Python nibabel.Nifti2Image() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of nibabel.Nifti2Image().
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Example #1
Source File: From NiBetaSeries with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_check_bs_len(fnames, lengths, expected_out, tmp_path): affine = np.eye(4) fpaths = [] for fname, length in zip(fnames, lengths): fpath = tmp_path / fname nib.Nifti2Image(np.zeros((1, 1, 1, length)), affine=affine).to_filename(str(fpath)) fpaths.append(str(fpath)) if all(i < 3 for i in lengths): with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as rterr: _check_bs_len(fpaths) assert "None of the beta series" in str(rterr.value) else: assert [op.basename(f) for f in _check_bs_len(fpaths)] == expected_out
Example #2
Source File: From NiBetaSeries with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _calc_beta_map(model, trial_type, hrf_model, tstat): """ Calculates the beta estimates for every voxel from a nistats model Parameters ---------- model : nistats.first_level_model.FirstLevelModel a fit model of the first level results trial_type : str the trial to create the beta estimate hrf_model : str the hemondynamic response function used to fit the model tstat : bool return the t-statistic for the betas instead of the raw estimates Returns ------- beta_map : nibabel.nifti2.Nifti2Image nifti image containing voxelwise beta estimates """ import numpy as np # make it so we do not divide by zero TINY = 1e-50 raw_beta_map = _estimate_map(model, trial_type, hrf_model, 'effect_size') if tstat: var_map = _estimate_map(model, trial_type, hrf_model, 'effect_variance') tstat_array = raw_beta_map.get_fdata() / np.sqrt(np.maximum(var_map.get_fdata(), TINY)) return nib.Nifti2Image(tstat_array, raw_beta_map.affine, raw_beta_map.header) else: return raw_beta_map
Example #3
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def decouple_volumes(v1, v2, mode, se=None, iterations=1): """ mode : {inner-from-outer, outer-from-inner, neighbors} inner-from-outer: this changes v1 by removing voxels outer-from-inner: this changes v2 by adding voxels neighbors: this changes v2 by removing voxels """ assert mode in ["inner-from-outer","outer-from-inner","neighbors"] if isinstance(v1, str) and os.path.isfile(v1): v1 = nib.load(v1) assert isinstance(v1, nib.Nifti1Image) or isinstance(v1, nib.Nifti2Image) d1 = v1.get_data() if isinstance(v2, str) and os.path.isfile(v2): v2 = nib.load(v2) assert isinstance(v2, nib.Nifti1Image) or isinstance(v2, nib.Nifti2Image) d2 = v2.get_data() assert d1.ndim is d2.ndim if se is None: se = mrph.generate_binary_structure(d1.ndim,1) if mode == "inner-from-outer": # make v2/d2 the inner volume d1, d2 = d2, d1 v1, v2 = v2, v1 d2 = d2 & mrph.binary_erosion(d1, se, iterations) if mode == "outer-from-inner": d2 = d2 | mrph.binary_dilation(d1, se, iterations) if mode == "neighbors": d2 = d2 & ~mrph.binary_dilation(d1, se, iterations) d2 = nib.Nifti1Image(d2, v2.affine, header=v2.header) d2.set_filename(v2.get_filename()) return d2
Example #4
Source File: From recipy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def nifti2_from_filename(self): """ Use nibabel.Nifti2Image.from_filename to load nifti2_image.nii. """ file_name = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "nifti2_image") nib.Nifti2Image.from_filename(file_name)
Example #5
Source File: From recipy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def nifti2_to_filename(self): """ Use nibabel.Nifti2Image.to_filename to save out_nifti2_image.nii. """ file_name = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "out_nifti2_image") img = nib.Nifti2Image(self.get_data(), self.get_affine()) img.to_filename(file_name) os.remove(file_name + ".nii")
Example #6
Source File: From recipy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_sample_data(self): """ Create sample data files. The files created are: * analyze_image.hdr + .img: plain ANALYZE image * mgh_image.mgh: MGH image * nifti1_image.nii: NIfTI1 image * nifti2_image.nii: NIfTI2 image * spm2_image.hdr + .img + .mat: SPM2 ANALYZE image * spm99_image.hdr + .img + .mat: SPM99 ANALYZE image """ file_name = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "analyze_image") analyze_img = nib.AnalyzeImage(self.get_data(), np.eye(4)) analyze_img.to_filename(file_name) file_name = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "mgh_image") mgh_img = nib.freesurfer.mghformat.MGHImage(self.get_data(), np.eye(4)) mgh_img.to_filename(file_name) file_name = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "nifti1_image") nifti1_img = nib.Nifti1Image(self.get_data(), self.get_affine()) nifti1_img.to_filename(file_name) file_name = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "nifti2_image") nifti2_img = nib.Nifti2Image(self.get_data(), self.get_affine()) nifti2_img.to_filename(file_name) file_name = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "spm2_image") spm2_img = nib.spm2analyze.Spm2AnalyzeImage(self.get_data(), np.eye(4)) spm2_img.to_filename(file_name) file_name = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "spm99_image") spm99_img = nib.spm99analyze.Spm99AnalyzeImage(self.get_data(), np.eye(4)) spm99_img.to_filename(file_name)
