Python torch.hamming_window() Examples

The following are 22 code examples of torch.hamming_window(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module torch , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From audio with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _feature_window_function(window_type: str,
                             window_size: int,
                             blackman_coeff: float,
                             device: torch.device,
                             dtype: int,
                             ) -> Tensor:
    r"""Returns a window function with the given type and size
    if window_type == HANNING:
        return torch.hann_window(window_size, periodic=False, device=device, dtype=dtype)
    elif window_type == HAMMING:
        return torch.hamming_window(window_size, periodic=False, alpha=0.54, beta=0.46, device=device, dtype=dtype)
    elif window_type == POVEY:
        # like hanning but goes to zero at edges
        return torch.hann_window(window_size, periodic=False, device=device, dtype=dtype).pow(0.85)
    elif window_type == RECTANGULAR:
        return torch.ones(window_size, device=device, dtype=dtype)
    elif window_type == BLACKMAN:
        a = 2 * math.pi / (window_size - 1)
        window_function = torch.arange(window_size, device=device, dtype=dtype)
        # can't use torch.blackman_window as they use different coefficients
        return (blackman_coeff - 0.5 * torch.cos(a * window_function) +
                (0.5 - blackman_coeff) * torch.cos(2 * a * window_function)).to(device=device, dtype=dtype)
        raise Exception('Invalid window type ' + window_type) 
Example #2
Source File:    From NeMo with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, win_length, hop_length):

        self.win_length = win_length
        self.hop_length = hop_length

        self.disable_casts = self._opt_level == Optimization.mxprO1

        self.torch_windows = {
            'hann': torch.hann_window,
            'hamming': torch.hamming_window,
            'blackman': torch.blackman_window,
            'bartlett': torch.bartlett_window,
            'ones': torch.ones,
            None: torch.ones,
Example #3
Source File:    From ddsp_pytorch with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_window(name, window_length, squared=False):
    Returns a windowing function.
        window (str)                : name of the window, currently only 'hann' is available
        window_length (int)         : length of the window
        squared (bool)              : if true, square the window
        torch.FloatTensor           : window of size `window_length`
    if name == "hann":
        window = torch.hann_window(window_length)
    elif name == "hamming":
        window = torch.hamming_window(window_length)
    elif name == "blackman":
        window = torch.blackman_window(window_length)
        raise ValueError("Invalid window name {}".format(name))
    if squared:
        window *= window
    return window 
Example #4
Source File:    From audio with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_mel2(self):
        top_db = 80.
        s2db = transforms.AmplitudeToDB('power', top_db)

