoder encoder_num_modules: positive integer of how many repeated modules there are in the encoder decoder_num_modules: positive integer of how many repeated modules there are in the decoder dropout_rate: positive float, the dropout rate for the matrix relating encoder outputs to decoder inputs **kwargs: additional constructor params """ super(TransparentEncDecAttention, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.layers_per_encoder_module = layers_per_encoder_module self.layers_per_decoder_module = layers_per_decoder_module self.encoder_num_modules = encoder_num_modules self.decoder_num_modules = decoder_num_modules self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate
Example #14
Source File: From mesh with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def constant_learning_rate(step, total_train_steps, learning_rate=gin.REQUIRED): """Learning rate independent of step. DEPRECATED: use constant() or pass a float directly to Args: step: a tf.Scalar total_train_steps: a number learning_rate: a number or tf.Scalar Returns: a tf.Scalar, the learning rate for the step. """ del step, total_train_steps return tf.cast(learning_rate, tf.float32)
Example #15
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def batcher(data_streams=gin.REQUIRED, variable_shapes=True, batch_size_per_device=32, batch_size=None, eval_batch_size=32, bucket_length=32, buckets=None, buckets_include_inputs_in_length=False, batch_shuffle_size=None, max_eval_length=None, # TODO(afrozm): Unify padding logic. id_to_mask=None, strict_pad_on_len=False): """Batcher: create trax Inputs from single-example data-streams.""" # TODO(lukaszkaiser, jonni): revisit arguments, their semantics and naming. # For now leaving the arguments as in batch_fn to reduce gin config changes. if callable(data_streams): # If we pass a function, e.g., through gin, call. train_stream, eval_stream = data_streams() else: train_stream, eval_stream = data_streams # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda batch_train_stream = lambda n_devices: batch_fn( train_stream(), True, n_devices, variable_shapes, batch_size_per_device, batch_size, eval_batch_size, bucket_length, buckets, buckets_include_inputs_in_length, batch_shuffle_size, max_eval_length, id_to_mask, strict_pad_on_len) batch_eval_stream = lambda n_devices: batch_fn( eval_stream(), False, n_devices, variable_shapes, batch_size_per_device, batch_size, eval_batch_size, bucket_length, buckets, buckets_include_inputs_in_length, batch_shuffle_size, max_eval_length, id_to_mask, strict_pad_on_len) batch_train_eval_stream = lambda n_devices: batch_fn( train_stream(), False, n_devices, variable_shapes, batch_size_per_device, batch_size, eval_batch_size, bucket_length, buckets, buckets_include_inputs_in_length, batch_shuffle_size, max_eval_length, id_to_mask, strict_pad_on_len) # pylint: enable=g-long-lambda return Inputs(train_stream=batch_train_stream, eval_stream=batch_eval_stream, train_eval_stream=batch_train_eval_stream)
Example #16
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def random_inputs( input_shape=gin.REQUIRED, input_dtype=jnp.int32, input_range=(0, 255), output_shape=gin.REQUIRED, output_dtype=jnp.int32, output_range=(0, 9)): """Make random Inputs for debugging. Args: input_shape: the shape of inputs (including batch dimension). input_dtype: the type of the inputs (int32 by default). input_range: the range of inputs (defaults to (0, 255)). output_shape: the shape of outputs (including batch dimension). output_dtype: the type of the outputs (int32 by default). output_range: the range of outputs (defaults to (0, 9)). Returns: trax.inputs.Inputs """ def random_minibatches(n_devices): """Generate a stream of random mini-batches.""" assert input_range[0] % n_devices == 0 if input_dtype in [jnp.float16, jnp.float32, jnp.float64]: rand = np.random.uniform else: rand = np.random.random_integers while True: inp = rand(input_range[0], input_range[1], input_shape) inp = inp.astype(input_dtype) out = rand(output_range[0], output_range[1], output_shape) out = out.astype(output_dtype) yield inp, out return Inputs(random_minibatches)
Example #17
Source File: From mesh with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def separate_vocabularies(inputs=gin.REQUIRED, targets=gin.REQUIRED): """Gin-configurable helper function to generate a tuple of vocabularies.""" return (inputs, targets) # TODO(katherinelee): Update layout_rules string when noam updates the # definition in run
Example #18