Example #7
Source File: From MDT with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def load_nifti(nifti_volume): """Load and return a nifti file. This will apply path resolution if a filename without extension is given. See the function :func:`nifti_filepath_resolution` for details. Args: nifti_volume (string): The filename of the volume to use. Returns: :class:`nibabel.nifti2.Nifti2Image` """ path = nifti_filepath_resolution(nifti_volume) return nifti_info_decorate_nibabel_image(nib.load(path))
Example #8
Source File: From MDT with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def write_nifti(data, output_fname, header=None, affine=None, use_data_dtype=True, **kwargs): """Write data to a nifti file. This will write the output directory if it does not exist yet. Args: data (ndarray): the data to write to that nifti file output_fname (str): the name of the resulting nifti file, this function will append .nii.gz if no suitable extension is given. header (nibabel header): the nibabel header to use as header for the nifti file. If None we will use a default header. affine (ndarray): the affine transformation matrix use_data_dtype (boolean): if we want to use the dtype from the data instead of that from the header when saving the nifti. **kwargs: other arguments to Nifti2Image from NiBabel """ if header is None: header = nib.nifti2.Nifti2Header() if use_data_dtype: header = copy.deepcopy(header) dtype = data.dtype if data.dtype == np.bool: dtype = np.char try: header.set_data_dtype(dtype) except nib.spatialimages.HeaderDataError: pass if not (output_fname.endswith('.nii.gz') or output_fname.endswith('.nii')): output_fname += '.nii.gz' if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output_fname)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_fname)) if isinstance(header, nib.nifti2.Nifti2Header): format = nib.Nifti2Image else: format = nib.Nifti1Image format(data, affine, header=header, **kwargs).to_filename(output_fname)
Example #9
Source File: From NiBetaSeries with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _estimate_map(model, trial_type, hrf_model, output_type): """ Calculates model output for every voxel from a nistats model Parameters ---------- model : nistats.first_level_model.FirstLevelModel a fit model of the first level results trial_type : str the trial to create the beta estimate hrf_model : str the hemondynamic response function used to fit the model output_type : str Type of the output map. Can be ‘z_score’, ‘stat’, ‘p_value’, ‘effect_size’, or ‘effect_variance’ Returns ------- map_img : nibabel.nifti2.Nifti2Image nifti image containing voxelwise output_type estimates """ import numpy as np # calculate the beta map map_list = [] map_base = model.compute_contrast(trial_type, output_type=output_type) map_list.append(map_base.get_fdata()) sign = np.where(map_list[0] < 0, -1, 1) if 'derivative' in hrf_model: td_contrast = '_'.join([trial_type, 'derivative']) map_list.append( model.compute_contrast( td_contrast, output_type=output_type).get_fdata()) if 'dispersion' in hrf_model: dd_contrast = '_'.join([trial_type, 'dispersion']) map_list.append( model.compute_contrast( dd_contrast, output_type=output_type).get_fdata()) if len(map_list) == 1: map_img = map_base else: map_array = sign * \ np.sqrt( np.sum( np.array([np.power(c, 2) for c in map_list]), axis=0)) map_img = nib.Nifti2Image( map_array, map_base.affine, map_base.header) return map_img
Example #10
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def binarize(vols, return_empty=False): """Binarize a list of input volumes by finding the maximum posterior probability of each and assigning the voxel to this volume. PARAMETERS ---------- vols : list List of filenames or nibabel image objects (describing probabilities of different tissue types). return_empty : bool If true, return an array containing all voxels which are not assigned to either of the other volumes (default: False) RETURNS ---------- bin_vols : list List of ndarrays describing binarized versions of the input volumes. unassign : ndarray Array containing any unassigned voxels. """ # if filenames are provided, load data volsi = [None]*len(vols) for i in range(len(vols)): if isinstance(vols[i], str) and os.path.isfile(vols[i]): volsi[i] = nib.load(vols[i]).get_data() elif type(vols[i]) in [nib.Nifti1Image, nib.Nifti2Image]: volsi[i] = vols[i].get_data() else: # assume numpy array volsi[i] = vols[i] # Concatenate arrays/images imgs = np.concatenate(tuple([v[...,np.newaxis] for v in volsi]), axis=3) imgs = np.concatenate((np.zeros_like(volsi[0])[...,np.newaxis], imgs), axis=3) # Find max indices max_idx = np.argmax(imgs, axis=3) # Binarize. Here vols_bin[0] contain voxels not assigned to any other # volume vols_bin=[] for i in range(imgs.shape[-1]): vols_bin.append(max_idx == i) #vols_bin = [vb.astype(np.uint8) for vb in vols_bin] if return_empty: return vols_bin[1:]+[vols_bin[0]] else: return vols_bin[1:]