        waveform = self.waveform.clone()  # (1, 16000)
        waveform_scaled = self.scale(waveform)  # (1, 16000)
        mel_transform = transforms.MelSpectrogram()
        # check defaults
        spectrogram_torch = s2db(mel_transform(waveform_scaled))  # (1, 128, 321)
        self.assertTrue(spectrogram_torch.dim() == 3)
        self.assertTrue( - top_db).all())
        self.assertEqual(spectrogram_torch.size(1), mel_transform.n_mels)
        # check correctness of filterbank conversion matrix
        # check options
        kwargs = {'window_fn': torch.hamming_window, 'pad': 10, 'win_length': 500,
                  'hop_length': 125, 'n_fft': 800, 'n_mels': 50}
        mel_transform2 = transforms.MelSpectrogram(**kwargs)
        spectrogram2_torch = s2db(mel_transform2(waveform_scaled))  # (1, 50, 513)
        self.assertTrue(spectrogram2_torch.dim() == 3)
        self.assertTrue( - top_db).all())
        self.assertEqual(spectrogram2_torch.size(1), mel_transform2.n_mels)
        # check on multi-channel audio
        filepath = common_utils.get_asset_path('steam-train-whistle-daniel_simon.wav')
        x_stereo, sr_stereo = torchaudio.load(filepath)  # (2, 278756), 44100
        spectrogram_stereo = s2db(mel_transform(x_stereo))  # (2, 128, 1394)
        self.assertTrue(spectrogram_stereo.dim() == 3)
        self.assertTrue(spectrogram_stereo.size(0) == 2)
        self.assertTrue( - top_db).all())
        self.assertEqual(spectrogram_stereo.size(1), mel_transform.n_mels)
        # check filterbank matrix creation
        fb_matrix_transform = transforms.MelScale(
            n_mels=100, sample_rate=16000, f_min=0., f_max=None, n_stft=400)
        self.assertEqual(fb_matrix_transform.fb.size(), (400, 100)) 
Example #5
Source File:    From audio with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_istft_is_inverse_of_stft3(self):
        # hamming_window, centered, normalized, not onesided
        kwargs3 = {
            'n_fft': 15,
            'hop_length': 3,
            'win_length': 11,
            'window': torch.hamming_window(11),
            'center': True,
            'pad_mode': 'constant',
            'normalized': True,
            'onesided': False,
Example #6
Source File:    From audio with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_istft_is_inverse_of_stft4(self):
        # hamming_window, not centered, not normalized, onesided
        # window same size as n_fft
        kwargs4 = {
            'n_fft': 5,
            'hop_length': 2,
            'win_length': 5,
            'window': torch.hamming_window(5),
            'center': False,
            'pad_mode': 'constant',
            'normalized': False,
            'onesided': True,
Example #7
Source File:    From audio with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_istft_is_inverse_of_stft5(self):
        # hamming_window, not centered, not normalized, not onesided
        # window same size as n_fft
        kwargs5 = {
            'n_fft': 3,
            'hop_length': 2,
            'win_length': 3,
            'window': torch.hamming_window(3),
            'center': False,
            'pad_mode': 'reflect',
            'normalized': False,
            'onesided': False,
Example #8
Source File:    From audio with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_linearity_of_istft4(self):
        # hamming_window, not centered, not normalized, onesided
        kwargs4 = {
            'n_fft': 12,
            'window': torch.hamming_window(12),
            'center': False,
            'pad_mode': 'constant',
            'normalized': False,
            'onesided': True,
        data_size = (2, 7, 3, 2)
        self._test_linearity_of_istft(data_size, kwargs4, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-8) 
Example #9
Source File:    From training with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, sample_rate=8000, window_size=0.02, window_stride=0.01,
                       window="hamming", normalize="per_feature", log=True, center=True,
                       dither=constant, pad_to=8, max_duration=16.7,
        super(SpectrogramFeatures, self).__init__()
        torch_windows = {
            'hann': torch.hann_window,
            'hamming': torch.hamming_window,
            'blackman': torch.blackman_window,
            'bartlett': torch.bartlett_window,
            'none': None,
        self.win_length = int(sample_rate * window_size)
        self.hop_length = int(sample_rate * window_stride)
        self.n_fft = n_fft or 2 ** math.ceil(math.log2(self.win_length))

        window_fn = torch_windows.get(window, None)
        window_tensor = window_fn(self.win_length,
                                  periodic=False) if window_fn else None
        self.window = window_tensor

        self.normalize = normalize
        self.log = log = center
        self.dither = dither
        self.pad_to = pad_to
        self.frame_splicing = frame_splicing

        max_length = 1 + math.ceil(
                (max_duration * sample_rate - self.win_length) / self.hop_length
        max_pad = 16 - (max_length % 16)
        self.max_length = max_length + max_pad 
Example #10
Source File:    From KoSpeech with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __call__(self, signal):
        spectrogram = torch.stft(
        spectrogram = (spectrogram[:, :, 0].pow(2) + spectrogram[:, :, 1].pow(2)).pow(0.5)
        spectrogram = np.log1p(spectrogram.numpy())

        return spectrogram 
Example #11
Source File:    From training with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, sample_rate=8000, window_size=0.02, window_stride=0.01,
                       window="hamming", normalize="per_feature", n_fft=None,
                       nfilt=64, lowfreq=0, highfreq=None, log=True, dither=constant,
        super(FilterbankFeatures, self).__init__()
#        print("PADDING: {}".format(pad_to))

