Python mxnet.ndarray.slice_axis() Examples
The following are 13
code examples of mxnet.ndarray.slice_axis().
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Example #1
Source File: From dgl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def argtopk(input, k, dim, descending=True): idx = nd.argsort(input, dim, is_ascend=not descending) return nd.slice_axis(input, dim, 0, k)
Example #2
Source File: From dgl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def slice_axis(data, axis, begin, end): dim = data.shape[axis] if begin < 0: begin += dim if end <= 0: end += dim return nd.slice_axis(data, axis, begin, end)
Example #3
Source File: From insightface with MIT License | 4 votes |
def dumpR(data_set, mx_model, batch_size, name='', data_extra = None, label_shape = None): print('dump verification embedding..') data_list = data_set[0] issame_list = data_set[1] model = mx_model embeddings_list = [] if data_extra is not None: _data_extra = nd.array(data_extra) time_consumed = 0.0 if label_shape is None: _label = nd.ones( (batch_size,) ) else: _label = nd.ones( label_shape ) for i in range( len(data_list) ): data = data_list[i] embeddings = None ba = 0 while ba<data.shape[0]: bb = min(ba+batch_size, data.shape[0]) count = bb-ba _data = nd.slice_axis(data, axis=0, begin=bb-batch_size, end=bb) #print(_data.shape, _label.shape) time0 = if data_extra is None: db =,), label=(_label,)) else: db =,_data_extra), label=(_label,)) model.forward(db, is_train=False) net_out = model.get_outputs() _embeddings = net_out[0].asnumpy() time_now = diff = time_now - time0 time_consumed+=diff.total_seconds() if embeddings is None: embeddings = np.zeros( (data.shape[0], _embeddings.shape[1]) ) embeddings[ba:bb,:] = _embeddings[(batch_size-count):,:] ba = bb embeddings_list.append(embeddings) embeddings = embeddings_list[0] + embeddings_list[1] embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings) actual_issame = np.asarray(issame_list) outname = os.path.join('temp.bin') with open(outname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump((embeddings, issame_list), f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
Example #4
Source File: From insightface with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test(lfw_set, mx_model, batch_size): print('testing lfw..') lfw_data_list = lfw_set[0] issame_list = lfw_set[1] model = mx_model embeddings_list = [] for i in range( len(lfw_data_list) ): lfw_data = lfw_data_list[i] embeddings = None ba = 0 while ba<lfw_data.shape[0]: bb = min(ba+batch_size, lfw_data.shape[0]) _data = nd.slice_axis(lfw_data, axis=0, begin=ba, end=bb) _label = nd.ones( (bb-ba,) ) #print(_data.shape, _label.shape) db =,), label=(_label,)) model.forward(db, is_train=False) net_out = model.get_outputs() #_arg, _aux = model.get_params() #__arg = {} #for k,v in _arg.iteritems(): # __arg[k] = v.as_in_context(_ctx) #_arg = __arg #_arg["data"] = _data.as_in_context(_ctx) #_arg["softmax_label"] = _label.as_in_context(_ctx) #for k,v in _arg.iteritems(): # print(k,v.context) #exe = sym.bind(_ctx, _arg ,args_grad=None, grad_req="null", aux_states=_aux) #exe.forward(is_train=False) #net_out = exe.outputs _embeddings = net_out[0].asnumpy() #print(_embeddings.shape) if embeddings is None: embeddings = np.zeros( (lfw_data.shape[0], _embeddings.shape[1]) ) embeddings[ba:bb,:] = _embeddings ba = bb embeddings_list.append(embeddings) _xnorm = 0.0 _xnorm_cnt = 0 for embed in embeddings_list: for i in range(embed.shape[0]): _em = embed[i] _norm=np.linalg.norm(_em) #print(_em.shape, _norm) _xnorm+=_norm _xnorm_cnt+=1 _xnorm /= _xnorm_cnt embeddings = embeddings_list[0].copy() embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings) _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = evaluate(embeddings, issame_list, nrof_folds=10) acc1, std1 = np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy) #print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far)) #embeddings = np.concatenate(embeddings_list, axis=1) embeddings = embeddings_list[0] + embeddings_list[1] embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings) print(embeddings.shape) _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = evaluate(embeddings, issame_list, nrof_folds=10) acc2, std2 = np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy) return acc1, std1, acc2, std2, _xnorm, embeddings_list
