Python redis.exceptions.RedisError() Examples
The following are 22
code examples of redis.exceptions.RedisError().
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Example #1
Source File: From dragonflow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _scan(self, table, key=None, topic=None): (pattern, nodes) = self._query_info(table, topic, key) keys = set() for node in nodes: retry = 0 while retry < self.RETRY_COUNT: LOG.debug('Getting all keys with pattern %s retry %d', pattern, retry) try: node_keys = self._get_all_keys_from_node(node, pattern) keys.update(node_keys) break except exceptions.RedisError: LOG.exception('Error getting keys from node %s:%s', node.ip, node.port) retry += 1 self._cluster.populate_cluster() if retry == self.RETRY_COUNT: raise df_exceptions.DBKeyNotFound('ALL KEYS') return keys
Example #2
Source File: From dragonflow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _bulk_execute(self, node, keys, command, args=()): pipeline = node.client.pipeline(transaction=False) retry = 0 command_pcs = [command, None] command_pcs.extend(args) while retry < self.RETRY_COUNT: for key in keys: command_pcs[1] = key pipeline.execute_command(*command_pcs) try: values = pipeline.execute(raise_on_error=False) return zip(keys, values) except exceptions.RedisError: LOG.exception('Error executing pipeline at retry %d', retry) retry += 1 return False
Example #3
Source File: From huskar with MIT License | 6 votes |
def app(): app = create_app() app.config['PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS'] = False @app.route('/api/minimal-mode') def minimal_mode(): return unicode(g.auth.is_minimal_mode) @app.route('/api/mysql') def mysql_error(): raise SQLAlchemyError() @app.route('/api/redis') def redis_error(): raise RedisError() return app
Example #4
Source File: From pydisque with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __call__(self, fn): """Function wrapper.""" @wraps(fn) def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs): c = 0 while c <= self.retry_count: try: return fn(*args, **kwargs) except RedisError: logging.critical("retrying because of this exception - %s", c) logging.exception("exception to retry ") if c == self.retry_count: raise c += 1 return wrapped_f
Example #5
Source File: From CTF_AWD_Platform with MIT License | 6 votes |
def exception_handler(exc, context): """ 自定义异常处理 :param exc: 别的地方抛的异常就会传给exc :param context: 字典形式。抛出异常的上下文(即抛出异常的出处;即抛出异常的视图) :return: Response响应对象 """ # 调用drf框架原生的异常处理方法,把异常和异常出处交给他处理,如果是序列化器异常就直接处理,处理之后就直接返回 response = drf_exception_handler(exc, context) #如果响应为空表示不是序列化器异常,补充数据库异常 if response is None: view = context['view'] if isinstance(exc, DatabaseError) or isinstance(exc, RedisError): # 数据库异常 logger.error('[%s] %s' % (view, exc)) response = Response({'message': '服务器内部错误'}, status=status.HTTP_507_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE) return response
Example #6
Source File: From textpipe with MIT License | 6 votes |
def word_vec(self, word): # pylint: disable=E0202 """ This method is mimicking the word_vec method from the Gensim KeyedVector class. Instead of looking it up from an in memory dict, it - requests the value from the redis instance, where the key is a combination between an optional word vector model key and the word itself - decompresses it - and finally unpickles it :param word: string :returns: numpy array of dim of the word vector model (for Google: 300, 1) """ try: cache_entry = self._redis.hget(self.key, word) if not cache_entry: raise KeyError(f'Key {word} does not exist in cache') return pickle.loads(cache_entry) except RedisError as exception: raise RedisKeyedVectorException(f'The connection to Redis failed while trying to ' f'retrieve a word vector. Redis error message: ' f'{exception}') except TypeError: return None
Example #7
Source File: From textpipe with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_keyed_vectors_into_redis(self, model_path, idf_weighting='naive'): """ This function loops over all available words in the loaded word2vec keyed vectors model and loads them into the redis instance. """ model = KeyedVectors.load(model_path, mmap='r') nr_train_tokens = sum(token_vocab.count for token_vocab in model.vocab.values()) self.idf_weighting = idf_weighting try: for word in tqdm(list(model.vocab.keys())): if self.idf_weighting == 'naive': idf = model.vocab[word].count elif self.idf_weighting == 'log': idf = np.log(nr_train_tokens / (model.vocab[word].count + 1)) + 1 else: raise ValueError(f'idf_weighting "{self.idf_weighting}" not available; use ' f'"naive" or "log"') idf_normalized_vector = model[word] / idf self._redis.hset(self.key, word, pickle.dumps(idf_normalized_vector)) except RedisError as exception: raise RedisKeyedVectorException(f'RedisError while trying to load model {model} ' f'into redis: {exception}') del model
Example #8
Source File: From taskflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _translate_failures(): """Translates common redis exceptions into taskflow exceptions.""" try: yield except redis_exceptions.ConnectionError: exc.raise_with_cause(exc.JobFailure, "Failed to connect to redis") except redis_exceptions.TimeoutError: exc.raise_with_cause(exc.JobFailure, "Failed to communicate with redis, connection" " timed out") except redis_exceptions.RedisError: exc.raise_with_cause(exc.JobFailure, "Failed to communicate with redis," " internal error")
