Python Part.makeBox() Examples
The following are 11
code examples of Part.makeBox().
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Example #1
Source File: From flamingo with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 8 votes |
def execute(self, fp): O=FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,0) vectL=FreeCAD.Vector(fp.L,0,0) vectW=FreeCAD.Vector(0,fp.W,0) vectH=FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,fp.H) base=[vectL,vectW,vectH] outline=[] for i in range(3): f1=Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([O,base[0],base[0]+base[1],base[1],O])) outline.append(f1) f2=f1.copy() f2.translate(base[2]) outline.append(f2) base.append(base.pop(0)) box=Part.Solid(Part.Shell(outline)) tank=box.makeThickness([box.Faces[0],box.Faces[2]],-fp.thk1,1.e-3) top=Part.makeBox(fp.L-2*fp.thk1,fp.W-2*fp.thk1,fp.thk2,FreeCAD.Vector(fp.thk1,fp.thk1,fp.H-2*fp.thk2)) fp.Shape=Part.makeCompound([tank,top])
Example #2
Source File: From LCInterlocking with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 7 votes |
def check_limit_y_on_for_tab(tab_face, height, pos_y, width, thickness, material_face): box_x_size = thickness / 2.0 # OK box_y_size = 0.1 box_z_size = height / 2.0 box_y_minus = Part.makeBox(box_x_size, box_y_size, box_z_size) box_y_minus.translate(FreeCAD.Vector(-0.005 - box_x_size, pos_y - width/2.0 - box_y_size, -box_z_size / 2.0)) box_y_plus = Part.makeBox(box_x_size, box_y_size, box_z_size) box_y_plus.translate(FreeCAD.Vector(-0.005 - box_x_size, pos_y + width/2.0, -box_z_size / 2.0)) y_plus_inside, toto1 = check_intersect(box_y_plus, tab_face, material_face) y_minus_inside, toto2 = check_intersect(box_y_minus, tab_face, material_face) #shapeobj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature","y_plus_inside") #shapeobj.Shape = toto1 #FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() #shapeobj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature","y_minus_inside") #shapeobj.Shape = toto2 #FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() #print("y plus %r, minus %r" % (y_plus_inside, y_minus_inside)) return y_plus_inside, y_minus_inside
Example #3
Source File: From OpenModes with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def box(x, y, z, rounding=None): """Create a box, optionally rounding the edges Parameters ---------- x, y, z: float Size of the box in 3 dimensions rounding: float, optional If specified, the edges will be rounded with this radius """ box = Part.makeBox(x, y, z) centre = FreeCAD.Vector(-0.5*x, -0.5*y, -0.5*z) box.Placement.Base = centre if rounding is not None: box = box.makeFillet(rounding, box.Edges) return box #bar = box(500, 150, 200, 10) #mesh = freecad_mesh(bar) #MeshPart.meshFromShape(box,GrowthRate=0.3,SegPerEdge=1,SegPerRadius=2,SecondOrder=0,Optimize=1,AllowQuad=0)
Example #4
Source File: From LCInterlocking with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def check_limit_z(tab_face, width, pos_y, material_face, material_plane): box_x_size = material_plane.thickness / 2.0 # OK box_y_size = width / 2.0 box_z_size = 0.1 box_z_plus = Part.makeBox(box_x_size, box_y_size, box_z_size) box_z_plus.translate(FreeCAD.Vector(0.005, pos_y - box_y_size/2.0, material_face.thickness / 2.0)) box_z_minus = Part.makeBox(box_x_size, box_y_size, box_z_size) box_z_minus.translate(FreeCAD.Vector(0.005, pos_y - box_y_size/2.0, -box_z_size - material_face.thickness / 2.0)) z_plus_inside, toto1 = check_intersect(box_z_plus, tab_face, material_plane) z_minus_inside, toto2 = check_intersect(box_z_minus, tab_face, material_plane) #shapeobj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature","tstupdds_plus") #shapeobj.Shape = toto1 #FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() #shapeobj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature","tstupddsd_minus") #shapeobj.Shape = toto2 #FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() #print("z plus %r, minus %r" % (z_plus_inside, z_minus_inside)) return z_plus_inside, z_minus_inside