Example #5
Source File: From insightface with MIT License | 4 votes |
def dumpR(data_set, mx_model, batch_size, name='', data_extra = None, label_shape = None): print('dump verification embedding..') data_list = data_set[0] issame_list = data_set[1] model = mx_model embeddings_list = [] if data_extra is not None: _data_extra = nd.array(data_extra) time_consumed = 0.0 if label_shape is None: _label = nd.ones( (batch_size,) ) else: _label = nd.ones( label_shape ) for i in xrange( len(data_list) ): data = data_list[i] embeddings = None ba = 0 while ba<data.shape[0]: bb = min(ba+batch_size, data.shape[0]) count = bb-ba _data = nd.slice_axis(data, axis=0, begin=bb-batch_size, end=bb) #print(_data.shape, _label.shape) time0 = if data_extra is None: db =,), label=(_label,)) else: db =,_data_extra), label=(_label,)) model.forward(db, is_train=False) net_out = model.get_outputs() _embeddings = net_out[0].asnumpy() time_now = diff = time_now - time0 time_consumed+=diff.total_seconds() if embeddings is None: embeddings = np.zeros( (data.shape[0], _embeddings.shape[1]) ) embeddings[ba:bb,:] = _embeddings[(batch_size-count):,:] ba = bb embeddings_list.append(embeddings) embeddings = embeddings_list[0] + embeddings_list[1] embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings) actual_issame = np.asarray(issame_list) outname = os.path.join('temp.bin') with open(outname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump((embeddings, issame_list), f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
Example #6
Source File: From insightface with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test(lfw_set, mx_model, batch_size): print('testing lfw..') lfw_data_list = lfw_set[0] issame_list = lfw_set[1] model = mx_model embeddings_list = [] for i in xrange( len(lfw_data_list) ): lfw_data = lfw_data_list[i] embeddings = None ba = 0 while ba<lfw_data.shape[0]: bb = min(ba+batch_size, lfw_data.shape[0]) _data = nd.slice_axis(lfw_data, axis=0, begin=ba, end=bb) _label = nd.ones( (bb-ba,) ) #print(_data.shape, _label.shape) db =,), label=(_label,)) model.forward(db, is_train=False) net_out = model.get_outputs() #_arg, _aux = model.get_params() #__arg = {} #for k,v in _arg.iteritems(): # __arg[k] = v.as_in_context(_ctx) #_arg = __arg #_arg["data"] = _data.as_in_context(_ctx) #_arg["softmax_label"] = _label.as_in_context(_ctx) #for k,v in _arg.iteritems(): # print(k,v.context) #exe = sym.bind(_ctx, _arg ,args_grad=None, grad_req="null", aux_states=_aux) #exe.forward(is_train=False) #net_out = exe.outputs _embeddings = net_out[0].asnumpy() #print(_embeddings.shape) if embeddings is None: embeddings = np.zeros( (lfw_data.shape[0], _embeddings.shape[1]) ) embeddings[ba:bb,:] = _embeddings ba = bb embeddings_list.append(embeddings) _xnorm = 0.0 _xnorm_cnt = 0 for embed in embeddings_list: for i in xrange(embed.shape[0]): _em = embed[i] _norm=np.linalg.norm(_em) #print(_em.shape, _norm) _xnorm+=_norm _xnorm_cnt+=1 _xnorm /= _xnorm_cnt embeddings = embeddings_list[0].copy() embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings) _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = evaluate(embeddings, issame_list, nrof_folds=10) acc1, std1 = np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy) #print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far)) #embeddings = np.concatenate(embeddings_list, axis=1) embeddings = embeddings_list[0] + embeddings_list[1] embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings) print(embeddings.shape) _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = evaluate(embeddings, issame_list, nrof_folds=10) acc2, std2 = np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy) return acc1, std1, acc2, std2, _xnorm, embeddings_list
Example #7
