Python slack.WebClient() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of slack.WebClient().
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Example #1
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def setUp(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.org_admin_token = os.environ[SLACK_SDK_TEST_GRID_ORG_ADMIN_USER_TOKEN] self.sync_client: WebClient = WebClient( token=self.org_admin_token, run_async=False, loop=asyncio.new_event_loop() ) self.async_client: WebClient = WebClient(token=self.org_admin_token, run_async=True) self.team_id = os.environ[SLACK_SDK_TEST_GRID_TEAM_ID] self.idp_usergroup_id = os.environ[SLACK_SDK_TEST_GRID_IDP_USERGROUP_ID] if not hasattr(self, "channel_ids"): team_admin_token = os.environ[SLACK_SDK_TEST_GRID_WORKSPACE_ADMIN_USER_TOKEN] client = WebClient(token=team_admin_token, run_async=False, loop=asyncio.new_event_loop()) convs = client.conversations_list(exclude_archived=True, limit=100) self.channel_ids = [c["id"] for c in convs["channels"] if c["name"] == "general"]
Example #2
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_response_can_be_paginated_multiple_times_use_sync_aiohttp(self): self.client = WebClient( token="xoxp-1234", base_url="http://localhost:8888", run_async=False, use_sync_aiohttp=True, ) self.client.token = "xoxb-channels_list_pagination" # This test suite verifies the changes in #521 work as expected response = self.client.channels_list(limit=1) ids = [] for page in response: ids.append(page["channels"][0]["id"]) self.assertEqual(ids, ["C1", "C2", "C3"]) # The second iteration starting with page 2 # (page1 is already cached in `response`) self.client.token = "xoxb-channels_list_pagination2" ids = [] for page in response: ids.append(page["channels"][0]["id"]) self.assertEqual(ids, ["C1", "C2", "C3"])
Example #3
Source File: From content with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_get_user_by_id_async_user_exists(mocker): from Slack import get_user_by_id_async # Set async def api_call(method: str, http_verb: str = 'POST', file: str = None, params=None, json=None, data=None): if method == '': return {'user': js.loads(USERS)[0]} mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'getIntegrationContext', side_effect=get_integration_context) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'setIntegrationContext', side_effect=set_integration_context) mocker.patch.object(slack.WebClient, 'api_call', side_effect=api_call) user_id = 'U012A3CDE' # Arrange user = await get_user_by_id_async(slack.WebClient, user_id) # Assert assert slack.WebClient.api_call.call_count == 0 assert demisto.setIntegrationContext.call_count == 0 assert user['name'] == 'spengler'
Example #4
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def setUp(self): setup_mock_web_api_server(self) self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(self.loop) task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.mock_server(), loop=self.loop) self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait_for(task, 0.1)) self.client = slack.RTMClient( token="xoxb-valid", base_url="http://localhost:8765", auto_reconnect=False, run_async=False, ) self.client._web_client = slack.WebClient( token="xoxb-valid", base_url="http://localhost:8888", run_async=False, )
Example #5
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_run_async_valid(self): client = slack.RTMClient( token="xoxb-valid", base_url="http://localhost:8765", run_async=True, ) client._web_client = slack.WebClient( token="xoxb-valid", base_url="http://localhost:8888", run_async=True, ) self.called = False @slack.RTMClient.run_on(event="open") async def handle_open_event(**payload): self.called = True client.start() # intentionally no await here await asyncio.sleep(3) self.assertTrue(self.called)
Example #6
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_issue_559(self): response = SlackResponse( client=WebClient(token="xoxb-dummy"), http_verb="POST", api_url="http://localhost:3000/api.test", req_args={}, data={ "ok": True, "args": { "hello": "world" } }, headers={}, status_code=200, ) self.assertTrue("ok" in self.assertTrue("args" in self.assertFalse("error" in
Example #7
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def onboarding_message(**payload): """Create and send an onboarding welcome message to new users. Save the time stamp of this message so we can update this message in the future. """ # Get WebClient so you can communicate back to Slack. web_client = payload["web_client"] # Get the id of the Slack user associated with the incoming event user_id = payload["data"]["user"]["id"] # Open a DM with the new user. response = web_client.im_open(user_id) channel = response["channel"]["id"] # Post the onboarding message. await start_onboarding(web_client, user_id, channel) # ============= Reaction Added Events ============= # # When a users adds an emoji reaction to the onboarding message, # the type of the event will be 'reaction_added'. # Here we'll link the update_emoji callback to the 'reaction_added' event.
