Python scipy.sparse.save_npz() Examples
The following are 18
code examples of scipy.sparse.save_npz().
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Example #1
Source File: From DeepRobust with MIT License | 6 votes |
def save_adj(self, root=r'/tmp/', name='mod_adj'): """Save attacked adjacency matrix. Parameters ---------- root : root directory where the variable should be saved name : str saved file name Returns ------- None. """ assert self.modified_adj is not None, \ 'modified_adj is None! Please perturb the graph first.' name = name + '.npz' modified_adj = self.modified_adj if type(modified_adj) is torch.Tensor: sparse_adj = utils.to_scipy(modified_adj) sp.save_npz(osp.join(root, name), sparse_adj) else: sp.save_npz(osp.join(root, name), modified_adj)
Example #2
Source File: From DeepRobust with MIT License | 6 votes |
def save_adj(self, root=r'/tmp/', name='mod_adj'): """Save attacked adjacency matrix. Parameters ---------- root : root directory where the variable should be saved name : str saved file name Returns ------- None. """ assert self.modified_adj is not None, \ 'modified_adj is None! Please perturb the graph first.' name = name + '.npz' modified_adj = self.modified_adj if type(modified_adj) is torch.Tensor: sparse_adj = utils.to_scipy(modified_adj) sp.save_npz(osp.join(root, name), sparse_adj) else: sp.save_npz(osp.join(root, name), modified_adj)
Example #3
Source File: From causal-text-embeddings with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_term_counts(reddit, path='../dat/reddit/', force_redo=False): count_filename = path + 'term_counts' vocab_filename = path + 'vocab' if os.path.exists(count_filename + '.npz') and not force_redo: return sparse.load_npz(count_filename + '.npz'), np.load(vocab_filename + '.npy') post_docs = reddit['post_text'].values counts, vocab, _ = tokenize_documents(post_docs) sparse.save_npz(count_filename, counts), vocab) return counts, np.array(vocab)
Example #4
Source File: From denspi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): args = get_args() if args.nfs: from nsml import NSML_NFS_OUTPUT args.dump_dir = os.path.join(NSML_NFS_OUTPUT, args.dump_dir) args.out_dir = os.path.join(NSML_NFS_OUTPUT, args.out_dir) args.ranker_path = os.path.join(NSML_NFS_OUTPUT, args.ranker_path) args.ranker_path = os.path.join(args.ranker_path, 'docs-tfidf-ngram=2-hash=16777216-tokenizer=simple.npz') os.makedirs(args.out_dir) assert os.path.isdir(args.dump_dir) dump_paths = sorted([os.path.join(args.dump_dir, name) for name in os.listdir(args.dump_dir) if 'hdf5' in name])[ args.start:args.end] print(dump_paths) dump_names = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] for path in dump_paths] dump_ranges = [list(map(int, name.split('-'))) for name in dump_names] phrase_dumps = [h5py.File(path, 'r') for path in dump_paths] ranker = None ranker = MyTfidfDocRanker( tfidf_path=args.ranker_path, strict=False ) print('Ranker shape {} from {}'.format(ranker.doc_mat.shape, args.ranker_path)) # new_mat = ranker.doc_mat.T.tocsr() # sp.save_npz('doc_tfidf.npz', new_mat) dump_tfidf(ranker, phrase_dumps, dump_names, args)
Example #5
Source File: From opentapioca with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def save_matrix(self, fname): sparse.save_npz(fname, self.mat)
Example #6
Source File: From neural_graph_collaborative_filtering with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_adj_mat(self): try: t1 = time() adj_mat = sp.load_npz(self.path + '/s_adj_mat.npz') norm_adj_mat = sp.load_npz(self.path + '/s_norm_adj_mat.npz') mean_adj_mat = sp.load_npz(self.path + '/s_mean_adj_mat.npz') print('already load adj matrix', adj_mat.shape, time() - t1) except Exception: adj_mat, norm_adj_mat, mean_adj_mat = self.create_adj_mat() sp.save_npz(self.path + '/s_adj_mat.npz', adj_mat) sp.save_npz(self.path + '/s_norm_adj_mat.npz', norm_adj_mat) sp.save_npz(self.path + '/s_mean_adj_mat.npz', mean_adj_mat) return adj_mat, norm_adj_mat, mean_adj_mat
