Python anytree.PreOrderIter() Examples

The following are 8 code examples of anytree.PreOrderIter(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module anytree , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From anytree with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_preorder():
    f = Node("f")
    b = Node("b", parent=f)
    a = Node("a", parent=b)
    d = Node("d", parent=b)
    c = Node("c", parent=d)
    e = Node("e", parent=d)
    g = Node("g", parent=f)
    i = Node("i", parent=g)
    h = Node("h", parent=i)

    eq_(list(PreOrderIter(f)), [f, b, a, d, c, e, g, i, h])
    eq_(list(PreOrderIter(f, maxlevel=0)), [])
    eq_(list(PreOrderIter(f, maxlevel=3)), [f, b, a, d, g, i])
    eq_(list(PreOrderIter(f, filter_=lambda n: not in ('e', 'g'))), [f, b, a, d, c, i, h])
    eq_(list(PreOrderIter(f, stop=lambda n: == 'd')), [f, b, a, g, i, h])

    it = PreOrderIter(f)
    eq_(next(it), f)
    eq_(next(it), b)
    eq_(list(it), [a, d, c, e, g, i, h]) 
Example #2
Source File:    From stytra with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def setup(self, tree=None):
        """ Due to multiprocessing limitations, the setup is
        run separately from the constructor

        diag_images = []
        for node in PreOrderIter(self.root):
            if node._params is not None:
                self.all_params[node.strpath] = node._params
                if tree is not None:
                self.node_dict[node.strpath] = node
                    node.strpath + "/" + imname
                    for imname in node.diagnostic_image_options
        self.all_params["diagnostics"] = Parametrized(
            params=dict(image=Param("unprocessed", ["unprocessed"] + diag_images)),
        self.all_params["reset"] = Parametrized(
            params=dict(reset=Param(False, gui="button")),
Example #3
Source File:    From anytree with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __iter_nodes(self, indent, nodenamefunc, nodeattrfunc):
        for node in PreOrderIter(self.node, maxlevel=self.maxlevel):
            nodename = nodenamefunc(node)
            nodeattr = nodeattrfunc(node)
            nodeattr = " [%s]" % nodeattr if nodeattr is not None else ""
            yield '%s"%s"%s;' % (indent, DotExporter.esc(nodename), nodeattr) 
Example #4
Source File:    From anytree with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __iter_edges(self, indent, nodenamefunc, edgeattrfunc, edgetypefunc):
        maxlevel = self.maxlevel - 1 if self.maxlevel else None
        for node in PreOrderIter(self.node, maxlevel=maxlevel):
            nodename = nodenamefunc(node)
            for child in node.children:
                childname = nodenamefunc(child)
                edgeattr = edgeattrfunc(node, child)
                edgetype = edgetypefunc(node, child)
                edgeattr = " [%s]" % edgeattr if edgeattr is not None else ""
                yield '%s"%s" %s "%s"%s;' % (indent, DotExporter.esc(nodename), edgetype,
                                             DotExporter.esc(childname), edgeattr) 
Example #5
Source File:    From anytree with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_pre_order_iter():
    """Pre-Order Iterator."""
    f = Node("f")
    b = Node("b", parent=f)
    a = Node("a", parent=b)
    d = Node("d", parent=b)
    c = Node("c", parent=d)
    e = Node("e", parent=d)
    g = Node("g", parent=f)
    i = Node("i", parent=g)
    h = Node("h", parent=i)

    result = [ for node in PreOrderIter(f)]
    expected = ['f', 'b', 'a', 'd', 'c', 'e', 'g', 'i', 'h']
    eq_(result, expected) 
Example #6
Source File:    From catcli with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def clean_not_flagged(self, top):
        '''remove any node not flagged and clean flags'''
        cnt = 0
        for node in anytree.PreOrderIter(top):
            if node.type != self.TYPE_FILE and node.type != self.TYPE_DIR:
            if self._clean(node):
                cnt += 1
        return cnt 
Example #7
Source File:    From ocdeployer with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_build_tree(buildconfigs):
    Analyze build configurations to find which builds are 'linked'.

