Python baselines.common.tf_util.function() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of baselines.common.tf_util.function(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module baselines.common.tf_util , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From DRL_DeliveryDuel with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def pathlength(path):
    return path["reward"].shape[0]# Loss function that we'll differentiate to get the policy gradient 
Example #2
Source File:    From DRL_DeliveryDuel with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, epsilon=1e-2, shape=()):

        self._sum = tf.get_variable(
            name="runningsum", trainable=False)
        self._sumsq = tf.get_variable(
            name="runningsumsq", trainable=False)
        self._count = tf.get_variable(
            name="count", trainable=False)
        self.shape = shape

        self.mean = tf.to_float(self._sum / self._count)
        self.std = tf.sqrt( tf.maximum( tf.to_float(self._sumsq / self._count) - tf.square(self.mean) , 1e-2 ))

        newsum = tf.placeholder(shape=self.shape, dtype=tf.float64, name='sum')
        newsumsq = tf.placeholder(shape=self.shape, dtype=tf.float64, name='var')
        newcount = tf.placeholder(shape=[], dtype=tf.float64, name='count')
        self.incfiltparams = U.function([newsum, newsumsq, newcount], [],
            updates=[tf.assign_add(self._sum, newsum),
                     tf.assign_add(self._sumsq, newsumsq),
                     tf.assign_add(self._count, newcount)]) 
Example #3
Source File:    From ICML2019-TREX with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, env, hidden_size, entcoeff=0.001, lr_rate=1e-3, scope="adversary"):
        self.scope = scope
        self.observation_shape = env.observation_space.shape
        self.actions_shape = env.action_space.shape
        self.input_shape = tuple([o+a for o, a in zip(self.observation_shape, self.actions_shape)])
        self.num_actions = env.action_space.shape[0]
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        # Build grpah
        generator_logits = self.build_graph(self.generator_obs_ph, self.generator_acs_ph, reuse=False)
        expert_logits = self.build_graph(self.expert_obs_ph, self.expert_acs_ph, reuse=True)
        # Build accuracy
        generator_acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.to_float(tf.nn.sigmoid(generator_logits) < 0.5))
        expert_acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.to_float(tf.nn.sigmoid(expert_logits) > 0.5))
        # Build regression loss
        # let x = logits, z = targets.
        # z * -log(sigmoid(x)) + (1 - z) * -log(1 - sigmoid(x))
        generator_loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=generator_logits, labels=tf.zeros_like(generator_logits))
        generator_loss = tf.reduce_mean(generator_loss)
        expert_loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=expert_logits, labels=tf.ones_like(expert_logits))
        expert_loss = tf.reduce_mean(expert_loss)
        # Build entropy loss
        logits = tf.concat([generator_logits, expert_logits], 0)
        entropy = tf.reduce_mean(logit_bernoulli_entropy(logits))
        entropy_loss = -entcoeff*entropy
        # Loss + Accuracy terms
        self.losses = [generator_loss, expert_loss, entropy, entropy_loss, generator_acc, expert_acc]
        self.loss_name = ["generator_loss", "expert_loss", "entropy", "entropy_loss", "generator_acc", "expert_acc"]
        self.total_loss = generator_loss + expert_loss + entropy_loss
        # Build Reward for policy
        self.reward_op = -tf.log(1-tf.nn.sigmoid(generator_logits)+1e-8)
        var_list = self.get_trainable_variables()
        self.lossandgrad = U.function([self.generator_obs_ph, self.generator_acs_ph, self.expert_obs_ph, self.expert_acs_ph],
                                      self.losses + [U.flatgrad(self.total_loss, var_list)]) 
Example #4
Source File:    From DRL_DeliveryDuel with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def validate_probtype(probtype, pdparam):
    N = 100000
    # Check to see if mean negative log likelihood == differential entropy
    Mval = np.repeat(pdparam[None, :], N, axis=0)
    M = probtype.param_placeholder([N])
    X = probtype.sample_placeholder([N])
    pd = probtype.pdfromflat(M)
    calcloglik = U.function([X, M], pd.logp(X))
    calcent = U.function([M], pd.entropy())
    Xval = tf.get_default_session().run(pd.sample(), feed_dict={M:Mval})
    logliks = calcloglik(Xval, Mval)
    entval_ll = - logliks.mean() #pylint: disable=E1101
    entval_ll_stderr = logliks.std() / np.sqrt(N) #pylint: disable=E1101
    entval = calcent(Mval).mean() #pylint: disable=E1101
    assert np.abs(entval - entval_ll) < 3 * entval_ll_stderr # within 3 sigmas

    # Check to see if kldiv[p,q] = - ent[p] - E_p[log q]
    M2 = probtype.param_placeholder([N])
    pd2 = probtype.pdfromflat(M2)
    q = pdparam + np.random.randn(pdparam.size) * 0.1
    Mval2 = np.repeat(q[None, :], N, axis=0)
    calckl = U.function([M, M2], pd.kl(pd2))
    klval = calckl(Mval, Mval2).mean() #pylint: disable=E1101
    logliks = calcloglik(Xval, Mval2)
    klval_ll = - entval - logliks.mean() #pylint: disable=E1101
    klval_ll_stderr = logliks.std() / np.sqrt(N) #pylint: disable=E1101
    assert np.abs(klval - klval_ll) < 3 * klval_ll_stderr # within 3 sigmas
    print('ok on', probtype, pdparam) 
Example #5
Source File:    From DRL_DeliveryDuel with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_MpiAdam():

