Python prompt_toolkit.PromptSession() Examples
The following are 27
code examples of prompt_toolkit.PromptSession().
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Example #1
Source File: From bibmanager with MIT License | 7 votes |
def cli_ads_search(args): """Command-line interface for ads-search call.""" if query = None else: completer = u.KeyWordCompleter(u.ads_keywords, bm.load()) session = prompt_toolkit.PromptSession( history=FileHistory(u.BM_HISTORY_ADS())) query = session.prompt( "(Press 'tab' for autocomplete)\n", auto_suggest=u.AutoSuggestCompleter(), completer=completer, complete_while_typing=False, ).strip() if query == "" and os.path.exists(u.BM_CACHE()): query = None elif query == "": return try: am.manager(query) except ValueError as e: print(f"\nError: {str(e)}")
Example #2
Source File: From questionary with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _fix_unecessary_blank_lines(ps: PromptSession) -> None: """This is a fix for additional empty lines added by prompt toolkit. This assumes the layout of the default session doesn't change, if it does, this needs an update.""" default_container = ps.layout.container default_buffer_window = ( default_container.get_children()[0].content.get_children()[1].content ) assert isinstance(default_buffer_window, Window) # this forces the main window to stay as small as possible, avoiding # empty lines in selections default_buffer_window.dont_extend_height = Always()
Example #3
Source File: From WitnessMe with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, db_path): self.db_path = db_path self.completer = WMCompleter(self) self.signatures = Signatures() self.prompt_session = PromptSession( HTML("WMDB ≫ "), #bottom_toolbar=functools.partial(bottom_toolbar, ts=self.teamservers), completer=self.completer, complete_in_thread=True, complete_while_typing=True, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), #rprompt=get_rprompt(False), #style=example_style, search_ignore_case=True )
Example #4
Source File: From python-prompt-toolkit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def main(): print( "Asynchronous loading of history. Notice that the up-arrow will work " "for as far as the completions are loaded.\n" "Even when the input is accepted, loading will continue in the " "background and when the next prompt is displayed.\n" ) our_history = ThreadedHistory(SlowHistory()) # The history needs to be passed to the `PromptSession`. It can't be passed # to the `prompt` call because only one history can be used during a # session. session = PromptSession(history=our_history) while True: text = session.prompt("Say something: ") print("You said: %s" % text)
Example #5
Source File: From python-prompt-toolkit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def main(database): connection = sqlite3.connect(database) session = PromptSession( lexer=PygmentsLexer(SqlLexer), completer=sql_completer, style=style ) while True: try: text = session.prompt("> ") except KeyboardInterrupt: continue # Control-C pressed. Try again. except EOFError: break # Control-D pressed. with connection: try: messages = connection.execute(text) except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) else: for message in messages: print(message) print("GoodBye!")
Example #6
Source File: From kafka-shell with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def main(): settings = Settings() bindings = get_bindings(settings) executor = Executor(settings) toolbar = Toolbar(settings) completer = KafkaCompleter(settings) if settings.enable_auto_complete else None suggester = AutoSuggestFromHistory() if settings.enable_auto_suggest else None history = ThreadedHistory(FileHistory(get_user_history_path())) if settings.enable_history else InMemoryHistory() session = PromptSession(completer=completer, style=style, bottom_toolbar=toolbar.handler, key_bindings=bindings, history=history, include_default_pygments_style=False) while True: try: command = session.prompt([("class:operator", "> ")], auto_suggest=suggester) except KeyboardInterrupt: continue except EOFError: break else: executor.execute(command) settings.save_settings()
Example #7
Source File: From questionary with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create_inquirer_layout( ic: InquirerControl, get_prompt_tokens: Callable[[], List[Tuple[Text, Text]]], **kwargs ) -> Layout: """Create a layout combining question and inquirer selection.""" ps = PromptSession(get_prompt_tokens, reserve_space_for_menu=0, **kwargs) _fix_unecessary_blank_lines(ps) return Layout( HSplit( [ps.layout.container, ConditionalContainer(Window(ic), filter=~IsDone())] ) )
Example #8
Source File: From coconut with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def prompt(self, msg): """Get input using prompt_toolkit.""" try: # prompt_toolkit v2 prompt = prompt_toolkit.PromptSession(history=self.history).prompt except AttributeError: # prompt_toolkit v1 prompt = partial(prompt_toolkit.prompt, history=self.history) return prompt( msg, multiline=self.multiline, vi_mode=self.vi_mode, wrap_lines=self.wrap_lines, enable_history_search=self.history_search, lexer=PygmentsLexer(CoconutLexer), style=style_from_pygments_cls( pygments.styles.get_style_by_name(, ), )
Example #9
