Python elasticsearch_dsl.Document() Examples
The following are 8
code examples of elasticsearch_dsl.Document().
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Example #1
Source File: From qb with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create_doctype(index_name, similarity): if similarity == 'default': wiki_content_field = Text() qb_content_field = Text() else: wiki_content_field = Text(similarity=similarity) qb_content_field = Text(similarity=similarity) class Answer(Document): page = Text(fields={'raw': Keyword()}) wiki_content = wiki_content_field qb_content = qb_content_field class Meta: index = index_name return Answer
Example #2
Source File: From elasticsearch-dsl-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_multiple_doc_types_will_combine_mappings(): class User(Document): username = Text() i = Index('i') i.document(Post) i.document(User) assert { 'mappings': { 'properties': { 'title': {'type': 'text'}, 'username': {'type': 'text'}, 'published_from': {'type': 'date'} } } } == i.to_dict()
Example #3
Source File: From resolwe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): """Perform initial checks and save given object.""" class_name = type(self).__name__ if not self.object_type: raise RuntimeError("`object_type` must be defined in {}".format(class_name)) if not self.document_class: raise RuntimeError( "`document_class` must be defined in {}".format(class_name) ) if self.queryset is None: raise RuntimeError("`queryset` must be defined in {}".format(class_name)) # Apply any extensions defined for the given document class. Document class extensions # come in the form of field definitions. self.document_class = copy.deepcopy(self.document_class) for extension in composer.get_extensions(self.document_class): for name in dir(extension): field = getattr(extension, name) if isinstance(field, dsl.Field): self.document_class._doc_type.mapping.field(name, field) #: list of built documents waiting to be pushed self.push_queue = [] self._index_name = self.document_class()._get_index() self._mapping_created = False #: id of thread id where connection was established self.connection_thread_id = None
Example #4
Source File: From elasticsearch-dsl-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_bucket_keys_get_deserialized(aggs_data, aggs_search): class Commit(Document): info = Object(properties={'committed_date': Date()}) class Index: name = 'test-commit' aggs_search = aggs_search.doc_type(Commit) agg_response = response.Response(aggs_search, aggs_data) per_month = agg_response.aggregations.per_month for b in per_month: assert isinstance(b.key, date)
Example #5
Source File: From elasticsearch-dsl-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_required_int_can_be_0(): class DT(Document): i = Integer(required=True) dt = DT(i=0) assert dt.full_clean() is None
Example #6
Source File: From elasticsearch-dsl-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_required_field_cannot_be_empty_list(): class DT(Document): i = Integer(required=True) dt = DT(i=[]) with raises(ValidationException): dt.full_clean()
Example #7
Source File: From elasticsearch-dsl-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_validation_works_for_lists_of_values(): class DT(Document): i = Date(required=True) dt = DT(i=[, 'not date']) with raises(ValidationException): dt.full_clean() dt = DT(i=[,]) assert None is dt.full_clean()
Example #8
Source File: From georef-ar-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_index(es, name, doc_class, shards, replicas, synonyms=None, excluding_terms=None): """Crea un índice Elasticsearch utilizando un nombre y una clase de documento. Args: es (elasticsearch.Elasticsearch): Cliente Elasticsearch. name (str): Nombre del índice a crear. doc_class (type): Clase del documento (debe heredar de Document). shards (int): Cantidad de "shards" a utilizar para el índice. replicas (int): Cantidad de réplicas por "shard". synonyms (list): Lista de sinónimos a utilizar en caso de necesitar el analizador 'name_analyzer_synonyms'. excluding_terms (list): Lista de términos excluyentes a utilizar en caso de necesitar el analizador 'name_analyzer_excluding_terms'. """ index = Index(name) # Crear el analizador 'name_analyzer_synonyms' solo si se lo pidió # explícitamente. Si el documento tipo 'doc_class' utiliza el analizador # en algún punto de su mapeo, la lista 'synonyms' debería estar presente. if synonyms is not None: index.analyzer(gen_name_analyzer_synonyms(synonyms)) # Mismo razonamiento que con 'name_analyzer_synonyms'. if excluding_terms is not None: index.analyzer(gen_name_analyzer_excluding_terms(excluding_terms)) index.document(doc_class) index.settings(number_of_shards=shards, number_of_replicas=replicas) index.create(using=es)