Python bokeh.models() Examples
The following are 12
code examples of bokeh.models().
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Example #1
Source File: From chartify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def set_xaxis_tick_format(self, num_format): """Set x-axis tick label number format. Args: num_format (string): the number format for the x-axis tick labels Examples: Decimal precision >>> ch.set_xaxis_tick_format('0.0') Label format: 1000 -> 1000.0 Percentage >>> ch.set_xaxis_tick_format("0%") Label format: 0.9748 -> 97% 0.974878234 ‘0.000%’ 97.488% Currency: >>> ch.set_xaxis_tick_format('$0,0.00') Label format: 1000.234 -> $1,000.23 Auto formatting: >>> ch.set_xaxis_tick_format('0 a') Label format: 10000 -> 10 K Additional documentation: Returns: Current chart object """ self._chart.figure.xaxis[0].formatter = ( bokeh.models.NumeralTickFormatter(format=num_format) ) return self._chart
Example #2
Source File: From chartify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def set_yaxis_tick_format(self, num_format): """Set y-axis tick label number format. Args: num_format (string): the number format for the y-axis tick labels Examples: Decimal precision >>> ch.set_yaxis_tick_format('0.0') Label format: 1000 -> 1000.0 Percentage >>> ch.set_yaxis_tick_format("0%") Label format: 0.9748 -> 97% 0.974878234 ‘0.000%’ 97.488% Currency: >>> ch.set_yaxis_tick_format('$0,0.00') Label format: 1000.234 -> $1,000.23 Auto formatting: >>> ch.set_xaxis_tick_format('0a') Label format: 10000 -> 10 K Additional documentation: Returns: Current chart object """ self._chart.figure.yaxis[self._y_axis_index].formatter = ( bokeh.models.NumeralTickFormatter(format=num_format)) return self._chart
Example #3
Source File: From holoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def compute_plot_size(plot): """ Computes the size of bokeh models that make up a layout such as figures, rows, columns, widgetboxes and Plot. """ if isinstance(plot, GridBox): ndmapping = NdMapping({(x, y): fig for fig, y, x in plot.children}, kdims=['x', 'y']) cols = ndmapping.groupby('x') rows = ndmapping.groupby('y') width = sum([max([compute_plot_size(f)[0] for f in col]) for col in cols]) height = sum([max([compute_plot_size(f)[1] for f in row]) for row in rows]) return width, height elif isinstance(plot, (Div, ToolbarBox)): # Cannot compute size for Div or ToolbarBox return 0, 0 elif isinstance(plot, (Row, Column, WidgetBox, Tabs)): if not plot.children: return 0, 0 if isinstance(plot, Row) or (isinstance(plot, ToolbarBox) and plot.toolbar_location not in ['right', 'left']): w_agg, h_agg = (np.sum, np.max) elif isinstance(plot, Tabs): w_agg, h_agg = (np.max, np.max) else: w_agg, h_agg = (np.max, np.sum) widths, heights = zip(*[compute_plot_size(child) for child in plot.children]) return w_agg(widths), h_agg(heights) elif isinstance(plot, (Figure, Chart)): if plot.plot_width: width = plot.plot_width else: width = plot.frame_width + plot.min_border_right + plot.min_border_left if plot.plot_height: height = plot.plot_height else: height = plot.frame_height + plot.min_border_bottom + plot.min_border_top return width, height elif isinstance(plot, (Plot, DataTable, Spacer)): return plot.width, plot.height else: return 0, 0
Example #4
Source File: From holoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def recursive_model_update(model, props): """ Recursively updates attributes on a model including other models. If the type of the new model matches the old model properties are simply updated, otherwise the model is replaced. """ updates = {} valid_properties = model.properties_with_values() for k, v in props.items(): if isinstance(v, Model): nested_model = getattr(model, k) if type(v) is type(nested_model): nested_props = v.properties_with_values(include_defaults=False) recursive_model_update(nested_model, nested_props) else: try: setattr(model, k, v) except Exception as e: if isinstance(v, dict) and 'value' in v: setattr(model, k, v['value']) else: raise e elif k in valid_properties and v != valid_properties[k]: if isinstance(v, dict) and 'value' in v: v = v['value'] updates[k] = v model.update(**updates)
Example #5
