Python anytree.RenderTree() Examples
The following are 26
code examples of anytree.RenderTree().
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Example #1
Source File: From forseti-security with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def _render_ascii(self, starting_node, attr): """Render an ascii representation of the tree structure. Args: starting_node: The starting node to render the ascii. Returns: attr: String of the attribute to render. """ rows = [] for pre, fill, node in anytree.RenderTree(starting_node, style=anytree.AsciiStyle()): value = getattr(node, attr, "") if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): lines = value else: lines = str(value).split("\n") rows.append(u"%s%s" % (pre, json.dumps(lines[0], sort_keys=True))) for line in lines[1:]: rows.append(u"%s%s" % (fill, json.dumps(line, sort_keys=True))) return '\n'.join(rows)
Example #2
Source File: From Offensive-Security-Certified-Professional with MIT License | 6 votes |
def process(self, data): root = anytree.Node('None', decoded = data) prev = root for (name, curr, branch) in self.generateEncodingTree(data): ReEncoder.log('[*] Generator returned: ("{}", "{}", {})'.format( name, curr[:20], str(branch) )) currNode = anytree.Node(name, parent = prev, decoded = curr) if branch: pass else: prev = currNode for pre, fill, node in anytree.RenderTree(root): if != 'None': ReEncoder.log("%s%s (%s)" % (pre,, node.decoded[:20].decode('ascii', 'ignore'))) self.encodings = self.getWinningDecodePath(root) ReEncoder.log('[+] Selected encodings: {}'.format(str(self.encodings)))
Example #3
Source File: From burpContextAwareFuzzer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def process(self, data): root = anytree.Node('None', decoded = data) prev = root for (name, curr, branch) in self.generateEncodingTree(data): ReEncoder.log('[*] Generator returned: ("{}", "{}", {})'.format( name, curr[:20], str(branch) )) currNode = anytree.Node(name, parent = prev, decoded = curr) if branch: pass else: prev = currNode for pre, fill, node in anytree.RenderTree(root): if != 'None': ReEncoder.log("%s%s (%s)" % (pre,, node.decoded[:20].decode('ascii', 'ignore'))) self.encodings = self.getWinningDecodePath(root) ReEncoder.log('[+] Selected encodings: {}'.format(str(self.encodings)))
Example #4
Source File: From anytree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_maxlevel(): root = anytree.Node("root", lines=["c0fe", "c0de"]) s0 = anytree.Node("sub0", parent=root, lines=["ha", "ba"]) s0b = anytree.Node("sub0B", parent=s0, lines=["1", "2", "3"]) s0a = anytree.Node("sub0A", parent=s0, lines=["a", "b"]) s1 = anytree.Node("sub1", parent=root, lines=["Z"]) r = anytree.RenderTree(root, maxlevel=2) result = [(pre, node) for pre, _, node in r] expected = [ (u'', root), (u'├── ', s0), (u'└── ', s1), ] print(expected) print(result) eq_(result, expected)
Example #5
Source File: From bigquery-view-analyzer with MIT License | 6 votes |
def format_tree(self, show_key=False, show_status=False):"Formatting tree...") tree_string = "" key = { "project": (Fore.CYAN + "◉" + Fore.RESET + " = Project".ljust(12)), "dataset": (Fore.YELLOW + "◉" + Fore.RESET + " = Dataset".ljust(12)), "table": (Fore.RED + "◉" + Fore.RESET + " = Table".ljust(12)), "view": (Fore.GREEN + "◉" + Fore.RESET + " = View".ljust(12)), } if show_key: tree_string += "Key:\n{}{}\n{}{}\n\n".format( key["project"], key["table"], key["dataset"], key["view"] ) for pre, _, node in RenderTree(self.tree): tree_string += "%s%s\n" % ( pre, node.pretty_name(show_authorization_status=show_status), ) return tree_string
Example #6
