Python quaternion.as_float_array() Examples
The following are 14
code examples of quaternion.as_float_array().
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Example #1
Source File: From spl with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def rotmat2quat(rotmats): """ Convert rotation matrices to quaternions. It ensures that there's no switch to the antipodal representation within this sequence of rotations. Args: oris: np array of shape (seq_length, n_joints*9). Returns: np array of shape (seq_length, n_joints*4) """ seq_length = rotmats.shape[0] assert rotmats.shape[1] % 9 == 0 ori = np.reshape(rotmats, [seq_length, -1, 3, 3]) ori_q = quaternion.as_float_array(quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(ori)) ori_qc = correct_antipodal_quaternions(ori_q) ori_qc = np.reshape(ori_qc, [seq_length, -1]) return ori_qc
Example #2
Source File: From ronin with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def interpolate_quaternion_linear(data, ts_in, ts_out): """ This function interpolate the input quaternion array into another time stemp. Args: data: Nx4 array containing N quaternions. ts_in: input_timestamp- N-sized array containing time stamps for each of the input quaternion. ts_out: output_timestamp- M-sized array containing output time stamps. Return: Mx4 array containing M quaternions. """ assert np.amin(ts_in) <= np.amin(ts_out), 'Input time range must cover output time range' assert np.amax(ts_in) >= np.amax(ts_out), 'Input time range must cover output time range' pt = np.searchsorted(ts_in, ts_out) d_left = quaternion.from_float_array(data[pt - 1]) d_right = quaternion.from_float_array(data[pt]) ts_left, ts_right = ts_in[pt - 1], ts_in[pt] d_out = quaternion.quaternion_time_series.slerp(d_left, d_right, ts_left, ts_right, ts_out) return quaternion.as_float_array(d_out)
Example #3
Source File: From ronin with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def recon_traj_with_preds(dataset, preds, seq_id=0, **kwargs): ind = np.array([i[1] for i in dataset.index_map if i[0] == seq_id], ts = dataset.ts[seq_id] dt = np.mean(ts[ind[1:]] - ts[ind[:-1]]) rot_local_to_grav = get_rotation_compensate_gravity(dataset.gravity[seq_id]) ori = quaternion.from_float_array(dataset.orientations[seq_id]) rot_grav_to_glob = (ori * quaternion.from_float_array(rot_local_to_grav).conj())[ind] za = np.zeros(preds.shape[0]) preds_q = quaternion.from_float_array(np.stack([za, preds[:, 0], za, preds[:, 1]], axis=1)) glob_v = quaternion.as_float_array(rot_grav_to_glob * preds_q * rot_grav_to_glob.conj())[:, 1:] * dt pos = np.zeros([glob_v.shape[0] + 2, 2]) pos[0] = dataset.gt_pos[seq_id][0, :2] pos[1:-1] = np.cumsum(glob_v[:, :2], axis=0) + pos[0] pos[-1] = pos[-2] ts_ext = np.concatenate([[ts[0] - 1e-06], ts[ind], [ts[-1] + 1e-06]], axis=0) pos = interp1d(ts_ext, pos, axis=0)(ts) return pos
Example #4
Source File: From quaternion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def minimal_rotation(R, t, iterations=2): """Adjust frame so that there is no rotation about z' axis The output of this function is a frame that rotates the z axis onto the same z' axis as the input frame, but with minimal rotation about that axis. This is done by pre-composing the input rotation with a rotation about the z axis through an angle gamma, where dgamma/dt = 2*(dR/dt * z * R.conjugate()).w This ensures that the angular velocity has no component along the z' axis. Note that this condition becomes easier to impose the closer the input rotation is to a minimally rotating frame, which means that repeated application of this function improves its accuracy. By default, this function is iterated twice, though a few more iterations may be called for. Parameters ========== R: quaternion array Time series describing rotation t: float array Corresponding times at which R is measured iterations: int [defaults to 2] Repeat the minimization to refine the result """ from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as spline if iterations == 0: return R R = quaternion.as_float_array(R) Rdot = np.empty_like(R) for i in range(4): Rdot[:, i] = spline(t, R[:, i]).derivative()(t) R = quaternion.from_float_array(R) Rdot = quaternion.from_float_array(Rdot) halfgammadot = quaternion.as_float_array(Rdot * quaternion.z * np.conjugate(R))[:, 0] halfgamma = spline(t, halfgammadot).antiderivative()(t) Rgamma = np.exp(quaternion.z * halfgamma) return minimal_rotation(R * Rgamma, t, iterations=iterations-1)
