Python matplotlib.axes.Axes() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of matplotlib.axes.Axes().
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Example #1
Source File: From scanpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def scatter_single(ax: Axes, Y: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs): """Plot scatter plot of data. Parameters ---------- ax Axis to plot on. Y Data array, data to be plotted needs to be in the first two columns. """ if 's' not in kwargs: kwargs['s'] = 2 if Y.shape[0] > 500 else 10 if 'edgecolors' not in kwargs: kwargs['edgecolors'] = 'face' ax.scatter(Y[:, 0], Y[:, 1], **kwargs, rasterized=settings._vector_friendly) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([])
Example #2
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 6 votes |
def new_gridlines(self, ax): """ Create and return a new GridlineCollection instance. *which* : "major" or "minor" *axis* : "both", "x" or "y" """ gridlines = GridlinesCollection(None, transform=ax.transData, colors=rcParams['grid.color'], linestyles=rcParams['grid.linestyle'], linewidths=rcParams['grid.linewidth']) ax._set_artist_props(gridlines) gridlines.set_grid_helper(self) ax.axes._set_artist_props(gridlines) # gridlines.set_clip_path(self.axes.patch) # set_clip_path need to be deferred after Axes.cla is completed. # It is done inside the cla. return gridlines
Example #3
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _gci(self): """ helper for :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.gci`; do not use elsewhere. """ # Look first for an image in the current Axes: cax = self._axstack.current_key_axes()[1] if cax is None: return None im = cax._gci() if im is not None: return im # If there is no image in the current Axes, search for # one in a previously created Axes. Whether this makes # sense is debatable, but it is the documented behavior. for ax in reversed(self.axes): im = ax._gci() if im is not None: return im return None
Example #4
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _findoffset(self, width, height, xdescent, ydescent, renderer): "Helper function to locate the legend." if self._loc == 0: # "best". x, y = self._find_best_position(width, height, renderer) elif self._loc in # Fixed location. bbox = Bbox.from_bounds(0, 0, width, height) x, y = self._get_anchored_bbox(self._loc, bbox, self.get_bbox_to_anchor(), renderer) else: # Axes or figure coordinates. fx, fy = self._loc bbox = self.get_bbox_to_anchor() x, y = bbox.x0 + bbox.width * fx, bbox.y0 + bbox.height * fy return x + xdescent, y + ydescent
Example #5
Source File: From scanpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def trimap(adata, **kwargs) -> Union[Axes, List[Axes], None]: """\ Scatter plot in TriMap basis. Parameters ---------- {adata_color_etc} {edges_arrows} {scatter_bulk} {show_save_ax} Returns ------- If `show==False` a :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` or a list of it. """ return embedding(adata, 'trimap', **kwargs)
Example #6
Source File: From scanpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def tsne(adata, **kwargs) -> Union[Axes, List[Axes], None]: """\ Scatter plot in tSNE basis. Parameters ---------- {adata_color_etc} {edges_arrows} {scatter_bulk} {show_save_ax} Returns ------- If `show==False` a :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` or a list of it. """ return embedding(adata, 'tsne', **kwargs)
Example #7
Source File: From scanpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def umap(adata, **kwargs) -> Union[Axes, List[Axes], None]: """\ Scatter plot in UMAP basis. Parameters ---------- {adata_color_etc} {edges_arrows} {scatter_bulk} {show_save_ax} Returns ------- If `show==False` a :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` or a list of it. """ return embedding(adata, 'umap', **kwargs)
Example #8
Source File: From scanpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _plot_colorbar(self, color_legend_ax: Axes, normalize): """ Plots a horizontal colorbar given the ax an normalize values Parameters ---------- color_legend_ax normalize Returns ------- None, updates color_legend_ax """ cmap = pl.get_cmap(self.cmap) import matplotlib.colorbar matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase( color_legend_ax, orientation='horizontal', cmap=cmap, norm=normalize ) color_legend_ax.set_title(self.color_legend_title, fontsize='small') color_legend_ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize='small')
Example #9
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _check_ax_scales(self, axes, xaxis='linear', yaxis='linear'): """ Check each axes has expected scales Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib Axes object, or its list-like xaxis : {'linear', 'log'} expected xaxis scale yaxis : {'linear', 'log'} expected yaxis scale """ axes = self._flatten_visible(axes) for ax in axes: assert ax.xaxis.get_scale() == xaxis assert ax.yaxis.get_scale() == yaxis
Example #10