Example #9
Source File: From redlock-py with MIT License | 5 votes |
def lock(self, resource, ttl): retry = 0 val = self.get_unique_id() # Add 2 milliseconds to the drift to account for Redis expires # precision, which is 1 millisecond, plus 1 millisecond min # drift for small TTLs. drift = int(ttl * self.clock_drift_factor) + 2 redis_errors = list() while retry < self.retry_count: n = 0 start_time = int(time.time() * 1000) del redis_errors[:] for server in self.servers: try: if self.lock_instance(server, resource, val, ttl): n += 1 except RedisError as e: redis_errors.append(e) elapsed_time = int(time.time() * 1000) - start_time validity = int(ttl - elapsed_time - drift) if validity > 0 and n >= self.quorum: if redis_errors: raise MultipleRedlockException(redis_errors) return Lock(validity, resource, val) else: for server in self.servers: try: self.unlock_instance(server, resource, val) except: pass retry += 1 time.sleep(self.retry_delay) return False
Example #10
Source File: From huskar with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_user(self, username=None): username = username or self._name if username is None: return if switch.is_switched_on(SWITCH_ENABLE_MINIMAL_MODE, False): self.enter_minimal_mode(MM_REASON_SWITCH) return try: self._user = User.get_by_name(username) except (SQLAlchemyError, RedisError, socket.error): logger.exception('Enter minimal mode') self.enter_minimal_mode(MM_REASON_AUTH) session_load_user_failed.send(self)
Example #11
Source File: From huskar with MIT License | 5 votes |
def handle_got_request_exception(self, sender, exception, **extra): tester = current_app.extensions[self.STATE_KEY] if isinstance(exception, (SQLAlchemyError, RedisError)): tester.metrics.on_api_called_sys_exc(*self.DOCTOR_ARGS) else: tester.metrics.on_api_called_unkwn_exc(*self.DOCTOR_ARGS)
Example #12
Source File: From busy-beaver with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_rq_job(self): try: rq_job = Job.fetch(self.job_id, rq.connection) except (RedisError, NoSuchJobError): return None return rq_job
Example #13
Source File: From textpipe with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, uri, key='', max_lru_cache_size=1024, idf_weighting='naive'): self.word_vec = lru_cache(maxsize=max_lru_cache_size)(self.word_vec) self.key = f'w2v_{key}' self.idf_weighting = idf_weighting try: host, port, database = self._parse_uri(uri) self._redis = Redis(host, port, database) except RedisError as exception: raise RedisKeyedVectorException(f'The connection to Redis failed while trying to ' f'initiate the client. Redis error message: ' f'{exception}')
Example #14
Source File: From grimoirelab-kingarthur with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def tasks(self): """Get the list of tasks Retrieve the list of tasks stored in the registry :returns: a list of tasks :raises TaskRegistryError: raised when the tasks cannot be listed """ self._rwlock.reader_acquire() try: tasks = [] keys = [] match_prefix = "{}*".format(TASK_PREFIX) total, found = self.conn.scan(match=match_prefix) keys.extend([f.decode("utf-8") for f in found]) while total != 0: total, found = self.conn.scan(cursor=total, match=match_prefix) keys.extend([f.decode("utf-8") for f in found]) keys.sort() for k in keys: task_dump = self.conn.get(k) tasks.append(pickle.loads(task_dump)) return tasks except RedisError as e: msg = "Tasks not listed: {}".format(e) logger.error(msg) raise TaskRegistryError(cause=msg) finally: self._rwlock.reader_release()
Example #15
Source File: From grimoirelab-kingarthur with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def update(self, task_id, task): """Update a task in the registry. Update a task stored in the registry using its task identifier. When the task does not exist, a `NotFoundError` exception will be raised. :param task_id: task identifier :param task: task object :returns: a task object :raises TaskRegistryError: raised when the task is not updated """ self._rwlock.writer_acquire() try: task_key = self._task_key(task_id) found = self.conn.exists(task_key) if not found: logger.warning("Task %s not found, adding it", str(task_id)) self.conn.set(task_key, pickle.dumps(task)) logger.debug("Task %s updated", str(task_id)) except RedisError as e: msg = "Task {} not updated: {}".format(task_id, e) logger.error(msg) raise TaskRegistryError(cause=msg) finally: self._rwlock.writer_release()
Example #16
Source File: From grimoirelab-kingarthur with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def remove(self, task_id): """Remove a task from the registry. To remove it, pass its identifier with `task_id` parameter. When the identifier is not found, a `NotFoundError` exception is raised. :param task_id: identifier of the task to remove :raises NotFoundError: raised when the given task identifier is not found in the registry :raises TaskRegistryError: raised when the given task identifier is not removed from the registry """ self._rwlock.writer_acquire() try: task_key = self._task_key(task_id) found = self.conn.exists(task_key) if not found: raise NotFoundError(element=str(task_id)) self.conn.delete(task_key) logger.debug("Task %s removed from the registry", str(task_id)) except RedisError as e: msg = "Task {} not removed: {}".format(task_id, e) logger.error(msg) raise TaskRegistryError(cause=msg) finally: self._rwlock.writer_release()