Example #5
Source File: From quaternion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def angular_velocity(R, t): from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as spline R = quaternion.as_float_array(R) Rdot = np.empty_like(R) for i in range(4): Rdot[:, i] = spline(t, R[:, i]).derivative()(t) R = quaternion.from_float_array(R) Rdot = quaternion.from_float_array(Rdot) return quaternion.as_float_array(2*Rdot/R)[:, 1:]
Example #6
Source File: From quaternion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_as_float_quat(Qs): qs = Qs[Qs_nonnan] for quats in [qs, np.vstack((qs,)*3), np.vstack((qs,)*(3*5)).reshape((3, 5)+qs.shape), np.vstack((qs,)*(3*5*6)).reshape((3, 5, 6)+qs.shape)]: floats = quaternion.as_float_array(quats) assert floats.shape == quats.shape+(4,) assert allclose(quaternion.as_quat_array(floats), quats) assert allclose(quaternion.from_float_array(floats), quats) # Test that we can handle a list just like an array assert np.array_equal(quaternion.as_quat_array(floats), quaternion.as_quat_array(floats.tolist())) a = np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4) assert np.array_equal(quaternion.as_float_array(quaternion.as_quat_array(a)), a.astype(float)) assert quaternion.as_float_array(quaternion.x).ndim == 1
Example #7
Source File: From quaternion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_as_rotation_matrix(Rs): def quat_mat(quat): return np.array([(quat * v * quat.inverse()).vec for v in [quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z]]).T def quat_mat_vec(quats): mat_vec = np.array([quaternion.as_float_array(quats * v * np.reciprocal(quats))[..., 1:] for v in [quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z]]) return np.transpose(mat_vec, tuple(range(mat_vec.ndim))[1:-1]+(-1, 0)) with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): quaternion.as_rotation_matrix( for R in Rs: # Test correctly normalized rotors: assert allclose(quat_mat(R), quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(R), atol=2*eps) # Test incorrectly normalized rotors: assert allclose(quat_mat(R), quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(1.1*R), atol=2*eps) Rs0 = Rs.copy() Rs0[Rs.shape[0]//2] = with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(Rs0) # Test correctly normalized rotors: assert allclose(quat_mat_vec(Rs), quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(Rs), atol=2*eps) # Test incorrectly normalized rotors: assert allclose(quat_mat_vec(Rs), quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(1.1*Rs), atol=2*eps) # Simply test that this function succeeds and returns the right shape assert quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(Rs.reshape((2, 5, 10))).shape == (2, 5, 10, 3, 3)
Example #8
Source File: From spherical_functions with MIT License | 5 votes |
def SWSH(R, s, indices): """Spin-weighted spherical harmonic calculation from rotor Note that this function is more general than standard Ylm and sYlm functions of angles because it uses quaternion rotors instead of angle, and is slightly faster as a result. This function can be called in either of two ways: 1) With an array of quaternions, and a single (ell,m) pair, or 2) with a single quaternion, and an array of (ell,m) values Parameters ---------- R : unit quaternion or array of unit quaternions Rotor on which to evaluate the SWSH function. s : int Spin weight of the field to evaluate indices : 2-d array of int or pair of ints Array of (ell,m) values to evaluate Returns ------- array of complex The shape of this array is `indices.shape[0]`, and contains the values of the SWSH for the (ell,m) values specified in `indices`. """ indices = np.asarray(indices) if indices.size > 2 or not isinstance(R, np.ndarray): values = np.empty((indices.shape[0],), dtype=complex) _SWSH(R.a, R.b, s, indices, values) else: values = np.empty((R.size,), dtype=complex) _SWSHs(quaternion.as_float_array(R.flatten()), s, indices[0], indices[1], values) values = values.reshape(R.shape) return values
