Python qgis.core.Qgis.Info() Examples
The following are 23
code examples of qgis.core.Qgis.Info().
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Example #1
Source File: From qgis-latlontools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 7 votes |
def canvasReleaseEvent(self, event): '''Capture the coordinate when the mouse button has been released, format it, and copy it to the clipboard. pt is QgsPointXY''' pt = self.snappoint(event.originalPixelPoint()) self.removeVertexMarker() if settings.captureShowLocation: if self.marker is None: self.marker = QgsVertexMarker(self.canvas) self.marker.setIconSize(18) self.marker.setPenWidth(2) self.marker.setIconType(QgsVertexMarker.ICON_CROSS) self.marker.setCenter(pt) else: self.removeMarker() try: msg = self.formatCoord(pt, self.settings.delimiter) formatString = self.coordFormatString() if msg is not None: clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setText(msg) self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("", "{} coordinate {} copied to the clipboard".format(formatString, msg), level=Qgis.Info, duration=4) except Exception as e: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("", "Invalid coordinate: {}".format(e), level=Qgis.Warning, duration=4)
Example #2
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def run(self, func, action): layer = self.canvas.currentLayer() if layer in self.iface.editableLayers(): if layer.geometryType() in [QgsWkbTypes.LineGeometry , QgsWkbTypes.PolygonGeometry]: if self.tool: self.tool.deactivate() self.tool = func(self.canvas, self.iface, action) self.tool.setAction(action) self.canvas.setMapTool(self.tool) else: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Warning'),'Tool not defined for points'), level=Qgis.Info, duration=3) self.tool.deactivate() if self.tool else "" else: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Warning'),'Start editing in current layer!'), level=Qgis.Info, duration=3) self.tool.deactivate() if self.tool else ""
Example #3
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def flipSelectedLines(self): """ Method for flipping all selected lines. Used for button callback. """ # get all selected features and remove all features that are not lines selectedFeatures = self.getAllSelectedLines() pop = 0 for idx, item in enumerate(selectedFeatures): if item[2] != 1: selectedFeatures.pop(idx-pop) pop += 1 if not selectedFeatures: logMsg = self.getLogMessage(None, None) self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Error'), logMsg, level=Qgis.Critical, duration=3) # QMessageBox.critical(self,'Critical!'), logMsg) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(logMsg, "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Critical) return # call the method for flipping features from geometry module flippedLines, failedLines = self.DsgGeometryHandler.flipFeatureList(featureList=selectedFeatures, debugging=True) logMsg = self.getLogMessage(flippedLines, failedLines) self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Success'), logMsg, level=Qgis.Info, duration=3) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(logMsg, "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Info)
Example #4
Source File: From orstools-qgis-plugin with MIT License | 6 votes |
def log(message, level_in=0): """ Writes to QGIS inbuilt logger accessible through panel. :param message: logging message to write, error or URL. :type message: str :param level_in: integer representation of logging level. :type level_in: int """ if level_in == 0: level = Qgis.Info elif level_in == 1: level = Qgis.Warning elif level_in == 2: level = Qgis.Critical else: level = Qgis.Info QgsMessageLog.logMessage(message, PLUGIN_NAME.strip(), level)
Example #5
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def reclassify(self): """ Performs the actual reclassification, moving the geometry to the correct layer along with the specified attributes """ if not self.checkConditions(): return #button that sent the signal self.buttonName = self.sender().text().split(' [')[0].replace('&', '') (reclassificationLayer, self.category, self.edgvClass) = self.getLayerFromButton(self.buttonName) if reclassificationLayer is not None: reclassificationDict = self.reclassificationDict[self.category][self.edgvClass][self.buttonName] reclassifiedFeatures = self.layerHandler.reclassifySelectedFeatures( reclassificationLayer, reclassificationDict ) self.iface.mapCanvas().refreshAllLayers() if reclassifiedFeatures > 0: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Information!'),'{} features reclassified with success!').format(reclassifiedFeatures), level=Qgis.Info, duration=3 )
