Python elasticsearch_dsl.MultiSearch() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of elasticsearch_dsl.MultiSearch().
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Example #1
Source File: From series-tiempo-ar-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def execute_searches(self): """Ejecuta la query de todas las series agregadas, e inicializa los atributos data y count a partir de las respuestas. """ multi_search = MultiSearch(index=self.index, doc_type=settings.TS_DOC_TYPE) for serie in self.series: multi_search = multi_search.add( responses = multi_search.execute() formatter = ResponseFormatter(self.series, responses, self.args[constants.PARAM_SORT], self.args[constants.PARAM_PERIODICITY]) return { 'data': (formatter.format_response()), 'count': max([ for response in responses]) }
Example #2
Source File: From seqr with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _execute_multi_search(self, **kwargs): indices = sorted(self._index_searches.keys(), reverse = True) or self._indices if self.CACHED_COUNTS_KEY and not self.previous_search_results.get(self.CACHED_COUNTS_KEY): self.previous_search_results[self.CACHED_COUNTS_KEY] = {} ms = MultiSearch() for index_name in indices: start_index = 0 if self.CACHED_COUNTS_KEY: if self.previous_search_results[self.CACHED_COUNTS_KEY].get(index_name): index_total = self.previous_search_results[self.CACHED_COUNTS_KEY][index_name]['total'] start_index = self.previous_search_results[self.CACHED_COUNTS_KEY][index_name]['loaded'] if start_index >= index_total: continue else: self.previous_search_results[self.CACHED_COUNTS_KEY][index_name] = {'loaded': 0, 'total': 0} searches = self._get_paginated_searches(index_name, start_index=start_index, **kwargs) ms = ms.index(index_name.split(',')) for search in searches: ms = ms.add(search) responses = self._execute_search(ms) parsed_responses = [self._parse_response(response) for response in responses] return self._process_multi_search_responses(parsed_responses, **kwargs)
Example #3
Source File: From udata with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def multisearch(*models, **params): ms = MultiSearch(using=es.client, index=es.index_name) queries = [] for model in models: s = search_for(model, **params) ms = ms.add(s._s) queries.append(s) responses = ms.execute() return [ # _d_ is the only way to access the raw data # allowing to rewrap response in a FacetedSearch # because default multisearch loose facets SearchResult(query, response._d_) for query, response in zip(queries, responses) ]
Example #4
Source File: From texta with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.field_counts = {} self.multi_search = MultiSearch()
Example #5
Source File: From georef-ar-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _run_multisearch(es, searches): """Ejecuta una lista de búsquedas Elasticsearch utilizando la función MultiSearch. La cantidad de búsquedas que se envían a la vez es configurable vía la variable ES_MULTISEARCH_MAX_LEN. Args: es (Elasticsearch): Conexión a Elasticsearch. searches (list): Lista de elasticsearch_dsl.Search. Raises: DataConnectionException: Si ocurrió un error al ejecutar las búsquedas. Returns: list: Lista de respuestas a cada búsqueda. """ step_size = constants.ES_MULTISEARCH_MAX_LEN responses = [] # Partir las búsquedas en varios baches si es necesario. for i in range(0, len(searches), step_size): end = min(i + step_size, len(searches)) ms = MultiSearch(using=es) for j in range(i, end): ms = ms.add(searches[j]) try: responses.extend(ms.execute(raise_on_error=True)) except elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException as e: raise DataConnectionException() from e return responses
Example #6
Source File: From series-tiempo-ar-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_multi_search(self): multi_search = MultiSearch() search = self.get_search() multi_search = multi_search.add(search) if self.args.get(constants.PARAM_AGGREGATIONS) is not None: multi_search = self.add_terms_aggregations(multi_search) return multi_search
Example #7
Source File: From series-tiempo-ar-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_no_querystring_is_valid(self): query = FieldSearchQuery(args={}) with mock.patch.object(MultiSearch, 'execute', return_value=get_mock_search()): result = query.execute() self.assertFalse(result.get('errors'))
Example #8
Source File: From series-tiempo-ar-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_query_response_size(self): query = FieldSearchQuery(args={'q': 'aceite'}) with mock.patch.object(MultiSearch, 'execute', return_value=get_mock_search()): result = query.execute() self.assertEqual(len(result['data']), result['count'])
Example #9
Source File: From series-tiempo-ar-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_response_params(self): limit = '10' offset = '15' query = FieldSearchQuery(args={'q': 'aceite', 'limit': limit, 'start': offset}) with mock.patch.object(MultiSearch, 'execute', return_value=get_mock_search()): result = query.execute() self.assertEqual(result['limit'], int(limit)) self.assertEqual(result['start'], int(offset))
Example #10
Source File: From georef-ar-api with MIT License | 4 votes |
def run_searches(es, searches): """Ejecuta una lista de búsquedas ElasticsearchSearch. Para ejecutar las búsquedas, se obtiene un iterador de búsquedas elasticsearch_dsl.Search por cada elemento de 'searches'. Utilizando los iteradores, se construyen listas de elasticsearch_dsl.Search, que son luego ejecutadas utilizando '_run_multisearch'. Después, los resultados son devueltos a cada iterador, que pueden o no generar una nueva búsqueda elasticsearch_dsl.Search. El proceso se repite hasta que todos los iteradores hayan finalizado. Con todo este proceso se logra: 1) Ejecutar cualquier tipo de búsquedas bajo una mismas interfaz. 2) Ejecutar búsquedas que requieren distintas cantides de pasos bajo una misma interfaz. 3) Utilizar la funcionalidad de MultiSearch para hacer la menor cantidad de consultas posible a Elasticsearch. Los resultados de cada búsqueda pueden ser accedidos vía el campo '.result' de cada una. Args: es (Elasticsearch): Conexión a Elasticsearch. searches (list): Lista de búsquedas ElasticsearchSearch o derivados. La lista puede ser de cualquier largo ya que sus contenidos son fraccionados por '_run_multisearch' para evitar consultas demasiado extensas a Elasticsearch. """ iterators = [search.search_steps() for search in searches] iteration_data = [] for iterator in iterators: search = utils.step_iterator(iterator) if search: iteration_data.append((iterator, search)) while iteration_data: responses = _run_multisearch(es, [ search for _, search in iteration_data ]) iterators = (iterator for iterator, _ in iteration_data) iteration_data = [] for iterator, response in zip(iterators, responses): search = utils.step_iterator(iterator, response) if search: iteration_data.append((iterator, search))