    a = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(3).astype('float32'))
    b = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(2,5).astype('float32'))
    loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(a)) + tf.reduce_sum(tf.sin(b))

    stepsize = 1e-2
    update_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(stepsize).minimize(loss)
    do_update = U.function([], loss, updates=[update_op])

    for i in range(10):


    var_list = [a,b]
    lossandgrad = U.function([], [loss, U.flatgrad(loss, var_list)], updates=[update_op])
    adam = MpiAdam(var_list)

    for i in range(10):
        l,g = lossandgrad()
        adam.update(g, stepsize)
Example #6
Source File:    From ICML2019-TREX with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_MpiAdam():

    a = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(3).astype('float32'))
    b = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(2,5).astype('float32'))
    loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(a)) + tf.reduce_sum(tf.sin(b))

    stepsize = 1e-2
    update_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(stepsize).minimize(loss)
    do_update = U.function([], loss, updates=[update_op])

    losslist_ref = []
    for i in range(10):
        l = do_update()
        print(i, l)


    var_list = [a,b]
    lossandgrad = U.function([], [loss, U.flatgrad(loss, var_list)])
    adam = MpiAdam(var_list)

    losslist_test = []
    for i in range(10):
        l,g = lossandgrad()
        adam.update(g, stepsize)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(np.array(losslist_ref), np.array(losslist_test), atol=1e-4) 
Example #7
Source File:    From ICML2019-TREX with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def validate_probtype(probtype, pdparam):
    N = 100000
    # Check to see if mean negative log likelihood == differential entropy
    Mval = np.repeat(pdparam[None, :], N, axis=0)
    M = probtype.param_placeholder([N])
    X = probtype.sample_placeholder([N])
    pd = probtype.pdfromflat(M)
    calcloglik = U.function([X, M], pd.logp(X))
    calcent = U.function([M], pd.entropy())
    Xval = tf.get_default_session().run(pd.sample(), feed_dict={M:Mval})
    logliks = calcloglik(Xval, Mval)
    entval_ll = - logliks.mean() #pylint: disable=E1101
    entval_ll_stderr = logliks.std() / np.sqrt(N) #pylint: disable=E1101
    entval = calcent(Mval).mean() #pylint: disable=E1101
    assert np.abs(entval - entval_ll) < 3 * entval_ll_stderr # within 3 sigmas

    # Check to see if kldiv[p,q] = - ent[p] - E_p[log q]
    M2 = probtype.param_placeholder([N])
    pd2 = probtype.pdfromflat(M2)
    q = pdparam + np.random.randn(pdparam.size) * 0.1
    Mval2 = np.repeat(q[None, :], N, axis=0)
    calckl = U.function([M, M2], pd.kl(pd2))
    klval = calckl(Mval, Mval2).mean() #pylint: disable=E1101
    logliks = calcloglik(Xval, Mval2)
    klval_ll = - entval - logliks.mean() #pylint: disable=E1101
    klval_ll_stderr = logliks.std() / np.sqrt(N) #pylint: disable=E1101
    assert np.abs(klval - klval_ll) < 3 * klval_ll_stderr # within 3 sigmas
    print('ok on', probtype, pdparam) 
Example #8
Source File:    From ICML2019-TREX with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _init(self, ob_space, ac_space, hid_size, num_hid_layers, gaussian_fixed_var=True):
        assert isinstance(ob_space, gym.spaces.Box)

        self.pdtype = pdtype = make_pdtype(ac_space)
        sequence_length = None

        ob = U.get_placeholder(name="ob", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[sequence_length] + list(ob_space.shape))

        with tf.variable_scope("obfilter"):
            self.ob_rms = RunningMeanStd(shape=ob_space.shape)

        obz = tf.clip_by_value((ob - self.ob_rms.mean) / self.ob_rms.std, -5.0, 5.0)
        last_out = obz
        for i in range(num_hid_layers):
            last_out = tf.nn.tanh(dense(last_out, hid_size, "vffc%i" % (i+1), weight_init=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
        self.vpred = dense(last_out, 1, "vffinal", weight_init=U.normc_initializer(1.0))[:, 0]

        last_out = obz
        for i in range(num_hid_layers):
            last_out = tf.nn.tanh(dense(last_out, hid_size, "polfc%i" % (i+1), weight_init=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))

        if gaussian_fixed_var and isinstance(ac_space, gym.spaces.Box):
            mean = dense(last_out, pdtype.param_shape()[0]//2, "polfinal", U.normc_initializer(0.01))
            logstd = tf.get_variable(name="logstd", shape=[1, pdtype.param_shape()[0]//2], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
            pdparam = tf.concat([mean, mean * 0.0 + logstd], axis=1)
            pdparam = dense(last_out, pdtype.param_shape()[0], "polfinal", U.normc_initializer(0.01))

        self.pd = pdtype.pdfromflat(pdparam)

        self.state_in = []
        self.state_out = []

