Python anytree.AnyNode() Examples
The following are 22
code examples of anytree.AnyNode().
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Example #1
Source File: From updown-baseline with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__( self, hierarchy_jsonpath: str, nms_threshold: float = 0.85, max_given_constraints: int = 3 ): def __read_hierarchy(node: anytree.AnyNode, parent: Optional[anytree.AnyNode] = None): # Cast an ``anytree.AnyNode`` (after first level of recursion) to dict. attributes = dict(node) children = attributes.pop("Subcategory", []) node = anytree.AnyNode(parent=parent, **attributes) for child in children: __read_hierarchy(child, parent=node) return node # Read the object class hierarchy as a tree, to make searching easier. self._hierarchy = __read_hierarchy(json.load(open(hierarchy_jsonpath))) self._nms_threshold = nms_threshold self._max_given_constraints = max_given_constraints
Example #2
Source File: From i3-wm-multi-disp-scripts with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create_tree(root_json, root_node): con_name = root_json['name'] if con_name is None: con_name = 'container' if con_name in ['__i3', 'topdock', 'bottomdock']: return None else: this_node = at.AnyNode(id=con_name, parent=root_node, con_id=root_json['id'], workspace=False, container=False) if con_name == 'container': this_node.container = True for a_node in root_json['nodes']: create_tree(a_node, this_node)
Example #3
Source File: From catcli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _node(self, name, type, relpath, parent, size=None, md5=None, maccess=None): '''generic node creation''' return anytree.AnyNode(name=name, type=type, relpath=relpath, parent=parent, size=size, md5=md5, maccess=maccess) ############################################################### # printing ###############################################################
Example #4
Source File: From catcli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def archive_node(self, name, path, parent, archive): '''crete a new node for archive data''' return anytree.AnyNode(name=name, type=self.TYPE_ARC, relpath=path, parent=parent, size=0, md5=None, archive=archive)
Example #5
Source File: From catcli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def storage_node(self, name, path, parent, attr=None): '''create a new node representing a storage''' path = os.path.abspath(path) free = shutil.disk_usage(path).free total = shutil.disk_usage(path).total epoch = int(time.time()) return anytree.AnyNode(name=name, type=self.TYPE_STORAGE, free=free, total=total, parent=parent, attr=attr, ts=epoch)
Example #6
Source File: From catcli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def update_metanode(self, top): '''create or update meta node information''' meta = self._get_meta_node(top) epoch = int(time.time()) if not meta: attr = {} attr['created'] = epoch attr['created_version'] = VERSION meta = anytree.AnyNode(name=self.METANAME, type=self.TYPE_META, attr=attr) meta.attr['access'] = epoch meta.attr['access_version'] = VERSION return meta
Example #7
Source File: From catcli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def new_top_node(self): '''create a new top node''' return anytree.AnyNode(name=self.TOPNAME, type=self.TYPE_TOP)
Example #8
Source File: From ioc-explorer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(ioc_file, output_dir): with open(ioc_file) as csvfile: iocreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in iocreader: root = AnyNode(id=row[1], type=row[0])'=========Start to explore IOC: %s', ioc_list = build_ioc_relation(root) timestamp ='%Y%m%d%H%M') query_depth = config.get('general','depth') txtfile = output_dir + + '_depth_'+ query_depth + '_'+timestamp + '.txt' file = open(txtfile, "w") file.write(str(RenderTree(root))) file.close()'Export IOCs to TXT file: %s', txtfile) jsonfile = output_dir + + '_depth_'+ query_depth + '_'+timestamp + '.json' file = open(jsonfile, "w") exporter = JsonExporter(indent=2, sort_keys=False) exporter.write(root, file) file.close()'Export IOCs to JSON file: %s', jsonfile)'=========Done exploration for IOC: %s', return
Example #9
