Python utils.logging.SmoothedValue() Examples
The following are 14
code examples of utils.logging.SmoothedValue().
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Example #1
Source File: From Detectron.pytorch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, misc_args, log_period=20, tensorboard_logger=None): # Output logging period in SGD iterations self.misc_args = misc_args self.LOG_PERIOD = log_period self.tblogger = tensorboard_logger self.tb_ignored_keys = ['iter', 'eta'] self.iter_timer = Timer() # Window size for smoothing tracked values (with median filtering) self.WIN_SZ = 20 def create_smoothed_value(): return SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.smoothed_losses = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_metrics = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_total_loss = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) # For the support of args.iter_size self.inner_total_loss = [] self.inner_losses = defaultdict(list) if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON: self.inner_loss_rpn_cls = [] self.inner_loss_rpn_bbox = [] self.inner_metrics = defaultdict(list)
Example #2
Source File: From FPN-Pytorch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, misc_args, log_period=20, tensorboard_logger=None): # Output logging period in SGD iterations self.misc_args = misc_args self.LOG_PERIOD = log_period self.tblogger = tensorboard_logger self.tb_ignored_keys = ['iter', 'eta'] self.iter_timer = Timer() # Window size for smoothing tracked values (with median filtering) self.WIN_SZ = 20 def create_smoothed_value(): return SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.smoothed_losses = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_metrics = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_total_loss = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) # For the support of args.iter_size self.inner_total_loss = [] self.inner_losses = defaultdict(list) if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON: self.inner_loss_rpn_cls = [] self.inner_loss_rpn_bbox = [] self.inner_metrics = defaultdict(list)
Example #3
Source File: From pcl.pytorch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, misc_args, log_period=20, tensorboard_logger=None): # Output logging period in SGD iterations self.misc_args = misc_args self.LOG_PERIOD = log_period self.tblogger = tensorboard_logger self.tb_ignored_keys = ['iter', 'eta'] self.iter_timer = Timer() # Window size for smoothing tracked values (with median filtering) self.WIN_SZ = 20 def create_smoothed_value(): return SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.smoothed_losses = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_total_loss = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) # For the support of args.iter_size self.inner_total_loss = [] self.inner_losses = defaultdict(list)
Example #4
Source File: From Detectron.pytorch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, misc_args, log_period=20, tensorboard_logger=None): # Output logging period in SGD iterations self.misc_args = misc_args self.LOG_PERIOD = log_period self.tblogger = tensorboard_logger self.tb_ignored_keys = ['iter', 'eta'] self.iter_timer = Timer() # Window size for smoothing tracked values (with median filtering) self.WIN_SZ = 20 def create_smoothed_value(): return SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.smoothed_losses = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_metrics = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_total_loss = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) # For the support of args.iter_size self.inner_total_loss = [] self.inner_losses = defaultdict(list) if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON: self.inner_loss_rpn_cls = [] self.inner_loss_rpn_bbox = [] self.inner_metrics = defaultdict(list)
Example #5
Source File: From Context-aware-ZSR with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, misc_args, log_period=20, tensorboard_logger=None): # Output logging period in SGD iterations self.misc_args = misc_args self.LOG_PERIOD = log_period self.tblogger = tensorboard_logger self.tb_ignored_keys = ['iter', 'eta'] self.iter_timer = Timer() # Window size for smoothing tracked values (with median filtering) self.WIN_SZ = 20 def create_smoothed_value(): return SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.smoothed_losses = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_metrics = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_total_loss = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) # For the support of args.iter_size self.inner_total_loss = [] self.inner_losses = defaultdict(list) if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON: self.inner_loss_rpn_cls = [] self.inner_loss_rpn_bbox = [] self.inner_metrics = defaultdict(list)
Example #6
Source File: From PANet with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, misc_args, log_period=20, tensorboard_logger=None): # Output logging period in SGD iterations self.misc_args = misc_args self.LOG_PERIOD = log_period self.tblogger = tensorboard_logger self.tb_ignored_keys = ['iter', 'eta'] self.iter_timer = Timer() # Window size for smoothing tracked values (with median filtering) self.WIN_SZ = 20 def create_smoothed_value(): return SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.smoothed_losses = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_metrics = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_total_loss = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) # For the support of args.iter_size self.inner_total_loss = [] self.inner_losses = defaultdict(list) if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON: self.inner_loss_rpn_cls = [] self.inner_loss_rpn_bbox = [] self.inner_metrics = defaultdict(list)
Example #7
Source File: From seg_every_thing with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, model): # Window size for smoothing tracked values (with median filtering) self.WIN_SZ = 20 # Output logging period in SGD iterations self.LOG_PERIOD = 20 self.smoothed_losses_and_metrics = { key: SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) for key in model.losses + model.metrics } self.losses_and_metrics = { key: 0 for key in model.losses + model.metrics } self.smoothed_total_loss = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.smoothed_mb_qsize = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.iter_total_loss = np.nan self.iter_timer = Timer() self.model = model