Example #8
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_run_async_invalid(self): client = slack.RTMClient( token="xoxb-valid", base_url="http://localhost:8765", run_async=True, ) client._web_client = slack.WebClient( token="xoxb-valid", base_url="http://localhost:8888", run_async=True, ) self.called = False @slack.RTMClient.run_on(event="open") def handle_open_event(**payload): self.called = True client.start() # intentionally no await here await asyncio.sleep(3) self.assertFalse(self.called)
Example #9
Source File: From content with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_get_conversation_by_name_not_exists(self, mocker): """ Given: - Conversation to find When: - Conversation do not exists. Then: - Check no conversation was returned. - Check that a API command was called. """ from Slack import get_conversation_by_name self.set_conversation_mock(mocker) conversation_name = 'no exists' conversation = get_conversation_by_name(conversation_name) assert not conversation assert slack.WebClient.api_call.call_count == 1
Example #10
Source File: From content with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_get_conversation_by_name_exists_in_context(self, mocker): """ Given: - Conversation to find When: - Conversation exists in context Then: - Check if the right conversation returned - Check that no API command was called. """ from Slack import get_conversation_by_name self.set_conversation_mock(mocker) conversation_name = 'general' conversation = get_conversation_by_name(conversation_name) # Assertions assert conversation_name == conversation['name'] assert slack.WebClient.api_call.call_count == 0
Example #11
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_uploading_file_with_token_param(self): client = WebClient() current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) file = f"{current_dir}/../../tests/data/slack_logo.png" upload = client.files_upload( token=self.bot_token, channels=self.channel_id, title="Good Old Slack Logo", filename="slack_logo.png", file=file, ) self.assertIsNotNone(upload) deletion = client.files_delete( token=self.bot_token, file=upload["file"]["id"], ) self.assertIsNotNone(deletion)
Example #12
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_uploading_file_with_token_param_async(self): client = WebClient(run_async=True) current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) file = f"{current_dir}/../../tests/data/slack_logo.png" upload = await client.files_upload( token=self.bot_token, channels=self.channel_id, title="Good Old Slack Logo", filename="slack_logo.png", file=file, ) self.assertIsNotNone(upload) deletion = client.files_delete( token=self.bot_token, file=upload["file"]["id"], ) self.assertIsNotNone(deletion) # ------------------------- # pagination
Example #13
Source File: From Osmedeus with MIT License | 6 votes |
def slack_file(options, filename, token=None): try: if not token: token = options.get('SLACK_BOT_TOKEN') client = slack.WebClient(token=token) channel = options.get('REPORT_CHANNEL') if channel is None: return client.files_upload( channels=channel, file=filename, title=filename, filetype='text' ) except: pass
Example #14
Source File: From Osmedeus with MIT License | 6 votes |
def slack_status(options): channel = options.get('STATUS_CHANNEL', None) if channel is None: return module = options.get('CURRENT_MODULE') target = options.get('TARGET') message = f':ghost: Start *{module}* on *{target}*' client = slack.WebClient(token=options.get('SLACK_BOT_TOKEN')) client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, blocks=[ { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": message, }, }, { "type": "divider" } ] )
Example #15
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_basic_operations_async(self): self.sent_text: str = None self.rtm_client = RTMClient(token=self.bot_token, run_async=True) self.async_web_client = WebClient(token=self.bot_token, run_async=True) @RTMClient.run_on(event="message") async def send_reply(**payload): self.logger.debug(payload) self.sent_text = payload['data']['text'] # intentionally not waiting here self.rtm_client.start() self.assertIsNone(self.sent_text) await asyncio.sleep(5) text = "This message was sent by <|python-slackclient>! (test_basic_operations_async)" new_message = await self.async_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=self.channel_id, text=text) self.assertFalse("error" in new_message) await asyncio.sleep(5) self.assertEqual(self.sent_text, text)
Example #16
Source File: From ngraph-onnx with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def send_message(self, message, quiet=False): """ Send queued messages as single communication. :param message: Final message's content :param quiet: Flag for disabling sending report through Slack :type message: String :type quiet: Boolean """ if self._slack_client is None: try: self._slack_client = slack.WebClient(self._slack_token, proxy=self._proxy, ssl=False) except Exception: print('!!CRITICAL!! SlackCommunicator::CRITICAL: Could not create client') raise for channel, message_queue in self._queued_messages.items(): final_message = message + '\n\n' + '\n'.join(message_queue) print(final_message) if not quiet and message_queue: self._send_to_channel(final_message, channel)
Example #17
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def per_request_async(): try: # This is not optimal and the host should have a large number of FD (File Descriptor) loop_for_this_request = asyncio.new_event_loop() async_client = WebClient( token=os.environ["SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"], run_async=True, loop=loop_for_this_request ) future = async_client.chat_postMessage( channel="#random", text="You used the singleton WebClient for posting this message!" ) response = loop_for_this_request.run_until_complete(future) return str(response) except SlackApiError as e: return make_response(str(e), 400)
Example #18
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 6 votes |
def start_onboarding(web_client: slack.WebClient, user_id: str, channel: str): # Create a new onboarding tutorial. onboarding_tutorial = OnboardingTutorial(channel) # Get the onboarding message payload message = onboarding_tutorial.get_message_payload() # Post the onboarding message in Slack response = await web_client.chat_postMessage(**message) # Capture the timestamp of the message we've just posted so # we can use it to update the message after a user # has completed an onboarding task. onboarding_tutorial.timestamp = response["ts"] # Store the message sent in onboarding_tutorials_sent if channel not in onboarding_tutorials_sent: onboarding_tutorials_sent[channel] = {} onboarding_tutorials_sent[channel][user_id] = onboarding_tutorial # ================ Team Join Event =============== # # When the user first joins a team, the type of the event will be 'team_join'. # Here we'll link the onboarding_message callback to the 'team_join' event.