Example #7
Source File: From knowledge_graph_attention_network with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_kg_feature(self, kg_feat_file): try: kg_feat_mat = sp.load_npz(kg_feat_file) print('already load item kg feature mat', kg_feat_mat.shape) except Exception: kg_feat_mat = self._create_kg_feat_mat() sp.save_npz(kg_feat_file, kg_feat_mat) print('already save item kg feature mat:', kg_feat_file) return kg_feat_mat
Example #8
Source File: From isdi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def join_mats(fnames, s, e): ofname="mat_{}_{}".format(s, e) print(ofname, fnames) M = [sps.load_npz(f) for f in fnames] print("Done reading..") sps.save_npz( ofname, sps.vstack(M) )
Example #9
Source File: From isdi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def join_smart_mat(fnames): """Join arrays in Mlist inplace""" # M.indptr M.indices indptr = np.zeros(num_devices+1, dtype=np.int32) indices = np.zeros(Msize, dtype=np.int32) i_indptr, i_indices = 0, 0 ofname = 'joined_mat.npz' M = [None for _ in fnames] for i, mf in enumerate(fnames) : M[i] = sps.load_npz(mf) print("Loaded matrix={}. shape={}. nnz={}".format(mf, M[i].shape, M[i].nnz)) # Mindptr = M.indptr # Mindices = M.indices # indptr[i_indptr+1:i_indptr+len(Mindptr)] = Mindptr[1:] + indptr[i_indptr] # i_indptr += len(Mindptr)-1 # indices[i_indices:i_indices+len(Mindices)] = Mindices # i_indices += i_indices # del M print("Saving the file...") M = sps.csr_matrix( (np.ones(len(indices)), indices, indptr), shape=(len(indptr)-1, num_apps), dtype=bool ) print(M.nnz) sps.save_npz(ofname, M)
Example #10
Source File: From isdi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_matrix(mf, mfname, ofname_cnt): indptr = np.zeros(LIM+1, dtype=np.int32) indices = array.array('I') ofname = mfname.rsplit('.', 2)[0] + '.csr_matrix'.format(ofname_cnt) j = 0 for j, d in enumerate(mf): if j>LIM: break terms = d.decode('utf-8').strip().split(',') if len(terms)<1: continue i, terms = int(terms[0]), terms[1:] indices.extend([_get(t) for t in terms]) indptr[j%LIM+1] = len(indices) if j % 10000 == 0: print("Done {}".format(j)) # print("Saving: j={} start: {} stop: {}".format(j, start, stop)) if j>0: print("Saving... {}".format(ofname)) if len(indptr) > j: indptr = indptr[:j+2] print(len(indices), indptr) M = sps.csr_matrix( (np.ones(len(indices)), indices, indptr), shape=(len(indptr)-1, num_apps), dtype=bool ) print(M.nnz) sps.save_npz(ofname, M) create_matrix(mf, mfname, ofname_cnt+1)
Example #11
Source File: From causal-text-embeddings with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_term_counts(df, path='../dat/PeerRead/', force_redo=False, text_col='abstract_text'): count_filename = path + 'term_counts' vocab_filename = path + 'vocab' if os.path.exists(count_filename + '.npz') and not force_redo: return sparse.load_npz(count_filename + '.npz'), np.load(vocab_filename + '.npy') post_docs = df[text_col].values counts, vocab, _ = tokenize_documents(post_docs) sparse.save_npz(count_filename, counts), vocab) return counts, np.array(vocab)
Example #12
Source File: From deep_architect with MIT License | 5 votes |
def save_state(self, folderpath): state = { 'num_evals': len(self.vecs_lst), 'vals_lst': self.vals_lst, } ut.write_jsonfile(state, ut.join_paths([folderpath, 'hash_model_state.json'])) for i, vecs in enumerate(self.vecs_lst): sp.save_npz(ut.join_paths([folderpath, str(i) + '.npz']), vecs) # TODO: improve
Example #13
Source File: From causal-text-embeddings with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_term_counts(path='../dat/', force_redo=False): count_filename = path + 'reddit_term_counts' vocab_filename = path + 'vocab' if os.path.exists(count_filename + '.npz') and not force_redo: return sparse.load_npz(count_filename + '.npz'), np.load(vocab_filename + '.npy') reddit = load_reddit() post_docs = reddit['post_text'].values counts, vocab = tokenize_documents(post_docs) sparse.save_npz(path + 'reddit_term_counts', counts) + 'vocab', vocab) return counts, vocab