Example #9
Source File: From ronin with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def load(self, path): if path[-1] == '/': path = path[:-1]['path'] = osp.split(path)[-1]['ori_source'] = 'game_rv' if osp.exists(osp.join(path, 'processed/data.csv')): imu_all = pandas.read_csv(osp.join(path, 'processed/data.csv')) else: imu_all = pandas.read_pickle(osp.join(path, 'processed/data.pkl')) ts = imu_all[['time']].values / 1e09 gyro = imu_all[['gyro_x', 'gyro_y', 'gyro_z']].values acce = imu_all[['acce_x', 'acce_y', 'acce_z']].values tango_pos = imu_all[['pos_x', 'pos_y', 'pos_z']].values # Use game rotation vector as device orientation. init_tango_ori = quaternion.quaternion(*imu_all[['ori_w', 'ori_x', 'ori_y', 'ori_z']].values[0]) game_rv = quaternion.from_float_array(imu_all[['rv_w', 'rv_x', 'rv_y', 'rv_z']].values) init_rotor = init_tango_ori * game_rv[0].conj() ori = init_rotor * game_rv nz = np.zeros(ts.shape) gyro_q = quaternion.from_float_array(np.concatenate([nz, gyro], axis=1)) acce_q = quaternion.from_float_array(np.concatenate([nz, acce], axis=1)) gyro_glob = quaternion.as_float_array(ori * gyro_q * ori.conj())[:, 1:] acce_glob = quaternion.as_float_array(ori * acce_q * ori.conj())[:, 1:] self.ts = ts self.features = np.concatenate([gyro_glob, acce_glob], axis=1) self.targets = (tango_pos[self.w:, :2] - tango_pos[:-self.w, :2]) / (ts[self.w:] - ts[:-self.w]) self.gt_pos = tango_pos self.orientations = quaternion.as_float_array(game_rv) print(self.ts.shape, self.features.shape, self.targets.shape, self.gt_pos.shape, self.orientations.shape, self.w)
Example #10
Source File: From ronin with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def load(self, data_path): if data_path[-1] == '/': data_path = data_path[:-1] with open(osp.join(data_path, 'info.json')) as f: = json.load(f)['path'] = osp.split(data_path)[-1]['ori_source'], ori,['source_ori_error'] = select_orientation_source( data_path, self.max_ori_error, self.grv_only) with h5py.File(osp.join(data_path, 'data.hdf5')) as f: gyro_uncalib = f['synced/gyro_uncalib'] acce_uncalib = f['synced/acce'] gyro = gyro_uncalib - np.array(['imu_init_gyro_bias']) acce = np.array(['imu_acce_scale']) * (acce_uncalib - np.array(['imu_acce_bias'])) ts = np.copy(f['synced/time']) tango_pos = np.copy(f['pose/tango_pos']) init_tango_ori = quaternion.quaternion(*f['pose/tango_ori'][0]) # Compute the IMU orientation in the Tango coordinate frame. ori_q = quaternion.from_float_array(ori) rot_imu_to_tango = quaternion.quaternion(*['start_calibration']) init_rotor = init_tango_ori * rot_imu_to_tango * ori_q[0].conj() ori_q = init_rotor * ori_q dt = (ts[self.w:] - ts[:-self.w])[:, None] glob_v = (tango_pos[self.w:] - tango_pos[:-self.w]) / dt gyro_q = quaternion.from_float_array(np.concatenate([np.zeros([gyro.shape[0], 1]), gyro], axis=1)) acce_q = quaternion.from_float_array(np.concatenate([np.zeros([acce.shape[0], 1]), acce], axis=1)) glob_gyro = quaternion.as_float_array(ori_q * gyro_q * ori_q.conj())[:, 1:] glob_acce = quaternion.as_float_array(ori_q * acce_q * ori_q.conj())[:, 1:] start_frame ='start_frame', 0) self.ts = ts[start_frame:] self.features = np.concatenate([glob_gyro, glob_acce], axis=1)[start_frame:] self.targets = glob_v[start_frame:, :2] self.orientations = quaternion.as_float_array(ori_q)[start_frame:] self.gt_pos = tango_pos[start_frame:]
Example #11
Source File: From habitat-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def angle_between_quaternions(q1: np.quaternion, q2: np.quaternion) -> float: r"""Returns the angle (in radians) between two quaternions. This angle will always be positive. """ q1_inv = np.conjugate(q1) dq = quaternion.as_float_array(q1_inv * q2) return 2 * np.arctan2(np.linalg.norm(dq[1:]), np.abs(dq[0]))
Example #12
