Python cryptography.exceptions() Examples

The following are 1 code examples of cryptography.exceptions(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module cryptography , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From securesystemslib with MIT License 3 votes vote down vote up
def _decrypt(file_contents, password):
  The corresponding decryption routine for _encrypt().

  'securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError' raised if the decryption fails.

  # Extract the salt, iterations, hmac, initialization vector, and ciphertext
  # from 'file_contents'.  These five values are delimited by
  # '_ENCRYPTION_DELIMITER'.  This delimiter is arbitrarily chosen and should
  # not occur in the hexadecimal representations of the fields it is
  # separating.  Raise 'securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError', if
  # 'file_contents' does not contains the expected data layout.
    salt, iterations, hmac, iv, ciphertext = \

  except ValueError:
    raise securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError('Invalid encrypted file.')

  # Ensure we have the expected raw data for the delimited cryptographic data.
  salt = binascii.unhexlify(salt.encode('utf-8'))
  iterations = int(iterations)
  iv = binascii.unhexlify(iv.encode('utf-8'))
  ciphertext = binascii.unhexlify(ciphertext.encode('utf-8'))

  # Generate derived key from 'password'.  The salt and iterations are
  # specified so that the expected derived key is regenerated correctly.
  # Discard the old "salt" and "iterations" values, as we only need the old
  # derived key.
  junk_old_salt, junk_old_iterations, symmetric_key = \
    _generate_derived_key(password, salt, iterations)

  # Verify the hmac to ensure the ciphertext is valid and has not been altered.
  # See the encryption routine for why we use the encrypt-then-MAC approach.
  # The decryption routine may verify a ciphertext without having to perform
  # a decryption operation.
  generated_hmac_object = \
    cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hmac.HMAC(symmetric_key, hashes.SHA256(),
  generated_hmac = binascii.hexlify(generated_hmac_object.finalize())

  if not securesystemslib.util.digests_are_equal(generated_hmac.decode(), hmac):
    raise securesystemslib.exceptions.CryptoError('Decryption failed.')

  # Construct a Cipher object, with the key and iv.
  decryptor = Cipher(algorithms.AES(symmetric_key), modes.CTR(iv),

  # Decryption gets us the authenticated plaintext.
  plaintext = decryptor.update(ciphertext) + decryptor.finalize()

  return plaintext