Source File: From forseti-security with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _build_group_tree(self): """Build a tree of all the groups in the organization. Returns: node: The tree structure of all the groups in the organization. """ root = MemberNode(MY_CUSTOMER, MY_CUSTOMER) model_manager = self.service_config.model_manager scoped_session, data_access = model_manager.get(self.model_name) with scoped_session as session: all_groups = data_access.iter_groups(session) for group in all_groups: group_node = MemberNode(, group.member_name, group.type, 'ACTIVE', root) self._get_recursive_members(group_node) LOGGER.debug(anytree.RenderTree( root, style=anytree.AsciiStyle()).by_attr('member_email')) return root
Example #7
Source File: From anytree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_stackoverflow(): """Example from stackoverflow.""" udo = Node("Udo") marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo) Node("Lian", parent=marc) dan = Node("Dan", parent=udo) Node("Jet", parent=dan) Node("Jan", parent=dan) joe = Node("Joe", parent=dan) eq_(str(udo), "Node('/Udo')") eq_(str(joe), "Node('/Udo/Dan/Joe')") eq_(["%s%s" % (pre, for pre, fill, node in RenderTree(udo)], [ u"Udo", u"├── Marc", u"│ └── Lian", u"└── Dan", u" ├── Jet", u" ├── Jan", u" └── Joe", ]) eq_(str(dan.children), "(Node('/Udo/Dan/Jet'), Node('/Udo/Dan/Jan'), Node('/Udo/Dan/Joe'))")
Example #8
Source File: From anytree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_render(): """Render string cast.""" root = MyNode("root") s0 = MyNode("sub0", parent=root) MyNode("sub0B", parent=s0) MyNode("sub0A", parent=s0) MyNode("sub1", parent=root) r = at.RenderTree(root) expected = u"\n".join([ u"MyNode('|root')", u"├── MyNode('|root|sub0')", u"│ ├── MyNode('|root|sub0|sub0B')", u"│ └── MyNode('|root|sub0|sub0A')", u"└── MyNode('|root|sub1')", ]) if six.PY2: eq_(str(r).decode('utf-8'), expected) else: eq_(str(r), expected)
Example #9
Source File: From Data-Science-Algorithms-in-a-Week with MIT License | 5 votes |
def display_tree(tree): anytree = convert_tree_to_anytree(tree) for pre, fill, node in RenderTree(anytree): pre = pre.encode(encoding='UTF-8', errors='strict') print("%s%s" % (pre, # A simple textual output of a tree without the visualization.
Example #10
Source File: From securityheaders with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_all_checker_names_as_tree_string(self): return RenderTree(self.get_all_checker_names_as_tree(), style=ContStyle(), childiter=lambda items: sorted(items, key=lambda item:"name")
Example #11
Source File: From catcli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def print_tree(self, node, style=anytree.ContRoundStyle()): '''print the tree similar to unix tool "tree"''' rend = anytree.RenderTree(node, childiter=self._sort_tree) for pre, fill, node in rend: self._print_node(node, pre=pre, withdepth=True)
Example #12
Source File: From ioc-explorer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(ioc_file, output_dir): with open(ioc_file) as csvfile: iocreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in iocreader: root = AnyNode(id=row[1], type=row[0])'=========Start to explore IOC: %s', ioc_list = build_ioc_relation(root) timestamp ='%Y%m%d%H%M') query_depth = config.get('general','depth') txtfile = output_dir + + '_depth_'+ query_depth + '_'+timestamp + '.txt' file = open(txtfile, "w") file.write(str(RenderTree(root))) file.close()'Export IOCs to TXT file: %s', txtfile) jsonfile = output_dir + + '_depth_'+ query_depth + '_'+timestamp + '.json' file = open(jsonfile, "w") exporter = JsonExporter(indent=2, sort_keys=False) exporter.write(root, file) file.close()'Export IOCs to JSON file: %s', jsonfile)'=========Done exploration for IOC: %s', return
Example #13
Source File: From anytree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_by_attr(): """by attr.""" root = anytree.Node("root", lines=["root"]) s0 = anytree.Node("sub0", parent=root, lines=["su", "b0"]) anytree.Node("sub0B", parent=s0, lines=["sub", "0B"]) anytree.Node("sub0A", parent=s0) anytree.Node("sub1", parent=root, lines=["sub1"]) eq_(anytree.RenderTree(root).by_attr(), u"root\n├── sub0\n│ ├── sub0B\n│ └── sub0A\n└── sub1") eq_(anytree.RenderTree(root).by_attr("lines"), u"root\n├── su\n│ b0\n│ ├── sub\n│ │ 0B\n│ └── \n└── sub1") eq_(anytree.RenderTree(root).by_attr(lambda node: ":".join(, u"r:o:o:t\n├── s:u:b:0\n│ ├── s:u:b:0:B\n│ └── s:u:b:0:A\n└── s:u:b:1")
