Python eth_abi.encode_abi() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of eth_abi.encode_abi().
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Example #1
Source File: From brownie with MIT License | 6 votes |
def encode_input(self, *args: Tuple) -> str: """ Generate encoded ABI data to call the method with the given arguments. Arguments --------- *args Contract method inputs Returns ------- str Hexstring of encoded ABI data """ data = format_input(self.abi, args) types_list = get_type_strings(self.abi["inputs"]) return self.signature + eth_abi.encode_abi(types_list, data).hex()
Example #2
Source File: From clove with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def web3_request_side_effect(method, params): if method == 'eth_gasPrice': return 20000000000 elif method == 'eth_estimateGas': return 125000 elif method == 'eth_getTransactionCount': return 1 elif method == 'net_version': return 42 elif method == 'eth_blockNumber': return 8400000 elif method == 'eth_call': encoded_abi = encode_abi(abi_swaps_types, non_zero_balance_abi_contract) return encoded_abi.hex() elif method == 'eth_getFilterLogs': return [ { 'data': '0xbc2424e1dcdd2e425c555bcea35a54fd27cf540e60f18366e153e3fb7cf4490c', 'transactionHash': HexBytes('0x65320e57b9d18ec08388896b029ad1495beb7a57c547440253a1dde01b4485f1'), } ] return None
Example #3
Source File: From eth-tester with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _make_call_throws_transaction(eth_tester, contract_address, contract_name, fn_name, fn_args=None): from eth_abi import encode_abi if fn_args is None: fn_args = tuple() fn_abi = THROWS_ABI[contract_name][fn_name] arg_types = [ arg_abi['type'] for arg_abi in fn_abi['inputs'] ] fn_selector = function_abi_to_4byte_selector(fn_abi) transaction = { "from": eth_tester.get_accounts()[0], "to": contract_address, "gas": 500000, "data": encode_hex(fn_selector + encode_abi(arg_types, fn_args)), } return transaction
Example #4
Source File: From eth-tester with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _call_emitter(eth_tester, contract_address, fn_name, fn_args): from eth_abi import encode_abi fn_abi = EMITTER_ABI[fn_name] arg_types = [ arg_abi['type'] for arg_abi in fn_abi['inputs'] ] fn_selector = function_abi_to_4byte_selector(fn_abi) emit_a_hash = eth_tester.send_transaction({ "from": eth_tester.get_accounts()[0], "to": contract_address, "gas": 500000, "data": encode_hex(fn_selector + encode_abi(arg_types, fn_args)), }) return emit_a_hash
Example #5
Source File: From eth-tester with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _make_call_math_transaction(eth_tester, contract_address, fn_name, fn_args=None): from eth_abi import encode_abi if fn_args is None: fn_args = tuple() fn_abi = MATH_ABI[fn_name] arg_types = [ arg_abi['type'] for arg_abi in fn_abi['inputs'] ] fn_selector = function_abi_to_4byte_selector(fn_abi) transaction = { "from": eth_tester.get_accounts()[0], "to": contract_address, "gas": 500000, "data": encode_hex(fn_selector + encode_abi(arg_types, fn_args)), } return transaction
Example #6
Source File: From raiden-contracts with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _verify_token_networks(chain_id: ChainID, apikey: str) -> None: deployment_file_path = contracts_deployed_path(chain_id=chain_id) with as f: deployed_contracts_info = json.load(f) token_networks = deployed_contracts_info.get("token_networks", []) with open(contracts_precompiled_path()) as f: contract_dict = json.load(f)["contracts"][CONTRACT_TOKEN_NETWORK] metadata = json.loads(contract_dict["metadata"]) constructor = [func for func in contract_dict["abi"] if func["type"] == "constructor"][0] arg_types = [arg["type"] for arg in constructor["inputs"]] arg_names = [arg["name"] for arg in constructor["inputs"]] for tn in token_networks: args = [tn["constructor_arguments"][arg_name] for arg_name in arg_names] etherscan_verify_contract( chain_id=chain_id, apikey=apikey, address=tn["token_network_address"], contract_name=CONTRACT_TOKEN_NETWORK, metadata=metadata, constructor_args=encode_abi(arg_types, args).hex(), )
Example #7
Source File: From brownie with MIT License | 5 votes |
def encode_input(self, *args: tuple) -> str: bytecode = self._parent.bytecode # find and replace unlinked library pointers in bytecode for marker in re.findall("_{1,}[^_]*_{1,}", bytecode): library = marker.strip("_") if not self._parent._project[library]: raise UndeployedLibrary( f"Contract requires '{library}' library, but it has not been deployed yet" ) address = self._parent._project[library][-1].address[-40:] bytecode = bytecode.replace(marker, address) data = format_input(self.abi, args) types_list = get_type_strings(self.abi["inputs"]) return bytecode + eth_abi.encode_abi(types_list, data).hex()
Example #8
Source File: From raiden-contracts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_packed_transfers(pending_transfers: Collection, types: List) -> bytes: packed_transfers: List[bytes] = [encode_abi(types, x[:-1]) for x in pending_transfers] return reduce((lambda x, y: x + y), packed_transfers)
Example #9
Source File: From raiden-contracts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_constructor_args( deployment_info: DeployedContracts, contract_name: str, contract_manager: ContractManager ) -> str: constructor_arguments = deployment_info["contracts"][contract_name]["constructor_arguments"] if constructor_arguments != []: constructor_types = contract_manager.get_constructor_argument_types(contract_name) constructor_args = encode_abi(types=constructor_types, args=constructor_arguments).hex() else: constructor_types = [] constructor_args = "" print("constructor_args", constructor_arguments, constructor_types, constructor_args) return constructor_args
Example #10
Source File: From hummingbot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _encode_data(primaryType: str, data: any, types) -> str: encodedTypes = ['bytes32'] encodedValues = [_type_hash(primaryType, types)] for field in types[primaryType]: value = data[field['name']] if field['type'] == 'string': hashValue = keccak(text=value) encodedTypes.append('bytes32') encodedValues.append(hashValue) elif field['type'] == 'bytes': hashValue = keccak(hexstr=value) encodedTypes.append('bytes32') encodedValues.append(hashValue) elif field['type'] in types: encodedTypes.append('bytes32') hashValue = keccak(_encode_data(field['type'], value, types).encode()) encodedValues.append(hashValue) elif field['type'] == 'uint256': encodedTypes.append('uint256') encodedValues.append(int(value)) else: encodedTypes.append(field['type']) normalizedValue = _normalize_value(field['type'], value) encodedValues.append(normalizedValue) return encode_abi(encodedTypes, encodedValues)