Source File: From anytree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_any_node(): """Any Node.""" r = AnyNode() a = AnyNode() b = AnyNode(foo=4) eq_(r.parent, None) eq_(a.parent, None) eq_(b.parent, None) a.parent = r b.parent = r eq_(r.children, (a, b)) eq_(repr(r), "AnyNode()") eq_(repr(a), "AnyNode()") eq_(repr(b), "AnyNode(foo=4)")
Example #10
Source File: From anytree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_any_node_parent_error(): """Any Node Parent Error.""" with assert_raises(TreeError, "Parent node 'r' is not of type 'NodeMixin'."): AnyNode("r")
Example #11
Source File: From anytree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_anynode_children_init(): """Anynode With Children Attribute.""" root = AnyNode(foo="root", children=[ AnyNode(foo="a", children=[ AnyNode(foo="aa") ]), AnyNode(foo="b") ]) eq_(repr(root.descendants), "(AnyNode(foo='a'), AnyNode(foo='aa'), AnyNode(foo='b'))")
Example #12
Source File: From anytree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_dict_exporter(): """Dict Exporter.""" root = AnyNode(id="root") s0 = AnyNode(id="sub0", parent=root) s0b = AnyNode(id="sub0B", parent=s0) s0a = AnyNode(id="sub0A", parent=s0) s1 = AnyNode(id="sub1", parent=root, foo="bar") s1a = AnyNode(id="sub1A", parent=s1) s1b = AnyNode(id="sub1B", parent=s1) s1c = AnyNode(id="sub1C", parent=s1) s1ca = AnyNode(id="sub1Ca", parent=s1c) exporter = DictExporter() eq_(exporter.export(root), {'id': 'root', 'children': [ {'id': 'sub0', 'children': [ {'id': 'sub0B'}, {'id': 'sub0A'} ]}, {'id': 'sub1', 'foo': 'bar', 'children': [ {'id': 'sub1A'}, {'id': 'sub1B'}, {'id': 'sub1C', 'children': [ {'id': 'sub1Ca'} ]} ]} ]} )
Example #13
Source File: From anytree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, nodecls=AnyNode): u""" Import Tree from dictionary. Every dictionary is converted to an instance of `nodecls`. The dictionaries listed in the children attribute are converted likewise and added as children. Keyword Args: nodecls: class used for nodes. >>> from anytree.importer import DictImporter >>> from anytree import RenderTree >>> importer = DictImporter() >>> data = { ... 'a': 'root', ... 'children': [{'a': 'sub0', ... 'children': [{'a': 'sub0A', 'b': 'foo'}, {'a': 'sub0B'}]}, ... {'a': 'sub1'}]} >>> root = importer.import_(data) >>> print(RenderTree(root)) AnyNode(a='root') ├── AnyNode(a='sub0') │ ├── AnyNode(a='sub0A', b='foo') │ └── AnyNode(a='sub0B') └── AnyNode(a='sub1') """ self.nodecls = nodecls
Example #14
Source File: From ioc-explorer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def vt_ip_to_file(parent): """ Files downloaded from the IP address Output is a list of file nodes with sha256 value Example: """ result = [] if parent.type != 'ip_address': return result ip_address = headers = {'x-apikey': config.get('VirusTotal','api_key')} params = {'limit': int(config.get('VirusTotal', 'limit'))} re_url = config.get('VirusTotal', 'ip_downloaded_files').replace('{ip}', ip_address) try: logger.debug('[Processing] Relationship query - VT: IP to downloaded files - %s', ip_address) r = requests.get(re_url, headers=headers, params=params, timeout=5) except: logger.debug('[Error] Relationship query - VT: IP to downloaded files - %s', ip_address) return result logger.debug('[Done] Relationship query - VT: IP to downloaded files - %s', ip_address) if r.status_code == 200 and len(r.json()['data']) > 0: for i in r.json()['data']: if 'attributes' in i: child_node = AnyNode(id=i['attributes']['sha256'], type='file', relation='VT: IP to downloaded file', parent=parent) result.append(child_node) return result
Example #15