Source File: From gluon-cv with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def split_data(data, num_slice, batch_axis=0, even_split=True, multiplier=1): """Splits an NDArray into `num_slice` slices along `batch_axis`. Usually used for data parallelism where each slices is sent to one device (i.e. GPU). Parameters ---------- data : NDArray A batch of data. num_slice : int Number of desired slices. batch_axis : int, default 0 The axis along which to slice. even_split : bool, default True Whether to force all slices to have the same number of elements. If `True`, an error will be raised when `num_slice` does not evenly divide `data.shape[batch_axis]`. multiplier : int, default 1 The batch size has to be the multiples of multiplier Returns ------- list of NDArray Return value is a list even if `num_slice` is 1. """ size = data.shape[batch_axis] if even_split and size % num_slice != 0: raise ValueError( "data with shape %s cannot be evenly split into %d slices along axis %d. " \ "Use a batch size that's multiple of %d or set even_split=False to allow " \ "uneven partitioning of data."%( str(data.shape), num_slice, batch_axis, num_slice)) step = (int(size / multiplier) // num_slice) * multiplier # If size < num_slice, make fewer slices if not even_split and size < num_slice: step = 1 num_slice = size if batch_axis == 0: slices = [data[i*step:(i+1)*step] if i < num_slice - 1 else data[i*step:size] for i in range(num_slice)] elif even_split: slices = ndarray.split(data, num_outputs=num_slice, axis=batch_axis) else: slices = [ndarray.slice_axis(data, batch_axis, i*step, (i+1)*step) if i < num_slice - 1 else ndarray.slice_axis(data, batch_axis, i*step, size) for i in range(num_slice)] return slices
Example #8
Source File: From 1.FaceRecognition with MIT License | 4 votes |
def dumpR(data_set, mx_model, batch_size, name='', data_extra=None, label_shape=None): print('dump verification embedding..') data_list = data_set[0] issame_list = data_set[1] model = mx_model embeddings_list = [] if data_extra is not None: _data_extra = nd.array(data_extra) time_consumed = 0.0 if label_shape is None: _label = nd.ones((batch_size,)) else: _label = nd.ones(label_shape) for i in range(len(data_list)): data = data_list[i] embeddings = None ba = 0 while ba < data.shape[0]: bb = min(ba + batch_size, data.shape[0]) count = bb - ba _data = nd.slice_axis(data, axis=0, begin=bb - batch_size, end=bb) # print(_data.shape, _label.shape) time0 = if data_extra is None: db =,), label=(_label,)) else: db =, _data_extra), label=(_label,)) model.forward(db, is_train=False) net_out = model.get_outputs() _embeddings = net_out[0].asnumpy() time_now = diff = time_now - time0 time_consumed += diff.total_seconds() if embeddings is None: embeddings = np.zeros((data.shape[0], _embeddings.shape[1])) embeddings[ba:bb, :] = _embeddings[(batch_size - count):, :] ba = bb embeddings_list.append(embeddings) embeddings = embeddings_list[0] + embeddings_list[1] embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings) actual_issame = np.asarray(issame_list) outname = os.path.join('temp.bin') with open(outname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump((embeddings, issame_list), f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
Example #9
Source File: From 1.FaceRecognition with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test(lfw_set, mx_model, batch_size): print('testing lfw..') lfw_data_list = lfw_set[0] issame_list = lfw_set[1] model = mx_model embeddings_list = [] for i in range( len(lfw_data_list) ): lfw_data = lfw_data_list[i] embeddings = None ba = 0 while ba<lfw_data.shape[0]: bb = min(ba+batch_size, lfw_data.shape[0]) _data = nd.slice_axis(lfw_data, axis=0, begin=ba, end=bb) _label = nd.ones( (bb-ba,) ) #print(_data.shape, _label.shape) db =,), label=(_label,)) model.forward(db, is_train=False) net_out = model.get_outputs() #_arg, _aux = model.get_params() #__arg = {} #for k,v in _arg.iteritems(): # __arg[k] = v.as_in_context(_ctx) #_arg = __arg #_arg["data"] = _data.as_in_context(_ctx) #_arg["softmax_label"] = _label.as_in_context(_ctx) #for k,v in _arg.iteritems(): # print(k,v.context) #exe = sym.bind(_ctx, _arg ,args_grad=None, grad_req="null", aux_states=_aux) #exe.forward(is_train=False) #net_out = exe.outputs _embeddings = net_out[0].asnumpy() #print(_embeddings.shape) if embeddings is None: embeddings = np.zeros( (lfw_data.shape[0], _embeddings.shape[1]) ) embeddings[ba:bb,:] = _embeddings ba = bb embeddings_list.append(embeddings) _xnorm = 0.0 _xnorm_cnt = 0 for embed in embeddings_list: