Python utils.logging.Logger() Examples
The following are 6
code examples of utils.logging.Logger().
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Example #1
Source File: From d-SNE with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def create_logger(self): """ Create the logger including the file log and summary log :return: logger and summary writer """ if logger = Logger(self.args.log, '%s-%s' % (self.args.method, self.args.postfix), rm_exist=self.args.start_epoch == 0) logger.update_dict(vars(self.args)) if self.args.mxboard: from mxboard import SummaryWriter sw = SummaryWriter(logdir=self.args.log) else: sw = None else: logger, sw = None, None return logger, sw
Example #2
Source File: From graph_distillation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def train(opt, model, dataloader): # Logging logger = logging.Logger(opt.ckpt_path, opt.split) stats = logging.Statistics(opt.ckpt_path, opt.split) logger.log(opt) model.load(opt.load_ckpt_paths, opt.load_opts, opt.load_epoch) for epoch in range(1, opt.n_epochs + 1): for step, data in enumerate(dataloader, 1): # inputs is a list of input of each modality inputs, label, _ = data ret = model.train(inputs, label) update = stats.update(len(label), ret) if utils.is_due(step, opt.print_every):'epoch {}/{}, step {}/{}: {}'.format( epoch, opt.n_epochs, step, len(dataloader), update)) logger.log('[Summary] epoch {}/{}: {}'.format(epoch, opt.n_epochs, stats.summarize())) if utils.is_due(epoch, opt.n_epochs, opt.save_every): logger.log('***** saved *****') if utils.is_due(epoch, opt.lr_decay_at): lrs = model.lr_decay() logger.log('***** lr decay *****: {}'.format(lrs))
Example #3
Source File: From graph_distillation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test(opt, model, dataloader): # Logging logger = logging.Logger(opt.ckpt_path, opt.split) stats = logging.Statistics(opt.ckpt_path, opt.split) logger.log(opt) model.load(opt.load_ckpt_paths, opt.load_opts, opt.load_epoch) all_scores = [] video_names = [] for step, data in enumerate(dataloader, 1): inputs, label, vid_name = data info_acc, logits, scores = model.test(inputs, label, opt.timestep) all_scores.append(scores) video_names.append(vid_name[0]) update = stats.update(logits.shape[0], info_acc) if utils.is_due(step, opt.print_every):'step {}/{}: {}'.format(step, len(dataloader), update)) logger.log('[Summary] {}'.format(stats.summarize())) # Evaluate iou_thresholds = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5] groundtruth_dir = os.path.join(opt.dset_path, opt.dset, 'groundtruth', 'validation/cross-subject') assert os.path.exists(groundtruth_dir), '{} does not exist'.format(groundtruth_dir) mean_aps = calc_map(opt, all_scores, video_names, groundtruth_dir, iou_thresholds) for i in range(len(iou_thresholds)): logger.log('IoU: {}, mAP: {}'.format(iou_thresholds[i], mean_aps[i]))
Example #4
Source File: From graph_distillation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def train(opt, model, dataloader): """Train the model.""" # Logging logger = logging.Logger(opt.ckpt_path, opt.split) stats = logging.Statistics(opt.ckpt_path, opt.split) logger.log(opt) model.load(opt.load_ckpt_paths, opt.load_epoch) for epoch in range(1, opt.n_epochs + 1): for step, data in enumerate(dataloader, 1): ret = model.train(*data) update = stats.update(data[-1].size(0), ret) if utils.is_due(step, opt.print_every):'epoch {}/{}, step {}/{}: {}'.format( epoch, opt.n_epochs, step, len(dataloader), update)) logger.log('[Summary] epoch {}/{}: {}'.format(epoch, opt.n_epochs, stats.summarize())) if utils.is_due(epoch, opt.n_epochs, opt.save_every): logger.log('***** saved *****') if utils.is_due(epoch, opt.lr_decay_at): lrs = model.lr_decay() logger.log('***** lr decay *****: {}'.format(lrs))
Example #5
Source File: From graph_distillation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test(opt, model, dataloader): '''Test model.''' # Logging logger = logging.Logger(opt.load_ckpt_path, opt.split) stats = logging.Statistics(opt.ckpt_path, opt.split) logger.log(opt) logits, labels = [], [] model.load(opt.load_ckpt_paths, opt.load_epoch) for step, data in enumerate(dataloader, 1): inputs, label = data info_acc, logit = model.test(inputs, label) logits.append(utils.to_numpy(logit.squeeze(0))) labels.append(utils.to_numpy(label)) update = stats.update(label.size(0), info_acc) if utils.is_due(step, opt.print_every):'step {}/{}: {}'.format(step, len(dataloader), update)) logits = np.concatenate(logits, axis=0) length, n_classes = logits.shape labels = np.concatenate(labels) scores = utils.softmax(logits, axis=1) # Accuracy preds = np.argmax(scores, axis=1) acc = np.sum(preds == labels) / length # Average precision y_true = np.zeros((length, n_classes)) y_true[np.arange(length), labels] = 1 aps = average_precision_score(y_true, scores, average=None) aps = list(filter(lambda x: not np.isnan(x), aps)) mAP = np.mean(aps) logger.log('[Summary]: {}'.format(stats.summarize())) logger.log('Acc: {}, mAP: {}'.format(acc, mAP))
Example #6
Source File: From pymarl with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def run(_run, _config, _log): # check args sanity _config = args_sanity_check(_config, _log) args = SN(**_config) args.device = "cuda" if args.use_cuda else "cpu" # setup loggers logger = Logger(_log)"Experiment Parameters:") experiment_params = pprint.pformat(_config, indent=4, width=1)"\n\n" + experiment_params + "\n") # configure tensorboard logger unique_token = "{}__{}".format(,"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")) args.unique_token = unique_token if args.use_tensorboard: tb_logs_direc = os.path.join(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))), "results", "tb_logs") tb_exp_direc = os.path.join(tb_logs_direc, "{}").format(unique_token) logger.setup_tb(tb_exp_direc) # sacred is on by default logger.setup_sacred(_run) # Run and train run_sequential(args=args, logger=logger) # Clean up after finishing print("Exiting Main") print("Stopping all threads") for t in threading.enumerate(): if != "MainThread": print("Thread {} is alive! Is daemon: {}".format(, t.daemon)) t.join(timeout=1) print("Thread joined") print("Exiting script") # Making sure framework really exits os._exit(os.EX_OK)