Source File: From python-sploitkit with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): super(Console, self).__init__() # determine the relevant parent self.parent = parent if self.parent is not None and self.parent.level == self.level: while parent is not None and parent.level == self.level: parent = parent.parent # go up of one console level # raise an exception in the context of command's .run() execution, # to be propagated to console's .run() execution, setting the # directly higher level console in argument raise ConsoleDuplicate(self, parent) # back-reference the console self.config.console = self # configure the console regarding its parenthood if self.parent is None: if Console.parent is not None: raise Exception("Only one parent console can be used") Console.parent = self Console.parent._start_time = Console.appdispname = Console.appname Console.appname = Console.appname.lower() self.__init(**kwargs) else: self.parent.child = self # reset commands and other bound stuffs self.reset() # setup the session with the custom completer and validator completer, validator = CommandCompleter(), CommandValidator() completer.console = validator.console = self message, style = self.prompt hpath = Path(self.config.option("WORKSPACE").value).joinpath("history") self._session = PromptSession( message, completer=completer, history=FileHistory(hpath), validator=validator, style=Style.from_dict(style), ) CustomLayout(self)
Example #10
Source File: From CurseBreaker with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.core = Core() self.session = PromptSession(reserve_space_for_menu=6) self.headless = False self.console = None self.table = None self.cfSlugs = None self.wowiSlugs = None self.completer = None self.os = platform.system() install()
Example #11
Source File: From fuzzowski with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self) -> None: self.commands = self.get_commands() self.cmd_handler = CommandHandler(self.commands) self.completer = CommandCompleter(self.commands) = self.get_style() self._break = False self.prompt_session = PromptSession(completer=self.completer,, bottom_toolbar=self.bottom_toolbar, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory()) super(CommandPrompt, self).__init__() # --------------------------------------------------------------- #
Example #12
Source File: From synapse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def prompt(self, text=None): ''' Prompt for user input from stdin. ''' if self.sess is None: hist = FileHistory(s_common.getSynPath('cmdr_history')) self.sess = PromptSession(history=hist) if text is None: text = self.cmdprompt with patch_stdout(): retn = await self.sess.prompt_async(text, vi_mode=self.vi_mode, enable_open_in_editor=True) return retn
Example #13
Source File: From asn1tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _do_shell(_args): commands = ['compile', 'convert', 'help', 'exit'] completer = WordCompleter(commands, WORD=True) user_home = os.path.expanduser('~') history = FileHistory(os.path.join(user_home, '.asn1tools-history.txt')) session = PromptSession(completer=completer, complete_while_typing=True, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), enable_history_search=True, history=history) input_spec = None output_spec = None output_codec = None print("\nWelcome to the asn1tools shell!\n") while True: try: line = session.prompt(u'$ ') except EOFError: return line = line.strip() if line: if line.startswith('compile'): input_spec, output_spec, output_codec = _handle_command_compile(line) elif line.startswith('convert'): _handle_command_convert(line, input_spec, output_spec, output_codec) elif line == 'help': _handle_command_help() elif line == 'exit': return else: print('{}: command not found'.format(line))
Example #14
Source File: From hermit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, signing_wallet: HDWallet, session: PromptSession = None) -> None: self.wallet = signing_wallet self.session = session self.signature: Optional[Dict] = None self.request_data: Optional[str] = None
Example #15
Source File: From hermit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_confirm_signature_prompt_in_session(self, mock_input, mock_display_qr_code, mock_request): mock_session = create_autospec(PromptSession) mock_session.prompt.return_value = 'y' mock_request.return_value = json.dumps(self.request) Signer(self.wallet, mock_session).sign(testnet=True) input_prompt = 'Sign the above transaction? [y/N] ' assert input_prompt in mock_session.prompt.call_args[0][0].value
Example #16
Source File: From python-prompt-toolkit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def main(): our_history = FileHistory(".example-history-file") # The history needs to be passed to the `PromptSession`. It can't be passed # to the `prompt` call because only one history can be used during a # session. session = PromptSession(history=our_history) while True: text = session.prompt("Say something: ") print("You said: %s" % text)
Example #17
Source File: From python-prompt-toolkit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def main(): # Create some history first. (Easy for testing.) history = InMemoryHistory() history.append_string("import os") history.append_string('print("hello")') history.append_string('print("world")') history.append_string("import path") # Print help. print("This CLI has up-arrow partial string matching enabled.") print('Type for instance "pri" followed by up-arrow and you') print('get the last items starting with "pri".') print("Press Control-C to retry. Control-D to exit.") print() session = PromptSession(history=history, enable_history_search=True) while True: try: text = session.prompt("Say something: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Ctrl-C pressed. Try again. else: break print("You said: %s" % text)