Source File: From holoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def model_changed(self, model): """ Determines if the bokeh model was just changed on the frontend. Useful to suppress boomeranging events, e.g. when the frontend just sent an update to the x_range this should not trigger an update on the backend. """ callbacks = [cb for cbs in self.traverse(lambda x: x.callbacks) for cb in cbs] stream_metadata = [stream._metadata for cb in callbacks for stream in cb.streams if stream._metadata] return any(md['id'] == model.ref['id'] for models in stream_metadata for md in models.values())
Example #6
Source File: From panel with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def render_mimebundle(model, doc, comm, manager=None, location=None): """ Displays bokeh output inside a notebook using the PyViz display and comms machinery. """ if not isinstance(model, LayoutDOM): raise ValueError('Can only render bokeh LayoutDOM models') add_to_doc(model, doc, True) if manager is not None: doc.add_root(manager) if location is not None: loc = location._get_model(doc, model, model, comm) doc.add_root(loc) return render_model(model, comm)
Example #7
Source File: From Pandas-Bokeh with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _add_backgroundtile( p, tile_provider, tile_provider_url, tile_attribution, tile_alpha ): """Add a background tile to the plot. Either uses predefined Tiles from Bokeh (parameter: tile_provider) or user passed a tile_provider_url of the form '<url>/{Z}/{X}/{Y}*.png' or '<url>/{Z}/{Y}/{X}*.png'.""" from bokeh.models import WMTSTileSource if not tile_provider_url is None: if ( "/{Z}/{X}/{Y}" not in tile_provider_url and "/{Z}/{Y}/{X}" not in tile_provider_url ): raise ValueError( "<tile_provider_url> has to be of the form '<url>/{Z}/{X}/{Y}*.png' or <url>/{Z}/{Y}/{X}*.png'." ) if not isinstance(tile_attribution, str): raise ValueError("<tile_attribution> has to be a string.") t = p.add_tile( WMTSTileSource(url=tile_provider_url, attribution=tile_attribution) ) t.alpha = tile_alpha elif not tile_provider is None: if not isinstance(tile_provider, str): raise ValueError( f"<tile_provider> only accepts the values: {TILE_PROVIDERS}" ) elif _get_background_tile(tile_provider) != False: t = p.add_tile(_get_background_tile(tile_provider)) else: raise ValueError( f"<tile_provider> only accepts the values: {TILE_PROVIDERS}" ) t.alpha = tile_alpha return p
Example #8
Source File: From Pandas-Bokeh with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_tick_formatter(formatter_arg): if issubclass(formatter_arg.__class__, TickFormatter): return formatter_arg elif isinstance(formatter_arg, str): return NumeralTickFormatter(format=formatter_arg) else: raise ValueError( "<colorbar_tick_format> parameter only accepts a string or a objects of bokeh.models.formatters." )
Example #9
Source File: From autogluon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_summary_of_models(results, output_directory, save_file='SummaryOfModels.html', plot_title="Models produced during fit()"): """ Plot dynamic scatterplot summary of each model encountered during fit(), based on the returned Results object. """ num_trials = len(results['trial_info']) attr_color = None attr_size = None datadict = {'trial_id': sorted(results['trial_info'].keys())} datadict['performance'] = [results['trial_info'][trial_id][results['reward_attr']] for trial_id in datadict['trial_id']] datadict['hyperparameters'] = [_formatDict(results['trial_info'][trial_id]['config']) for trial_id in datadict['trial_id']] hidden_keys = [] # Determine x-axis attribute: if 'latency' in results['metadata']: datadict['latency'] = [results['trial_info'][trial_id]['metadata']['latency'] for trial_id in datadict['trial_id']] attr_x = 'latency' else: attr_x = list(results['best_config'].keys())[0] datadict[attr_x] = [results['trial_info'][trial_id]['config'][attr_x] for trial_id in datadict['trial_id']] hidden_keys.append(attr_x) # Determine size attribute: if 'memory' in results['metadata']: datadict['memory'] = [results['trial_info'][trial_id]['metadata']['memory'] for trial_id in datadict['trial_id']] attr_size = 'memory' # Determine color attribute: if 'training_loss' in results: datadict['training_loss'] = [results['trial_info'][trial_id]['training_loss'] for trial_id in datadict['trial_id']] attr_color = 'training_loss' save_path = os.path.join(output_directory, save_file) if output_directory else None mousover_plot(datadict, attr_x=attr_x, attr_y='performance', attr_color=attr_color, attr_size=attr_size, save_file=save_path, plot_title=plot_title, hidden_keys=hidden_keys) if save_path is not None: print("Plot summary of models saved to file: %s" % save_file)