        # change for BC
        stochastic = U.get_placeholder(name="stochastic", dtype=tf.bool, shape=())
        ac = U.switch(stochastic, self.pd.sample(), self.pd.mode()) = ac
        self._act = U.function([stochastic, ob], [ac, self.vpred]) 
Example #9
Source File:    From ICML2019-TREX with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def learn(env, policy_func, dataset, optim_batch_size=128, max_iters=1e4,
          adam_epsilon=1e-5, optim_stepsize=3e-4,
          ckpt_dir=None, log_dir=None, task_name=None,

    val_per_iter = int(max_iters/10)
    ob_space = env.observation_space
    ac_space = env.action_space
    pi = policy_func("pi", ob_space, ac_space)  # Construct network for new policy
    # placeholder
    ob = U.get_placeholder_cached(name="ob")
    ac = pi.pdtype.sample_placeholder([None])
    stochastic = U.get_placeholder_cached(name="stochastic")
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(
    var_list = pi.get_trainable_variables()
    adam = MpiAdam(var_list, epsilon=adam_epsilon)
    lossandgrad = U.function([ob, ac, stochastic], [loss]+[U.flatgrad(loss, var_list)])

    logger.log("Pretraining with Behavior Cloning...")
    for iter_so_far in tqdm(range(int(max_iters))):
        ob_expert, ac_expert = dataset.get_next_batch(optim_batch_size, 'train')
        train_loss, g = lossandgrad(ob_expert, ac_expert, True)
        adam.update(g, optim_stepsize)
        if verbose and iter_so_far % val_per_iter == 0:
            ob_expert, ac_expert = dataset.get_next_batch(-1, 'val')
            val_loss, _ = lossandgrad(ob_expert, ac_expert, True)
            logger.log("Training loss: {}, Validation loss: {}".format(train_loss, val_loss))

    if ckpt_dir is None:
        savedir_fname = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory().name
        savedir_fname = osp.join(ckpt_dir, task_name)
    U.save_state(savedir_fname, var_list=pi.get_variables())
    return savedir_fname 
Example #10
Source File:    From ICML2019-TREX with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _init(self, ob_space, ac_space, kind):
        assert isinstance(ob_space, gym.spaces.Box)

        self.pdtype = pdtype = make_pdtype(ac_space)
        sequence_length = None

        ob = U.get_placeholder(name="ob", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[sequence_length] + list(ob_space.shape))

        x = ob / 255.0
        if kind == 'small': # from A3C paper
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 16, "l1", [8, 8], [4, 4], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 32, "l2", [4, 4], [2, 2], pad="VALID"))
            x = U.flattenallbut0(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(tf.layers.dense(x, 256, name='lin', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
        elif kind == 'large': # Nature DQN
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 32, "l1", [8, 8], [4, 4], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 64, "l2", [4, 4], [2, 2], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 64, "l3", [3, 3], [1, 1], pad="VALID"))
            x = U.flattenallbut0(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(tf.layers.dense(x, 512, name='lin', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
            raise NotImplementedError

        logits = tf.layers.dense(x, pdtype.param_shape()[0], name='logits', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(0.01))
        self.pd = pdtype.pdfromflat(logits)
        self.vpred = tf.layers.dense(x, 1, name='value', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0))[:,0]

        self.state_in = []
        self.state_out = []

        stochastic = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=())
        ac = self.pd.sample() # XXX
        self._act = U.function([stochastic, ob], [ac, self.vpred]) 
Example #11
Source File:    From ICML2019-TREX with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _init(self, ob_space, ac_space, hid_size, num_hid_layers, gaussian_fixed_var=True):
        assert isinstance(ob_space, gym.spaces.Box)

        self.pdtype = pdtype = make_pdtype(ac_space)
        sequence_length = None

        ob = U.get_placeholder(name="ob", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[sequence_length] + list(ob_space.shape))

        with tf.variable_scope("obfilter"):
            self.ob_rms = RunningMeanStd(shape=ob_space.shape)

        with tf.variable_scope('vf'):
            obz = tf.clip_by_value((ob - self.ob_rms.mean) / self.ob_rms.std, -5.0, 5.0)
            last_out = obz
            for i in range(num_hid_layers):
                last_out = tf.nn.tanh(tf.layers.dense(last_out, hid_size, name="fc%i"%(i+1), kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
            self.vpred = tf.layers.dense(last_out, 1, name='final', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0))[:,0]

        with tf.variable_scope('pol'):
            last_out = obz
            for i in range(num_hid_layers):
                last_out = tf.nn.tanh(tf.layers.dense(last_out, hid_size, name='fc%i'%(i+1), kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
            if gaussian_fixed_var and isinstance(ac_space, gym.spaces.Box):
                mean = tf.layers.dense(last_out, pdtype.param_shape()[0]//2, name='final', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(0.01))
                logstd = tf.get_variable(name="logstd", shape=[1, pdtype.param_shape()[0]//2], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
                pdparam = tf.concat([mean, mean * 0.0 + logstd], axis=1)
                pdparam = tf.layers.dense(last_out, pdtype.param_shape()[0], name='final', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(0.01))

        self.pd = pdtype.pdfromflat(pdparam)

        self.state_in = []
        self.state_out = []

        stochastic = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=())
        ac = U.switch(stochastic, self.pd.sample(), self.pd.mode())
        self._act = U.function([stochastic, ob], [ac, self.vpred]) 
Example #12
Source File:    From ICML2019-TREX with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, epsilon=1e-2, shape=()):

        self._sum = tf.get_variable(
            name="runningsum", trainable=False)
        self._sumsq = tf.get_variable(
            name="runningsumsq", trainable=False)
        self._count = tf.get_variable(
            name="count", trainable=False)
        self.shape = shape

        self.mean = tf.to_float(self._sum / self._count)
        self.std = tf.sqrt( tf.maximum( tf.to_float(self._sumsq / self._count) - tf.square(self.mean) , 1e-2 ))