Example #14
Source File: From anytree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_render(): """Rendering.""" root = anytree.Node("root", lines=["c0fe", "c0de"]) s0 = anytree.Node("sub0", parent=root, lines=["ha", "ba"]) s0b = anytree.Node("sub0B", parent=s0, lines=["1", "2", "3"]) s0a = anytree.Node("sub0A", parent=s0, lines=["a", "b"]) s1 = anytree.Node("sub1", parent=root, lines=["Z"]) r = anytree.RenderTree(root, style=anytree.DoubleStyle) result = [(pre, node) for pre, _, node in r] expected = [ (u'', root), (u'╠══ ', s0), (u'║ ╠══ ', s0b), (u'║ ╚══ ', s0a), (u'╚══ ', s1), ] eq_(result, expected) def multi(root): for pre, fill, node in anytree.RenderTree(root): yield "%s%s" % (pre, node.lines[0]), node for line in node.lines[1:]: yield "%s%s" % (fill, line), node result = list(multi(root)) expected = [ (u'c0fe', root), (u'c0de', root), (u'├── ha', s0), (u'│ ba', s0), (u'│ ├── 1', s0b), (u'│ │ 2', s0b), (u'│ │ 3', s0b), (u'│ └── a', s0a), (u'│ b', s0a), (u'└── Z', s1), ] eq_(result, expected)
Example #15
Source File: From anytree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_render_str(): """Render string cast.""" root = anytree.Node("root") s0 = anytree.Node("sub0", parent=root) anytree.Node("sub0B", parent=s0) anytree.Node("sub0A", parent=s0) anytree.Node("sub1", parent=root) r = anytree.RenderTree(root) expected = u"\n".join([ u"Node('/root')", u"├── Node('/root/sub0')", u"│ ├── Node('/root/sub0/sub0B')", u"│ └── Node('/root/sub0/sub0A')", u"└── Node('/root/sub1')", ]) eq_str(str(r), expected) r = anytree.RenderTree(root, childiter=lambda nodes: [n for n in nodes if len( < 5]) expected = u"\n".join([ u"Node('/root')", u"├── Node('/root/sub0')", u"└── Node('/root/sub1')", ]) eq_str(str(r), expected)
Example #16
Source File: From anytree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_dict_importer_node(): """Dict Importer.""" importer = DictImporter(Node) exporter = DictExporter() refdata = { 'name': 'root', 'children': [ {'name': 'sub0', 'children': [ {'name': 'sub0B'}, {'name': 'sub0A'} ]}, {'name': 'sub1', 'children': [ {'name': 'sub1A'}, {'name': 'sub1B'}, {'name': 'sub1C', 'children': [ {'name': 'sub1Ca'} ]} ]} ]} data = deepcopy(refdata) root = importer.import_(data) eq_(data, refdata) eq_(exporter.export(root), data) r = RenderTree(root) expected = u"\n".join([ u"Node('/root')", u"├── Node('/root/sub0')", u"│ ├── Node('/root/sub0/sub0B')", u"│ └── Node('/root/sub0/sub0A')", u"└── Node('/root/sub1')", u" ├── Node('/root/sub1/sub1A')", u" ├── Node('/root/sub1/sub1B')", u" └── Node('/root/sub1/sub1C')", u" └── Node('/root/sub1/sub1C/sub1Ca')", ]) eq_str(str(r), expected)
Example #17
Source File: From anytree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_dict_importer(): """Dict Importer.""" importer = DictImporter() exporter = DictExporter() refdata = { 'id': 'root', 'children': [ {'id': 'sub0', 'children': [ {'id': 'sub0B'}, {'id': 'sub0A'} ]}, {'id': 'sub1', 'children': [ {'id': 'sub1A'}, {'id': 'sub1B'}, {'id': 'sub1C', 'children': [ {'id': 'sub1Ca'} ]} ]} ]} data = deepcopy(refdata) root = importer.import_(data) eq_(data, refdata) eq_(exporter.export(root), data) r = RenderTree(root) expected = u"\n".join([ u"AnyNode(id='root')", u"├── AnyNode(id='sub0')", u"│ ├── AnyNode(id='sub0B')", u"│ └── AnyNode(id='sub0A')", u"└── AnyNode(id='sub1')", u" ├── AnyNode(id='sub1A')", u" ├── AnyNode(id='sub1B')", u" └── AnyNode(id='sub1C')", u" └── AnyNode(id='sub1Ca')", ]) eq_str(str(r), expected)
Example #18
Source File: From apkutils with MIT License | 5 votes |
def pretty_print(node): """漂亮地打印一个节点 Args: node (TYPE): Description """ for pre, _, node in RenderTree(node): print('{}{}'.format(pre,
Example #19
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 5 votes |