Example #18
Source File: From python-prompt-toolkit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def main(): # Create some history first. (Easy for testing.) history = InMemoryHistory() history.append_string("import os") history.append_string('print("hello")') history.append_string('print("world")') history.append_string("import path") # Print help. print("This CLI has fish-style auto-suggestion enable.") print('Type for instance "pri", then you\'ll see a suggestion.') print("Press the right arrow to insert the suggestion.") print("Press Control-C to retry. Control-D to exit.") print() session = PromptSession( history=history, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), enable_history_search=True, ) while True: try: text = session.prompt("Say something: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Ctrl-C pressed. Try again. else: break print("You said: %s" % text)
Example #19
Source File: From Pytify with MIT License | 5 votes |
def custom_prompt(currentSong): session = PromptSession( message=get_prompt, history=history(), auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), enable_history_search=True, bottom_toolbar=get_bottom_toolbar(currentSong), completer=completer(), complete_while_typing=True, complete_in_thread=True, style=style ) return session.prompt()
Example #20
Source File: From polymorph with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def run(self): """Runs the interface and waits for user input commands.""" completer = WordCompleter(['capture', 'spoof', 'clear', 'import']) history = FileHistory(self._polym_path + '/.minterface_history') session = PromptSession(history=history) while True: try: command = session.prompt(HTML("<bold><red>PH</red> > </bold>"), completer=completer, complete_style=CompleteStyle.READLINE_LIKE, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), enable_history_search=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.exit_program() continue command = command.split(" ") if command[0] in self.EXIT: self.exit_program() elif command[0] in ["capture", "c"]: self._capture(command) elif command[0] in ["spoof", "s"]: self._spoof(command) elif command[0] in ["import", "i"]: self._import(command) elif command[0] == "clear": Interface._clear() elif command[0] == "": continue else: Interface._wrong_command()
Example #21
Source File: From polymorph with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def run(self): """Runs the interface and waits for user input commands.""" completer = WordCompleter(['show', 'dissect', 'template', 'wireshark', 'clear', 'back']) history = FileHistory(self._polym_path + '/.tlinterface_history') session = PromptSession(history=history) while True: try: command = session.prompt(HTML("<bold>PH:<red>cap</red> > </bold>"), completer=completer, complete_style=CompleteStyle.READLINE_LIKE, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), enable_history_search=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.exit_program() continue command = command.split(" ") if command[0] in self.EXIT: self.exit_program() elif command[0] in self.RET: break elif command[0] in ["show", "s"]: self._show(command) elif command[0] == "dissect": self._dissect(command) elif command[0] in ["template", "t"]: self._template(command) elif command[0] in ["wireshark", "w"]: self._wireshark(command) elif command[0] == "clear": Interface._clear() elif command[0] == "": continue else: Interface._wrong_command()
Example #22
Source File: From polymorph with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def run(self): """Runs the interface and waits for user input commands.""" completer = WordCompleter(['show', 'name', 'field', 'fields', 'dump', 'recalculate', 'clear', 'back']) history = FileHistory(self._polym_path + '/.linterface_history') session = PromptSession(history=history) while True: try: command = session.prompt(HTML("<bold>PH:cap/t%d/<red>%s</red> > </bold>" % (self._tindex,, completer=completer, complete_style=CompleteStyle.READLINE_LIKE, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), enable_history_search=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.exit_program() continue # Argument parsing command = command.split(" ") if command[0] in self.EXIT: self.exit_program() elif command[0] in self.RET: break elif command[0] in ["s", "show"]: self._show(command) elif command[0] == "name": self._name(command) elif command[0] in ["field", "f"]: self._field(command) elif command[0] in ["fields", "fs"]: self._fields(command) elif command[0] in ["dump", "d"]: self._dump(command) elif command[0] in ["recalculate", "r"]: self._recalculate(command) elif command[0] == "clear": Interface._clear() elif command[0] == "": continue else: Interface._wrong_command()
Example #23
Source File: From msldap with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self): if self._ignore_sigint and sys.platform != "win32": asyncio.get_event_loop().add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, self._sigint_handler) self.session = PromptSession(enable_history_search=True, key_bindings=self._get_bindings()) try: with patch_stdout(): await self._run_prompt_forever() finally: if self._ignore_sigint and sys.platform != "win32": asyncio.get_event_loop().remove_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT) self._on_close()
Example #24
Source File: From we-get with MIT License | 5 votes |