    Linked builds are those which output to an ImageStream that another BuildConfig then
    uses as its 'from' image.

    Returns a list of lists where item 0 in each list is the parent build and the items following
    it are all child build configs that will be fired at some point after the parent completes
    bcs_using_input_image = {}
    bc_creating_output_image = {None: None}
    node_for_bc = {}
    for bc in buildconfigs:
        bc_name = bc["metadata"]["name"]
        node_for_bc[bc_name] = Node(bc_name)

        # look up output image
        if traverse_keys(bc, ["spec", "output", "to", "kind"], "").lower() == "imagestreamtag":
            output_image = bc["spec"]["output"]["to"]["name"]
            bc_creating_output_image[output_image] = bc_name

        # look up input image
        for trigger in traverse_keys(bc, ["spec", "triggers"], []):
            if trigger.get("type", "").lower() == "imagechange":
                input_image = get_input_image(bc, trigger)
                if input_image not in bcs_using_input_image:
                    bcs_using_input_image[input_image] = []

    # attach each build to its parent build
    for input_image, bc_names in bcs_using_input_image.items():
        for bc_name in bc_names:
            parent_bc = bc_creating_output_image.get(input_image)
            if parent_bc:
                node_for_bc[bc_name].parent = node_for_bc[parent_bc]

    rendered_trees = []
    root_nodes = [n for _, n in node_for_bc.items() if n.is_root]
    for root_node in root_nodes:
        for pre, _, node in RenderTree(root_node):
            rendered_trees.append(f"  {pre}{}")

    if rendered_trees:"build config tree:\n\n%s", "\n".join(rendered_trees))

    return [[ for node in PreOrderIter(root_node)] for root_node in root_nodes] 
Example #8
Source File:    From anytree with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_symlink():

    root = Node("root")
    s0 = Node("sub0", parent=root)
    s0b = Node("sub0B", parent=s0)
    s0a = Node("sub0A", parent=s0)
    s1 = Node("sub1", parent=root, foo=4)
    s1a = Node("sub1A", parent=s1)
    s1b = Node("sub1B", parent=s1)
    s1c = Node("sub1C", parent=s1)
    s1ca = Node("sub1Ca", parent=s1c)
    ln = SymlinkNode(s1, parent=root, blub=17)
    l0 = Node("l0", parent=ln)

    eq_(root.parent, None)
    eq_(root.children, tuple([s0, s1, ln]))
    eq_(s0.parent, root)
    eq_(s0.children, tuple([s0b, s0a]))
    eq_(s0b.parent, s0)
    eq_(s0b.children, tuple())
    eq_(s0a.parent, s0)
    eq_(s0a.children, tuple())
    eq_(s1.parent, root)
    eq_(s1.children, tuple([s1a, s1b, s1c]))
    eq_(, 4)
    eq_(s1a.parent, s1)
    eq_(s1a.children, tuple())
    eq_(s1b.parent, s1)
    eq_(s1b.children, tuple())
    eq_(s1c.parent, s1)
    eq_(s1c.children, tuple([s1ca]))
    eq_(s1ca.parent, s1c)
    eq_(s1ca.children, tuple())
    eq_(ln.parent, root)
    eq_(ln.children, tuple([l0]))
    eq_(, 4)

    eq_(s1.blub, 17)
    eq_(ln.blub, 17) = 9
    eq_(, 9)
    eq_(, 9)

    result = [ for node in PreOrderIter(root)]
    eq_(result, ['root', 'sub0', 'sub0B', 'sub0A', 'sub1', 'sub1A', 'sub1B', 'sub1C', 'sub1Ca', 'sub1', 'l0'])

    result = [ for node in PostOrderIter(root)]
    eq_(result, ['sub0B', 'sub0A', 'sub0', 'sub1A', 'sub1B', 'sub1Ca', 'sub1C', 'sub1', 'l0', 'sub1', 'root'])