for i in range(embed.shape[0]): _em = embed[i] _norm=np.linalg.norm(_em) #print(_em.shape, _norm) _xnorm+=_norm _xnorm_cnt+=1 _xnorm /= _xnorm_cnt embeddings = embeddings_list[0].copy() embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings) _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = evaluate(embeddings, issame_list, nrof_folds=10) acc1, std1 = np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy) #print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far)) #embeddings = np.concatenate(embeddings_list, axis=1) embeddings = embeddings_list[0] + embeddings_list[1] embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings) print(embeddings.shape) _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = evaluate(embeddings, issame_list, nrof_folds=10) acc2, std2 = np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy) return acc1, std1, acc2, std2, _xnorm, embeddings_list
Example #10
Source File: From 1.FaceRecognition with MIT License | 4 votes |
def dumpR(data_set, mx_model, batch_size, name='', data_extra = None, label_shape = None): print('dump verification embedding..') data_list = data_set[0] issame_list = data_set[1] model = mx_model embeddings_list = [] if data_extra is not None: _data_extra = nd.array(data_extra) time_consumed = 0.0 if label_shape is None: _label = nd.ones( (batch_size,) ) else: _label = nd.ones( label_shape ) for i in xrange( len(data_list) ): data = data_list[i] embeddings = None ba = 0 while ba<data.shape[0]: bb = min(ba+batch_size, data.shape[0]) count = bb-ba _data = nd.slice_axis(data, axis=0, begin=bb-batch_size, end=bb) #print(_data.shape, _label.shape) time0 = if data_extra is None: db =,), label=(_label,)) else: db =,_data_extra), label=(_label,)) model.forward(db, is_train=False) net_out = model.get_outputs() _embeddings = net_out[0].asnumpy() time_now = diff = time_now - time0 time_consumed+=diff.total_seconds() if embeddings is None: embeddings = np.zeros( (data.shape[0], _embeddings.shape[1]) ) embeddings[ba:bb,:] = _embeddings[(batch_size-count):,:] ba = bb embeddings_list.append(embeddings) embeddings = embeddings_list[0] + embeddings_list[1] embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings) actual_issame = np.asarray(issame_list) outname = os.path.join('temp.bin') with open(outname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump((embeddings, issame_list), f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
Example #11
Source File: From 1.FaceRecognition with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test(lfw_set, mx_model, batch_size): print('testing lfw..') lfw_data_list = lfw_set[0] issame_list = lfw_set[1] model = mx_model embeddings_list = [] for i in xrange( len(lfw_data_list) ): lfw_data = lfw_data_list[i] embeddings = None ba = 0 while ba<lfw_data.shape[0]: bb = min(ba+batch_size, lfw_data.shape[0]) _data = nd.slice_axis(lfw_data, axis=0, begin=ba, end=bb) _label = nd.ones( (bb-ba,) ) #print(_data.shape, _label.shape) db =,), label=(_label,)) model.forward(db, is_train=False) net_out = model.get_outputs() #_arg, _aux = model.get_params() #__arg = {} #for k,v in _arg.iteritems(): # __arg[k] = v.as_in_context(_ctx) #_arg = __arg #_arg["data"] = _data.as_in_context(_ctx) #_arg["softmax_label"] = _label.as_in_context(_ctx) #for k,v in _arg.iteritems(): # print(k,v.context) #exe = sym.bind(_ctx, _arg ,args_grad=None, grad_req="null", aux_states=_aux) #exe.forward(is_train=False) #net_out = exe.outputs _embeddings = net_out[0].asnumpy() #print(_embeddings.shape) if embeddings is None: embeddings = np.zeros( (lfw_data.shape[0], _embeddings.shape[1]) ) embeddings[ba:bb,:] = _embeddings ba = bb embeddings_list.append(embeddings) _xnorm = 0.0 _xnorm_cnt = 0 for embed in embeddings_list: for i in xrange(embed.shape[0]): _em = embed[i] _norm=np.linalg.norm(_em) #print(_em.shape, _norm) _xnorm+=_norm _xnorm_cnt+=1 _xnorm /= _xnorm_cnt embeddings = embeddings_list[0].copy() embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings) _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = evaluate(embeddings, issame_list, nrof_folds=10) acc1, std1 = np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy) #print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far)) #embeddings = np.concatenate(embeddings_list, axis=1) embeddings = embeddings_list[0] + embeddings_list[1] embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings) print(embeddings.shape) _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = evaluate(embeddings, issame_list, nrof_folds=10) acc2, std2 = np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy) return acc1, std1, acc2, std2, _xnorm, embeddings_list