Source File: From mesh with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_tfds_vocabulary(dataset_name=gin.REQUIRED): info = tfds.builder(dataset_name).info # this assumes that either there are no inputs, or that the # inputs and targets have the same vocabulary. return TFDSVocabulary(info.features[info.supervised_keys[1]].encoder)
Example #19
Source File: From disentanglement_lib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, num_latent=gin.REQUIRED, name="BaselineCNNEmbedder", **kwargs): """Constructs a BaselineCNNEmbedder. Args: num_latent: Integer with the number of latent dimensions. name: String with the name of the model. **kwargs: Other keyword arguments passed to tf.keras.Model. """ super(BaselineCNNEmbedder, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs) embedding_layers = [ tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( 32, (4, 4), 2, activation=get_activation(), padding="same", kernel_initializer=get_kernel_initializer()), tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( 32, (4, 4), 2, activation=get_activation(), padding="same", kernel_initializer=get_kernel_initializer()), tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( 64, (4, 4), 2, activation=get_activation(), padding="same", kernel_initializer=get_kernel_initializer()), tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( 64, (4, 4), 2, activation=get_activation(), padding="same", kernel_initializer=get_kernel_initializer()), tf.keras.layers.Flatten(), ] self.embedding_layer = relational_layers.MultiDimBatchApply( tf.keras.models.Sequential(embedding_layers, "embedding_cnn"))
Example #20
Source File: From disentanglement_lib with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_pgm_dataset(pgm_type=gin.REQUIRED): """Returns a named PGM data set.""" ground_truth_data = named_data.get_named_ground_truth_data() # Quantization for specific data sets (as described in # if isinstance(ground_truth_data, dsprites.AbstractDSprites): wrapped_data_set = Quantizer(ground_truth_data, [5, 6, 3, 3, 4, 4]) elif isinstance(ground_truth_data, shapes3d.Shapes3D): wrapped_data_set = Quantizer(ground_truth_data, [10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4]) elif isinstance(ground_truth_data, dummy_data.DummyData): wrapped_data_set = ground_truth_data else: raise ValueError("Invalid data set.") # We support different ways to generate PGMs for each of the data set (e.g., # `easy_1`, `hard_3`, `easy_mixes`). `easy` and `hard` refers to the way the # alternative solutions of the PGMs are generated: # - `easy`: Alternative answers are random other solutions that do not # satisfy the constraints in the given PGM. # - `hard`: Alternative answers are unique random modifications of the # correct solution which makes the task substantially harder. if pgm_type.startswith("easy"): sampling = "easy" elif pgm_type.startswith("hard"): sampling = "hard" else: raise ValueError("Invalid sampling strategy.") # The suffix determines how many relations there are: # - 1-3: Specifies whether always 1, 2, or 3 relations are constant in each # row. # - `mixed`: With probability 1/3 each, 1, 2, or 3 relations are constant # in each row. if pgm_type.endswith("1"): relations_dist = [1., 0., 0.] elif pgm_type.endswith("2"): relations_dist = [0., 1., 0.] elif pgm_type.endswith("3"): relations_dist = [0., 0., 1.] elif pgm_type.endswith("mixed"): relations_dist = [1. / 3., 1. / 3., 1. / 3.] else: raise ValueError("Invalid number of relations.") return PGMDataset( wrapped_data_set, sampling_strategy=sampling, relations_dist=relations_dist)
Example #21
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def sequence_copy_inputs( vocab_size=gin.REQUIRED, batch_size=gin.REQUIRED, train_length=gin.REQUIRED, eval_min_length=gin.REQUIRED, eval_max_length=gin.REQUIRED, reverse=False, pad_to_multiple=32): """Inputs for the sequence copy problem: 0w0w for w in [1..vocab_size-1]*. Args: vocab_size: how many symbols to use. batch_size: how large are the batches. train_length: maximum length of w for training. eval_min_length: minimum length of w for eval. eval_max_length : maximum length of w for eval. reverse: bool (optional, false by default): reverse the second sequence. pad_to_multiple: int, pad length to be multiple of this number. Returns: trax.inputs.Inputs """ def random_minibatches(length_list): """Generate a stream of random mini-batches.""" while True: length = random.choice(length_list) assert length % 2 == 0 w_length = (length // 2) - 1 w = np.random.randint(low=1, high=vocab_size-1, size=(batch_size, w_length)) zero = np.zeros([batch_size, 1], np.int32) loss_weights = np.concatenate([np.zeros((batch_size, w_length+2)), np.ones((batch_size, w_length))], axis=1) if reverse: x = np.concatenate([zero, w, zero, jnp.flip(w, axis=1)], axis=1) else: x = np.concatenate([zero, w, zero, w], axis=1) x = _pad_to_multiple_of(x, pad_to_multiple, 1) loss_weights = _pad_to_multiple_of(loss_weights, pad_to_multiple, 1) yield (x, x, loss_weights) # Here inputs and targets are the same. train_lengths = [2*(i+2) for i in range(train_length - 1)] eval_lengths = [2*(i+1) for i in range(eval_min_length, eval_max_length)] return Inputs( train_stream=lambda _: random_minibatches(train_lengths), eval_stream=lambda _: random_minibatches(eval_lengths) )