Example #14
Source File: From causal-text-embeddings with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_term_counts(df, path='../dat/PeerRead/', force_redo=False, text_col='abstract_text'): count_filename = path + 'term_counts' vocab_filename = path + 'vocab' if os.path.exists(count_filename + '.npz') and not force_redo: return sparse.load_npz(count_filename + '.npz').toarray(), np.load(vocab_filename + '.npy') post_docs = df[text_col].values counts, vocab, _ = tokenize_documents(post_docs) sparse.save_npz(count_filename, counts), vocab) return counts.toarray(), np.array(vocab)
Example #15
Source File: From causal-text-embeddings with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_term_counts(reddit, path='../dat/reddit/', force_redo=False): count_filename = path + 'term_counts' vocab_filename = path + 'vocab' if os.path.exists(count_filename + '.npz') and not force_redo: return sparse.load_npz(count_filename + '.npz').toarray(), np.load(vocab_filename + '.npy') post_docs = reddit['post_text'].values counts, vocab, _ = tokenize_documents(post_docs) sparse.save_npz(count_filename, counts), vocab) return counts.toarray(), np.array(vocab)
Example #16
Source File: From DeepRobust with MIT License | 5 votes |
def save_features(self, root=r'/tmp/', name='mod_features'): """Save attacked node feature matrix. Parameters ---------- root : root directory where the variable should be saved name : str saved file name Returns ------- None. """ assert self.modified_features is not None, \ 'modified_features is None! Please perturb the graph first.' name = name + '.npz' modified_features = self.modified_features if type(modified_features) is torch.Tensor: sparse_features = utils.to_scipy(modified_features) sp.save_npz(osp.join(root, name), sparse_features) else: sp.save_npz(osp.join(root, name), modified_features)
Example #17
Source File: From DeepRobust with MIT License | 5 votes |
def save_features(self, root=r'/tmp/', name='mod_features'): """Save attacked node feature matrix. Parameters ---------- root : root directory where the variable should be saved name : str saved file name Returns ------- None. """ assert self.modified_features is not None, \ 'modified_features is None! Please perturb the graph first.' name = name + '.npz' modified_features = self.modified_features if type(modified_features) is torch.Tensor: sparse_features = utils.to_scipy(modified_features) sp.save_npz(osp.join(root, name), sparse_features) else: sp.save_npz(osp.join(root, name), modified_features)
Example #18
Source File: From celer with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def get_X_y(dataset, compressed_path, multilabel, replace=False): """Load a LIBSVM dataset as sparse X and observation y/Y. If X and y already exists as npz and npy, they are not redownloaded unless replace=True.""" ext = '.npz' if multilabel else '.npy' y_path = pjoin(CELER_PATH, "%s_target%s" % (NAMES[dataset], ext)) X_path = pjoin(CELER_PATH, "%s_data.npz" % NAMES[dataset]) if replace or not os.path.isfile(y_path) or not os.path.isfile(X_path): tmp_path = pjoin(CELER_PATH, "%s" % NAMES[dataset]) decompressor = BZ2Decompressor() print("Decompressing...") with open(tmp_path, "wb") as f, open(compressed_path, "rb") as g: for data in iter(lambda: * 1024), b''): f.write(decompressor.decompress(data)) n_features_total = N_FEATURES[dataset] print("Loading svmlight file...") with open(tmp_path, 'rb') as f: X, y = load_svmlight_file( f, n_features_total, multilabel=multilabel) os.remove(tmp_path) X = sparse.csc_matrix(X) X.sort_indices() sparse.save_npz(X_path, X) if multilabel: indices = np.array([lab for labels in y for lab in labels]) indptr = np.cumsum([0] + [len(labels) for labels in y]) data = np.ones_like(indices) Y = sparse.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr)) sparse.save_npz(y_path, Y) return X, Y else:, y) else: X = sparse.load_npz(X_path) y = np.load(y_path) return X, y