Source File: From ioc-explorer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def vt_domain_to_file(parent): """ Files downloaded from the domain Output is a list of file nodes with sha256 value Example: """ result = [] if parent.type != 'domain': return result domain = headers = {'x-apikey': config.get('VirusTotal','api_key')} params = {'limit': int(config.get('VirusTotal', 'limit'))} re_url = config.get('VirusTotal', 'domain_downloaded_files').replace('{domain}', domain) try: logger.debug('[Processing] Relationship query - VT: domain to downloaded files - %s', domain) r = requests.get(re_url, headers=headers, params=params, timeout=5) except: logger.debug('[Error] Relationship query - VT: domain to downloaded files - %s', domain) return result logger.debug('[Done] Relationship query - VT: domain to downloaded files - %s', domain) if r.status_code == 200 and len(r.json()['data']) > 0: for i in r.json()['data']: if 'attributes' in i: child_node = AnyNode(id=i['attributes']['sha256'], type='file', relation='VT: domain to downloaded file', parent=parent) result.append(child_node) return result
Example #16
Source File: From ioc-explorer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def vt_domain_to_ip(parent): """ DNS resolutions for the domain Output is a list of IP address nodes Example: """ result = [] if parent.type != 'domain': return result domain = headers = {'x-apikey': config.get('VirusTotal','api_key')} params = {'limit': int(config.get('VirusTotal', 'limit'))} re_url = config.get('VirusTotal', 'domain_resolutions').replace('{domain}', domain) try: logger.debug('[Processing] Relationship query - VT: domain to resolution ip - %s', domain) r = requests.get(re_url, headers=headers, params=params, timeout=5) except: logger.debug('[Error] Relationship query - VT: domain to resolution ip - %s', domain) return result logger.debug('[Done] Relationship query - VT: domain to resolution ip - %s', domain) if r.status_code == 200 and len(r.json()['data']) > 0: for i in r.json()['data']: if 'attributes' in i: child_node = AnyNode(id=i['attributes']['ip_address'], type='ip_address', relation='VT: domain to resolution ip', parent=parent) result.append(child_node) return result
Example #17
Source File: From ioc-explorer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def vt_file_to_ip(parent): """ IP addresses contacted by the file Output is a list of IP address nodes Example: c3f5add704f2c540f3dd345f853e2d84 """ result = [] if parent.type != 'file': return result file_hash = headers = {'x-apikey': config.get('VirusTotal','api_key')} params = {'limit': int(config.get('VirusTotal', 'limit'))} re_url = config.get('VirusTotal', 'file_contacted_ips').replace('{file}', file_hash) try: logger.debug('[Processing] Relationship query - VT: file to contacted ip - %s', file_hash) r = requests.get(re_url, headers=headers, params=params, timeout=5) except: logger.debug('[Error] Relationship query - VT: file to contacted ip - %s', file_hash) return result logger.debug('[Done] Relationship query - VT: file to contacted ip - %s', file_hash) if r.status_code == 200 and len(r.json()['data']) > 0: for i in r.json()['data']: child_node = AnyNode(id=i['id'], type='ip_address', relation='VT: file to contacted ip', parent=parent) result.append(child_node) return result
Example #18
Source File: From ioc-explorer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def vt_file_to_file(parent): """ Files that executed the file. Output is a list of file hashes Example: c0531f812a1ec5e825f7250f7b52db7621ecf93d973f0e3ba1aa0372e0f559f2 """ result = [] if parent.type != 'file': return result file_hash = headers = {'x-apikey': config.get('VirusTotal','api_key')} params = {'limit': int(config.get('VirusTotal', 'limit'))} re_url = config.get('VirusTotal', 'file_execution_parents').replace('{file}', file_hash) try: logger.debug('[Processing] Relationship query - VT: file to execution parents - %s', file_hash) r = requests.get(re_url, headers=headers, params=params, timeout=5) except: logger.debug('[Error] Relationship query - VT: file to execution parents - %s', file_hash) return result logger.debug('[Done] Relationship query - VT: file to execution parents - %s', file_hash) if r.status_code == 200 and len(r.json()['data']) > 0: for i in r.json()['data']: if 'attributes' in i: child_node = AnyNode(id=i['attributes']['sha256'], type='file', relation='VT: file to execution parent', parent=parent) result.append(child_node) return result
Example #19