Example #22
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def addition_inputs( vocab_size=gin.REQUIRED, batch_size=gin.REQUIRED, train_length=gin.REQUIRED, eval_min_length=gin.REQUIRED, eval_max_length=gin.REQUIRED, pad_to_multiple=32): """Inputs for the add problem: <S>x+y<S>(x+y). Args: vocab_size: how many symbols to use. batch_size: how large are the batches. train_length: maximal length of w for training. eval_min_length: minimal length of w for eval. eval_max_length: maximal length of w for eval. pad_to_multiple: int, pad length to be multiple of this number. Returns: trax.inputs.Inputs """ base = vocab_size - 3 # We use 0 to pad, base+1 as "+" and base+2 as "<S>". def single_example(max_length, min_length): """Generate a stream of random mini-batches.""" add_len = (min_length - 1) // 2 l1 = np.random.randint((max_length - add_len + 1) // 2) + add_len l2 = np.random.randint(max_length - l1 - 1) + 1 n1 = random_number_lower_endian(l1, base) n2 = random_number_lower_endian(l2, base) result = lower_endian_to_number(n1, base) + lower_endian_to_number( n2, base) inp = n1 + [base] + n2 tgt = number_to_lower_endian(result, base) x = [base+2] + [i+1 for i in inp] + [base+2] + [i+1 for i in tgt] weights = ([0] * (len(inp) + 2)) + ([1] * len(tgt)) return (x, weights) def batches(max_length, min_length): """Batches of examples.""" if max_length < 3: raise ValueError('Maximum length must be at least 3.') while True: res = [single_example(max_length, min_length) for _ in range(batch_size)] l = max([len(x[0]) for x in res]) xs = np.array([x[0] + [0] * (l - len(x[0])) for x in res]) ws = np.array([x[1] + [0] * (l - len(x[1])) for x in res], dtype=np.float32) xs = _pad_to_multiple_of(xs, pad_to_multiple, 1) ws = _pad_to_multiple_of(ws, pad_to_multiple, 1) yield (xs, xs, ws) return Inputs( train_stream=lambda _: batches(train_length, 3), eval_stream=lambda _: batches(eval_max_length, eval_min_length) )
Example #23
Source File: From compare_gan with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, self_supervision="rotation", rotated_batch_fraction=gin.REQUIRED, weight_rotation_loss_d=1.0, weight_rotation_loss_g=0.2, project_y=False, use_predictor=False, use_soft_pred=False, weight_class_loss=1.0, use_soft_labels=False, **kwargs): """Instantiates the S3GAN. Args: self_supervision: One of [rotation_gan, None]. rotated_batch_fraction: This must be a divisor of the total batch size. rotations of each images on each TPU core. For GPU training #CORES is 1. weight_rotation_loss_d: Weight for the rotation loss for the discriminator on real images. weight_rotation_loss_g: Weight for the rotation loss for the generator on fake images. project_y: Boolean, whether an embedding layer as in variant 1) should be used. use_predictor: Boolean, whether a predictor (classifier) should be used. use_soft_pred: Boolean, whether soft labels should be used for the predicted label vectors in 1). weight_class_loss: weight of the (predictor) classification loss added to the discriminator loss. use_soft_labels: Boolean, if true assumes the labels passed for real examples are soft labels and accordingly does not transform **kwargs: Additional arguments passed to `ModularGAN` constructor. """ super(S3GAN, self).__init__(**kwargs) if use_predictor and not project_y: raise ValueError("Using predictor requires projection.") assert self_supervision in {"none", "rotation"} self._self_supervision = self_supervision self._rotated_batch_fraction = rotated_batch_fraction self._weight_rotation_loss_d = weight_rotation_loss_d self._weight_rotation_loss_g = weight_rotation_loss_g self._project_y = project_y self._use_predictor = use_predictor self._use_soft_pred = use_soft_pred self._weight_class_loss = weight_class_loss self._use_soft_labels = use_soft_labels # To safe memory ModularGAN supports feeding real and fake samples # separately through the discriminator. S3GAN does not support this to # avoid additional additional complexity in create_loss(). assert not self._deprecated_split_disc_calls, \ "Splitting discriminator calls is not supported in S3GAN."
