Python mrcnn.utils.resize_image() Examples
The following are 15
code examples of mrcnn.utils.resize_image().
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Example #1
Source File: From Pix2Pose with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_rcnn_detection(self,image_t): image_t_resized, window, scale, padding, crop = utils.resize_image( np.copy(image_t), min_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM, min_scale=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_SCALE, max_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM, mode=self.config.IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE) if(scale!=1): print("Warning.. have to adjust the scale") results = self.detection_model.detect([image_t_resized], verbose=0) r = results[0] rois = r['rois'] rois = rois - [window[0],window[1],window[0],window[1]] obj_orders = np.array(r['class_ids'])-1 obj_ids=[] for obj_order in obj_orders: obj_ids.append(self.detection_labels[obj_order]) #now c_ids are the same annotation those of the names of ply/gt files scores = np.array(r['scores']) masks = r['masks'][window[0]:window[2],window[1]:window[3],:] return rois,obj_orders,obj_ids,scores,masks
Example #2
Source File: From Pix2Pose with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_rcnn_detection(image_t,model): image_t_resized, window, scale, padding, crop = utils.resize_image( np.copy(image_t), min_dim=config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM, min_scale=config.IMAGE_MIN_SCALE, max_dim=config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM, mode=config.IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE) if(scale!=1): print("Warning.. have to adjust the scale") results = model.detect([image_t_resized], verbose=0) r = results[0] rois = r['rois'] rois = rois - [window[0],window[1],window[0],window[1]] obj_orders = np.array(r['class_ids'])-1 obj_ids = model_ids[obj_orders] #now c_ids are the same annotation those of the names of ply/gt files scores = np.array(r['scores']) masks = r['masks'][window[0]:window[2],window[1]:window[3],:] return rois,obj_orders,obj_ids,scores,masks
Example #3
Source File: From dataiku-contrib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def mold_inputs(self, images): """Takes a list of images and modifies them to the format expected as an input to the neural network. images: List of image matrices [height,width,depth]. Images can have different sizes. Returns 3 Numpy matrices: molded_images: [N, h, w, 3]. Images resized and normalized. image_metas: [N, length of meta data]. Details about each image. windows: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]. The portion of the image that has the original image (padding excluded). """ molded_images = [] image_metas = [] windows = [] for image in images: # Resize image # TODO: move resizing to mold_image() molded_image, window, scale, padding, crop = utils.resize_image( image, min_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM, min_scale=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_SCALE, max_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM, mode=self.config.IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE) molded_image = mold_image(molded_image, self.config) # Build image_meta image_meta = compose_image_meta( 0, image.shape, molded_image.shape, window, scale, np.zeros([self.config.NUM_CLASSES], dtype=np.int32)) # Append molded_images.append(molded_image) windows.append(window) image_metas.append(image_meta) # Pack into arrays molded_images = np.stack(molded_images) image_metas = np.stack(image_metas) windows = np.stack(windows) return molded_images, image_metas, windows
Example #4
Source File: From Pix2Pose with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_rcnn_detection(image_t,model): image_t_resized, window, scale, padding, crop = utils.resize_image( np.copy(image_t), min_dim=config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM, min_scale=config.IMAGE_MIN_SCALE, max_dim=config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM, mode=config.IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE) if(scale!=1): print("Warning.. have to adjust the scale") results = model.detect([image_t_resized], verbose=0) r = results[0] rois = r['rois'] if(scale!=1): masks_all = r['masks'][window[0]:window[2],window[1]:window[3],:] masks = np.zeros((image_t.shape[0],image_t.shape[1],masks_all.shape[2]),bool) for mask_id in range(masks_all.shape[2]): masks[:,:,mask_id]=resize(masks_all[:,:,mask_id].astype(np.float),(image_t.shape[0],image_t.shape[1]))>0.5 #resize all the masks rois=rois/scale window = np.array(window) window[0] = window[0]/scale window[1] = window[1]/scale window[2] = window[2]/scale window[3] = window[3]/scale else: masks = r['masks'][window[0]:window[2],window[1]:window[3],:] rois = rois - [window[0],window[1],window[0],window[1]] obj_orders = np.array(r['class_ids'])-1 obj_ids = model_ids[obj_orders] #now c_ids are the same annotation those of the names of ply/gt files scores = np.array(r['scores']) return rois,obj_orders,obj_ids,scores,masks
Example #5