Source File: From ioc-explorer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def qax_domain_to_ip(parent): """ Private data source of QiAnXin DNS resolutions (A record) for the domain Output is a list of IP addresses Example: """ result = [] if parent.type != 'domain': return result domain = params = {'limit': int(config.get('QiAnXin_PDNS', 'limit')), 'start': int(config.get('QiAnXin_PDNS', 'start')), 'end': int(config.get('QiAnXin_PDNS', 'end')), 'mode': int(config.get('QiAnXin_PDNS', 'mode')), 'rtype': int(config.get('QiAnXin_PDNS', 'rtype'))} re_url = config.get('QiAnXin_PDNS', 'flint').replace('{domain}', domain) try: logger.debug('[Processing] Relationship query - QAX: domain to resolution ip - %s', domain) r = requests.get(re_url, params=params, timeout=5) except: logger.debug('[Error] Relationship query - QAX: domain to resolution ip - %s', domain) return result logger.debug('[Done] Relationship query - QAX: domain to resolution ip - %s', domain) if r.status_code == 200 and len(r.json()['data']) > 0: for i in r.json()['data']: for j in i['rdata'].split(';'): if j != '': child_node = AnyNode(id=j, type='ip_address', relation='QAX: domain to resolution ip', parent=parent) result.append(child_node) return result
Example #20
Source File: From ioc-explorer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def qax_domain_to_email(parent): """ Private data source of QiAnXin Registrant email for the domain in Whois record Output is a list of emails Example: """ result = [] if parent.type != 'domain': return result domain = re_url = config.get('QiAnXin_Whoisdb', 'registrant_email').replace('{domain}', domain) try: logger.debug('[Processing] Relationship query - QAX: domain to whois email - %s', domain) r = requests.get(re_url, timeout=5) except: logger.debug('[Error] Relationship query - QAX: domain to whois email - %s', domain) return result logger.debug('[Done] Relationship query - QAX: domain to registrant email - %s', domain) if r.json()['code'] == 200 and 'registrantEmail' in r.json()['data']: email = r.json()['data']['registrantEmail'][0] if, email): child_node = AnyNode(id=email, type='email', relation='QAX: domain to whois email', parent=parent) result.append(child_node) return result
Example #21
Source File: From ioc-explorer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def qax_email_to_domain(parent): """ Private data source of QiAnXin Domain names registered in the same email Output is a list of domains Example: """ result = [] if parent.type != 'email': return result email = params = {'limit': int(config.get('QiAnXin_Whoisdb', 'reverse_email_limit'))} re_url = config.get('QiAnXin_Whoisdb', 'reverse_email').replace('{email}', email) try: logger.debug('[Processing] Relationship query - QAX: Whois email to domains - %s', email) r = requests.get(re_url, params=params, timeout=5) except: logger.debug('[Error] Relationship query - QAX: Whois email to domains - %s', email) return result logger.debug('[Done] Relationship query - QAX: Whois email to domains - %s', email) if r.json()['code'] == 200 and len(r.json()['data']) > 0: for i in r.json()['data']: child_node = AnyNode(id=i, type='domain', relation='QAX: Whois email to domain', parent=parent) result.append(child_node) return result
Example #22
Source File: From ioc-explorer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def qax_file_to_ip(parent): """ Private data source of QiAnXin IP addresses contacted by the file Output is a list of IP addresses Example: e889544aff85ffaf8b0d0da705105dee7c97fe26 """ result = [] if parent.type != 'file': return result file_hash = params = {'apikey': config.get('QiAnXin_TI', 'api_key'), 'param':file_hash} re_url = config.get('QiAnXin_TI', 'file_reputation') try: logger.debug('[Processing] Relationship query - QAX: file to contacted IPs - %s', file_hash) r = requests.get(re_url, params=params, timeout=5) except: logger.debug('[Error] Relationship query - QAX: file to contacted IPs - %s', file_hash) return result logger.debug('[Done] Relationship query - QAX: file to contacted IPs - %s', file_hash) if r.json()['status'] == 10000 and len(r.json()['data']) > 0: for i in r.json()['data']: if 'network' in i and 'ip' in i['network']: for j in i['network']['ip']: child_node = AnyNode(id=j, type='ip_address', relation='QAX: file to contacted ip', parent=parent) result.append(child_node) return result