Example #8
Source File: From PMFNet with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, misc_args, log_period=20, tensorboard_logger=None): # Output logging period in SGD iterations self.misc_args = misc_args self.LOG_PERIOD = log_period self.tblogger = tensorboard_logger self.tb_ignored_keys = ['iter', 'eta'] self.iter_timer = Timer() # Window size for smoothing tracked values (with median filtering) self.WIN_SZ = 20 def create_smoothed_value(): return SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.smoothed_losses = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_metrics = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_total_loss = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) # For the support of args.iter_size self.inner_total_loss = [] self.inner_losses = defaultdict(list) if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON: self.inner_loss_rpn_cls = [] self.inner_loss_rpn_bbox = [] self.inner_metrics = defaultdict(list)
Example #9
Source File: From masktextspotter.caffe2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, model): # Window size for smoothing tracked values (with median filtering) self.WIN_SZ = 20 # Output logging period in SGD iterations self.LOG_PERIOD = 20 self.smoothed_losses_and_metrics = { key: SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) for key in model.losses + model.metrics } self.losses_and_metrics = { key: 0 for key in model.losses + model.metrics } self.smoothed_total_loss = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.smoothed_mb_qsize = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.iter_total_loss = np.nan self.iter_timer = Timer() self.model = model
Example #10
Source File: From Large-Scale-VRD.pytorch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, misc_args, log_period=20, tensorboard_logger=None): # Output logging period in SGD iterations self.misc_args = misc_args self.LOG_PERIOD = log_period self.tblogger = tensorboard_logger self.tb_ignored_keys = ['iter', 'eta'] self.iter_timer = Timer() # Window size for smoothing tracked values (with median filtering) self.WIN_SZ = 20 def create_smoothed_value(): return SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.smoothed_losses = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_metrics = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_total_loss = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) # For the support of args.iter_size self.inner_total_loss = [] self.inner_losses = defaultdict(list) if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON: self.inner_loss_rpn_cls = [] self.inner_loss_rpn_bbox = [] self.inner_metrics = defaultdict(list)
Example #11
Source File: From detectron-self-train with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, misc_args, log_period=20, tensorboard_logger=None): # Output logging period in SGD iterations self.misc_args = misc_args self.LOG_PERIOD = log_period self.tblogger = tensorboard_logger self.tb_ignored_keys = ['iter', 'eta'] self.iter_timer = Timer() # Window size for smoothing tracked values (with median filtering) self.WIN_SZ = 20 def create_smoothed_value(): return SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.smoothed_losses = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_metrics = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_total_loss = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) # For the support of args.iter_size self.inner_total_loss = [] self.inner_losses = defaultdict(list) if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON: self.inner_loss_rpn_cls = [] self.inner_loss_rpn_bbox = [] self.inner_metrics = defaultdict(list)
Example #12
Source File: From DIoU-pytorch-detectron with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, misc_args, log_period=20, tensorboard_logger=None): # Output logging period in SGD iterations self.misc_args = misc_args self.LOG_PERIOD = log_period self.tblogger = tensorboard_logger self.tb_ignored_keys = ['iter', 'eta'] self.iter_timer = Timer() # Window size for smoothing tracked values (with median filtering) self.WIN_SZ = 20 def create_smoothed_value(): return SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.smoothed_losses = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_metrics = defaultdict(create_smoothed_value) self.smoothed_total_loss = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) # For the support of args.iter_size self.inner_total_loss = [] self.inner_losses = defaultdict(list) if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON: self.inner_loss_rpn_cls = [] self.inner_loss_rpn_bbox = [] self.inner_metrics = defaultdict(list)
Example #13
Source File: From NucleiDetectron with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, model): # Window size for smoothing tracked values (with median filtering) self.WIN_SZ = 20 # Output logging period in SGD iterations self.LOG_PERIOD = 20 self.smoothed_losses_and_metrics = { key: SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) for key in model.losses + model.metrics } self.losses_and_metrics = { key: 0 for key in model.losses + model.metrics } self.smoothed_total_loss = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.smoothed_mb_qsize = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.iter_total_loss = np.nan self.iter_timer = Timer() self.model = model
Example #14
Source File: From DetectAndTrack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, model): # Window size for smoothing tracked values (with median filtering) self.WIN_SZ = 20 # Output logging period in SGD iterations self.LOG_PERIOD = 20 self.smoothed_losses_and_metrics = { key: SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) for key in model.losses + model.metrics } self.losses_and_metrics = { key: 0 for key in model.losses + model.metrics } self.smoothed_total_loss = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.smoothed_mb_qsize = SmoothedValue(self.WIN_SZ) self.iter_total_loss = np.nan self.iter_timer = Timer() self.model = model