        newsum = tf.placeholder(shape=self.shape, dtype=tf.float64, name='sum')
        newsumsq = tf.placeholder(shape=self.shape, dtype=tf.float64, name='var')
        newcount = tf.placeholder(shape=[], dtype=tf.float64, name='count')
        self.incfiltparams = U.function([newsum, newsumsq, newcount], [],
            updates=[tf.assign_add(self._sum, newsum),
                     tf.assign_add(self._sumsq, newsumsq),
                     tf.assign_add(self._count, newcount)]) 
Example #13
Source File:    From ICML2019-TREX with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_MpiAdam():

    a = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(3).astype('float32'))
    b = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(2,5).astype('float32'))
    loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(a)) + tf.reduce_sum(tf.sin(b))

    stepsize = 1e-2
    update_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(stepsize).minimize(loss)
    do_update = U.function([], loss, updates=[update_op])

    losslist_ref = []
    for i in range(10):
        l = do_update()
        print(i, l)


    var_list = [a,b]
    lossandgrad = U.function([], [loss, U.flatgrad(loss, var_list)])
    adam = MpiAdam(var_list)

    losslist_test = []
    for i in range(10):
        l,g = lossandgrad()
        adam.update(g, stepsize)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(np.array(losslist_ref), np.array(losslist_test), atol=1e-4) 
Example #14
Source File:    From ICML2019-TREX with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, epsilon=1e-2, shape=()):

        self._sum = tf.get_variable(
            name="runningsum", trainable=False)
        self._sumsq = tf.get_variable(
            name="runningsumsq", trainable=False)
        self._count = tf.get_variable(
            name="count", trainable=False)
        self.shape = shape

        self.mean = tf.to_float(self._sum / self._count)
        self.std = tf.sqrt( tf.maximum( tf.to_float(self._sumsq / self._count) - tf.square(self.mean) , 1e-2 ))

        newsum = tf.placeholder(shape=self.shape, dtype=tf.float64, name='sum')
        newsumsq = tf.placeholder(shape=self.shape, dtype=tf.float64, name='var')
        newcount = tf.placeholder(shape=[], dtype=tf.float64, name='count')
        self.incfiltparams = U.function([newsum, newsumsq, newcount], [],
            updates=[tf.assign_add(self._sum, newsum),
                     tf.assign_add(self._sumsq, newsumsq),
                     tf.assign_add(self._count, newcount)]) 
Example #15
Source File:    From DRL_DeliveryDuel with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _init(self, ob_space, ac_space):
        assert isinstance(ob_space, gym.spaces.Box)

        self.pdtype = pdtype = make_pdtype(ac_space)
        sequence_length = None

        ob = U.get_placeholder(name="ob", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[sequence_length] + list(ob_space.shape))

        obscaled = ob / 255.0

        with tf.variable_scope("pol"):
            x = obscaled
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 8, "l1", [8, 8], [4, 4], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 16, "l2", [4, 4], [2, 2], pad="VALID"))
            x = U.flattenallbut0(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(tf.layers.dense(x, 128, name='lin', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
            logits = tf.layers.dense(x, pdtype.param_shape()[0], name='logits', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(0.01))
            self.pd = pdtype.pdfromflat(logits)
        with tf.variable_scope("vf"):
            x = obscaled
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 8, "l1", [8, 8], [4, 4], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 16, "l2", [4, 4], [2, 2], pad="VALID"))
            x = U.flattenallbut0(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(tf.layers.dense(x, 128, name='lin', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
            self.vpred = tf.layers.dense(x, 1, name='value', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0))
            self.vpredz = self.vpred

        self.state_in = []
        self.state_out = []

        stochastic = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=())
        ac = self.pd.sample()
        self._act = U.function([stochastic, ob], [ac, self.vpred]) 
Example #16
Source File:    From DRL_DeliveryDuel with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _init(self, ob_space, ac_space, kind):
        assert isinstance(ob_space, gym.spaces.Box)

        self.pdtype = pdtype = make_pdtype(ac_space)
        sequence_length = None

        ob = U.get_placeholder(name="ob", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[sequence_length] + list(ob_space.shape))

        x = ob / 255.0
        if kind == 'small': # from A3C paper
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 16, "l1", [8, 8], [4, 4], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 32, "l2", [4, 4], [2, 2], pad="VALID"))
            x = U.flattenallbut0(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(tf.layers.dense(x, 256, name='lin', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
        elif kind == 'large': # Nature DQN
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 32, "l1", [8, 8], [4, 4], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 64, "l2", [4, 4], [2, 2], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 64, "l3", [3, 3], [1, 1], pad="VALID"))
            x = U.flattenallbut0(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(tf.layers.dense(x, 512, name='lin', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
            raise NotImplementedError

        logits = tf.layers.dense(x, pdtype.param_shape()[0], name='logits', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(0.01))
        self.pd = pdtype.pdfromflat(logits)
        self.vpred = tf.layers.dense(x, 1, name='value', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0))[:,0]

        self.state_in = []
        self.state_out = []

