Python sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy.ASSOCIATION_PROXY Examples
The following are 5
code examples of sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy.ASSOCIATION_PROXY().
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Example #1
Source File: From cloudify-manager with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_orm_descriptors(cls): """Return a dictionary with all ORM descriptor names as keys, and their types (TEXT, DateTime, etc.) as values. """ # The descriptor needs to be invoked once (using __get__) in order # to have access to its attributes (e.g. `remote_attr`) all_descs = {name: desc.__get__(None, cls) for name, desc in inspect(cls).all_orm_descriptors.items() if not name.startswith('_')} attrs_dict = dict() for name, desc in all_descs.items(): extension_type = _get_extension_type(desc) if extension_type is ASSOCIATION_PROXY: # Association proxies must be followed to get their type while not desc.remote_attr.is_attribute: desc = desc.remote_attr # Get the type of the remote attribute attrs_dict[name] = desc.remote_attr.expression.type elif extension_type is HYBRID_PROPERTY: attrs_dict[name] = desc.type return attrs_dict
Example #2
Source File: From pyramid-jsonapi with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, name, obj, view_class): = name self.obj = obj self.view_class = view_class self.src_class = self.view_class.model if isinstance(obj, RelationshipProperty): self.direction = self.rel_direction self.tgt_class = self.rel_tgt_class elif obj.extension_type is ASSOCIATION_PROXY: self.direction = self.proxy_direction self.tgt_class = self.proxy_tgt_class
Example #3
Source File: From neutron-lib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def filter_non_model_columns(data, model): """Return the attributes from data which are model columns. :param data: The dict containing the data to filter. :param model: The model who's column names are used when filtering data. :returns: A new dict who's keys are columns in model or are association proxies of the model. """ mapper = sqlalchemy.inspect(model) columns = set( for c in mapper.columns) columns.update(d.value_attr for d in mapper.all_orm_descriptors if d.extension_type is ASSOCIATION_PROXY) return dict((k, v) for (k, v) in data.items() if k in columns)
Example #4
Source File: From QCFractal with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _get_col_types(cls): # Must use private attributes so that they are not shared by subclasses if hasattr(cls, "__columns") and hasattr(cls, "__hybrids") and hasattr(cls, "__relationships"): return cls.__columns, cls.__hybrids, cls.__relationships mapper = inspect(cls) cls.__columns = [] cls.__hybrids = [] cls.__relationships = {} for k, v in mapper.relationships.items(): cls.__relationships[k] = {} cls.__relationships[k]["join_class"] = v.argument cls.__relationships[k]["remote_side_column"] = list(v.remote_side)[0] for k, c in mapper.all_orm_descriptors.items(): if k == "__mapper__": continue if c.extension_type == ASSOCIATION_PROXY: continue if c.extension_type == HYBRID_PROPERTY: cls.__hybrids.append(k) elif k not in mapper.relationships: cls.__columns.append(k) return cls.__columns, cls.__hybrids, cls.__relationships
Example #5
Source File: From eNMS with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def configure_events(self): @event.listens_for(self.base, "mapper_configured", propagate=True) def model_inspection(mapper, model): name = model.__tablename__ for col in inspect(model).columns: if not"model_properties", True): continue model_properties[name].append(col.key) if col.type == PickleType and isinstance(col.default.arg, list): property_types[col.key] = "list" else: column_type = { Boolean: "bool", Integer: "int", Float: "float", JSON: "dict", PickleType: "dict", }.get(type(col.type), "str") if col.key not in property_types: property_types[col.key] = column_type for descriptor in inspect(model).all_orm_descriptors: if descriptor.extension_type is ASSOCIATION_PROXY: property = ("name") or f"{descriptor.target_collection}_{descriptor.value_attr}" ) model_properties[name].append(property) if hasattr(model, "parent_type"): model_properties[name].extend(model_properties[model.parent_type]) if "service" in name and name != "service": model_properties[name].extend(model_properties["service"]) models.update({name: model, name.lower(): model}) model_properties[name].extend(model.model_properties) model_properties[name] = list(set(model_properties[name])) for relation in mapper.relationships: if getattr(relation.mapper.class_, "private", False): continue property = str(relation).split(".")[1] relationships[name][property] = { "model": relation.mapper.class_.__tablename__, "list": relation.uselist, }