Example #19
Source File: From content with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_get_user_by_name_paging(mocker): from Slack import get_user_by_name # Set def api_call(method: str, http_verb: str = 'POST', file: str = None, params=None, json=None, data=None): if len(params) == 1: return {'members': js.loads(USERS), 'response_metadata': { 'next_cursor': 'dGVhbTpDQ0M3UENUTks=' }} else: return {'members': [{ 'id': 'U248918AB', 'name': 'alexios' }], 'response_metadata': { 'next_cursor': '' }} mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'getIntegrationContext', side_effect=get_integration_context) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'setIntegrationContext', side_effect=set_integration_context) mocker.patch.object(slack.WebClient, 'api_call', side_effect=api_call) # Arrange user = get_user_by_name('alexios') args = slack.WebClient.api_call.call_args_list first_args = args[0][1] second_args = args[1][1] # Assert assert len(first_args['params']) == 1 assert first_args['params']['limit'] == 200 assert len(second_args['params']) == 2 assert second_args['params']['cursor'] == 'dGVhbTpDQ0M3UENUTks=' assert user['id'] == 'U248918AB' assert slack.WebClient.api_call.call_count == 2
Example #20
Source File: From content with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_handle_dm_non_create_nonexisting_user(mocker): from Slack import handle_dm # Set async def api_call(method: str, http_verb: str = 'POST', file: str = None, params=None, json=None, data=None): if method == '': return { 'channel': { 'id': 'ey' }} else: return 'sup' mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'getIntegrationContext', side_effect=get_integration_context) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'findUser', return_value=None) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'directMessage', return_value=None) mocker.patch.object(slack.WebClient, 'api_call', side_effect=api_call) user = js.loads(USERS)[0] # Arrange await handle_dm(user, 'wazup', slack.WebClient) message = demisto.directMessage.call_args[0][0] username = demisto.directMessage.call_args[0][1] email = demisto.directMessage.call_args[0][2] allow = demisto.directMessage.call_args[0][3] # Assert assert message == 'wazup' assert username == 'spengler' assert email == '' assert allow is False
Example #21
Source File: From content with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_handle_dm_nondemisto_user_should_create(mocker): import Slack mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'params', return_value={'allow_incidents': 'true'}) Slack.init_globals() # Set async def fake_translate(message: str, user_name: str, user_email: str, demisto_user: dict): return "sup" async def api_call(method: str, http_verb: str = 'POST', file: str = None, params=None, json=None, data=None): if method == '': return { 'channel': { 'id': 'ey' }} else: return 'sup' mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'getIntegrationContext', side_effect=get_integration_context) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'findUser', return_value=None) mocker.patch.object(Slack, 'translate_create', side_effect=fake_translate) mocker.patch.object(slack.WebClient, 'api_call', side_effect=api_call) user = js.loads(USERS)[0] # Arrange await Slack.handle_dm(user, 'create incident abc', slack.WebClient) # Assert assert Slack.translate_create.call_count == 1 demisto_user = Slack.translate_create.call_args[0][3] assert demisto_user is None
Example #22
Source File: From Osmedeus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def slack_done(options): utils.print_info(f"Sending {noti_type} notification to slack") channel = options.get('STATUS_CHANNEL') module = options.get('CURRENT_MODULE') target = options.get('TARGET') emoji = get_emoji() message = f'{emoji} Done *{module}* on *{target}*' client = slack.WebClient(token=options.get('SLACK_BOT_TOKEN')) client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, blocks=[ { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": message, }, # "accessory": { # "type": "image", # "image_url": get_emoji(), # "alt_text": 'status', # } }, { "type": "divider" } ] )
Example #23
Source File: From content with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_handle_text(mocker): import Slack # Set async def fake_clean(text, client): return 'מה הולך' mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'getIntegrationContext', side_effect=get_integration_context) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'setIntegrationContext', side_effect=set_integration_context) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'addEntry') mocker.patch.object(Slack, 'clean_message', side_effect=fake_clean) user = js.loads(USERS)[0] investigation_id = '999' text = 'מה הולך' # Arrange await Slack.handle_text(slack.WebClient, investigation_id, text, user) entry_args = demisto.addEntry.call_args[1] # Assert assert demisto.addEntry.call_count == 1 assert entry_args['id'] == '999' assert entry_args['entry'] == 'מה הולך' assert entry_args['username'] == 'spengler' assert entry_args['email'] == '' assert entry_args['footer'] == '\n**From Slack**'