        torch_windows = {
            'hann': torch.hann_window,
            'hamming': torch.hamming_window,
            'blackman': torch.blackman_window,
            'bartlett': torch.bartlett_window,
            'none': None,

        self.win_length = int(sample_rate * window_size) # frame size
        self.hop_length = int(sample_rate * window_stride)
        self.n_fft = n_fft or 2 ** math.ceil(math.log2(self.win_length))

        self.normalize = normalize
        self.log = log
        self.dither = dither
        self.frame_splicing = frame_splicing
        self.nfilt = nfilt
        self.preemph = preemph
        self.pad_to = pad_to
        highfreq = highfreq or sample_rate / 2
        window_fn = torch_windows.get(window, None)
        window_tensor = window_fn(self.win_length,
                                  periodic=False) if window_fn else None
        filterbanks = torch.tensor(
            librosa.filters.mel(sample_rate, self.n_fft, n_mels=nfilt, fmin=lowfreq,
                                                    fmax=highfreq), dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(0)
        # self.fb = filterbanks
        # self.window = window_tensor
        self.register_buffer("fb", filterbanks)
        self.register_buffer("window", window_tensor)
        # Calculate maximum sequence length (# frames)
        max_length = 1 + math.ceil(
                (max_duration * sample_rate - self.win_length) / self.hop_length
        max_pad = 16 - (max_length % 16)
        self.max_length = max_length + max_pad 
Example #12
Source File:    From SincNet with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, out_channels, kernel_size, sample_rate=16000, in_channels=1,
                 stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, groups=1, min_low_hz=50, min_band_hz=50):


        if in_channels != 1:
            #msg = (f'SincConv only support one input channel '
            #       f'(here, in_channels = {in_channels:d}).')
            msg = "SincConv only support one input channel (here, in_channels = {%i})" % (in_channels)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        # Forcing the filters to be odd (i.e, perfectly symmetrics)
        if kernel_size%2==0:
        self.stride = stride
        self.padding = padding
        self.dilation = dilation

        if bias:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support bias.')
        if groups > 1:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support groups.')

        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        self.min_low_hz = min_low_hz
        self.min_band_hz = min_band_hz

        # initialize filterbanks such that they are equally spaced in Mel scale
        low_hz = 30
        high_hz = self.sample_rate / 2 - (self.min_low_hz + self.min_band_hz)

        mel = np.linspace(self.to_mel(low_hz),
                          self.out_channels + 1)
        hz = self.to_hz(mel)

        # filter lower frequency (out_channels, 1)
        self.low_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(hz[:-1]).view(-1, 1))

        # filter frequency band (out_channels, 1)
        self.band_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(np.diff(hz)).view(-1, 1))

        # Hamming window
        #self.window_ = torch.hamming_window(self.kernel_size)
        n_lin=torch.linspace(0, (self.kernel_size/2)-1, steps=int((self.kernel_size/2))) # computing only half of the window

        # (1, kernel_size/2)
        n = (self.kernel_size - 1) / 2.0
        self.n_ = 2*math.pi*torch.arange(-n, 0).view(1, -1) / self.sample_rate # Due to symmetry, I only need half of the time axes 
Example #13
Source File:    From inference with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, sample_rate=8000, window_size=0.02, window_stride=0.01,
                 window="hamming", normalize="per_feature", n_fft=None,
                 nfilt=64, lowfreq=0, highfreq=None, log=True, dither=constant,
        super(FilterbankFeatures, self).__init__()
#        print("PADDING: {}".format(pad_to))

        torch_windows = {
            'hann': torch.hann_window,
            'hamming': torch.hamming_window,
            'blackman': torch.blackman_window,
            'bartlett': torch.bartlett_window,
            'none': None,

        self.win_length = int(sample_rate * window_size)  # frame size
        self.hop_length = int(sample_rate * window_stride)
        self.n_fft = n_fft or 2 ** math.ceil(math.log2(self.win_length))