Source File: From neural-network-animation with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _gci(self): """ helper for :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.gci`; do not use elsewhere. """ # Look first for an image in the current Axes: cax = self._axstack.current_key_axes()[1] if cax is None: return None im = cax._gci() if im is not None: return im # If there is no image in the current Axes, search for # one in a previously created Axes. Whether this makes # sense is debatable, but it is the documented behavior. for ax in reversed(self.axes): im = ax._gci() if im is not None: return im return None
Example #11
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _check_data(self, xp, rs): """ Check each axes has identical lines Parameters ---------- xp : matplotlib Axes object rs : matplotlib Axes object """ xp_lines = xp.get_lines() rs_lines = rs.get_lines() def check_line(xpl, rsl): xpdata = xpl.get_xydata() rsdata = rsl.get_xydata() tm.assert_almost_equal(xpdata, rsdata) assert len(xp_lines) == len(rs_lines) [check_line(xpl, rsl) for xpl, rsl in zip(xp_lines, rs_lines)] tm.close()
Example #12
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _findoffset(self, width, height, xdescent, ydescent, renderer): "Helper function to locate the legend." if self._loc == 0: # "best". x, y = self._find_best_position(width, height, renderer) elif self._loc in # Fixed location. bbox = Bbox.from_bounds(0, 0, width, height) x, y = self._get_anchored_bbox(self._loc, bbox, self.get_bbox_to_anchor(), renderer) else: # Axes or figure coordinates. fx, fy = self._loc bbox = self.get_bbox_to_anchor() x, y = bbox.x0 + bbox.width * fx, bbox.y0 + bbox.height * fy return x + xdescent, y + ydescent
Example #13
Source File: From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _gci(self): """ helper for :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.gci`; do not use elsewhere. """ # Look first for an image in the current Axes: cax = self._axstack.current_key_axes()[1] if cax is None: return None im = cax._gci() if im is not None: return im # If there is no image in the current Axes, search for # one in a previously created Axes. Whether this makes # sense is debatable, but it is the documented behavior. for ax in reversed(self.axes): im = ax._gci() if im is not None: return im return None
Example #14
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _check_legend_labels(self, axes, labels=None, visible=True): """ Check each axes has expected legend labels Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib Axes object, or its list-like labels : list-like expected legend labels visible : bool expected legend visibility. labels are checked only when visible is True """ if visible and (labels is None): raise ValueError('labels must be specified when visible is True') axes = self._flatten_visible(axes) for ax in axes: if visible: assert ax.get_legend() is not None self._check_text_labels(ax.get_legend().get_texts(), labels) else: assert ax.get_legend() is None
Example #15
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get(self, key): """ Return the Axes instance that was added with *key*. If it is not present, return *None*. """ item = dict(self._elements).get(key) if item is None: return None cbook.warn_deprecated( "2.1", "Adding an axes using the same arguments as a previous axes " "currently reuses the earlier instance. In a future version, " "a new instance will always be created and returned. Meanwhile, " "this warning can be suppressed, and the future behavior ensured, " "by passing a unique label to each axes instance.") return item[1]
Example #16
Source File: From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License | 6 votes |
def new_gridlines(self, ax): """ Create and return a new GridlineCollection instance. *which* : "major" or "minor" *axis* : "both", "x" or "y" """ gridlines = GridlinesCollection(None, transform=ax.transData, colors=rcParams['grid.color'], linestyles=rcParams['grid.linestyle'], linewidths=rcParams['grid.linewidth']) ax._set_artist_props(gridlines) gridlines.set_grid_helper(self) ax.axes._set_artist_props(gridlines) # gridlines.set_clip_path(self.axes.patch) # set_clip_path need to be deferred after Axes.cla is completed. # It is done inside the cla. return gridlines
Example #17
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _check_ax_scales(self, axes, xaxis='linear', yaxis='linear'): """ Check each axes has expected scales Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib Axes object, or its list-like xaxis : {'linear', 'log'} expected xaxis scale yaxis : {'linear', 'log'} expected yaxis scale """ axes = self._flatten_visible(axes) for ax in axes: assert ax.xaxis.get_scale() == xaxis assert ax.yaxis.get_scale() == yaxis
Example #18
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _check_data(self, xp, rs): """ Check each axes has identical lines Parameters ---------- xp : matplotlib Axes object rs : matplotlib Axes object """ xp_lines = xp.get_lines() rs_lines = rs.get_lines() def check_line(xpl, rsl): xpdata = xpl.get_xydata() rsdata = rsl.get_xydata() tm.assert_almost_equal(xpdata, rsdata) assert len(xp_lines) == len(rs_lines) [check_line(xpl, rsl) for xpl, rsl in zip(xp_lines, rs_lines)] tm.close()
Example #19
