Python tflearn.is_training() Examples
The following are 14
code examples of tflearn.is_training().
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Example #1
Source File: From FRU with MIT License | 6 votes |
def evaluate_flow(session, ops_to_evaluate, dataflow): if not isinstance(ops_to_evaluate, list): ops_to_evaluate = [ops_to_evaluate] tflearn.is_training(False, session) dataflow.reset() dataflow.start() res = [0. for i in ops_to_evaluate] feed_batch = while feed_batch: r =, feed_batch) current_batch_size = get_current_batch_size(feed_batch, dataflow) for i in range(len(r)): res[i] += r[i] * current_batch_size feed_batch = res = [r / dataflow.n_samples for r in res] return res
Example #2
Source File: From icnn with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def act(self, test=False): with self.sess.as_default(): print('--- Selecting action, test={}'.format(test)) obs = np.expand_dims(self.observation, axis=0) if FLAGS.icnn_opt == 'adam': f = self._fg_entr # f = self._fg elif FLAGS.icnn_opt == 'bundle_entropy': f = self._fg else: raise RuntimeError("Unrecognized ICNN optimizer: "+FLAGS.icnn_opt) tflearn.is_training(False) action = self.opt(f, obs) tflearn.is_training(not test) if not test: self.noise -= FLAGS.outheta*self.noise - \ FLAGS.ousigma*npr.randn(self.dimA) action += self.noise action = np.clip(action, -1, 1) self.action = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(action, axis=0)) return self.action
Example #3
Source File: From icnn with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def train(self): with self.sess.as_default(): obs, act, rew, ob2, term2, info = self.rm.minibatch(size=FLAGS.bsize) if FLAGS.icnn_opt == 'adam': # f = self._opt_train_entr f = self._fg_entr_target # f = self._fg_target elif FLAGS.icnn_opt == 'bundle_entropy': f = self._fg_target else: raise RuntimeError("Unrecognized ICNN optimizer: "+FLAGS.icnn_opt) print('--- Optimizing for training') tflearn.is_training(False) act2 = self.opt(f, ob2) tflearn.is_training(True) _, _, loss = self._train(obs, act, rew, ob2, act2, term2, log=FLAGS.summary, global_step=self.t) return loss
Example #4
Source File: From PGPortfolio with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def log_between_steps(self, step): fast_train = self.train_config["fast_train"] tflearn.is_training(False, self._agent.session) summary, v_pv, v_log_mean, v_loss, log_mean_free, weights= \ self._evaluate("test", self.summary, self._agent.portfolio_value, self._agent.log_mean, self._agent.loss, self._agent.log_mean_free, self._agent.portfolio_weights) self.test_writer.add_summary(summary, step) if not fast_train: summary, loss_value = self._evaluate("training", self.summary, self._agent.loss) self.train_writer.add_summary(summary, step) # print 'ouput is %s' % out'='*30)'step %d' % step)'-'*30) if not fast_train:'training loss is %s\n' % loss_value)'the portfolio value on test set is %s\nlog_mean is %s\n' 'loss_value is %3f\nlog mean without commission fee is %3f\n' % \ (v_pv, v_log_mean, v_loss, log_mean_free))'='*30+"\n") if not self.__snap_shot: self._agent.save_model(self.save_path) elif v_pv > self.best_metric: self.best_metric = v_pv"get better model at %s steps," " whose test portfolio value is %s" % (step, v_pv)) if self.save_path: self._agent.save_model(self.save_path) self.check_abnormal(v_pv, weights)
Example #5