Example #24
Source File: From text-to-text-transfer-transformer with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def random_spans_helper(inputs_length=gin.REQUIRED, noise_density=gin.REQUIRED, mean_noise_span_length=gin.REQUIRED, extra_tokens_per_span_inputs=gin.REQUIRED, extra_tokens_per_span_targets=gin.REQUIRED): """Training parameters to avoid padding with random_spans_noise_mask. When training a model with random_spans_noise_mask, we would like to set the other training hyperparmeters in a way that avoids padding. This function helps us compute these hyperparameters. We assume that each noise span in the input is replaced by extra_tokens_per_span_inputs sentinel tokens, and each non-noise span in the targets is replaced by extra_tokens_per_span_targets sentinel tokens. This function tells us the required number of tokens in the raw example (for split_tokens()) as well as the length of the encoded targets. Args: inputs_length: an integer - desired length of the tokenized inputs sequence noise_density: a float mean_noise_span_length: a float extra_tokens_per_span_inputs: an integer extra_tokens_per_span_targets: an integer Returns: tokens_length: length of original text in tokens targets_length: an integer - length in tokens of encoded targets sequence """ def _tokens_length_to_inputs_length_targets_length(tokens_length): num_noise_tokens = int(round(tokens_length * noise_density)) num_nonnoise_tokens = tokens_length - num_noise_tokens num_noise_spans = int(round(num_noise_tokens / mean_noise_span_length)) # inputs contain all nonnoise tokens, sentinels for all noise spans # and one EOS token. return ( num_nonnoise_tokens + num_noise_spans * extra_tokens_per_span_inputs + 1, num_noise_tokens + num_noise_spans * extra_tokens_per_span_targets + 1) tokens_length = inputs_length while (_tokens_length_to_inputs_length_targets_length(tokens_length + 1)[0] <= inputs_length): tokens_length += 1 inputs_length, targets_length = ( _tokens_length_to_inputs_length_targets_length(tokens_length)) # minor hack to get the targets length to be equal to inputs length # which is more likely to have been set to a nice round number. if noise_density == 0.5 and targets_length > inputs_length: tokens_length -= 1 targets_length -= 1 'tokens_length=%s inputs_length=%s targets_length=%s ' 'noise_density=%s mean_noise_span_length=%s ' % (tokens_length, inputs_length, targets_length, noise_density, mean_noise_span_length)) return tokens_length, targets_length
Example #25
Source File: From text-to-text-transfer-transformer with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def split_tokens(dataset, min_tokens_per_segment=None, max_tokens_per_segment=gin.REQUIRED, feature_key='targets', **unused_kwargs): """Split examples into multiple examples each. The intended use case is to break up long examples for use in unsupervised transfer-learning. This function is generally preceded by select_random_chunk. If min_tokens_per_segment is provided, the segment length is chosen randomly per document from a log-uniform distribution. If min_tokens_per_segment is None, then the segment length is max_tokens_per_segment (except for a possibly shorter last segment in each document). Args: dataset: a with dictionaries containing the key feature_key. min_tokens_per_segment: an optional integer max_tokens_per_segment: an integer, the maximum number of tokens in each segment. Only the final segment may be shorter. feature_key: a string, the feature to split Returns: a dataset """ def _split_tokens(x): """Split one token sequence into multiple multiple.""" tokens = x[feature_key] n_tokens = tf.size(tokens) if min_tokens_per_segment is None: length = max_tokens_per_segment else: # pick a length - log-uniformly distributed length = tf.cast(tf.exp(tf.random_uniform( [], minval=math.log(min_tokens_per_segment), maxval=math.log(max_tokens_per_segment))), tf.int32) # Pad to a multiple of length, then use tf.reshape to split up the tokens # into num_segments segments each of the given length. num_segments = tf.cast( tf.ceil(tf.cast(n_tokens, tf.float32) / tf.cast(length, tf.float32)), tf.int32) padding = num_segments * length - tf.size(tokens) tokens = tf.pad(tokens, [[0, padding]]) return tf.reshape(tokens, [-1, length]) def _strip_padding(x): return {feature_key: tf.boolean_mask(x, tf.cast(x, tf.bool))} # Filter empty examples. dataset = dataset.filter(lambda x: tf.not_equal(tf.size(x[feature_key]), 0)) dataset =, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls()) dataset = dataset.unbatch() return _strip_padding,