Source File: From Pix2Pose with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_retinanet_detection(image_t,model): image = preprocess_image(image_t[:,:,::-1]) #needs bgr order bgr? image, scale = resize_image(image) boxes, scores, labels = model.predict_on_batch(np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)) boxes /= scale boxes = boxes[0] scores = scores[0] labels = labels[0] score_mask = scores>0 if(np.sum(score_mask)==0): return np.array([[-1,-1,-1,-1]]),-1,-1,-1 else: scores = scores[score_mask] boxes = boxes[score_mask] labels = labels[score_mask] rois = np.zeros((boxes.shape[0],4), rois[:,0] = boxes[:,1] rois[:,1] = boxes[:,0] rois[:,2] = boxes[:,3] rois[:,3] = boxes[:,2] obj_orders = labels obj_ids = model_ids[obj_orders] return rois,obj_orders,obj_ids,scores
Example #6
Source File: From Pix2Pose with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_retinanet_detection(image_t,model): image = preprocess_image(image_t[:,:,::-1]) #needs bgr order bgr? image, scale = resize_image(image) boxes, scores, labels = model.predict_on_batch(np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)) boxes /= scale boxes = boxes[0] scores = scores[0] labels = labels[0] score_mask = scores>0 if(np.sum(score_mask)==0): return np.array([[-1,-1,-1,-1]]),-1,-1,-1 else: scores = scores[score_mask] boxes = boxes[score_mask] labels = labels[score_mask] rois = np.zeros((boxes.shape[0],4), rois[:,0] = boxes[:,1] rois[:,1] = boxes[:,0] rois[:,2] = boxes[:,3] rois[:,3] = boxes[:,2] obj_orders = labels obj_ids = model_ids[obj_orders] return rois,obj_orders,obj_ids,scores
Example #7
Source File: From PanopticSegmentation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def mold_inputs(self, images): """Takes a list of images and modifies them to the format expected as an input to the neural network. images: List of image matrices [height,width,depth]. Images can have different sizes. Returns 3 Numpy matrices: molded_images: [N, h, w, 3]. Images resized and normalized. image_metas: [N, length of meta data]. Details about each image. windows: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]. The portion of the image that has the original image (padding excluded). """ molded_images = [] image_metas = [] windows = [] for image in images: # Resize image # TODO: move resizing to mold_image() molded_image, window, scale, padding, crop = utils.resize_image( image, min_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM, min_scale=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_SCALE, max_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM, mode=self.config.IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE) molded_image = mold_image(molded_image, self.config) # Build image_meta image_meta = compose_image_meta( 0, image.shape, molded_image.shape, window, scale, np.zeros([self.config.NUM_CLASSES], dtype=np.int32)) # Append molded_images.append(molded_image) windows.append(window) image_metas.append(image_meta) # Pack into arrays molded_images = np.stack(molded_images) image_metas = np.stack(image_metas) windows = np.stack(windows) return molded_images, image_metas, windows
Example #8
Source File: From deep-learning-explorer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def mold_inputs(self, images): """Takes a list of images and modifies them to the format expected as an input to the neural network. images: List of image matricies [height,width,depth]. Images can have different sizes. Returns 3 Numpy matricies: molded_images: [N, h, w, 3]. Images resized and normalized. image_metas: [N, length of meta data]. Details about each image. windows: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]. The portion of the image that has the original image (padding excluded). """ molded_images = [] image_metas = [] windows = [] for image in images: # Resize image # TODO: move resizing to mold_image() molded_image, window, scale, padding, crop = utils.resize_image( image, min_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM, min_scale=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_SCALE, max_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM, mode=self.config.IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE) molded_image = mold_image(molded_image, self.config) # Build image_meta image_meta = compose_image_meta( 0, image.shape, molded_image.shape, window, scale, np.zeros([self.config.NUM_CLASSES], dtype=np.int32)) # Append molded_images.append(molded_image) windows.append(window) image_metas.append(image_meta) # Pack into arrays molded_images = np.stack(molded_images) image_metas = np.stack(image_metas) windows = np.stack(windows) return molded_images, image_metas, windows
Example #9
Source File: From bird_species_classification with MIT License | 5 votes |