Source File: From motion-rcnn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def q_from_rotation_matrix(R): q = quaternion.as_float_array(quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(R)) return q
Example #13
Source File: From quaternion with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test_numpy_array_conversion(Qs): "Check conversions between array as quaternions and array as floats" # First, just check 1-d array Q = Qs[Qs_nonnan][:12] # Select first 3x4=12 non-nan elements in Qs assert Q.dtype == np.dtype(np.quaternion) q = quaternion.as_float_array(Q) # View as array of floats assert q.dtype == np.dtype(np.float) assert q.shape == (12, 4) # This is the expected shape for j in range(12): for k in range(4): # Check each component individually assert q[j][k] == Q[j].components[k] assert np.array_equal(quaternion.as_quat_array(q), Q) # Check that we can go backwards # Next, see how that works if I flatten the q array q = q.flatten() assert q.dtype == np.dtype(np.float) assert q.shape == (48,) for j in range(48): assert q[j] == Q[j // 4].components[j % 4] assert np.array_equal(quaternion.as_quat_array(q), Q) # Check that we can go backwards # Now, reshape into 2-d array, and re-check P = Q.reshape(3, 4) # Reshape into 3x4 array of quaternions p = quaternion.as_float_array(P) # View as array of floats assert p.shape == (3, 4, 4) # This is the expected shape for j in range(3): for k in range(4): for l in range(4): # Check each component individually assert p[j][k][l] == Q[4 * j + k].components[l] assert np.array_equal(quaternion.as_quat_array(p), P) # Check that we can go backwards # Check that we get an exception if the final dimension is not divisible by 4 with pytest.raises(ValueError): quaternion.as_quat_array(np.random.rand(4, 1)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): quaternion.as_quat_array(np.random.rand(4, 2)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): quaternion.as_quat_array(np.random.rand(4, 3)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): quaternion.as_quat_array(np.random.rand(4, 5)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): quaternion.as_quat_array(np.random.rand(4, 5, 3, 2, 1)) # Finally, check that it works on non-contiguous arrays, by adding random padding and then slicing q = quaternion.as_float_array(Q) q = np.concatenate((np.random.rand(q.shape[0], 3), q, np.random.rand(q.shape[0], 3)), axis=1) assert np.array_equal(quaternion.as_quat_array(q[:, 3:7]), Q)
Example #14
Source File: From ronin with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def load(self, data_path): if data_path[-1] == '/': data_path = data_path[:-1] with open(osp.join(data_path, 'info.json')) as f: = json.load(f)['path'] = osp.split(data_path)[-1]['ori_source'], ori,['source_ori_error'] = select_orientation_source( data_path, self.max_ori_error, self.grv_only) with h5py.File(osp.join(data_path, 'data.hdf5')) as f: ts = np.copy(f['synced/time']) if 'synced/grav' in f: gravity = np.copy(f['synced/grav']) else: gravity = np.copy(f['synced/gravity']) tango_pos = np.copy(f['pose/tango_pos']) init_tango_ori = quaternion.quaternion(*f['pose/tango_ori'][0]) gyro = np.copy(f['synced/gyro']) linacce = np.copy(f['synced/linacce']) # Compute the IMU orientation in the Tango coordinate frame. ori_q = quaternion.from_float_array(ori) rot_imu_to_tango = quaternion.quaternion(*['start_calibration']) init_rotor = init_tango_ori * rot_imu_to_tango * ori_q[0].conj() ori_q = init_rotor * ori_q dt = (ts[self.w:] - ts[:-self.w])[:, None] glob_v = np.concatenate( [np.zeros([dt.shape[0], 1]), tango_pos[self.w:] - tango_pos[:-self.w]], axis=1) / dt local_v = ori_q[:-self.w].conj() * quaternion.from_float_array(glob_v) * ori_q[:-self.w] local_v = quaternion.as_float_array(local_v)[:, 1:] local_v_g = align_3dvector_with_gravity(local_v, gravity[:-self.w]) start_frame ='start_frame', 0) self.ts = ts[start_frame:] self.features = np.concatenate([gyro, linacce], axis=1)[start_frame:] self.targets = local_v_g[start_frame:, [0, 2]] self.orientations = quaternion.as_float_array(ori_q)[start_frame:] self.gt_pos = tango_pos[start_frame:] self.gravity = gravity[start_frame:]