Python geojson.MultiPolygon() Examples
The following are 4
code examples of geojson.MultiPolygon().
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Example #1
Source File: From ngsi-timeseries-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_entity_add_country_shape(air_quality_observed): air_quality_observed.pop('location') air_quality_observed['address']['value'] = { "addressCountry": "MX", } r = geocoding.add_location(air_quality_observed) assert r is air_quality_observed assert 'location' in r assert r['location']['type'] == 'geo:json' geo = r['location']['value'] assert geo['type'] == 'MultiPolygon' multi_polygon = geojson.MultiPolygon(geo['coordinates']) assert multi_polygon.is_valid
Example #2
Source File: From geojsoncontour with MIT License | 5 votes |
def mpoly(self): """Output of GeoJSON MultiPolygon object.""" return MultiPolygon(coordinates=self.coords)
Example #3
Source File: From osm-python-tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def geometry(self): try: if self.type() == 'node': if not self.lon() or not self._raiseException('Cannot build geometry: geometry information not included.') return geojson.Point((self.lon(), elif self.type() == 'way': if not self.__getElement('geometry'): self._raiseException('Cannot build geometry: geometry information not included.') cs = self.__geometry_csToList(self.__getElement('geometry')) if self.__geometry_equal(cs[0], cs[-1]): return geojson.Polygon([cs]) else: return geojson.LineString(cs) elif self.type() == 'relation': members = copy.deepcopy(self.__members()) membersOuter = self.__geometry_extract(members, 'outer') if len(membersOuter) == 0: self._raiseException('Cannot build geometry: no outer rings found.') membersInner = self.__geometry_extract(members, 'inner') ringsOuter = self.__geometry_buildRings(membersOuter) ringsInner = self.__geometry_buildRings(membersInner) ringsOuter = self.__geometry_orientRings(ringsOuter, positive=True) ringsInner = self.__geometry_orientRings(ringsInner, positive=False) polygons = self.__geometry_buildPolygons(ringsOuter, ringsInner) if len(polygons) > 1: return geojson.MultiPolygon(polygons) else: return geojson.Polygon(polygons[0]) else: self._raiseException('Cannot build geometry: type of element unknown.') except Exception as e: _extendAndRaiseException(e, ' ({}/{})'.format(self.type(),
Example #4
Source File: From overpass-api-python-wrapper with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _as_geojson(self, elements): features = [] geometry = None for elem in elements: elem_type = elem.get("type") elem_tags = elem.get("tags") elem_geom = elem.get("geometry", []) if elem_type == "node": # Create Point geometry geometry = geojson.Point((elem.get("lon"), elem.get("lat"))) elif elem_type == "way": # Create LineString geometry geometry = geojson.LineString([(coords["lon"], coords["lat"]) for coords in elem_geom]) elif elem_type == "relation": # Initialize polygon list polygons = [] # First obtain the outer polygons for member in elem.get("members", []): if member["role"] == "outer": points = [(coords["lon"], coords["lat"]) for coords in member.get("geometry", [])] # Check that the outer polygon is complete if points and points[-1] == points[0]: polygons.append([points]) else: raise UnknownOverpassError("Received corrupt data from Overpass (incomplete polygon).") # Then get the inner polygons for member in elem.get("members", []): if member["role"] == "inner": points = [(coords["lon"], coords["lat"]) for coords in member.get("geometry", [])] # Check that the inner polygon is complete if points and points[-1] == points[0]: # We need to check to which outer polygon the inner polygon belongs point = Point(points[0]) check = False for poly in polygons: polygon = Polygon(poly[0]) if polygon.contains(point): poly.append(points) check = True break if not check: raise UnknownOverpassError("Received corrupt data from Overpass (inner polygon cannot " "be matched to outer polygon).") else: raise UnknownOverpassError("Received corrupt data from Overpass (incomplete polygon).") # Finally create MultiPolygon geometry if polygons: geometry = geojson.MultiPolygon(polygons) else: raise UnknownOverpassError("Received corrupt data from Overpass (invalid element).") if geometry: feature = geojson.Feature( id=elem["id"], geometry=geometry, properties=elem_tags ) features.append(feature) return geojson.FeatureCollection(features)