        self.normalize = normalize
        self.log = log
        self.dither = dither
        self.frame_splicing = frame_splicing
        self.nfilt = nfilt
        self.preemph = preemph
        self.pad_to = pad_to
        # For now, always enable this.
        # See for elaboration
        self.use_deterministic_dithering = True
        highfreq = highfreq or sample_rate / 2
        window_fn = torch_windows.get(window, None)
        window_tensor = window_fn(self.win_length,
                                  periodic=False) if window_fn else None
        filterbanks = torch.tensor(
            librosa.filters.mel(sample_rate, self.n_fft, n_mels=nfilt, fmin=lowfreq,
                                fmax=highfreq), dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(0)
        # self.fb = filterbanks
        # self.window = window_tensor
        self.register_buffer("fb", filterbanks)
        self.register_buffer("window", window_tensor)
        # Calculate maximum sequence length (# frames)
        max_length = 1 + math.ceil(
            (max_duration * sample_rate - self.win_length) / self.hop_length
        max_pad = 16 - (max_length % 16)
        self.max_length = max_length + max_pad 
Example #14
Source File:    From pase with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size,
                 stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, groups=1,
                 sample_rate=16000, min_low_hz=50, min_band_hz=50):


        if in_channels != 1:
            #msg = (f'SincConv only support one input channel '
            #       f'(here, in_channels = {in_channels:d}).')
            msg = "SincConv only support one input channel (here, in_channels = {%i})" % (in_channels)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        # Forcing the filters to be odd (i.e, perfectly symmetrics)
        if kernel_size%2==0:
        self.stride = stride
        self.padding = padding
        self.dilation = dilation

        if bias:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support bias.')
        if groups > 1:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support groups.')

        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        self.min_low_hz = min_low_hz
        self.min_band_hz = min_band_hz

        # initialize filterbanks such that they are equally spaced in Mel scale
        low_hz = 30
        high_hz = self.sample_rate / 2 - (self.min_low_hz + self.min_band_hz)

        mel = np.linspace(self.to_mel(low_hz),
                          self.out_channels + 1)
        hz = self.to_hz(mel)

        # filter lower frequency (out_channels, 1)
        self.low_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(hz[:-1]).view(-1, 1))

        # filter frequency band (out_channels, 1)
        self.band_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(np.diff(hz)).view(-1, 1))

        # Hamming window
        #self.window_ = torch.hamming_window(self.kernel_size)
        n_lin=torch.linspace(0, (self.kernel_size/2)-1, steps=int((self.kernel_size/2))) # computing only half of the window

        # (kernel_size, 1)
        n = (self.kernel_size - 1) / 2.0
        self.n_ = 2*math.pi*torch.arange(-n, 0).view(1, -1) / self.sample_rate # Due to symmetry, I only need half of the time axes 
Example #15
Source File:    From pase with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size,
                 stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, groups=1,
                 sample_rate=16000, min_low_hz=50, min_band_hz=50):


        if in_channels != 1:
            #msg = (f'SincConv only support one input channel '
            #       f'(here, in_channels = {in_channels:d}).')
            msg = "SincConv only support one input channel (here, in_channels = {%i})" % (in_channels)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        # Forcing the filters to be odd (i.e, perfectly symmetrics)
        if kernel_size%2==0:
        self.stride = stride
        self.padding = padding
        self.dilation = dilation

        if bias:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support bias.')
        if groups > 1:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support groups.')

        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        self.min_low_hz = min_low_hz
        self.min_band_hz = min_band_hz

        # initialize filterbanks such that they are equally spaced in Mel scale
        low_hz = 30
        high_hz = self.sample_rate / 2 - (self.min_low_hz + self.min_band_hz)

        mel = np.linspace(self.to_mel(low_hz),
                          self.out_channels + 1)
        hz = self.to_hz(mel) / self.sample_rate

        # filter lower frequency (out_channels, 1)
        self.low_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(hz[:-1]).view(-1, 1))

        # filter frequency band (out_channels, 1)
        self.band_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(np.diff(hz)).view(-1, 1))

        # Hamming window
        #self.window_ = torch.hamming_window(self.kernel_size)
        n_lin=torch.linspace(0, self.kernel_size, steps=self.kernel_size)