Example #12
Source File: From MaskInsightface with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def dumpR(data_set, mx_model, batch_size, name='', data_extra = None, label_shape = None): print('dump verification embedding..') data_list = data_set[0] issame_list = data_set[1] model = mx_model embeddings_list = [] if data_extra is not None: _data_extra = nd.array(data_extra) time_consumed = 0.0 if label_shape is None: _label = nd.ones( (batch_size,) ) else: _label = nd.ones( label_shape ) for i in range( len(data_list) ): data = data_list[i] embeddings = None ba = 0 while ba<data.shape[0]: bb = min(ba+batch_size, data.shape[0]) count = bb-ba _data = nd.slice_axis(data, axis=0, begin=bb-batch_size, end=bb) #print(_data.shape, _label.shape) time0 = if data_extra is None: db =,), label=(_label,)) else: db =,_data_extra), label=(_label,)) model.forward(db, is_train=False) net_out = model.get_outputs() _embeddings = net_out[0].asnumpy() time_now = diff = time_now - time0 time_consumed+=diff.total_seconds() if embeddings is None: embeddings = np.zeros( (data.shape[0], _embeddings.shape[1]) ) embeddings[ba:bb,:] = _embeddings[(batch_size-count):,:] ba = bb embeddings_list.append(embeddings) embeddings = embeddings_list[0] + embeddings_list[1] embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings) actual_issame = np.asarray(issame_list) outname = os.path.join('temp.bin') with open(outname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump((embeddings, issame_list), f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
Example #13
Source File: From MaskInsightface with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def test(lfw_set, mx_model, batch_size): print('testing lfw..') lfw_data_list = lfw_set[0] issame_list = lfw_set[1] model = mx_model embeddings_list = [] for i in xrange( len(lfw_data_list) ): lfw_data = lfw_data_list[i] embeddings = None ba = 0 while ba<lfw_data.shape[0]: bb = min(ba+batch_size, lfw_data.shape[0]) _data = nd.slice_axis(lfw_data, axis=0, begin=ba, end=bb) _label = nd.ones( (bb-ba,) ) #print(_data.shape, _label.shape) db =,), label=(_label,)) model.forward(db, is_train=False) net_out = model.get_outputs() #_arg, _aux = model.get_params() #__arg = {} #for k,v in _arg.iteritems(): # __arg[k] = v.as_in_context(_ctx) #_arg = __arg #_arg["data"] = _data.as_in_context(_ctx) #_arg["softmax_label"] = _label.as_in_context(_ctx) #for k,v in _arg.iteritems(): # print(k,v.context) #exe = sym.bind(_ctx, _arg ,args_grad=None, grad_req="null", aux_states=_aux) #exe.forward(is_train=False) #net_out = exe.outputs _embeddings = net_out[0].asnumpy() #print(_embeddings.shape) if embeddings is None: embeddings = np.zeros( (lfw_data.shape[0], _embeddings.shape[1]) ) embeddings[ba:bb,:] = _embeddings ba = bb embeddings_list.append(embeddings) _xnorm = 0.0 _xnorm_cnt = 0 for embed in embeddings_list: for i in xrange(embed.shape[0]): _em = embed[i] _norm=np.linalg.norm(_em) #print(_em.shape, _norm) _xnorm+=_norm _xnorm_cnt+=1 _xnorm /= _xnorm_cnt embeddings = embeddings_list[0].copy() embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings) _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = evaluate(embeddings, issame_list, nrof_folds=10) acc1, std1 = np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy) #print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far)) #embeddings = np.concatenate(embeddings_list, axis=1) embeddings = embeddings_list[0] + embeddings_list[1] embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings) print(embeddings.shape) _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = evaluate(embeddings, issame_list, nrof_folds=10) acc2, std2 = np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy) return acc1, std1, acc2, std2, _xnorm, embeddings_list