Python utils.Dataset() Examples
The following are 13
code examples of utils.Dataset().
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Example #1
Source File: From cs294-112_hws with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _gather_rollouts(self, policy, num_rollouts): dataset = utils.Dataset() for _ in range(num_rollouts): state = self._env.reset() done = False t = 0 while not done: if self._render: timeit.start('render') self._env.render() timeit.stop('render') timeit.start('get action') action = policy.get_action(state) timeit.stop('get action') timeit.start('env step') next_state, reward, done, _ = self._env.step(action) timeit.stop('env step') done = done or (t >= self._max_rollout_length) dataset.add(state, action, next_state, reward, done) state = next_state t += 1 return dataset
Example #2
Source File: From images-to-osm with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_ax(rows=1, cols=1, size=8): """Return a Matplotlib Axes array to be used in all visualizations in the notebook. Provide a central point to control graph sizes. Change the default size attribute to control the size of rendered images """ _, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(size*cols, size*rows)) return ax # ## Dataset # # Create a synthetic dataset # # Extend the Dataset class and add a method to load the shapes dataset, `load_shapes()`, and override the following methods: # # * load_image() # * load_mask() # * image_reference() # In[4]:
Example #3
Source File: From seq2seq-summarizer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def eval_bs(test_set: Dataset, vocab: Vocab, model: Seq2Seq, params: Params): test_gen = test_set.generator(1, vocab, None, True if params.pointer else False) n_samples = int(params.test_sample_ratio * len(test_set.pairs)) if params.test_save_results and params.model_path_prefix: result_file = + ".results.tgz", 'w:gz') else: result_file = None model.eval() r1, r2, rl, rsu4 = 0, 0, 0, 0 prog_bar = tqdm(range(1, n_samples + 1)) for i in prog_bar: batch = next(test_gen) scores, file_content = eval_bs_batch(batch, model, vocab, pack_seq=params.pack_seq, beam_size=params.beam_size, min_out_len=params.min_out_len, max_out_len=params.max_out_len, len_in_words=params.out_len_in_words, details=result_file is not None) if file_content: file_content = file_content.encode('utf-8') file_info = tarfile.TarInfo(name='%06d.txt' % i) file_info.size = len(file_content) result_file.addfile(file_info, fileobj=BytesIO(file_content)) if scores: r1 += scores[0]['1_f'] r2 += scores[0]['2_f'] rl += scores[0]['l_f'] rsu4 += scores[0]['su4_f'] prog_bar.set_postfix(R1='%.4g' % (r1 / i * 100), R2='%.4g' % (r2 / i * 100), RL='%.4g' % (rl / i * 100), RSU4='%.4g' % (rsu4 / i * 100))
Example #4
Source File: From Object_Detection_Tracking with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def read_data_coco(datajson, config, add_gt=False, load_coco_class=False): with open(datajson, "r") as f: dj = json.load(f) if load_coco_class: add_coco(config, datajson) data = {"imgs":[], "ids":[]} if add_gt: data = {"imgs":[], "ids":[], "gt":[]} # read coco annotation file for one in dj["images"]: imgid = int(one["id"]) imgfile = os.path.join(config.imgpath, one["file_name"]) if config.coco2014_to_2017: imgfile = os.path.join(config.imgpath, one["file_name"].split("_")[-1]) data["imgs"].append(imgfile) data["ids"].append(imgid) if add_gt: # load the bounding box and so on pass return Dataset(data, add_gt=add_gt) # for testing, dataset -> {"imgs":[],"ids":[]}, imgs is the image file path,
Example #5
Source File: From img2imgGAN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(_): """Begins the execution of the program Args: _ : Tensorflow flags app instance """ if FLAGS.create != "": dataset = utils.Dataset(FLAGS) dataset.create_records(FLAGS.create) exit() if not FLAGS.test: priliminary_checks(FLAGS) idx = get_runid(FLAGS) create_rundirs(FLAGS, idx) dump_model_params(FLAGS) log_config(idx, FLAGS.__flags) if net = nnet.Model(FLAGS, is_training=False) net.test_graph() exit() FLAGS.h = 600 if FLAGS.dataset == 'maps' else 256 FLAGS.w = FLAGS.h if FLAGS.train or FLAGS.resume: net = nnet.Model(FLAGS, is_training=True) net.train() print ' - Done training the network...' else: print ' - Testing the model...' net = nnet.Model(FLAGS, is_training=False) net.test(FLAGS.test_source)