        # (kernel_size, 1)
        n = (self.kernel_size - 1) / 2
        self.n_ = torch.arange(-n, n+1).view(1, -1) / self.sample_rate 
Example #16
Source File:    From pase with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size,
                 stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, groups=1,
                 sample_rate=16000, min_low_hz=50, min_band_hz=50):


        if in_channels != 1:
            #msg = (f'SincConv only support one input channel '
            #       f'(here, in_channels = {in_channels:d}).')
            msg = "SincConv only support one input channel (here, in_channels = {%i})" % (in_channels)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        # Forcing the filters to be odd (i.e, perfectly symmetrics)
        if kernel_size%2==0:
        self.stride = stride
        self.padding = padding
        self.dilation = dilation

        if bias:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support bias.')
        if groups > 1:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support groups.')

        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        self.min_low_hz = min_low_hz
        self.min_band_hz = min_band_hz

        # initialize filterbanks such that they are equally spaced in Mel scale
        low_hz = 30
        high_hz = self.sample_rate / 2 - (self.min_low_hz + self.min_band_hz)

        mel = np.linspace(self.to_mel(low_hz),
                          self.out_channels + 1)
        hz = self.to_hz(mel)

        # filter lower frequency (out_channels, 1)
        self.low_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(hz[:-1]).view(-1, 1))

        # filter frequency band (out_channels, 1)
        self.band_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(np.diff(hz)).view(-1, 1))

        # Hamming window
        #self.window_ = torch.hamming_window(self.kernel_size)
        n_lin=torch.linspace(0, (self.kernel_size/2)-1, steps=int((self.kernel_size/2))) # computing only half of the window

        # (kernel_size, 1)
        n = (self.kernel_size - 1) / 2.0
        self.n_ = 2*math.pi*torch.arange(-n, 0).view(1, -1) / self.sample_rate # Due to symmetry, I only need half of the time axes 
Example #17
Source File:    From pase with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size,
                 stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, groups=1,
                 sample_rate=16000, min_low_hz=50, min_band_hz=50):


        if in_channels != 1:
            #msg = (f'SincConv only support one input channel '
            #       f'(here, in_channels = {in_channels:d}).')
            msg = "SincConv only support one input channel (here, in_channels = {%i})" % (in_channels)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        # Forcing the filters to be odd (i.e, perfectly symmetrics)
        if kernel_size%2==0:
        self.stride = stride
        self.padding = padding
        self.dilation = dilation

        if bias:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support bias.')
        if groups > 1:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support groups.')

        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        self.min_low_hz = min_low_hz
        self.min_band_hz = min_band_hz

        # initialize filterbanks such that they are equally spaced in Mel scale
        low_hz = 30
        high_hz = self.sample_rate / 2 - (self.min_low_hz + self.min_band_hz)

        mel = np.linspace(self.to_mel(low_hz),
                          self.out_channels + 1)
        hz = self.to_hz(mel) / self.sample_rate

        # filter lower frequency (out_channels, 1)
        self.low_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(hz[:-1]).view(-1, 1))

        # filter frequency band (out_channels, 1)
        self.band_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(np.diff(hz)).view(-1, 1))

        # Hamming window
        #self.window_ = torch.hamming_window(self.kernel_size)
        n_lin=torch.linspace(0, self.kernel_size, steps=self.kernel_size)

        # (kernel_size, 1)
        n = (self.kernel_size - 1) / 2
        self.n_ = torch.arange(-n, n+1).view(1, -1) / self.sample_rate 
Example #18
Source File:    From pase with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size,
                 stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, groups=1,
                 sample_rate=16000, min_low_hz=50, min_band_hz=50):


        if in_channels != 1:
            #msg = (f'SincConv only support one input channel '
            #       f'(here, in_channels = {in_channels:d}).')
            msg = "SincConv only support one input channel (here, in_channels = {%i})" % (in_channels)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        # Forcing the filters to be odd (i.e, perfectly symmetrics)
        if kernel_size%2==0:
        self.stride = stride
        self.padding = padding
        self.dilation = dilation

        if bias:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support bias.')
        if groups > 1:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support groups.')

