Python raven.fetch_package_version() Examples
The following are 4
code examples of raven.fetch_package_version().
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Example #1
Source File: From crontabber with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def sentrytest(self): """return true if we managed to send a sample raven exception""" if not (self.config.sentry and self.config.sentry.dsn): raise SentryConfigurationError('sentry dsn not configured') try: version = raven.fetch_package_version('crontabber') except Exception: version = None self.config.logger.warning( 'Unable to extract version of crontabber', exc_info=True ) client = raven.Client( dsn=self.config.sentry.dsn, release=version ) identifier = client.captureMessage( 'Sentry test sent from crontabber' ) 'Sentry successful identifier: %s', identifier ) return True
Example #2
Source File: From autopush with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, logger_name, log_level="debug", log_format="json", log_output="stdout", sentry_dsn=None, firehose_delivery_stream=None): self.logger_name = "-".join([ logger_name, pkg_resources.get_distribution("autopush").version ]) self._filename = None self.log_level = LogLevel.lookupByName(log_level) if log_output == "stdout": self._output = sys.stdout elif log_output == "none": self._output = None else: self._filename = log_output self._output = None if log_format == "json": self.format_event = self.json_format else: self.format_event = formatEventAsClassicLogText if sentry_dsn: self.raven_client = raven.Client( release=raven.fetch_package_version("autopush"), transport=TwistedHTTPTransport, enable_breadcrumbs=False, ) else: self.raven_client = None if firehose_delivery_stream: self.firehose = FirehoseProcessor( stream_name=firehose_delivery_stream) else: self.firehose = None
Example #3
Source File: From code-coverage with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def setup_sentry(name, channel, dsn): """ Setup sentry account using taskcluster secrets """ # Detect environment task_id = os.environ.get("TASK_ID") if task_id is not None: site = "taskcluster" elif "DYNO" in os.environ: site = "heroku" else: site = "unknown" sentry_client = raven.Client( dsn=dsn, site=site, name=name, environment=channel, release=raven.fetch_package_version(f"code-coverage-{name}"), ) if task_id is not None: # Add a Taskcluster task id when available # It will be shown in the Additional Data section on the dashboard sentry_client.context.merge({"extra": {"task_id": task_id}}) sentry_handler = raven.handlers.logbook.SentryHandler( sentry_client, level=logbook.WARNING, bubble=True ) sentry_handler.push_application()
Example #4
Source File: From code-review with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def setup_sentry(name, channel, dsn): """ Setup sentry account using taskcluster secrets """ # Detect environment task_id = os.environ.get("TASK_ID") if task_id is not None: site = "taskcluster" elif "DYNO" in os.environ: site = "heroku" else: site = "unknown" sentry_client = raven.Client( dsn=dsn, site=site, name=name, environment=channel, release=raven.fetch_package_version(f"code-review-{name}"), ) if task_id is not None: # Add a Taskcluster task id when available # It will be shown in the Additional Data section on the dashboard sentry_client.context.merge({"extra": {"task_id": task_id}}) sentry_handler = raven.handlers.logbook.SentryHandler( sentry_client, level=logbook.WARNING, bubble=True ) sentry_handler.push_application()