Example #10
Source File: From chartify with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def set_xaxis_tick_format(self, date_format): """Set x-axis tick label date format. Args: date_format (string): the date format for the x-axis tick labels. Examples: Daily precision >>> ch.set_xaxis_tick_format('%Y-%m-%d') Label format: YYYY-MM-DD Monthly precision >>> ch.set_xaxis_tick_format("%Y-%m") Label format: YYYY-MM Yearly precision >>> ch.set_xaxis_tick_format("%Y") Label format: YYYY Second Precision >>> ch.set_xaxis_tick_format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Label format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Day of week and day of month >>> ch.set_xaxis_tick_format("%a%d") Label format: Wed07 Month and year >>> ch.set_xaxis_tick_format("%b%y") Label format: Jan17 See bokeh.models.DatetimeTickFormatter documentation for more formatting options. Returns: Current chart object """ self._chart.figure.xaxis[ 0].formatter = bokeh.models.DatetimeTickFormatter( milliseconds=[date_format], seconds=[date_format], minsec=[date_format], minutes=[date_format], hourmin=[date_format], hours=[date_format], days=[date_format], months=[date_format], years=[date_format]) return self._chart
Example #11
Source File: From holoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def _init_tools(self, element, callbacks=[]): """ Processes the list of tools to be supplied to the plot. """ tooltips, hover_opts = self._hover_opts(element) tooltips = [(ttp.pprint_label, '@{%s}' % util.dimension_sanitizer( if isinstance(ttp, Dimension) else ttp for ttp in tooltips] if not tooltips: tooltips = None callbacks = callbacks+self.callbacks cb_tools, tool_names = [], [] hover = False for cb in callbacks: for handle in cb.models+cb.extra_models: if handle and handle in TOOLS_MAP: tool_names.append(handle) if handle == 'hover': tool = tools.HoverTool( tooltips=tooltips, tags=['hv_created'], **hover_opts) hover = tool else: tool = TOOLS_MAP[handle]() cb_tools.append(tool) self.handles[handle] = tool tool_list = [ t for t in cb_tools + self.default_tools + if t not in tool_names] copied_tools = [] for tool in tool_list: if isinstance(tool, tools.Tool): properties = tool.properties_with_values(include_defaults=False) tool = type(tool)(**properties) copied_tools.append(tool) hover_tools = [t for t in copied_tools if isinstance(t, tools.HoverTool)] if 'hover' in copied_tools: hover = tools.HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips, tags=['hv_created'], **hover_opts) copied_tools[copied_tools.index('hover')] = hover elif any(hover_tools): hover = hover_tools[0] if hover: self.handles['hover'] = hover return copied_tools
Example #12
Source File: From Pandas-Bokeh with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _initialize_rangetool(p, x_axis_type, source): """ Initializes the range tool chart and slider. Parameters ---------- p : Bokeh.plotting.figure Bokeh plot that the figure tool is going to supplement. x_axis_type : str Type of the xaxis (ex. datetime) source : Bokeh.models.sources Data Returns ------- Bokeh.plotting.figure """ max_y_range = 0 # Initialize range tool plot p_rangetool = figure( title="Drag the box to change the range above.", plot_height=130, plot_width=p.plot_width, y_range=p.y_range, x_axis_type=x_axis_type, y_axis_type=None, tools="", toolbar_location=None, ) # Need to explicitly set the initial range of the plot for the range tool. start_index = int(0.75 * len(source["__x__values"])) p.x_range = Range1d(source["__x__values"][start_index], source["__x__values"][-1]) range_tool = RangeTool(x_range=p.x_range) range_tool.overlay.fill_color = "navy" range_tool.overlay.fill_alpha = 0.2 p_rangetool.ygrid.grid_line_color = None p_rangetool.add_tools(range_tool) p_rangetool.toolbar.active_multi = range_tool return p_rangetool