Example #6
Source File: From images-to-osm with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, rootDir): utils.Dataset.__init__(self) self.ROOT_DIR = rootDir
Example #7
Source File: From Mask-RCNN-Pedestrian-Detection with MIT License | 4 votes |
def evaluate_coco(model, dataset, coco, eval_type="bbox", limit=0, image_ids=None): """Runs official COCO evaluation. dataset: A Dataset object with valiadtion data eval_type: "bbox" or "segm" for bounding box or segmentation evaluation limit: if not 0, it's the number of images to use for evaluation """ # Pick COCO images from the dataset image_ids = image_ids or dataset.image_ids # Limit to a subset if limit: image_ids = image_ids[:limit] # Get corresponding COCO image IDs. coco_image_ids = [dataset.image_info[id]["id"] for id in image_ids] t_prediction = 0 t_start = time.time() results = [] for i, image_id in enumerate(image_ids): # Load image image = dataset.load_image(image_id) # Run detection t = time.time() r = model.detect([image], verbose=0)[0] t_prediction += (time.time() - t) # Convert results to COCO format image_results = build_coco_results(dataset, coco_image_ids[i:i + 1], r["rois"], r["class_ids"], r["scores"], r["masks"]) results.extend(image_results) # Load results. This modifies results with additional attributes. coco_results = coco.loadRes(results) # Evaluate cocoEval = COCOeval(coco, coco_results, eval_type) cocoEval.params.imgIds = coco_image_ids cocoEval.evaluate() cocoEval.accumulate() cocoEval.summarize() print("Prediction time: {}. Average {}/image".format( t_prediction, t_prediction / len(image_ids))) print("Total time: ", time.time() - t_start) ############################################################ # Training ############################################################
Example #8
Source File: From decentralized_AI with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def evaluate_coco(model, dataset, coco, eval_type="bbox", limit=0, image_ids=None): """Runs official COCO evaluation. dataset: A Dataset object with valiadtion data eval_type: "bbox" or "segm" for bounding box or segmentation evaluation limit: if not 0, it's the number of images to use for evaluation """ # Pick COCO images from the dataset image_ids = image_ids or dataset.image_ids # Limit to a subset if limit: image_ids = image_ids[:limit] # Get corresponding COCO image IDs. coco_image_ids = [dataset.image_info[id]["id"] for id in image_ids] t_prediction = 0 t_start = time.time() results = [] for i, image_id in enumerate(image_ids): # Load image image = dataset.load_image(image_id) # Run detection t = time.time() r = model.detect([image])[0] t_prediction += (time.time() - t) # Convert results to COCO format image_results = build_coco_results(dataset, coco_image_ids[i:i + 1], r["rois"], r["class_ids"], r["scores"], r["masks"]) results.extend(image_results) # Load results. This modifies results with additional attributes. coco_results = coco.loadRes(results) # Evaluate cocoEval = COCOeval(coco, coco_results, eval_type) cocoEval.params.imgIds = coco_image_ids cocoEval.evaluate() cocoEval.accumulate() cocoEval.summarize() print("Prediction time: {}. Average {}/image".format( t_prediction, t_prediction / len(image_ids))) print("Total time: ", time.time() - t_start) ############################################################ # Training ############################################################
Example #9
Source File: From FVTA_MemexQA with MIT License | 4 votes |
def read_data(config,datatype,loadExistModelShared=False): data_path = os.path.join(config.prepropath,"%s_data.p"%datatype) shared_path = os.path.join(config.prepropath,"%s_shared.p"%datatype) with open(data_path,"rb")as f: data = pickle.load(f) with open(shared_path,"rb") as f: shared = pickle.load(f) # this will be added later with word id, either new or load from exists num_examples = len(data['q']) valid_idxs = range(num_examples) print "loaded %s/%s data points for %s"%(len(valid_idxs),num_examples,datatype) # this is the file for the model' training, with word ID and stuff, if set load in config, will read from existing, otherwise write a new one # load the word2idx info into shared[] model_shared_path = os.path.join(config.outpath,"shared.p") if(loadExistModelShared): with open(model_shared_path,"rb") as f: model_shared = pickle.load(f) for