def render(stree): return RenderTree(stree, style=ContStyle()).by_attr('__repr_render__')
Example #20
Source File: From OasisLMF with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _log_tree(self, program_node): if self.logger: self.logger.debug('program_node tree: "{}"'.format( self.logger.debug(anytree.RenderTree(program_node))
Example #21
Source File: From dpt-rp1-py with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__( self, dpt_ip_address=None, dpt_serial_number=None, dpt_key=None, dpt_client_id=None, uid=None, gid=None, ): self.dpt_ip_address = dpt_ip_address self.dpt_serial_number = dpt_serial_number self.dpt_key = os.path.expanduser(dpt_key) self.dpt_client_id = os.path.expanduser(dpt_client_id) self.uid = uid self.gid = gid self.__authenticate__() # Create root node self.__init_empty_tree() # Cache this for the session"Loading initial document list") self._load_document_list() logger.debug(anytree.RenderTree(self.root)) self.handle = {} self.files = {} self.fd = 0
Example #22
Source File: From johnnydep with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gen_table(johnnydist, extra_cols=()): extra_cols = OrderedDict.fromkeys(extra_cols) # de-dupe and preserve ordering extra_cols.pop("name", None) # this is always included anyway, no need to ask for it johnnydist.log.debug("generating table") for pre, _fill, node in anytree.RenderTree(johnnydist): row = OrderedDict() name = str(node.req) if "specifier" in extra_cols: name = wimpy.strip_suffix(name, str(node.specifier)) row["name"] = pre + name for col in extra_cols: val = getattr(node, col, "") if isinstance(val, list): val = ", ".join(val) row[col] = val yield row
Example #23
Source File: From Data-Science-Algorithms-in-a-Week-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
def display_tree(tree): anytree = convert_tree_to_anytree(tree) for pre, fill, node in RenderTree(anytree): pre = pre.encode(encoding='UTF-8', errors='strict') print("%s%s" % (pre, # A simple textual output of a tree without the visualization.
Example #24
Source File: From ocdeployer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_build_tree(buildconfigs): """ Analyze build configurations to find which builds are 'linked'. Linked builds are those which output to an ImageStream that another BuildConfig then uses as its 'from' image. Returns a list of lists where item 0 in each list is the parent build and the items following it are all child build configs that will be fired at some point after the parent completes """ bcs_using_input_image = {} bc_creating_output_image = {None: None} node_for_bc = {} for bc in buildconfigs: bc_name = bc["metadata"]["name"] node_for_bc[bc_name] = Node(bc_name) # look up output image if traverse_keys(bc, ["spec", "output", "to", "kind"], "").lower() == "imagestreamtag": output_image = bc["spec"]["output"]["to"]["name"] bc_creating_output_image[output_image] = bc_name # look up input image for trigger in traverse_keys(bc, ["spec", "triggers"], []): if trigger.get("type", "").lower() == "imagechange": input_image = get_input_image(bc, trigger) if input_image not in bcs_using_input_image: bcs_using_input_image[input_image] = [] bcs_using_input_image[input_image].append(bc_name) # attach each build to its parent build for input_image, bc_names in bcs_using_input_image.items(): for bc_name in bc_names: parent_bc = bc_creating_output_image.get(input_image) if parent_bc: node_for_bc[bc_name].parent = node_for_bc[parent_bc] rendered_trees = [] root_nodes = [n for _, n in node_for_bc.items() if n.is_root] for root_node in root_nodes: for pre, _, node in RenderTree(root_node): rendered_trees.append(f" {pre}{}") if rendered_trees:"build config tree:\n\n%s", "\n".join(rendered_trees)) return [[ for node in PreOrderIter(root_node)] for root_node in root_nodes]
Example #25