Example #5
Source File: From LCInterlocking with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def check_limit_y(tab_face, height, pos_y, width, material_plane): box_x_size = material_plane.thickness / 2.0 # OK box_y_size = 0.1 box_z_size = height / 2.0 box_y_minus = Part.makeBox(box_x_size, box_y_size, box_z_size) box_y_minus.translate(FreeCAD.Vector(0.005, pos_y - width/2.0 - box_y_size, -box_z_size / 2.0)) box_y_plus = Part.makeBox(box_x_size, box_y_size, box_z_size) box_y_plus.translate(FreeCAD.Vector(0.005, pos_y + width/2.0, -box_z_size / 2.0)) y_plus_inside, toto1 = check_intersect(box_y_plus, tab_face, material_plane) y_minus_inside, toto2 = check_intersect(box_y_minus, tab_face, material_plane) #shapeobj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature","y_plus_inside") #shapeobj.Shape = toto1 #FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() #shapeobj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature","y_minus_inside") #shapeobj.Shape = toto2 #FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() #print("y plus %r, minus %r" % (y_plus_inside, y_minus_inside)) return y_plus_inside, y_minus_inside
Example #6
Source File: From FreeCAD_FastenersWB with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def execute(self, fp): '''"Print a short message when doing a recomputation, this method is mandatory" ''' #fp.Shape = Part.makeBox(1,1,1 + len(fp.diameters)) origshape = fp.baseObject[0].Shape shape = origshape for diam in fp.diameters: FreeCAD.Console.PrintLog("Generating hole tool for: " + diam + "\n") edge, m, f, o, type = cshSplitEdgeDiam(diam) cshole = cshMakeCSHole(m, type) FastenerBase.FSMoveToObject(cshole, origshape.getElement(edge), f == '1', float(o)) shape = shape.cut(cshole) fp.Shape = shape
Example #7
Source File: From cadquery-freecad-module with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def makeBox(cls, length, width, height, pnt=Vector(0, 0, 0), dir=Vector(0, 0, 1)): """ makeBox(length,width,height,[pnt,dir]) -- Make a box located in pnt with the dimensions (length,width,height) By default pnt=Vector(0,0,0) and dir=Vector(0,0,1)' """ return Shape.cast(FreeCADPart.makeBox(length, width, height, pnt.wrapped, dir.wrapped))
Example #8
Source File: From LCInterlocking with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def create_flat_connection(hinge_properties, referentiel_face): box_x_size = hinge_properties.arc_length box_y_size = hinge_properties.extrustion_vector.Length box_z_size = hinge_properties.thickness box = Part.makeBox(box_x_size, box_y_size, box_z_size, FreeCAD.Vector(0., -box_y_size/2.0, -box_z_size/2.0)) flat_connection = transform(box, referentiel_face) return flat_connection
Example #9
Source File: From LCInterlocking with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def create_hole_hinge(hinge_clearance, hinge_length, thickness, kerf_diameter): height = thickness * 2.0 hinge_width = max(10e-3, hinge_clearance - kerf_diameter) if hinge_clearance < kerf_diameter: raise ValueError("Hinge clearance is less than kerf diameter") elif hinge_clearance < 2. * kerf_diameter: box_length = hinge_length - kerf_diameter hinge = Part.makeBox(hinge_width, box_length, height, FreeCAD.Vector(-hinge_width/2.0, -box_length/2.0, -height/2.0)) else: box_length = hinge_length - hinge_width - kerf_diameter # hinge_width is for the two corner radius hinge = draw_rounded_hinge(hinge_width, box_length, height) return hinge
Example #10