def shell(self, items, pargs): self.pargs = pargs self.items = items stdout.write( '\n') # When the fetching messege ends need to add \n after \r. self.prompt_show_items() history = InMemoryHistory() session = PromptSession() if PROMPT_TOOLKIT_V2 else None while True: kwargs = dict( history=history, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), completer=WGCompleter(list(self.items.keys())), style=we_get_prompt_style ) try: p = prompt(u'we-get > ', **kwargs) except TypeError as e: log.debug('{}:{}'.format(type(e), e)) kwargs.pop('history') if PROMPT_TOOLKIT_V2: p = session.prompt(u'we-get > ', **kwargs) else: p = prompt(u'we-get > ', **kwargs) if self.prompt_no_command(p): continue elif self.prompt_is_single_command(p): command = p args = None else: _ = p.split() command = _[0] _.pop(0) args = ' '.join(_) if not self.prompt_verify_command(command, args): continue elif not self.prompt_parse_command(command, args): break
Example #25
Source File: From polymorph with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def run(self): """Runs the interface and waits for user input commands.""" completer = WordCompleter(['value', 'type', 'show', 'name', 'slice', 'custom', 'size', 'dump', 'clear', 'back']) history = FileHistory(self._polym_path + '/.finterface_history') session = PromptSession(history=history) while True: try: command = session.prompt(HTML("<bold>PH:cap/t%d/%s/<red>%s</red> > </bold>" % (self._tindex, self._lname,, completer=completer, complete_style=CompleteStyle.READLINE_LIKE, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), enable_history_search=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.exit_program() continue command = command.split(" ") if command[0] in self.EXIT: self.exit_program() elif command[0] in self.RET: break elif command[0] in ['t', 'type']: self._type(command) elif command[0] in ['v', 'value']: self._value(command) elif command[0] in ['s', 'show']: self._show(command) elif command[0] == 'name': self._name(command) elif command[0] == "slice": print(self._f.slice, '\n') elif command[0] == "custom": self._custom(command) elif command[0] == "size": print(self._f.size, '\n') elif command[0] in ['d', 'dump']: Interface.color_dump(self._f.raw, self._f.slice.start, self._f.slice.stop) elif command[0] == "clear": Interface._clear() elif command[0] == "": continue else: Interface._wrong_command()
Example #26
Source File: From hermit with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def repl(commands:Dict, mode="", help_command=None): commandCompleter = WordCompleter( [c for c in commands], sentence=True # allows hyphens ) oldSession = state.Session state.Session = PromptSession(key_bindings=Bindings, bottom_toolbar=bottom_toolbar, refresh_interval=0.1) state.Wallet.shards.interface.options = {'bottom_toolbar': bottom_toolbar} done = None with patch_stdout(): while not done: try: unlocked = ' ' if state.Wallet.unlocked(): unlocked = '*' command_line = state.Session.prompt(HTML('<b>{}{}></b> '.format(unlocked, mode)), completer=commandCompleter, ).split() if len(command_line) == 0: continue if command_line[0] in commands: command_fn = commands[command_line[0]] try: done = command_fn(*(command_line[1:])) except TypeError as err: if state.Debug: raise err if help_command is not None: help_command(command_line[0]) else: raise HermitError("Unknown command") except KeyboardInterrupt: continue except HermitError as e: print(e) if state.Debug: traceback.print_exc() continue except EOFError: break except Exception as err: print(err) if state.Debug: traceback.print_exc() break state.Session = oldSession
Example #27
Source File: From polymorph with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def run(self): """Runs the interface and waits for user input commands.""" completer = WordCompleter(['show', 'name', 'layer', 'dump', 'layers', 'preconditions', 'postconditions', 'executions', 'intercept', 'timestamp', 'version', 'save', 'description', 'spoof', 'clear', 'back']) # Initialization of the command history history = FileHistory(join(self._polym_path, '.tinterface_history')) session = PromptSession(history=history) while True: try: command = session.prompt(HTML("<bold>PH:cap/<red>t%d</red> > </bold>" % self._index), completer=completer, complete_style=CompleteStyle.READLINE_LIKE, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), enable_history_search=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.exit_program() continue command = command.split(" ") if command[0] in self.EXIT: self.exit_program() elif command[0] in self.RET: break elif command[0] == "name": self._name(command) elif command[0] in ["dump", "d"]: self._dump(command) elif command[0] in ["layer", "l"]: self._layer(command) elif command[0] in ['precs', 'preconditions']: self._conditions(command, 'preconditions') elif command[0] in ['posts', 'postconditions']: self._conditions(command, 'postconditions') elif command[0] in ['execs', 'executions']: self._conditions(command, 'executions') elif command[0] in ["show", "s"]: self._show(command) elif command[0] in ["intercept", "i"]: self._intercept(command) elif command[0] in ["layers", "ls"]: self._layers(command) elif command[0] == "timestamp": print(self._t.timestamp, '\n') elif command[0] == "version": self._version(command) elif command[0] in ['desc', 'description']: self._description(command) elif command[0] == "save": self._save(command) elif command[0] in ["spoof"]: self._spoof(command) elif command[0] == "clear": Interface._clear() elif command[0] == "": continue else: Interface._wrong_command()