        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        self.min_low_hz = min_low_hz
        self.min_band_hz = min_band_hz

        # initialize filterbanks such that they are equally spaced in Mel scale
        low_hz = 30
        high_hz = self.sample_rate / 2 - (self.min_low_hz + self.min_band_hz)

        mel = np.linspace(self.to_mel(low_hz),
                          self.out_channels + 1)
        hz = self.to_hz(mel)

        # filter lower frequency (out_channels, 1)
        self.low_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(hz[:-1]).view(-1, 1))

        # filter frequency band (out_channels, 1)
        self.band_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(np.diff(hz)).view(-1, 1))

        # Hamming window
        #self.window_ = torch.hamming_window(self.kernel_size)
        n_lin=torch.linspace(0, (self.kernel_size/2)-1, steps=int((self.kernel_size/2))) # computing only half of the window

        # (kernel_size, 1)
        n = (self.kernel_size - 1) / 2.0
        self.n_ = 2*math.pi*torch.arange(-n, 0).view(1, -1) / self.sample_rate # Due to symmetry, I only need half of the time axes 
Example #19
Source File:    From pase with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size,
                 stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, groups=1,
                 sample_rate=16000, min_low_hz=50, min_band_hz=50):


        if in_channels != 1:
            #msg = (f'SincConv only support one input channel '
            #       f'(here, in_channels = {in_channels:d}).')
            msg = "SincConv only support one input channel (here, in_channels = {%i})" % (in_channels)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        # Forcing the filters to be odd (i.e, perfectly symmetrics)
        if kernel_size%2==0:
        self.stride = stride
        self.padding = padding
        self.dilation = dilation

        if bias:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support bias.')
        if groups > 1:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support groups.')

        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        self.min_low_hz = min_low_hz
        self.min_band_hz = min_band_hz

        # initialize filterbanks such that they are equally spaced in Mel scale
        low_hz = 30
        high_hz = self.sample_rate / 2 - (self.min_low_hz + self.min_band_hz)

        mel = np.linspace(self.to_mel(low_hz),
                          self.out_channels + 1)
        hz = self.to_hz(mel) / self.sample_rate

        # filter lower frequency (out_channels, 1)
        self.low_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(hz[:-1]).view(-1, 1))

        # filter frequency band (out_channels, 1)
        self.band_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(np.diff(hz)).view(-1, 1))

        # Hamming window
        #self.window_ = torch.hamming_window(self.kernel_size)
        n_lin=torch.linspace(0, self.kernel_size, steps=self.kernel_size)

        # (kernel_size, 1)
        n = (self.kernel_size - 1) / 2
        self.n_ = torch.arange(-n, n+1).view(1, -1) / self.sample_rate 
Example #20
Source File:    From pase with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size,
                 stride=1, padding='VALID', pad_mode='reflect',
                 dilation=1, bias=False, groups=1,
                 sample_rate=16000, min_low_hz=50, min_band_hz=50):


        if in_channels != 1:
            #msg = (f'SincConv only support one input channel '
            #       f'(here, in_channels = {in_channels:d}).')
            msg = "SincConv only support one input channel (here, in_channels = {%i})" % (in_channels)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        # Forcing the filters to be odd (i.e, perfectly symmetrics)
        if kernel_size%2==0:
        self.stride = stride
        self.padding = padding
        self.pad_mode = pad_mode
        self.dilation = dilation

        if bias:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support bias.')
        if groups > 1:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support groups.')