        stochastic = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=())
        ac = self.pd.sample() # XXX
        self._act = U.function([stochastic, ob], [ac, self.vpred]) 
Example #17
Source File:    From DRL_DeliveryDuel with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, ob_dim, ac_dim):
        # Here we'll construct a bunch of expressions, which will be used in two places:
        # (1) When sampling actions
        # (2) When computing loss functions, for the policy update
        # Variables specific to (1) have the word "sampled" in them,
        # whereas variables specific to (2) have the word "old" in them
        ob_no = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, ob_dim*2], name="ob") # batch of observations
        oldac_na = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, ac_dim], name="ac") # batch of actions previous actions
        oldac_dist = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, ac_dim*2], name="oldac_dist") # batch of actions previous action distributions
        adv_n = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name="adv") # advantage function estimate
        wd_dict = {}
        h1 = tf.nn.tanh(dense(ob_no, 64, "h1", weight_init=U.normc_initializer(1.0), bias_init=0.0, weight_loss_dict=wd_dict))
        h2 = tf.nn.tanh(dense(h1, 64, "h2", weight_init=U.normc_initializer(1.0), bias_init=0.0, weight_loss_dict=wd_dict))
        mean_na = dense(h2, ac_dim, "mean", weight_init=U.normc_initializer(0.1), bias_init=0.0, weight_loss_dict=wd_dict) # Mean control output
        self.wd_dict = wd_dict
        self.logstd_1a = logstd_1a = tf.get_variable("logstd", [ac_dim], tf.float32, tf.zeros_initializer()) # Variance on outputs
        logstd_1a = tf.expand_dims(logstd_1a, 0)
        std_1a = tf.exp(logstd_1a)
        std_na = tf.tile(std_1a, [tf.shape(mean_na)[0], 1])
        ac_dist = tf.concat([tf.reshape(mean_na, [-1, ac_dim]), tf.reshape(std_na, [-1, ac_dim])], 1)
        sampled_ac_na = tf.random_normal(tf.shape(ac_dist[:,ac_dim:])) * ac_dist[:,ac_dim:] + ac_dist[:,:ac_dim] # This is the sampled action we'll perform.
        logprobsampled_n = - tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(ac_dist[:,ac_dim:]), axis=1) - 0.5 * tf.log(2.0*np.pi)*ac_dim - 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(ac_dist[:,:ac_dim] - sampled_ac_na) / (tf.square(ac_dist[:,ac_dim:])), axis=1) # Logprob of sampled action
        logprob_n = - tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(ac_dist[:,ac_dim:]), axis=1) - 0.5 * tf.log(2.0*np.pi)*ac_dim - 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(ac_dist[:,:ac_dim] - oldac_na) / (tf.square(ac_dist[:,ac_dim:])), axis=1) # Logprob of previous actions under CURRENT policy (whereas oldlogprob_n is under OLD policy)
        kl = tf.reduce_mean(kl_div(oldac_dist, ac_dist, ac_dim))
        #kl = .5 * tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(logprob_n - oldlogprob_n)) # Approximation of KL divergence between old policy used to generate actions, and new policy used to compute logprob_n
        surr = - tf.reduce_mean(adv_n * logprob_n) # Loss function that we'll differentiate to get the policy gradient
        surr_sampled = - tf.reduce_mean(logprob_n) # Sampled loss of the policy
        self._act = U.function([ob_no], [sampled_ac_na, ac_dist, logprobsampled_n]) # Generate a new action and its logprob
        #self.compute_kl = U.function([ob_no, oldac_na, oldlogprob_n], kl) # Compute (approximate) KL divergence between old policy and new policy
        self.compute_kl = U.function([ob_no, oldac_dist], kl)
        self.update_info = ((ob_no, oldac_na, adv_n), surr, surr_sampled) # Input and output variables needed for computing loss
        U.initialize() # Initialize uninitialized TF variables 
Example #18
Source File:    From DRL_DeliveryDuel with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def learn(env, policy_func, dataset, optim_batch_size=128, max_iters=1e4,
          adam_epsilon=1e-5, optim_stepsize=3e-4,
          ckpt_dir=None, log_dir=None, task_name=None,

    val_per_iter = int(max_iters/10)
    ob_space = env.observation_space
    ac_space = env.action_space
    pi = policy_func("pi", ob_space, ac_space)  # Construct network for new policy
    # placeholder
    ob = U.get_placeholder_cached(name="ob")
    ac = pi.pdtype.sample_placeholder([None])
    stochastic = U.get_placeholder_cached(name="stochastic")
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(
    var_list = pi.get_trainable_variables()
    adam = MpiAdam(var_list, epsilon=adam_epsilon)
    lossandgrad = U.function([ob, ac, stochastic], [loss]+[U.flatgrad(loss, var_list)])

    logger.log("Pretraining with Behavior Cloning...")
    for iter_so_far in tqdm(range(int(max_iters))):
        ob_expert, ac_expert = dataset.get_next_batch(optim_batch_size, 'train')
        train_loss, g = lossandgrad(ob_expert, ac_expert, True)
        adam.update(g, optim_stepsize)
        if verbose and iter_so_far % val_per_iter == 0:
            ob_expert, ac_expert = dataset.get_next_batch(-1, 'val')
            val_loss, _ = lossandgrad(ob_expert, ac_expert, True)
            logger.log("Training loss: {}, Validation loss: {}".format(train_loss, val_loss))

    if ckpt_dir is None:
        savedir_fname = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory().name
        savedir_fname = osp.join(ckpt_dir, task_name)
    U.save_state(savedir_fname, var_list=pi.get_variables())
    return savedir_fname 
Example #19
Source File:    From DRL_DeliveryDuel with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _init(self, ob_space, ac_space, hid_size, num_hid_layers, gaussian_fixed_var=True):
        assert isinstance(ob_space, gym.spaces.Box)

        self.pdtype = pdtype = make_pdtype(ac_space)
        sequence_length = None

        ob = U.get_placeholder(name="ob", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[sequence_length] + list(ob_space.shape))

        with tf.variable_scope("obfilter"):
            self.ob_rms = RunningMeanStd(shape=ob_space.shape)