def mold_inputs(self, images): """Takes a list of images and modifies them to the format expected as an input to the neural network. images: List of image matrices [height,width,depth]. Images can have different sizes. Returns 3 Numpy matrices: molded_images: [N, h, w, 3]. Images resized and normalized. image_metas: [N, length of meta data]. Details about each image. windows: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]. The portion of the image that has the original image (padding excluded). """ molded_images = [] image_metas = [] windows = [] for image in images: # Resize image # TODO: move resizing to mold_image() molded_image, window, scale, padding, crop = utils.resize_image( image, min_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM, min_scale=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_SCALE, max_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM, mode=self.config.IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE) molded_image = mold_image(molded_image, self.config) # Build image_meta image_meta = compose_image_meta( 0, image.shape, molded_image.shape, window, scale, np.zeros([self.config.NUM_CLASSES], dtype=np.int32)) # Append molded_images.append(molded_image) windows.append(window) image_metas.append(image_meta) # Pack into arrays molded_images = np.stack(molded_images) image_metas = np.stack(image_metas) windows = np.stack(windows) return molded_images, image_metas, windows
Example #10
Source File: From SpaceNet_Off_Nadir_Solutions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def mold_inputs(self, images): """Takes a list of images and modifies them to the format expected as an input to the neural network. images: List of image matricies [height,width,depth]. Images can have different sizes. Returns 3 Numpy matricies: molded_images: [N, h, w, 3]. Images resized and normalized. image_metas: [N, length of meta data]. Details about each image. windows: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]. The portion of the image that has the original image (padding excluded). """ molded_images = [] image_metas = [] windows = [] for image in images: # Resize image # TODO: move resizing to mold_image() molded_image, window, scale, padding, crop = utils.resize_image( image, min_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM, min_scale=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_SCALE, max_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM, mode=self.config.IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE) molded_image = mold_image(molded_image, self.config) # Build image_meta image_meta = compose_image_meta( 0, image.shape, molded_image.shape, window, scale, np.zeros([self.config.NUM_CLASSES], dtype=np.int32)) # Append molded_images.append(molded_image) windows.append(window) image_metas.append(image_meta) # Pack into arrays molded_images = np.stack(molded_images) image_metas = np.stack(image_metas) windows = np.stack(windows) return molded_images, image_metas, windows
Example #11
Source File: From SpaceNet_Off_Nadir_Solutions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def mold_inputs(self, images): """Takes a list of images and modifies them to the format expected as an input to the neural network. images: List of image matricies [height,width,depth]. Images can have different sizes. Returns 3 Numpy matricies: molded_images: [N, h, w, 3]. Images resized and normalized. image_metas: [N, length of meta data]. Details about each image. windows: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]. The portion of the image that has the original image (padding excluded). """ molded_images = [] image_metas = [] windows = [] for image in images: # Resize image # TODO: move resizing to mold_image() molded_image, window, scale, padding, crop = utils.resize_image( image, min_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM, min_scale=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_SCALE, max_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM, mode=self.config.IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE) molded_image = mold_image(molded_image, self.config) # Build image_meta image_meta = compose_image_meta( 0, image.shape, molded_image.shape, window, scale, np.zeros([self.config.NUM_CLASSES], dtype=np.int32)) # Append molded_images.append(molded_image) windows.append(window) image_metas.append(image_meta) # Pack into arrays molded_images = np.stack(molded_images) image_metas = np.stack(image_metas) windows = np.stack(windows) return molded_images, image_metas, windows
Example #12
Source File: From SpaceNet_Off_Nadir_Solutions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def mold_inputs(self, images): """Takes a list of images and modifies them to the format expected as an input to the neural network. images: List of image matricies [height,width,depth]. Images can have different sizes. Returns 3 Numpy matricies: molded_images: [N, h, w, 3]. Images resized and normalized. image_metas: [N, length of meta data]. Details about each image. windows: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]. The portion of the image that has the original image (padding excluded). """ molded_images = [] image_metas = [] windows = [] for image in images: # Resize image # TODO: move resizing to mold_image() molded_image, window, scale, padding, crop = utils.resize_image( image, min_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM, min_scale=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_SCALE, max_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM, mode=self.config.IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE) molded_image = mold_image(molded_image, self.config) # Build image_meta image_meta = compose_image_meta( 0, image.shape, molded_image.shape, window, scale, np.zeros([self.config.NUM_CLASSES], dtype=np.int32)) # Append molded_images.append(molded_image) windows.append(window) image_metas.append(image_meta) # Pack into arrays molded_images = np.stack(molded_images) image_metas = np.stack(image_metas) windows = np.stack(windows) return molded_images, image_metas, windows
