Python sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.Numeric() Examples

The following are 7 code examples of sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.Numeric(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From siuba with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def sql_func_astype(col, _type):
    mappings = {
            str: types.Text,
            'str': types.Text,
            int: types.Integer,
            'int': types.Integer,
            float: types.Numeric,
            'float': types.Numeric,
            bool: types.Boolean,
            'bool': types.Boolean
        sa_type = mappings[_type]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("sql astype currently only supports type objects: str, int, float, bool")
    return sql.cast(col, sa_type)

# Base translations =========================================================== 
Example #2
Source File:    From sandman2 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def register_model(cls, admin=None):
    """Register *cls* to be included in the API service

    :param cls: Class deriving from :class:`sandman2.models.Model`
    cls.__url__ = '/{}'.format(cls.__name__.lower())
    service_class = type(
        cls.__name__ + 'Service',
            '__model__': cls,

    # inspect primary key
    cols = list(cls().__table__.primary_key.columns)

    # composite keys not supported (yet)
    primary_key_type = 'string'
    if len(cols) == 1:
        col_type = cols[0].type
        # types defined at
        if isinstance(col_type, sqltypes.String):
            primary_key_type = 'string'
        elif isinstance(col_type, sqltypes.Integer):
            primary_key_type = 'int'
        elif isinstance(col_type, sqltypes.Numeric):
            primary_key_type = 'float'

    # registration
    register_service(service_class, primary_key_type)
    if admin is not None:
        admin.add_view(CustomAdminView(cls, db.session)) 
Example #3
Source File:    From sqlalchemy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _caster_combinations(fn):
        return testing.combinations(
            ("integer", Integer),
            ("boolean", Boolean),
            ("float", Numeric),
            ("string", String),
Example #4
Source File:    From siuba with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def sql_func_extract_dow_monday(col):
    # make monday = 0 rather than sunday
    monday0 = sql.cast(sql.func.extract('dow', col) + 6, types.Integer) % 7
    # cast to numeric, since that's what extract('dow') returns
    return sql.cast(monday0, types.Numeric) 
Example #5
Source File:    From siuba with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def sql_round(col, n):
    return sql.func.round(sql.cast(col, sa_types.Numeric()), n) 
Example #6
Source File:    From kotori with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, config):
        ApplicationSession.__init__(self, config)
        self.count = 0
        self.engine = None

        metadata = MetaData()
        self.telemetry = Table("telemetry", metadata,
            Column("id", Integer(), primary_key=True),
            Column("MSG_ID", Integer()),
            Column("V_FC", Integer()),
            Column("V_CAP", Integer()),
            Column("A_ENG", Integer()),
            Column("A_CAP", Integer()),
            Column("T_O2_In", Integer()),
            Column("T_O2_Out", Integer()),
            Column("T_FC_H2O_Out", Integer()),
            Column("Water_In", Integer()),
            Column("Water_Out", Integer()),
            Column("Master_SW", Integer()),
            Column("CAP_Down_SW", Integer()),
            Column("Drive_SW", Integer()),
            Column("FC_state", Integer()),
            Column("Mosfet_state", Integer()),
            Column("Safety_state", Integer()),
            Column("Air_Pump_load", Numeric()),
            Column("Mosfet_load", Integer()),
            Column("Water_Pump_load", Integer()),
            Column("Fan_load", Integer()),
            Column("Acc_X", Integer()),
            Column("Acc_Y", Integer()),
            Column("Acc_Z", Integer()),
            Column("AUX", Numeric()),
            Column("GPS_X", Integer()),
            Column("GPS_Y", Integer()),
            Column("GPS_Z", Integer()),
            Column("GPS_Speed", Integer()),
            Column("V_Safety", Integer()),
            Column("H2_Level", Integer()),
            Column("O2_calc", Numeric()),
            Column("lat", Numeric()),
            Column("lng", Numeric()),

#        metadata = MetaData()
#        self.telemetry = Table("telemetry", metadata,
#            Column("id", Integer(), primary_key=True),
#            Column("mma_x", Integer()),
#            Column("mma_y", Integer()),
#            Column("temp", Numeric()),
#	    Column("lat", Numeric()),
#	    Column("lng", Numeric()),
#        )

Example #7
Source File:    From gsheets-db-api with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_get_columns(self):
        description = [
            ('datetime', Type.DATETIME, None, None, None, None, True),
            ('number', Type.NUMBER, None, None, None, None, True),
            ('boolean', Type.BOOLEAN, None, None, None, None, True),
            ('date', Type.DATE, None, None, None, None, True),
            ('timeofday', Type.TIMEOFDAY, None, None, None, None, True),
            ('string', Type.STRING, None, None, None, None, True),
        connection = Mock()
        connection.execute = Mock()
        result = Mock()
        result._cursor_description = Mock()
        result._cursor_description.return_value = description
        connection.execute.return_value = result

        dialect = GSheetsDialect()
        url = make_url('gsheets://')

        result = dialect.get_columns(connection, 'SOME TABLE')
        expected = [
                'name': 'datetime',
                'type': sqltypes.DATETIME,
                'nullable': True,
                'default': None,
                'name': 'number',
                'type': sqltypes.Numeric,
                'nullable': True,
                'default': None,
                'name': 'boolean',
                'type': sqltypes.Boolean,
                'nullable': True,
                'default': None,
                'name': 'date',
                'type': sqltypes.DATE,
                'nullable': True,
                'default': None,
                'name': 'timeofday',
                'type': sqltypes.TIME,
                'nullable': True,
                'default': None,
                'name': 'string',
                'type': sqltypes.String,
                'nullable': True,
                'default': None,
        self.assertEqual(result, expected)