Python bokeh.__version__() Examples
The following are 4
code examples of bokeh.__version__().
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Example #1
Source File: From arviz with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def check_bokeh_version(): """Check minimum bokeh version.""" try: import bokeh assert version.parse(bokeh.__version__) >= version.parse("1.4.0") except (ImportError, AssertionError): raise ImportError("'bokeh' backend needs Bokeh (1.4.0+) installed.")
Example #2
Source File: From minimal-flask-example with MIT License | 5 votes |
def bokehplot(): figure = make_plot() fig_script, fig_div = components(figure) return render_template( "bokeh.html.j2", fig_script=fig_script, fig_div=fig_div, bkversion=bokeh.__version__, )
Example #3
Source File: From Pandas-Bokeh with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_background_tile(provider_name): """Returns a Bokeh WTMS Tile Provider Source from <provider_name>. If <provider_name is not valid, it returns False.""" if provider_name not in TILE_PROVIDERS: return False if bokeh.__version__ >= "1.1": from bokeh.tile_providers import get_provider return get_provider(provider_name) else: from bokeh.tile_providers import ( CARTODBPOSITRON, CARTODBPOSITRON_RETINA, STAMEN_TERRAIN, STAMEN_TERRAIN_RETINA, STAMEN_TONER, STAMEN_TONER_BACKGROUND, STAMEN_TONER_LABELS, ) tile_dict = { "CARTODBPOSITRON": CARTODBPOSITRON, "CARTODBPOSITRON_RETINA": CARTODBPOSITRON_RETINA, "STAMEN_TERRAIN": STAMEN_TERRAIN, "STAMEN_TERRAIN_RETINA": STAMEN_TERRAIN_RETINA, "STAMEN_TONER": STAMEN_TONER, "STAMEN_TONER_BACKGROUND": STAMEN_TONER_BACKGROUND, "STAMEN_TONER_LABELS": STAMEN_TONER_LABELS, } return tile_dict[provider_name]
Example #4
Source File: From arviz with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_plotting_function(plot_name, plot_module, backend): """Return plotting function for correct backend.""" _backend = { "mpl": "matplotlib", "bokeh": "bokeh", "matplotlib": "matplotlib", } if backend is None: backend = rcParams["plot.backend"] backend = backend.lower() try: backend = _backend[backend] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "Backend {} is not implemented. Try backend in {}".format( backend, set(_backend.values()) ) ) if backend == "bokeh": try: import bokeh assert packaging.version.parse(bokeh.__version__) >= packaging.version.parse("1.4.0") except (ImportError, AssertionError): raise ImportError( "'bokeh' backend needs Bokeh (1.4.0+) installed." " Please upgrade or install" ) # Perform import of plotting method # TODO: Convert module import to top level for all plots module = importlib.import_module( "arviz.plots.backends.{backend}.{plot_module}".format( backend=backend, plot_module=plot_module ) ) plotting_method = getattr(module, plot_name) return plotting_method