        obz = tf.clip_by_value((ob - self.ob_rms.mean) / self.ob_rms.std, -5.0, 5.0)
        last_out = obz
        for i in range(num_hid_layers):
            last_out = tf.nn.tanh(dense(last_out, hid_size, "vffc%i" % (i+1), weight_init=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
        self.vpred = dense(last_out, 1, "vffinal", weight_init=U.normc_initializer(1.0))[:, 0]

        last_out = obz
        for i in range(num_hid_layers):
            last_out = tf.nn.tanh(dense(last_out, hid_size, "polfc%i" % (i+1), weight_init=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))

        if gaussian_fixed_var and isinstance(ac_space, gym.spaces.Box):
            mean = dense(last_out, pdtype.param_shape()[0]//2, "polfinal", U.normc_initializer(0.01))
            logstd = tf.get_variable(name="logstd", shape=[1, pdtype.param_shape()[0]//2], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
            pdparam = tf.concat([mean, mean * 0.0 + logstd], axis=1)
            pdparam = dense(last_out, pdtype.param_shape()[0], "polfinal", U.normc_initializer(0.01))

        self.pd = pdtype.pdfromflat(pdparam)

        self.state_in = []
        self.state_out = []

        # change for BC
        stochastic = U.get_placeholder(name="stochastic", dtype=tf.bool, shape=())
        ac = U.switch(stochastic, self.pd.sample(), self.pd.mode()) = ac
        self._act = U.function([stochastic, ob], [ac, self.vpred]) 
Example #20
Source File:    From DRL_DeliveryDuel with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, env, hidden_size, entcoeff=0.001, lr_rate=1e-3, scope="adversary"):
        self.scope = scope
        self.observation_shape = env.observation_space.shape
        self.actions_shape = env.action_space.shape
        self.input_shape = tuple([o+a for o, a in zip(self.observation_shape, self.actions_shape)])
        self.num_actions = env.action_space.shape[0]
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        # Build grpah
        generator_logits = self.build_graph(self.generator_obs_ph, self.generator_acs_ph, reuse=False)
        expert_logits = self.build_graph(self.expert_obs_ph, self.expert_acs_ph, reuse=True)
        # Build accuracy
        generator_acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.to_float(tf.nn.sigmoid(generator_logits) < 0.5))
        expert_acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.to_float(tf.nn.sigmoid(expert_logits) > 0.5))
        # Build regression loss
        # let x = logits, z = targets.
        # z * -log(sigmoid(x)) + (1 - z) * -log(1 - sigmoid(x))
        generator_loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=generator_logits, labels=tf.zeros_like(generator_logits))
        generator_loss = tf.reduce_mean(generator_loss)
        expert_loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=expert_logits, labels=tf.ones_like(expert_logits))
        expert_loss = tf.reduce_mean(expert_loss)
        # Build entropy loss
        logits = tf.concat([generator_logits, expert_logits], 0)
        entropy = tf.reduce_mean(logit_bernoulli_entropy(logits))
        entropy_loss = -entcoeff*entropy
        # Loss + Accuracy terms
        self.losses = [generator_loss, expert_loss, entropy, entropy_loss, generator_acc, expert_acc]
        self.loss_name = ["generator_loss", "expert_loss", "entropy", "entropy_loss", "generator_acc", "expert_acc"]
        self.total_loss = generator_loss + expert_loss + entropy_loss
        # Build Reward for policy
        self.reward_op = -tf.log(1-tf.nn.sigmoid(generator_logits)+1e-8)
        var_list = self.get_trainable_variables()
        self.lossandgrad = U.function([self.generator_obs_ph, self.generator_acs_ph, self.expert_obs_ph, self.expert_acs_ph],
                                      self.losses + [U.flatgrad(self.total_loss, var_list)]) 
Example #21
Source File:    From learning2run with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def validate_probtype(probtype, pdparam):
    N = 100000
    # Check to see if mean negative log likelihood == differential entropy
    Mval = np.repeat(pdparam[None, :], N, axis=0)
    M = probtype.param_placeholder([N])
    X = probtype.sample_placeholder([N])
    pd = probtype.pdclass()(M)
    calcloglik = U.function([X, M], pd.logp(X))
    calcent = U.function([M], pd.entropy())
    Xval = U.eval(pd.sample(), feed_dict={M:Mval})
    logliks = calcloglik(Xval, Mval)
    entval_ll = - logliks.mean() #pylint: disable=E1101
    entval_ll_stderr = logliks.std() / np.sqrt(N) #pylint: disable=E1101
    entval = calcent(Mval).mean() #pylint: disable=E1101
    assert np.abs(entval - entval_ll) < 3 * entval_ll_stderr # within 3 sigmas

    # Check to see if kldiv[p,q] = - ent[p] - E_p[log q]
    M2 = probtype.param_placeholder([N])
    pd2 = probtype.pdclass()(M2)
    q = pdparam + np.random.randn(pdparam.size) * 0.1
    Mval2 = np.repeat(q[None, :], N, axis=0)
    calckl = U.function([M, M2], pd.kl(pd2))
    klval = calckl(Mval, Mval2).mean() #pylint: disable=E1101
    logliks = calcloglik(Xval, Mval2)
    klval_ll = - entval - logliks.mean() #pylint: disable=E1101
    klval_ll_stderr = logliks.std() / np.sqrt(N) #pylint: disable=E1101
    assert np.abs(klval - klval_ll) < 3 * klval_ll_stderr # within 3 sigmas 
Example #22
Source File:    From learning2run with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_MpiAdam():
    a = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(3).astype('float32'))
    b = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(2,5).astype('float32'))
    loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(a)) + tf.reduce_sum(tf.sin(b))