Example #26
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _t5_gin_config(): # The following pages worth of gin configuration are required because a lot # of T5 functions have `gin.REQUIRED` in code, i.e. you cannot use these # functions at all without having configured gin. noise_density = 0.15 max_input_length = 50 # What preprocessors to apply - we select a random chunk of the document if # it exceeds a certain lengths (`select_random_chunk`), the concat multiple # documents together to reduce padding (`reduce_concat_tokens`), then split # up long examples (`split_tokens`) and finally the denoising objective # (`denoise`). gin.bind_parameter('unsupervised.preprocessors', [ t5_processors.select_random_chunk, t5_processors.reduce_concat_tokens, t5_processors.split_tokens, t5_processors.denoise, ]) # select_random_chunk gin.bind_parameter('select_random_chunk.feature_key', 'targets') gin.bind_parameter('select_random_chunk.max_length', max_input_length) # reduce_concat_tokens gin.bind_parameter('random_spans_helper.extra_tokens_per_span_inputs', 1) gin.bind_parameter('random_spans_helper.extra_tokens_per_span_targets', 1) gin.bind_parameter('random_spans_helper.inputs_length', max_input_length) gin.bind_parameter('random_spans_helper.mean_noise_span_length', 3.0) gin.bind_parameter('random_spans_helper.noise_density', noise_density) # split_tokens gin.bind_parameter('split_tokens.max_tokens_per_segment', t5_processors.random_spans_tokens_length()) # denoise gin.bind_parameter('denoise.inputs_fn', t5_processors.noise_span_to_unique_sentinel) gin.bind_parameter('denoise.noise_density', noise_density) gin.bind_parameter('denoise.noise_mask_fn', t5_processors.random_spans_noise_mask) gin.bind_parameter('denoise.targets_fn', t5_processors.nonnoise_span_to_unique_sentinel)
Example #27
Source File: From mesh with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def pretokenized_t2t_dataset(dataset_name=gin.REQUIRED, text2self=False, data_dir=gin.REQUIRED, dataset_split="train", batch_size=None, sequence_length=gin.REQUIRED, vocabulary=None, eos_included=True, vocab_shift=0): """Loads the Tensor2tensor dataset specified by dataset_name. Args: dataset_name: TensorFlow Datasets dataset name. text2self: a boolean data_dir: string, data_dir for TensorFlow Datasets dataset_split: a string - "train" or "dev" batch_size: an integer, DEPRECATED sequence_length: an integer vocabulary: ignored eos_included: a boolean vocab_shift: an optional integer - add this value to all ids read Returns: A of batches """ del vocabulary filepattern = os.path.join( data_dir, dataset_name + "-" + dataset_split + "-*") filenames = tf.gfile.Glob(filepattern)"Found %s files matching %s" % (len(filenames), filepattern)) if not filenames: raise ValueError("No matching files found") dataset = pretokenized_tfrecord_dataset( filenames=filenames, text2self=text2self, eos_included=eos_included, repeat=dataset_split == "train", batch_size=batch_size, sequence_length=sequence_length, vocab_shift=vocab_shift) if dataset_split == "train": dataset = dataset.shuffle(1000) return dataset
Example #28
Source File: From mesh with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def tpu_mesh_shape(tpu_topology=gin.REQUIRED, model_parallelism=gin.REQUIRED, ensemble_parallelism=None): """Create a mesh_shape for data-parallelism and model-parallelism on TPU. Example: tpu_mesh_shape("4x4", 8) -> mtf.Shape(("batch", 4), ("model", 8)) Since there are 4x4x2=32 total cores, and we want 8-way model paralleism. This function is passed through gin to the argument `mesh_shape` inside the function `run`. Alternatively, for model_parallelism, pass a mesh_spec (see TODO(noam): describe Args: tpu_topology: a string - e.g. "2x2" or "v3-8" model_parallelism: an integer - the number of cores per model replica alternatively a list that can be passed to simd_mesh_impl.HierarchicalTiling