Source File: From Apfell with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def analytics_payload_tree_api(request, user): if user['auth'] not in ['access_token', 'apitoken']: abort(status_code=403, message="Cannot access via Cookies. Use CLI or access via JS in browser") # each payload is the root of a tree, all of the corresponding callbacks that use it are under that tree try: query = await db_model.operation_query() operation = await db_objects.get(query, name=user['current_operation']) query = await db_model.payload_query() dbpayloads = await db_objects.execute(query.where(Payload.operation == operation)) except Exception as e: return json({'status': 'error', 'error': 'failed to find operation or payloads'}) display_config = {} display_config['inactive'] = False # by default, include only active callbacks display_config['strikethrough'] = False if request.method == 'POST': data = request.json if 'inactive' in data: display_config['inactive'] = data['inactive'] if 'strikethrough' in data: display_config['strikethrough'] = data['strikethrough'] tree = [] for p in dbpayloads: display = await analytics_payload_tree_api_function(p, display_config) if display_config['inactive'] or (not display_config['inactive'] and not p.deleted): ptree = Node(str(, display=display) # now get all callbacks that have this payload tied to it query = await db_model.callback_query() if display_config['inactive']: # we want to display the inactive ones as well using_callbacks = await db_objects.execute(query.where(Callback.registered_payload==p)) else: using_callbacks = await db_objects.execute(query.where( (Callback.registered_payload==p) & ( == True))) tree.append(ptree) for c in using_callbacks: # each of these callbacks has ptree as an associated payload callback_display = await analytics_callback_tree_api_function(c.to_json(), display_config) Node(str(, parent=ptree, display=callback_display) output = "" for t in tree: # this is iterating over each payload-based tree output += str(RenderTree(t, style=DoubleStyle).by_attr("display")) + "\n" return json({'status': 'success', 'output': output})
Example #26
Source File: From VerticaPy with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def plot_tree(tree, metric: str = "probability", pic_path: str = ""): try: from anytree import Node, RenderTree except: raise Exception("You must install the anytree module to be able to plot trees.") check_types([ ("metric", metric, [str], False), ("pic_path", pic_path, [str], False)]) try: import shutil screen_columns = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns except: import os screen_rows, screen_columns = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() tree_id, nb_nodes, tree_depth, tree_breadth = tree["tree_id"][0], len(tree["node_id"]), max(tree["node_depth"]), sum([1 if item else 0 for item in tree["is_leaf"]]) print("-" * int(screen_columns)) print("Tree Id: {}".format(tree_id)) print("Number of Nodes: {}".format(nb_nodes)) print("Tree Depth: {}".format(tree_depth)) print("Tree Breadth: {}".format(tree_breadth)) print("-" * int(screen_columns)) tree_nodes = {} for idx in range(nb_nodes): op = "<" if not(tree["is_categorical_split"][idx]) else "=" if (tree["is_leaf"][idx]): tree_nodes[tree["node_id"][idx]] = Node('[{}] => {} ({} = {})'.format(tree["node_id"][idx], tree["prediction"][idx], metric, tree["probability/variance"][idx])) else: tree_nodes[tree["node_id"][idx]] = Node('[{}] ({} {} {} ?)'.format(tree["node_id"][idx], tree["split_predictor"][idx], op, tree["split_value"][idx])) for idx, node_id in enumerate(tree["node_id"]): if not(tree["is_leaf"][idx]): tree_nodes[node_id].children = [tree_nodes[tree["left_child_id"][idx]], tree_nodes[tree["right_child_id"][idx]]] for pre, fill, node in RenderTree(tree_nodes[1]): print("%s%s" % (pre, if (pic_path): from anytree.dotexport import RenderTreeGraph RenderTreeGraph(tree_nodes[1]).to_picture(pic_path) if (isnotebook()): from IPython.core.display import HTML, display display(HTML("<img src='{}'>".format(pic_path))) #---#