Example #6
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, min, max, message, parent=None, timeout = 1.5): """ Constructs a progress widget """ super(self.__class__, self).__init__(parent) self.min = min self.max = max sizePolicy = QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed) if parent: self.setMinimumSize(parent.width(),40) else: self.setMinimumSize(766,40) self.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.progressBar = QProgressBar() self.progressBar.setMinimum(min) self.progressBar.setMaximum(max) self.parent = parent self.msgBarItem = QgsMessageBarItem("INFO: "), message, self.progressBar, level=Qgis.Info, duration=timeout, parent = self.parent) self.pushItem(self.msgBarItem) self.parent.repaint()
Example #7
Source File: From QGISFMV with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def saveInfoToJson(self): """ Save video Info to json """ out_json, _ = askForFiles(self, QCoreApplication.translate( "QgsFmvPlayer", "Save Json"), isSave=True, exts="json") if not out_json: return taskSaveInfoToJson = QgsTask.fromFunction('Save Video Info to Json Task', self.converter.probeToJson, fname=self.fileName, output=out_json, on_finished=self.finishedTask, flags=QgsTask.CanCancel) QgsApplication.taskManager().addTask(taskSaveInfoToJson) return
Example #8
Source File: From QGISFMV with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def showVideoInfo(self): ''' Show default probe info ''' taskSaveInfoToJson = QgsTask.fromFunction('Show Video Info Task', self.converter.probeShow, fname=self.fileName, on_finished=self.finishedTask, flags=QgsTask.CanCancel) QgsApplication.taskManager().addTask(taskSaveInfoToJson) return
Example #9
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def import_(self): """ Request a file for Workflow importation and sets it to GUI. :return: (bool) operation status. """ fd = QFileDialog() filename = fd.getOpenFileName('Select a Workflow file'),'DSGTools Workflow (*.workflow *.json)') ) filename = filename[0] if isinstance(filename, tuple) else "" if not filename: return False try: self.importWorkflow(filename) except Exception as e: self.messageBar.pushMessage('Invalid workflow'),"Unable to export workflow to '{fp}' ({error}).").format( fp=filename, error=str(e) ), level=Qgis.Critical, duration=5 ) return False self.messageBar.pushMessage('Success'),"Workflow '{fp}' imported!").format( fp=filename ), level=Qgis.Info, duration=5 ) return True
Example #10
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def updateLayer(self, geom): """ Updates the layer """ if self.layerCombo.currentIndex() == 0: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Information'),'A layer must be selected!'), level=Qgis.Info, duration=3) return if self.attributeCombo.currentIndex() == 0: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Information'),'A field must be selected!'), level=Qgis.Info, duration=3) return #canvas crs to be used in case a reprojection is needed canvasCrs = self.iface.mapCanvas().mapSettings().destinationCrs() if self.ascendingRadioButton.isChecked(): signal = 1 else: signal = -1 ret = self.contourTool.assignValues(self.attributeCombo.currentText(), signal*self.spinBox.value(), geom, canvasCrs) self.iface.mapCanvas().refresh() if ret == 1: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Information!'),'Layer successfully updated!'), level=Qgis.Info, duration=3) elif ret == 0: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Critical!'),'Could not update features!'), level=Qgis.Critical, duration=3) elif ret == -1: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Critical!'),'Problem ordering the features!'), level=Qgis.Critical, duration=3) elif ret == -2: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Critical!'),'The line created does not cross any features in the selected layer!'), level=Qgis.Critical, duration=3) elif ret == -3: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Critical!'),'Assign a value for the selected attribute of the first crossed feature!'), level=Qgis.Critical, duration=3)