ensemble_parallelism: an optional integer - if present then create an "ensemble" mesh-dimension as well, for splitting the models in an ensemble. Returns: a mtf.Shape """ if tpu_topology.startswith("v"): num_cores = int(tpu_topology.split("-")[-1]) else: x, y = tpu_topology.split("x") num_cores = int(x) * int(y) * 2 if isinstance(model_parallelism, list): # model_parallelism is actually a spec used to # construct a simd_mesh_impl.HierarchicalTiling object return mtf.simd_mesh_impl.HierarchicalTiling.spec_to_mesh_shape( model_parallelism, num_cores) data_parallelism = num_cores // model_parallelism if ensemble_parallelism: data_parallelism //= ensemble_parallelism dims = [] if ensemble_parallelism and ensemble_parallelism > 1: dims.append(mtf.Dimension("ensemble", ensemble_parallelism)) if data_parallelism > 1: dims.append(mtf.Dimension("batch", data_parallelism)) if model_parallelism > 1: dims.append(mtf.Dimension("model", model_parallelism)) return mtf.Shape(dims)
Example #29
Source File: From mesh with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def packed_parallel_tsv_dataset(dataset=gin.REQUIRED, dataset_split=gin.REQUIRED, batch_size=None, sequence_length=gin.REQUIRED, vocabulary=gin.REQUIRED, append_eos=True, eos_id=1, max_encoded_len=0): """Reads parallel tab-separated text file. One example per line.""" del batch_size del dataset_split def _parse_fn(record): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring tokens = tf.decode_csv( record, record_defaults=[""] * 2, field_delim="\t", use_quote_delim=False) return {"inputs": tokens[0], "targets": tokens[1]} def _encode_fn(features): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring inputs_vocabulary = vocabulary[0] if isinstance(vocabulary, tuple) else vocabulary targets_vocabulary = vocabulary[1] if isinstance(vocabulary, tuple) else vocabulary inputs_enc = inputs_vocabulary.encode_tf(features["inputs"]) targets_enc = targets_vocabulary.encode_tf(features["targets"]) if append_eos: inputs_enc = tf.concat([tf.cast(inputs_enc, tf.int64), [eos_id]], 0) targets_enc = tf.concat([tf.cast(targets_enc, tf.int64), [eos_id]], 0) return {"inputs": inputs_enc, "targets": targets_enc} dataset = _parse_fn, dataset = _encode_fn, def _filter_fn(features): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring return tf.less_equal( tf.reduce_max( tf.stack([tf.size(v) for v in features.values()], axis=0)), max_encoded_len) if max_encoded_len:"Filtering encoded examples longer than %d" % max_encoded_len) dataset = dataset.filter(_filter_fn) return pack_or_pad(dataset, sequence_length)
Example #30
Source File: From mesh with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def make_bitransformer( input_vocab_size=gin.REQUIRED, output_vocab_size=gin.REQUIRED, layout=None, mesh_shape=None, encoder_name="encoder", decoder_name="decoder"): """Gin-configurable bitransformer constructor. In your config file you need to set the encoder and decoder layers like this: encoder/make_layer_stack.layers = [ @transformer_layers.SelfAttention, @transformer_layers.DenseReluDense, ] decoder/make_layer_stack.layers = [ @transformer_layers.SelfAttention, @transformer_layers.EncDecAttention, @transformer_layers.DenseReluDense, ] Args: input_vocab_size: a integer output_vocab_size: an integer layout: optional - an input to mtf.convert_to_layout_rules Some layers (e.g. MoE layers) cheat by looking at layout and mesh_shape mesh_shape: optional - an input to mtf.convert_to_shape Some layers (e.g. MoE layers) cheat by looking at layout and mesh_shape encoder_name: optional - a string giving the Unitransformer encoder name. decoder_name: optional - a string giving the Unitransformer decoder name. Returns: a Bitransformer """ with gin.config_scope("encoder"): encoder = Unitransformer( layer_stack=make_layer_stack(), input_vocab_size=input_vocab_size, output_vocab_size=None, autoregressive=False, name=encoder_name, layout=layout, mesh_shape=mesh_shape) with gin.config_scope("decoder"): decoder = Unitransformer( layer_stack=make_layer_stack(), input_vocab_size=output_vocab_size, output_vocab_size=output_vocab_size, autoregressive=True, name=decoder_name, layout=layout, mesh_shape=mesh_shape) return Bitransformer(encoder, decoder)