Source File: From LCInterlocking with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def screw_way_on_face(material_face, material_plane, screw_nut_spec, pos_y, dog_bone=False): # horizontal hole vert_corrected_length = screw_nut_spec.screw_length - material_plane.thickness \ + material_plane.thickness_tolerance + screw_nut_spec.screw_length_tol corrected_width = screw_nut_spec.screw_diameter * 1.2 - material_face.laser_beam_diameter corrected_height = material_face.thickness # + materialFace.tolerance screw_hole = Part.makeBox(vert_corrected_length, corrected_width, corrected_height, FreeCAD.Vector(0., -corrected_width / 2.0, -corrected_height / 2.0)) if dog_bone: screw_hole = helper.make_dog_bone_on_limits_on_xy(screw_hole, corrected_height, True) x_pos = -vert_corrected_length screw_hole.translate(FreeCAD.Vector(x_pos, pos_y, 0)) # Nut hole corrected_length = screw_nut_spec.nut_height - material_face.laser_beam_diameter + 0.1 corrected_width = screw_nut_spec.nut_flat_flat - material_face.laser_beam_diameter + 0.1 nut_hole = Part.makeBox(corrected_length, corrected_width, corrected_height, FreeCAD.Vector(0, -corrected_width / 2.0, -corrected_height / 2.0)) x_pos = -vert_corrected_length + screw_nut_spec.nut_height + screw_nut_spec.screw_length_tol nut_hole.translate(FreeCAD.Vector(x_pos, pos_y, 0)) if dog_bone: nut_hole = helper.make_dog_bone_on_limits_on_xy(nut_hole, corrected_height) hole = screw_hole.fuse(nut_hole) return hole # X (Length) # | # | # | # |Z (Height) # ---------------------------> Y (Width) # X est vers le haut # Y est aligné sur la face # Z est devant la camera
Example #11
Source File: From LCInterlocking with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 4 votes |
def tab_join_create_tab_on_face(material_face, material_plane, width, pos_y, tab_face, dog_bone=False): y_plus_inside, y_minus_inside = helper.check_limit_y_on_for_tab(tab_face, material_face.thickness, pos_y, width, material_plane.thickness, material_face) # X Rien pr l'instant, mais on peut prendre en compte l'epaiseur variante de la piece opposé => length # Y Ajout d'un Kerf => width # Z Rien => height corrected_length = material_plane.thickness # corrected_width = width + materialFace.laser_beam_diameter corrected_height = material_face.thickness corrected_width = width # - materialPlane.laser_beam_diameter corrected_width_center = corrected_width / 2.0 if y_minus_inside and y_plus_inside: corrected_width += material_face.laser_beam_diameter corrected_width_center = corrected_width / 2.0 elif y_minus_inside: corrected_width += material_face.laser_beam_diameter / 2.0 corrected_width_center = (corrected_width + material_face.laser_beam_diameter / 2.0) / 2.0 elif y_plus_inside: corrected_width += material_face.laser_beam_diameter / 2.0 corrected_width_center = (corrected_width - material_face.laser_beam_diameter / 2.0) / 2.0 #origin = FreeCAD.Vector(-corrected_length / 2.0, -corrected_width_center, -corrected_height / 2.0) origin = FreeCAD.Vector(0., -corrected_width_center, -corrected_height / 2.0) tab = Part.makeBox(corrected_length, corrected_width, corrected_height, origin) tab.translate(FreeCAD.Vector(0, pos_y, 0)) hole = None left_hole = None right_hole = None if dog_bone: radius = min(corrected_width, corrected_length) * 2 / 30. if y_minus_inside: left_hole = Part.makeCylinder(radius, corrected_height, FreeCAD.Vector(0, -corrected_width_center + pos_y, -corrected_height / 2.0), FreeCAD.Vector(0, 0, 1.)) if y_plus_inside: right_hole = Part.makeCylinder(radius, corrected_height, FreeCAD.Vector(0, -corrected_width_center + corrected_width + pos_y, -corrected_height / 2.0), FreeCAD.Vector(0, 0, 1.)) hole = left_hole if hole and right_hole: hole = hole.fuse(right_hole) elif right_hole: hole = right_hole return tab, hole