Example #24
Source File: From Osmedeus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def slack_monitor(options, filename, monitor_type='new'): try: if options.get('SLACK_MONITOR_TOKEN') and options.get('SLACK_MONITOR_TOKEN') != 'None': token = options.get('SLACK_MONITOR_TOKEN') else: token = options.get('SLACK_BOT_TOKEN') client = slack.WebClient(token=token) if monitor_type == 'new': channel = options.get('NEW_CHANNEL', None) if channel is None: return elif monitor_type == 'missing': channel = options.get('MISSING_CHANNEL', None) if channel is None: return client.files_upload( channels=channel, file=filename, title=filename, filetype='text' ) except: pass # shortcut for sending noti to slack
Example #25
Source File: From content with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_send_request_no_user(mocker, capfd): import Slack # Set def api_call(method: str, http_verb: str = 'POST', file: str = None, params=None, json=None, data=None): if method == 'users.list': return {'members': js.loads(USERS)} elif method == 'conversations.list': return {'channels': js.loads(CONVERSATIONS)} elif method == '': return {'channel': {'id': 'im_channel'}} return {} mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'getIntegrationContext', side_effect=get_integration_context) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'setIntegrationContext', side_effect=set_integration_context) return_error_mock = mocker.patch(RETURN_ERROR_TARGET, side_effect=InterruptedError()) mocker.patch.object(slack.WebClient, 'api_call', side_effect=api_call) mocker.patch.object(Slack, 'send_file', return_value='neat') mocker.patch.object(Slack, 'send_message', return_value='cool') # Arrange with capfd.disabled(): with pytest.raises(InterruptedError): Slack.slack_send_request('alexios', None, None, message='Hi') err_msg = return_error_mock.call_args[0][0] calls = slack.WebClient.api_call.call_args_list users_call = [c for c in calls if c[0][0] == 'users.list'] # Assert assert return_error_mock.call_count == 1 assert err_msg == 'Could not find any destination to send to.' assert len(users_call) == 1 assert Slack.send_message.call_count == 0 assert Slack.send_file.call_count == 0
Example #26
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 5 votes |
def oauth_callback(): # Retrieve the auth code and state from the request params if "code" in request.args: state = request.args["state"] if state_service.consume(state): code = request.args["code"] client = WebClient() # no prepared token needed for this app response = client.oauth_v2_access( client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, redirect_uri=redirect_uri, code=code )"oauth.v2.access response: {response}") return "Thanks for installing this app!" else: return make_response(f"Try the installation again (the state value is already expired)", 400) error = request.args["error"] if "error" in request.args else "" return make_response(f"Something is wrong with the installation (error: {error})", 400) # --------------------- # Flask App for Slack events # ---------------------
Example #27
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 5 votes |
def async_call(): client = WebClient( token=os.environ["SLACK_API_TOKEN"], proxy="http://localhost:9000", run_async=True ) response = await client.auth_test()"async response: {response}")
Example #28
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 5 votes |
def singleton_async(): try: future = singleton_async_client.chat_postMessage( channel="#random", text="You used the singleton WebClient for posting this message!" ) # blocking here!!! # as described at # until this completion, other simultaneous requests get "RuntimeError: This event loop is already running" response = singleton_loop.run_until_complete(future) return str(response) except SlackApiError as e: return make_response(str(e), 400)
Example #29
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 5 votes |
def singleton(): try: # blocking here!!! # as described at # until this completion, other simultaneous requests get "RuntimeError: This event loop is already running" response = singleton_client.chat_postMessage( channel="#random", text="You used the singleton WebClient for posting this message!" ) return str(response) except SlackApiError as e: return make_response(str(e), 400)
Example #30
Source File: From Scrummage with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def Slack_Main(Description): Slack_Details = Load_Slack_Configuration() if Slack_Details: try: client = slack.WebClient(token=Slack_Details[0]) client.chat_postMessage(channel=Slack_Details[1], text=Description)"{Date()} Connectors Library - New Slack Notification created.") except Exception as e: logging.warning(f"{Date()} Connectors Library - {str(e)}.")