    stepsize = 1e-2
    update_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(stepsize).minimize(loss)
    do_update = U.function([], loss, updates=[update_op])

    for i in range(10):


    var_list = [a,b]
    lossandgrad = U.function([], [loss, U.flatgrad(loss, var_list)], updates=[update_op])
    adam = MpiAdam(var_list)

    for i in range(10):
        l,g = lossandgrad()
        adam.update(g, stepsize)
Example #23
Source File:    From learning2run with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, epsilon=1e-2, shape=()):

        self._sum = tf.get_variable(
            name="runningsum", trainable=False)
        self._sumsq = tf.get_variable(
            name="runningsumsq", trainable=False)
        self._count = tf.get_variable(
            name="count", trainable=False)
        self.shape = shape

        self.mean = tf.to_float(self._sum / self._count)
        self.std = tf.sqrt( tf.maximum( tf.to_float(self._sumsq / self._count) - tf.square(self.mean) , 1e-2 ))

        newsum = tf.placeholder(shape=self.shape, dtype=tf.float64, name='sum')
        newsumsq = tf.placeholder(shape=self.shape, dtype=tf.float64, name='var')
        newcount = tf.placeholder(shape=[], dtype=tf.float64, name='count')
        self.incfiltparams = U.function([newsum, newsumsq, newcount], [],
            updates=[tf.assign_add(self._sum, newsum),
                     tf.assign_add(self._sumsq, newsumsq),
                     tf.assign_add(self._count, newcount)]) 
Example #24
Source File:    From learning2run with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _init(self, ob_space, ac_space, kind):
        assert isinstance(ob_space, gym.spaces.Box)

        self.pdtype = pdtype = make_pdtype(ac_space)
        sequence_length = None

        ob = U.get_placeholder(name="ob", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[sequence_length] + list(ob_space.shape))
        x = ob / 255.0
        if kind == 'small': # from A3C paper
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 16, "l1", [8, 8], [4, 4], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 32, "l2", [4, 4], [2, 2], pad="VALID"))
            x = U.flattenallbut0(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.dense(x, 256, 'lin', U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
        elif kind == 'large': # Nature DQN
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 32, "l1", [8, 8], [4, 4], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 64, "l2", [4, 4], [2, 2], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 64, "l3", [3, 3], [1, 1], pad="VALID"))
            x = U.flattenallbut0(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.dense(x, 512, 'lin', U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
            raise NotImplementedError

        logits = U.dense(x, pdtype.param_shape()[0], "logits", U.normc_initializer(0.01))
        self.pd = pdtype.pdfromflat(logits)
        self.vpred = U.dense(x, 1, "value", U.normc_initializer(1.0))[:,0]

        self.state_in = []
        self.state_out = []

        stochastic = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=())
        ac = self.pd.sample() # XXX
        self._act = U.function([stochastic, ob], [ac, self.vpred]) 
Example #25
Source File:    From learning2run with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _init(self, ob_space, ac_space):
        assert isinstance(ob_space, gym.spaces.Box)

        self.pdtype = pdtype = make_pdtype(ac_space)
        sequence_length = None

        ob = U.get_placeholder(name="ob", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[sequence_length] + list(ob_space.shape))
        obscaled = ob / 255.0

        with tf.variable_scope("pol"):
            x = obscaled
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 8, "l1", [8, 8], [4, 4], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 16, "l2", [4, 4], [2, 2], pad="VALID"))
            x = U.flattenallbut0(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.dense(x, 128, 'lin', U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
            logits = U.dense(x, pdtype.param_shape()[0], "logits", U.normc_initializer(0.01))
            self.pd = pdtype.pdfromflat(logits)
        with tf.variable_scope("vf"):
            x = obscaled
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 8, "l1", [8, 8], [4, 4], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 16, "l2", [4, 4], [2, 2], pad="VALID"))
            x = U.flattenallbut0(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.dense(x, 128, 'lin', U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
            self.vpred = U.dense(x, 1, "value", U.normc_initializer(1.0))
            self.vpredz = self.vpred

        self.state_in = []
        self.state_out = []

        stochastic = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=())
        ac = self.pd.sample() # XXX
        self._act = U.function([stochastic, ob], [ac, self.vpred]) 
Example #26
Source File:    From lirpg with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, env, hidden_size, entcoeff=0.001, lr_rate=1e-3, scope="adversary"):
        self.scope = scope
        self.observation_shape = env.observation_space.shape
        self.actions_shape = env.action_space.shape
        self.input_shape = tuple([o+a for o, a in zip(self.observation_shape, self.actions_shape)])
        self.num_actions = env.action_space.shape[0]
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        # Build grpah
        generator_logits = self.build_graph(self.generator_obs_ph, self.generator_acs_ph, reuse=False)
        expert_logits = self.build_graph(self.expert_obs_ph, self.expert_acs_ph, reuse=True)
        # Build accuracy
        generator_acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.to_float(tf.nn.sigmoid(generator_logits) < 0.5))
        expert_acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.to_float(tf.nn.sigmoid(expert_logits) > 0.5))
        # Build regression loss
        # let x = logits, z = targets.
        # z * -log(sigmoid(x)) + (1 - z) * -log(1 - sigmoid(x))
        generator_loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=generator_logits, labels=tf.zeros_like(generator_logits))
        generator_loss = tf.reduce_mean(generator_loss)
        expert_loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=expert_logits, labels=tf.ones_like(expert_logits))
        expert_loss = tf.reduce_mean(expert_loss)
        # Build entropy loss
        logits = tf.concat([generator_logits, expert_logits], 0)
        entropy = tf.reduce_mean(logit_bernoulli_entropy(logits))
        entropy_loss = -entcoeff*entropy
        # Loss + Accuracy terms
        self.losses = [generator_loss, expert_loss, entropy, entropy_loss, generator_acc, expert_acc]
        self.loss_name = ["generator_loss", "expert_loss", "entropy", "entropy_loss", "generator_acc", "expert_acc"]
        self.total_loss = generator_loss + expert_loss + entropy_loss
        # Build Reward for policy
        self.reward_op = -tf.log(1-tf.nn.sigmoid(generator_logits)+1e-8)
        var_list = self.get_trainable_variables()
        self.lossandgrad = U.function([self.generator_obs_ph, self.generator_acs_ph, self.expert_obs_ph, self.expert_acs_ph],
                                      self.losses + [U.flatgrad(self.total_loss, var_list)]) 
Example #27
Source File:    From rl_graph_generation with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_MpiAdam():