key in model_shared: shared[key] = model_shared[key] else: # no fine tuning of word vector # the word larger than word_count_thres and not in the glove word2vec # word2idx -> the idx is the wordCounter's item() idx # the new word to index # shared['word2idx'] = {word:idx+2 for idx,word in enumerate([word for word,count in shared['wordCounter'].items() if (count > config.word_count_thres) and not shared['word2vec'].has_key(word)])} shared['char2idx'] = {char:idx+2 for idx,char in enumerate([char for char,count in shared['charCounter'].items() if count > config.char_count_thres])} #print "len of shared['word2idx']:%s"%len(shared['word2idx']) NULL = "<NULL>" UNK = "<UNK>" shared['word2idx'][NULL] = 0 shared['char2idx'][NULL] = 0 shared['word2idx'][UNK] = 1 shared['char2idx'][UNK] = 1 # existing word in word2vec will be put after len(new word)+2 pickle.dump({"word2idx":shared['word2idx'],'char2idx':shared['char2idx']},open(model_shared_path,"wb")) # load the word embedding for word in word2vec shared['existing_word2idx'] = {word:idx for idx,word in enumerate([word for word in sorted(shared['word2vec'].keys()) if not shared['word2idx'].has_key(word)])} # idx -> vector idx2vec = {idx:shared['word2vec'][word] for word,idx in shared['existing_word2idx'].items()} # load all this vector into a matrix # so you can use word -> idx -> vector # using xrange(len) so that the idx is 0,1,2,3... # then it could be call with embedding lookup with the correct idx shared['existing_emb_mat'] = np.array([idx2vec[idx] for idx in xrange(len(idx2vec))],dtype="float32") assert config.image_feat_dim == shared['pid2feat'][shared['pid2feat'].keys()[0]].shape[0], ("image dim is not %s, it is %s"%(config.image_feat_dim,shared['pid2feat'][shared['pid2feat'].keys()[0]].shape[0])) return Dataset(data,datatype,shared=shared,valid_idxs=valid_idxs)
Example #10
Source File: From SummaRuNNer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test(): embed = torch.Tensor(np.load(args.embedding)['embedding']) with open(args.word2id) as f: word2id = json.load(f) vocab = utils.Vocab(embed, word2id) with open(args.test_dir) as f: examples = [json.loads(line) for line in f] test_dataset = utils.Dataset(examples) test_iter = DataLoader(dataset=test_dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False) if use_gpu: checkpoint = torch.load(args.load_dir) else: checkpoint = torch.load(args.load_dir, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) # checkpoint['args']['device'] saves the device used as train time # if at test time, we are using a CPU, we must override device to None if not use_gpu: checkpoint['args'].device = None net = getattr(models,checkpoint['args'].model)(checkpoint['args']) net.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model']) if use_gpu: net.cuda() net.eval() doc_num = len(test_dataset) time_cost = 0 file_id = 1 for batch in tqdm(test_iter): features,_,summaries,doc_lens = vocab.make_features(batch) t1 = time() if use_gpu: probs = net(Variable(features).cuda(), doc_lens) else: probs = net(Variable(features), doc_lens) t2 = time() time_cost += t2 - t1 start = 0 for doc_id,doc_len in enumerate(doc_lens): stop = start + doc_len prob = probs[start:stop] topk = min(args.topk,doc_len) topk_indices = prob.topk(topk)[1].cpu().data.numpy() topk_indices.sort() doc = batch['doc'][doc_id].split('\n')[:doc_len] hyp = [doc[index] for index in topk_indices] ref = summaries[doc_id] with open(os.path.join(args.ref,str(file_id)+'.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write(ref) with open(os.path.join(args.hyp,str(file_id)+'.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(hyp)) start = stop file_id = file_id + 1 print('Speed: %.2f docs / s' % (doc_num / time_cost))
Example #11