Example #11
Source File: From albion with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def accept(self): self.__project.create_raster_from_collar(self.useDepth.isChecked(), self.outDir.filePath() ) iface.messageBar().pushMessage("Export raster completed", """<a href="file:///{dir}">{dir}</a>""".format(dir=self.outDir.filePath()), level=Qgis.Info, duration=5) self.close()
Example #12
Source File: From albion with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def accept(self): self.__project.create_raster_from_formation(self.formation.currentData(), self.level.currentText(), self.outDir.filePath() ) iface.messageBar().pushMessage("Export raster completed", """<a href="file:///{dir}">{dir}</a>""".format(dir=self.outDir.filePath()), level=Qgis.Info, duration=5) self.close()
Example #13
Source File: From qgis-geoserver-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def setInfo(msg): iface.messageBar().pushMessage("Info", msg, level = Qgis.Info, duration = 10)
Example #14
Source File: From QGISFMV with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def finishedTask(self, e, result=None): """ Common finish task function """ if e is None: if result is None: qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage(QCoreApplication.translate( "QgsFmvPlayer", 'Completed with no exception and no result ' '(probably manually canceled by the user)'), level=QGis.Warning) else: if "Georeferencing" in result['task']: return qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage(QCoreApplication.translate( "QgsFmvPlayer", "Succesfully " + result['task'] + "!")) if "Bitrate" in result['task']: self.matplot = ShowPlot(self.BitratePlot.bitrate_data, self.BitratePlot.frame_count, self.fileName, self.BitratePlot.output) if result['task'] == 'Show Video Info Task': self.showVideoInfoDialog(self.converter.bytes_value) if result['task'] == 'Save Current Georeferenced Frame Task': buttonReply = qgsu.CustomMessage( QCoreApplication.translate("QgsFmvPlayer", "Information"), QCoreApplication.translate("QgsFmvPlayer", "Do you want to load the layer?"), icon="Information") if buttonReply == QMessageBox.Yes: file = result['file'] root, _ = os.path.splitext(file) layer = QgsRasterLayer(file, root) QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(layer) return else: qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage(QCoreApplication.translate( "QgsFmvPlayer", "Failed " + result['task'] + "!"), level=QGis.Warning) raise e
Example #15
Source File: From QGISFMV with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def updateDurationInfo(self, currentInfo): '''Update labels duration Info and CallBack Metadata @type currentInfo: String @param currentInfo: Current time value ''' duration = self.duration self.currentInfo = currentInfo if currentInfo or duration: totalTime = _seconds_to_time(duration) currentTime = _seconds_to_time(currentInfo) tStr = currentTime + " / " + totalTime currentTimeInfo = _seconds_to_time_frac(currentInfo) if self.isStreaming: # get last metadata available self.get_metadata_from_buffer() # qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage("", "Streaming on ", onlyLog=True) # nextTime = currentInfo + self.pass_time / 1000 # nextTimeInfo = _seconds_to_time_frac(nextTime) # self.callBackMetadata(currentTimeInfo, nextTimeInfo) elif self.islocal: self.readLocal(currentInfo) else: # Get Metadata from buffer self.get_metadata_from_buffer(currentTimeInfo) else: tStr = "" self.labelDuration.setText(tStr)
Example #16
Source File: From raster-vision-qgis with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def log_info(cls, msg): QgsMessageLog.logMessage(msg, tag="Raster Vision", level=Qgis.Info)
Example #17
Source File: From go2mapillary with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self,module): self.module = module self.iface = module.iface self.cache_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),'go2mapillary') QgsMessageLog.logMessage("CACHE_DIR"+self.cache_dir, tag="go2mapillary",level=Qgis.Info) if not os.path.exists(self.cache_dir): os.makedirs(self.cache_dir) self.setDefaultLayers() self.actual_ranges = None