        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        self.min_low_hz = min_low_hz
        self.min_band_hz = min_band_hz

        # initialize filterbanks such that they are equally spaced in Mel scale
        low_hz = 30
        high_hz = self.sample_rate / 2 - (self.min_low_hz + self.min_band_hz)

        mel = np.linspace(self.to_mel(low_hz),
                          self.out_channels + 1)
        hz = self.to_hz(mel)

        # filter lower frequency (out_channels, 1)
        self.low_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(hz[:-1]).view(-1, 1))

        # filter frequency band (out_channels, 1)
        self.band_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(np.diff(hz)).view(-1, 1))

        # Hamming window
        #self.window_ = torch.hamming_window(self.kernel_size)
        n_lin=torch.linspace(0, (self.kernel_size/2)-1, steps=int((self.kernel_size/2))) # computing only half of the window

        # (kernel_size, 1)
        n = (self.kernel_size - 1) / 2.0
        self.n_ = 2*math.pi*torch.arange(-n, 0).view(1, -1) / self.sample_rate # Due to symmetry, I only need half of the time axes 
Example #21
Source File:    From pase with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size,
                 stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, groups=1,
                 sample_rate=16000, min_low_hz=50, min_band_hz=50):


        if in_channels != 1:
            #msg = (f'SincConv only support one input channel '
            #       f'(here, in_channels = {in_channels:d}).')
            msg = "SincConv only support one input channel (here, in_channels = {%i})" % (in_channels)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        # Forcing the filters to be odd (i.e, perfectly symmetrics)
        if kernel_size%2==0:
        self.stride = stride
        self.padding = padding
        self.dilation = dilation

        if bias:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support bias.')
        if groups > 1:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support groups.')

        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        self.min_low_hz = min_low_hz
        self.min_band_hz = min_band_hz

        # initialize filterbanks such that they are equally spaced in Mel scale
        low_hz = 30
        high_hz = self.sample_rate / 2 - (self.min_low_hz + self.min_band_hz)

        mel = np.linspace(self.to_mel(low_hz),
                          self.out_channels + 1)
        hz = self.to_hz(mel)

        # filter lower frequency (out_channels, 1)
        self.low_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(hz[:-1]).view(-1, 1))

        # filter frequency band (out_channels, 1)
        self.band_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(np.diff(hz)).view(-1, 1))

        # Hamming window
        #self.window_ = torch.hamming_window(self.kernel_size)
        n_lin=torch.linspace(0, (self.kernel_size/2)-1, steps=int((self.kernel_size/2))) # computing only half of the window

        # (kernel_size, 1)
        n = (self.kernel_size - 1) / 2.0
        self.n_ = 2*math.pi*torch.arange(-n, 0).view(1, -1) / self.sample_rate # Due to symmetry, I only need half of the time axes 
Example #22
Source File:    From pase with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size,
                 stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, groups=1,
                 sample_rate=16000, min_low_hz=50, min_band_hz=50):


        if in_channels != 1:
            #msg = (f'SincConv only support one input channel '
            #       f'(here, in_channels = {in_channels:d}).')
            msg = "SincConv only support one input channel (here, in_channels = {%i})" % (in_channels)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        # Forcing the filters to be odd (i.e, perfectly symmetrics)
        if kernel_size%2==0:
        self.stride = stride
        self.padding = padding
        self.dilation = dilation

        if bias:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support bias.')
        if groups > 1:
            raise ValueError('SincConv does not support groups.')

        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        self.min_low_hz = min_low_hz
        self.min_band_hz = min_band_hz

        # initialize filterbanks such that they are equally spaced in Mel scale
        low_hz = 30
        high_hz = self.sample_rate / 2 - (self.min_low_hz + self.min_band_hz)

        mel = np.linspace(self.to_mel(low_hz),
                          self.out_channels + 1)
        hz = self.to_hz(mel) / self.sample_rate

        # filter lower frequency (out_channels, 1)
        self.low_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(hz[:-1]).view(-1, 1))

        # filter frequency band (out_channels, 1)
        self.band_hz_ = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(np.diff(hz)).view(-1, 1))

        # Hamming window
        #self.window_ = torch.hamming_window(self.kernel_size)
        n_lin=torch.linspace(0, self.kernel_size, steps=self.kernel_size)

        # (kernel_size, 1)
        n = (self.kernel_size - 1) / 2
        self.n_ = torch.arange(-n, n+1).view(1, -1) / self.sample_rate