Example #17
Source File: From grimoirelab-kingarthur with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_ignore_event_on_task_registry_error(self, mock_redis_get): """Check if an event is ignored when a TaskRegistryError is thrown""" mock_redis_get.side_effect = RedisError self.task_scheduler.registry.add('mytask', 'git', 'commit', {}) handler = CompletedJobHandler(self.task_scheduler) result = JobResult(0, 1, 'mytask', 'git', 'commit') event = JobEvent(JobEventType.COMPLETED, 0, 'mytask', result) handled = handler(event) self.assertEqual(handled, False)
Example #18
Source File: From grimoirelab-kingarthur with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_ignore_event_on_update_task_registry_error(self, mock_redis_exists): """Check if an event is ignored when a TaskRegistryError is thrown""" mock_redis_exists.side_effect = [False, True, RedisError] self.task_scheduler.registry.add('mytask', 'git', 'commit', {}) handler = StartedJobHandler(self.task_scheduler) result = JobResult(0, 1, 'mytask', 'git', 'commit') event = JobEvent(JobEventType.STARTED, 0, 'mytask', result) handled = handler(event) self.assertEqual(handled, False)
Example #19
Source File: From grimoirelab-kingarthur with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_ignore_event_on_get_task_registry_error(self, mock_redis_get): """Check if an event is ignored when a TaskRegistryError is thrown""" mock_redis_get.side_effect = RedisError self.task_scheduler.registry.add('mytask', 'git', 'commit', {}) handler = StartedJobHandler(self.task_scheduler) result = JobResult(0, 1, 'mytask', 'git', 'commit') event = JobEvent(JobEventType.STARTED, 0, 'mytask', result) handled = handler(event) self.assertEqual(handled, False)
Example #20
Source File: From redlock-py with MIT License | 5 votes |
def unlock(self, lock): redis_errors = [] for server in self.servers: try: self.unlock_instance(server, lock.resource, lock.key) except RedisError as e: redis_errors.append(e) if redis_errors: raise MultipleRedlockException(redis_errors)
Example #21
Source File: From trunk-player with MIT License | 4 votes |
def handle(self, *args, **options): q = RedisQueue('new_trans') running = True count = 0 start_time = None while running: try: options['source'] = -1 options['system'] = -1 options['web_url'] = '/' options['verbose'] = False options['m4a'] = False options['vhf'] = False options['json_name'] = None if count == 0: start_time = item = q.get() item_str = item.decode('utf-8') for part in item_str.split('|'): rec = part.split(':') try: options[rec[0]] = rec[1] except IndexError: options[rec[0]] = True print('Adding json {}'.format(options['json_name'])) add_new_trans(options) if count > 100: end_time = print('100 in {} to {}'.format(start_time, end_time )) count = 0 else: count+=1 except ConnectionError: print('Cannot connect to redis is it running?') running = False except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Exiting...') running = False except RedisError: print('Reconnecting...') q = RedisQueue('new_trans') except Exception as e: print('Error') print(e) if options['exitonerror']: raise else: pass
Example #22
Source File: From grimoirelab-kingarthur with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def add(self, task_id, backend, category, backend_args, archiving_cfg=None, scheduling_cfg=None): """Add a task to the registry. This method adds task using `task_id` as identifier. If a task with the same identifier already exists on the registry, a `AlreadyExistsError` exception will be raised. :param task_id: identifier of the task to add :param backend: backend used to fetch data from the repository :param category: category of the items to fetch :param backend_args: dictionary of arguments required to run the backend :param archiving_cfg: archiving config for the task, if needed :param scheduling_cfg: scheduling config for the task, if needed :returns: the new task added to the registry :raises AlreadyExistsError: raised when the given task identifier already exists in the registry :raises TaskRegistryError: raised when the given task identifier is not added to the registry """ self._rwlock.writer_acquire() try: task_key = self._task_key(task_id) found = self.conn.exists(task_key) if found: raise AlreadyExistsError(element=str(task_id)) task = Task(task_id, backend, category, backend_args, archiving_cfg=archiving_cfg, scheduling_cfg=scheduling_cfg) self.conn.set(task_key, pickle.dumps(task)) logger.debug("Task %s added to the registry", str(task_id)) return task except RedisError as e: msg = "Task {} not added: {}".format(task_id, e) logger.error(msg) raise TaskRegistryError(cause=msg) finally: self._rwlock.writer_release()