Example #13
Source File: From deepdiy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def mold_inputs(self, images): """Takes a list of images and modifies them to the format expected as an input to the neural network. images: List of image matrices [height,width,depth]. Images can have different sizes. Returns 3 Numpy matrices: molded_images: [N, h, w, 3]. Images resized and normalized. image_metas: [N, length of meta data]. Details about each image. windows: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]. The portion of the image that has the original image (padding excluded). """ molded_images = [] image_metas = [] windows = [] for image in images: # Resize image # TODO: move resizing to mold_image() molded_image, window, scale, padding, crop = utils.resize_image( image, min_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM, min_scale=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_SCALE, max_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM, mode=self.config.IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE) molded_image = mold_image(molded_image, self.config) # Build image_meta image_meta = compose_image_meta( 0, image.shape, molded_image.shape, window, scale, np.zeros([self.config.NUM_CLASSES], dtype=np.int32)) # Append molded_images.append(molded_image) windows.append(window) image_metas.append(image_meta) # Pack into arrays molded_images = np.stack(molded_images) image_metas = np.stack(image_metas) windows = np.stack(windows) return molded_images, image_metas, windows
Example #14
Source File: From cvpr-2018-autonomous-driving-autopilot-solution with MIT License | 5 votes |
def mold_inputs(self, images): """Takes a list of images and modifies them to the format expected as an input to the neural network. images: List of image matricies [height,width,depth]. Images can have different sizes. Returns 3 Numpy matricies: molded_images: [N, h, w, 3]. Images resized and normalized. image_metas: [N, length of meta data]. Details about each image. windows: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]. The portion of the image that has the original image (padding excluded). """ molded_images = [] image_metas = [] windows = [] for image in images: # Resize image # TODO: move resizing to mold_image() molded_image, window, scale, padding, crop = utils.resize_image( image, min_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM, min_scale=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_SCALE, max_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM, mode=self.config.IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE) molded_image = mold_image(molded_image, self.config) # Build image_meta image_meta = compose_image_meta( 0, image.shape, molded_image.shape, window, scale, np.zeros([self.config.NUM_CLASSES], dtype=np.int32)) # Append molded_images.append(molded_image) windows.append(window) image_metas.append(image_meta) # Pack into arrays molded_images = np.stack(molded_images) image_metas = np.stack(image_metas) windows = np.stack(windows) return molded_images, image_metas, windows
Example #15
Source File: From cvpr-2018-autonomous-driving-autopilot-solution with MIT License | 5 votes |
def mold_inputs(self, images): """Takes a list of images and modifies them to the format expected as an input to the neural network. images: List of image matricies [height,width,depth]. Images can have different sizes. Returns 3 Numpy matricies: molded_images: [N, h, w, 3]. Images resized and normalized. image_metas: [N, length of meta data]. Details about each image. windows: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]. The portion of the image that has the original image (padding excluded). """ molded_images = [] image_metas = [] windows = [] for image in images: # Resize image # TODO: move resizing to mold_image() molded_image, window, scale, padding, crop = utils.resize_image( image, min_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM, min_scale=self.config.IMAGE_MIN_SCALE, max_dim=self.config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM, mode=self.config.IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE) molded_image = mold_image(molded_image, self.config) # Build image_meta image_meta = compose_image_meta( 0, image.shape, molded_image.shape, window, scale, np.zeros([self.config.NUM_CLASSES], dtype=np.int32)) # Append molded_images.append(molded_image) windows.append(window) image_metas.append(image_meta) # Pack into arrays molded_images = np.stack(molded_images) image_metas = np.stack(image_metas) windows = np.stack(windows) return molded_images, image_metas, windows