    a = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(3).astype('float32'))
    b = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(2,5).astype('float32'))
    loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(a)) + tf.reduce_sum(tf.sin(b))

    stepsize = 1e-2
    update_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(stepsize).minimize(loss)
    do_update = U.function([], loss, updates=[update_op])

    for i in range(10):


    var_list = [a,b]
    lossandgrad = U.function([], [loss, U.flatgrad(loss, var_list)], updates=[update_op])
    adam = MpiAdam(var_list)

    for i in range(10):
        l,g = lossandgrad()
        adam.update(g, stepsize)
Example #28
Source File:    From rl_graph_generation with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, epsilon=1e-2, shape=()):

        self._sum = tf.get_variable(
            name="runningsum", trainable=False)
        self._sumsq = tf.get_variable(
            name="runningsumsq", trainable=False)
        self._count = tf.get_variable(
            name="count", trainable=False)
        self.shape = shape

        self.mean = tf.to_float(self._sum / self._count)
        self.std = tf.sqrt( tf.maximum( tf.to_float(self._sumsq / self._count) - tf.square(self.mean) , 1e-2 ))

        newsum = tf.placeholder(shape=self.shape, dtype=tf.float64, name='sum')
        newsumsq = tf.placeholder(shape=self.shape, dtype=tf.float64, name='var')
        newcount = tf.placeholder(shape=[], dtype=tf.float64, name='count')
        self.incfiltparams = U.function([newsum, newsumsq, newcount], [],
            updates=[tf.assign_add(self._sum, newsum),
                     tf.assign_add(self._sumsq, newsumsq),
                     tf.assign_add(self._count, newcount)]) 
Example #29
Source File:    From rl_graph_generation with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _init(self, ob_space, ac_space, kind):
        assert isinstance(ob_space, gym.spaces.Box)

        self.pdtype = pdtype = make_pdtype(ac_space)
        sequence_length = None

        ob = U.get_placeholder(name="ob", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[sequence_length] + list(ob_space.shape))

        x = ob / 255.0
        if kind == 'small': # from A3C paper
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 16, "l1", [8, 8], [4, 4], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 32, "l2", [4, 4], [2, 2], pad="VALID"))
            x = U.flattenallbut0(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(tf.layers.dense(x, 256, name='lin', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
        elif kind == 'large': # Nature DQN
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 32, "l1", [8, 8], [4, 4], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 64, "l2", [4, 4], [2, 2], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 64, "l3", [3, 3], [1, 1], pad="VALID"))
            x = U.flattenallbut0(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(tf.layers.dense(x, 512, name='lin', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
            raise NotImplementedError

        logits = tf.layers.dense(x, pdtype.param_shape()[0], name='logits', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(0.01))
        self.pd = pdtype.pdfromflat(logits)
        self.vpred = tf.layers.dense(x, 1, name='value', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0))[:,0]

        self.state_in = []
        self.state_out = []

        stochastic = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=())
        ac = self.pd.sample() # XXX
        self._act = U.function([stochastic, ob], [ac, self.vpred]) 
Example #30
Source File:    From rl_graph_generation with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _init(self, ob_space, ac_space):
        assert isinstance(ob_space, gym.spaces.Box)

        self.pdtype = pdtype = make_pdtype(ac_space)
        sequence_length = None

        ob = U.get_placeholder(name="ob", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[sequence_length] + list(ob_space.shape))

        obscaled = ob / 255.0

        with tf.variable_scope("pol"):
            x = obscaled
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 8, "l1", [8, 8], [4, 4], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 16, "l2", [4, 4], [2, 2], pad="VALID"))
            x = U.flattenallbut0(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(tf.layers.dense(x, 128, name='lin', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
            logits = tf.layers.dense(x, pdtype.param_shape()[0], name='logits', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(0.01))
            self.pd = pdtype.pdfromflat(logits)
        with tf.variable_scope("vf"):
            x = obscaled
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 8, "l1", [8, 8], [4, 4], pad="VALID"))
            x = tf.nn.relu(U.conv2d(x, 16, "l2", [4, 4], [2, 2], pad="VALID"))
            x = U.flattenallbut0(x)
            x = tf.nn.relu(tf.layers.dense(x, 128, name='lin', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0)))
            self.vpred = tf.layers.dense(x, 1, name='value', kernel_initializer=U.normc_initializer(1.0))
            self.vpredz = self.vpred

        self.state_in = []
        self.state_out = []

        stochastic = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=())
        ac = self.pd.sample()
        self._act = U.function([stochastic, ob], [ac, self.vpred])