Example #18
Source File: From go2mapillary with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def stop(self, msg = ''): ''' the progressbar is stopped with a succes message :param msg: string :return: ''' self.iface.messageBar().clearWidgets() message = self.iface.messageBar().createMessage(self.title,msg) self.iface.messageBar().pushWidget(message, Qgis.Info, 2)
Example #19
Source File: From go2mapillary with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def start(self,max=0, msg = ''): self.widget = self.iface.messageBar().createMessage(self.title,msg) self.progressBar = QProgressBar() self.progressBar.setRange(0,max) self.progressBar.setValue(0) self.progressBar.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter) self.widget.layout().addWidget(self.progressBar) QApplication.processEvents() self.iface.messageBar().pushWidget(self.widget, Qgis.Info, 50) QApplication.processEvents()
Example #20
Source File: From go2mapillary with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def proto_method(self, endpoint, **kwargs): kwargs['client_id'] = CLIENT_ID res = requests.get(ROOT+endpoint, params=kwargs, proxies=getProxiesConf()) if res.status_code == 200: return res.json() else: QgsMessageLog.logMessage("mapillary connection error: %d" % res.status_code, tag="go2mapillary",level=Qgis.Info)
Example #21
Source File: From qgis-latlontools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def copyCanvas(self): extent = self.iface.mapCanvas().extent() canvasCrs = self.canvas.mapSettings().destinationCrs() if settings.bBoxCrs == 0 and canvasCrs != epsg4326: transform = QgsCoordinateTransform(canvasCrs, epsg4326, QgsProject.instance()) p1x, p1y = transform.transform(float(extent.xMinimum()), float(extent.yMinimum())) p2x, p2y = transform.transform(float(extent.xMaximum()), float(extent.yMaximum())) extent.set(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) delim = settings.bBoxDelimiter prefix = settings.bBoxPrefix suffix = settings.bBoxSuffix precision = settings.bBoxDigits outStr = '' minX = extent.xMinimum() minY = extent.yMinimum() maxX = extent.xMaximum() maxY = extent.yMaximum() if settings.bBoxFormat == 0: # minX,minY,maxX,maxY - using the delimiter outStr = '{:.{prec}f}{}{:.{prec}f}{}{:.{prec}f}{}{:.{prec}f}'.format( minX, delim, minY, delim, maxX, delim, maxY, prec=precision) elif settings.bBoxFormat == 1: # minX,maxX,minY,maxY - Using the selected delimiter' outStr = '{:.{prec}f}{}{:.{prec}f}{}{:.{prec}f}{}{:.{prec}f}'.format( minX, delim, maxX, delim, minY, delim, maxY, prec=precision) elif settings.bBoxFormat == 2: # x1 y1,x2 y2,x3 y3,x4 y4,x1 y1 - Polygon format outStr = '{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f}'.format( minX, minY, minX, maxY, maxX, maxY, maxX, minY, minX, minY, prec=precision) elif settings.bBoxFormat == 3: # x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3 x4,y4 x1,y1 - Polygon format outStr = '{:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f},{:.{prec}f}'.format( minX, minY, minX, maxY, maxX, maxY, maxX, minY, minX, minY, prec=precision) elif settings.bBoxFormat == 4: # WKT Polygon outStr = extent.asWktPolygon() elif settings.bBoxFormat == 5: # bbox: [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] - MapProxy outStr = 'bbox: [{}, {}, {}, {}]'.format( minX, minY, maxX, maxY) elif settings.bBoxFormat == 6: # bbox: [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] - MapProxy outStr = 'bbox={},{},{},{}'.format( minX, minY, maxX, maxY) outStr = '{}{}{}'.format(prefix, outStr, suffix) clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setText(outStr) self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("", "'{}' copied to the clipboard".format(outStr), level=Qgis.Info, duration=4)
Example #22