Source File: From SummaRuNNer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def predict(examples): embed = torch.Tensor(np.load(args.embedding)['embedding']) with open(args.word2id) as f: word2id = json.load(f) vocab = utils.Vocab(embed, word2id) pred_dataset = utils.Dataset(examples) pred_iter = DataLoader(dataset=pred_dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False) if use_gpu: checkpoint = torch.load(args.load_dir) else: checkpoint = torch.load(args.load_dir, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) # checkpoint['args']['device'] saves the device used as train time # if at test time, we are using a CPU, we must override device to None if not use_gpu: checkpoint['args'].device = None net = getattr(models,checkpoint['args'].model)(checkpoint['args']) net.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model']) if use_gpu: net.cuda() net.eval() doc_num = len(pred_dataset) time_cost = 0 file_id = 1 for batch in tqdm(pred_iter): features, doc_lens = vocab.make_predict_features(batch) t1 = time() if use_gpu: probs = net(Variable(features).cuda(), doc_lens) else: probs = net(Variable(features), doc_lens) t2 = time() time_cost += t2 - t1 start = 0 for doc_id,doc_len in enumerate(doc_lens): stop = start + doc_len prob = probs[start:stop] topk = min(args.topk,doc_len) topk_indices = prob.topk(topk)[1].cpu().data.numpy() topk_indices.sort() doc = batch[doc_id].split('. ')[:doc_len] hyp = [doc[index] for index in topk_indices] with open(os.path.join(args.hyp,str(file_id)+'.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write('. '.join(hyp)) start = stop file_id = file_id + 1 print('Speed: %.2f docs / s' % (doc_num / time_cost))
Example #12
Source File: From latte with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def evaluate_coco(model, dataset, coco, eval_type="bbox", limit=0, image_ids=None): """Runs official COCO evaluation. dataset: A Dataset object with valiadtion data eval_type: "bbox" or "segm" for bounding box or segmentation evaluation limit: if not 0, it's the number of images to use for evaluation """ # Pick COCO images from the dataset image_ids = image_ids or dataset.image_ids # Limit to a subset if limit: image_ids = image_ids[:limit] # Get corresponding COCO image IDs. coco_image_ids = [dataset.image_info[id]["id"] for id in image_ids] t_prediction = 0 t_start = time.time() results = [] for i, image_id in enumerate(image_ids): # Load image image = dataset.load_image(image_id) # Run detection t = time.time() r = model.detect([image], verbose=0)[0] t_prediction += (time.time() - t) # Convert results to COCO format image_results = build_coco_results(dataset, coco_image_ids[i:i + 1], r["rois"], r["class_ids"], r["scores"], r["masks"]) results.extend(image_results) # Load results. This modifies results with additional attributes. coco_results = coco.loadRes(results) # Evaluate cocoEval = COCOeval(coco, coco_results, eval_type) cocoEval.params.imgIds = coco_image_ids cocoEval.evaluate() cocoEval.accumulate() cocoEval.summarize() print("Prediction time: {}. Average {}/image".format( t_prediction, t_prediction / len(image_ids))) print("Total time: ", time.time() - t_start) ############################################################ # Training ############################################################
Example #13
Source File: From cvpr-2018-autonomous-driving-autopilot-solution with MIT License | 4 votes |
def evaluate_coco(model, dataset, coco, eval_type="bbox", limit=0, image_ids=None): """Runs official COCO evaluation. dataset: A Dataset object with valiadtion data eval_type: "bbox" or "segm" for bounding box or segmentation evaluation limit: if not 0, it's the number of images to use for evaluation """ # Pick COCO images from the dataset image_ids = image_ids or dataset.image_ids # Limit to a subset if limit: image_ids = image_ids[:limit] # Get corresponding COCO image IDs. coco_image_ids = [dataset.image_info[id]["id"] for id in image_ids] t_prediction = 0 t_start = time.time() results = [] for i, image_id in enumerate(image_ids): # Load image image = dataset.load_image(image_id) # Run detection t = time.time() r = model.detect([image])[0] t_prediction += (time.time() - t) # Convert results to COCO format image_results = build_coco_results(dataset, coco_image_ids[i:i + 1], r["rois"], r["class_ids"], r["scores"], r["masks"]) results.extend(image_results) # Load results. This modifies results with additional attributes. coco_results = coco.loadRes(results) # Evaluate cocoEval = COCOeval(coco, coco_results, eval_type) cocoEval.params.imgIds = coco_image_ids cocoEval.evaluate() cocoEval.accumulate() cocoEval.summarize() print("Prediction time: {}. Average {}/image".format( t_prediction, t_prediction / len(image_ids))) print("Total time: ", time.time() - t_start) ############################################################ # Training ############################################################