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _check_legend_labels(self, axes, labels=None, visible=True): """ Check each axes has expected legend labels Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib Axes object, or its list-like labels : list-like expected legend labels visible : bool expected legend visibility. labels are checked only when visible is True """ if visible and (labels is None): raise ValueError('labels must be specified when visible is True') axes = self._flatten_visible(axes) for ax in axes: if visible: assert ax.get_legend() is not None self._check_text_labels(ax.get_legend().get_texts(), labels) else: assert ax.get_legend() is None
Example #20
Source File: From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_tightbbox(self, renderer, call_axes_locator=True): bb0 = super(Axes, self).get_tightbbox(renderer, call_axes_locator) if not self._axisline_on: return bb0 bb = [bb0] for axisline in self._axislines.values(): if not axisline.get_visible(): continue bb.append(axisline.get_tightbbox(renderer)) # if axisline.label.get_visible(): # bb.append(axisline.label.get_window_extent(renderer)) # if axisline.major_ticklabels.get_visible(): # bb.extend(axisline.major_ticklabels.get_window_extents(renderer)) # if axisline.minor_ticklabels.get_visible(): # bb.extend(axisline.minor_ticklabels.get_window_extents(renderer)) # if axisline.major_ticklabels.get_visible() or \ # axisline.minor_ticklabels.get_visible(): # bb.append(axisline.offsetText.get_window_extent(renderer)) #bb.extend([c.get_window_extent(renderer) for c in artists \ # if c.get_visible()]) _bbox = Bbox.union([b for b in bb if b and (b.width!=0 or b.height!=0)]) return _bbox
Example #21
Source File: From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def draw(self, renderer, inframe=False): if not self._axisline_on: super(Axes, self).draw(renderer, inframe) return orig_artists = self.artists self.artists = self.artists + list(self._axislines.values()) + [self.gridlines] super(Axes, self).draw(renderer, inframe) self.artists = orig_artists
Example #22
Source File: From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, axes): self.axes = axes super(Axes.AxisDict, self).__init__()
Example #23
Source File: From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def grid(self, b=None, which='major', axis="both", **kwargs): """ Toggle the gridlines, and optionally set the properties of the lines. """ # their are some discrepancy between the behavior of grid in # axes_grid and the original mpl's grid, because axes_grid # explicitly set the visibility of the gridlines. super(Axes, self).grid(b, which=which, axis=axis, **kwargs) if not self._axisline_on: return if b is None: if self.axes.xaxis._gridOnMinor or self.axes.xaxis._gridOnMajor or \ self.axes.yaxis._gridOnMinor or self.axes.yaxis._gridOnMajor: b=True else: b=False self.gridlines.set_which(which) self.gridlines.set_axis(axis) self.gridlines.set_visible(b) if len(kwargs): martist.setp(self.gridlines, **kwargs)
Example #24
Source File: From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _init_axis(self): super(Axes, self)._init_axis()
Example #25
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def add_artist(self, artist, clip=False): """ Add any :class:`~matplotlib.artist.Artist` to the figure. Usually artists are added to axes objects using :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.add_artist`, but use this method in the rare cases that adding directly to the figure is necessary. Parameters ---------- artist : `~matplotlib.artist.Artist` The artist to add to the figure. If the added artist has no transform previously set, its transform will be set to ``figure.transFigure``. clip : bool, optional, default ``False`` An optional parameter ``clip`` determines whether the added artist should be clipped by the figure patch. Default is *False*, i.e. no clipping. Returns ------- artist : The added `~matplotlib.artist.Artist` """ artist.set_figure(self) self.artists.append(artist) artist._remove_method = self.artists.remove if not artist.is_transform_set(): artist.set_transform(self.transFigure) if clip: artist.set_clip_path(self.patch) self.stale = True return artist
Example #26
Source File: From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *kl, **kw): helper = kw.pop("grid_helper", None) self._axisline_on = True if helper: self._grid_helper = helper else: self._grid_helper = GridHelperRectlinear(self) super(Axes, self).__init__(*kl, **kw) self.toggle_axisline(True)
Example #27
Source File: From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_children(self): if self._axisline_on: children = self._axislines.values()+[self.gridlines] else: children = [] children.extend(super(Axes, self).get_children()) return children
Example #28
Source File: From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *kl, **kw): super(Axes, self).__init__(*kl, **kw)
Example #29
Source File: From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, ax, direction): if isinstance(ax, Axes): self._ax_list = [ax] else: self._ax_list = ax try: self._get_func = self._get_func_map[direction] except KeyError: raise KeyError("direction must be one of left, right, bottom, top")
Example #30
Source File: From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def cla(self): super(Axes, self).cla() self._init_axis_artists()