Source File: From QGISFMV with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def get_metadata_from_buffer(self, currentTime=None): """Metadata CallBack @type currentTime: String @param currentTime: Current video timestamp """ try: # There is no way to spawn a thread and call after join() without blocking the video UI thread. # callBackMetadata can be as fast as possible, it will always create a small video lag every time meta are read. # To get rid of this, we fill a buffer (BufferedMetaReader) in the QManager with some Metadata in advance, # and hope they'll be ready to read here in a totaly non-blocking # way (increase the buffer size if needed in QManager). if not self.islocal: stdout_data = self.meta_reader.get(currentTime) # debug qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage("", "Buffer size:" + str(self.meta_reader.getSize()), onlyLog=True) else: stdout_data = b'\x15' # qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage( # "", "stdout_data: " + str(stdout_data) + " currentTime: " + str(currentTime), onlyLog=True) if stdout_data == 'NOT_READY': qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage("", "Buffer value read but is not ready, increase buffer size:" + str(self.meta_reader.getSize()), onlyLog=True) return # Values need to be read, pause the video a short while elif stdout_data == 'BUFFERING': qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage(QCoreApplication.translate("QgsFmvPlayer", "Buffering metadata..."), duration=4, level=QGis.Info) self.player.pause() QTimer.singleShot(2500, lambda: return elif stdout_data is None: qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage(QCoreApplication.translate("QgsFmvPlayer", "No metadata to show, buffer size:" + str(self.meta_reader.getSize())), level=QGis.Info) # qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage("No metadata to show.", "Buffer returned None Type, check pass_time. : ", onlyLog=True) return elif stdout_data == b'' or len(stdout_data) == 0: qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage(QCoreApplication.translate("QgsFmvPlayer", "No metadata to show, buffer size:" + str(self.meta_reader.getSize())), level=QGis.Info) # qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage("No metadata to show.", "Buffer returned empty metadata, check pass_time. : ", onlyLog=True) return self.packetStreamParser(stdout_data) except Exception as inst: qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage("", "Metadata Buffer Failed! : " + str(inst), onlyLog=True) # qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage(QCoreApplication.translate("QgsFmvPlayer", "Metadata Buffer Failed! : "), str(inst))
Example #23
Source File: From qgis-latlontools-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def canvasPressEvent(self, event): '''Capture the coordinate when the mouse button has been released, format it, and copy it to the clipboard.''' pt = self.snappoint(event.originalPixelPoint()) self.removeVertexMarker() if settings.externalMapShowLocation: if self.marker is None: self.marker = QgsVertexMarker(self.canvas) self.marker.setIconSize(18) self.marker.setPenWidth(2) self.marker.setIconType(QgsVertexMarker.ICON_CROSS) self.marker.setCenter(pt) else: self.removeMarker() button = event.button() canvasCRS = self.canvas.mapSettings().destinationCrs() transform = QgsCoordinateTransform(canvasCRS, epsg4326, QgsProject.instance()) pt4326 = transform.transform(pt.x(), pt.y()) lat = pt4326.y() lon = pt4326.x() if settings.googleEarthMapProvider(button): f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', suffix=".kml", delete=False) f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>') f.write('<kml xmlns="" xmlns:gx="" xmlns:kml="" xmlns:atom="">') f.write('<Document>') f.write(' <name>QGIS Location</name>') f.write(' <description>{:.8f}, {:.8f}</description>'.format(lon, lat)) f.write(' <Placemark>') f.write(' <name>QGIS Location</name>') f.write(' <Point>') f.write(' <coordinates>{:.8f},{:.8f},0</coordinates>'.format(lon, lat)) f.write(' </Point>') f.write(' </Placemark>') f.write('</Document>') f.write('</kml>') f.close() if platform.system() == 'Windows': os.startfile( else: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("", "Viewing Coordinate %f,%f in Google Earth" % (lat, lon), level=Qgis.Info, duration=3) else: mapprovider = settings.getMapProviderString(lat, lon, button) url = QUrl(mapprovider).toString(), new=2) self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("", "Viewing Coordinate %f,%f in external map" % (lat, lon), level=Qgis.Info, duration=3)