Source File: From PGPortfolio with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __log_result_csv(self, index, time): from import backtest dataframe = None csv_dir = './train_package/train_summary.csv' tflearn.is_training(False, self._agent.session) v_pv, v_log_mean, benefit_array, v_log_mean_free =\ self._evaluate("test", self._agent.portfolio_value, self._agent.log_mean, self._agent.pv_vector, self._agent.log_mean_free) backtest = backtest.BackTest(self.config.copy(), net_dir=None, agent=self._agent) backtest.start_trading() result = Result(test_pv=[v_pv], test_log_mean=[v_log_mean], test_log_mean_free=[v_log_mean_free], test_history=[''.join(str(e)+', ' for e in benefit_array)], config=[json.dumps(self.config)], net_dir=[index], backtest_test_pv=[backtest.test_pv], backtest_test_history=[''.join(str(e)+', ' for e in backtest.test_pc_vector)], backtest_test_log_mean=[np.mean(np.log(backtest.test_pc_vector))], training_time=int(time)) new_data_frame = pd.DataFrame(result._asdict()).set_index("net_dir") if os.path.isfile(csv_dir): dataframe = pd.read_csv(csv_dir).set_index("net_dir") dataframe = dataframe.append(new_data_frame) else: dataframe = new_data_frame if int(index) > 0: dataframe.to_csv(csv_dir) return result
Example #6
Source File: From PGPortfolio with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __rolling_logging(self): fast_train = self.train_config["fast_train"] if not fast_train: tflearn.is_training(False, self._agent.session) v_pv, v_log_mean = self._evaluate("validation", self._agent.portfolio_value, self._agent.log_mean) t_pv, t_log_mean = self._evaluate("test", self._agent.portfolio_value, self._agent.log_mean) loss_value = self._evaluate("training", self._agent.loss)'training loss is %s\n' % loss_value)'the portfolio value on validation asset is %s\nlog_mean is %s\n' % (v_pv,v_log_mean))'the portfolio value on test asset is %s\n mean is %s' % (t_pv,t_log_mean))
Example #7
Source File: From PGPortfolio with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def train(self, x, y, last_w, setw): tflearn.is_training(True, self.__net.session) self.evaluate_tensors(x, y, last_w, setw, [self.__train_operation])
Example #8
Source File: From PGPortfolio with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def decide_by_history(self, history, last_w): assert isinstance(history, np.ndarray),\ "the history should be a numpy array, not %s" % type(history) assert not np.any(np.isnan(last_w)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(history)) tflearn.is_training(False, self.session) history = history[np.newaxis, :, :, :] return np.squeeze(, feed_dict={self.__net.input_tensor: history, self.__net.previous_w: last_w[np.newaxis, 1:], self.__net.input_num: 1}))
Example #9
Source File: From FRU with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _train_batch(self, feed_dict): """ _train_batch. Train on a single batch. Arguments: feed_dict: `dict`. The data dictionary to feed. """ tflearn.is_training(True, session=self.session) _, loss, _ =[self.train, self.loss, self.summ_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) tflearn.is_training(False, session=self.session) return loss
Example #10
Source File: From FRU with MIT License | 5 votes |
def evaluate(session, op_to_evaluate, feed_dict, batch_size): """ evaluate. Evaluate an operation with provided data dict using a batch size to save GPU memory. Args: session: `tf.Session`. Session for running operations. op_to_evaluate: `tf.Op`. Operation to be evaluated. feed_dict: `dict`. Data dictionary to feed op_to_evaluate. batch_size: `int`. Batch size to be used for evaluation. Ret: `float`. op_to_evaluate mean over all batches. """ tflearn.is_training(False, session) n_test_samples = len(get_dict_first_element(feed_dict)) batches = make_batches(n_test_samples, batch_size) index_array = np.arange(n_test_samples) avg = 0.0 for i, (batch_start, batch_end) in enumerate(batches): batch_ids = index_array[batch_start:batch_end] feed_batch = {} for key in feed_dict: # Make batch for multi-dimensional data if np.ndim(feed_dict[key]) > 0: feed_batch[key] = slice_array(feed_dict[key], batch_ids) else: feed_batch[key] = feed_dict[key] avg +=, feed_batch) / len(batches) return avg
Example #11
Source File: From FRU with MIT License | 5 votes |
def predict(self, feed_dict): """ predict. Run data through the provided network and return the result value. Arguments: feed_dict: `dict`. Feed data dictionary, with placeholders as keys, and data as values. Returns: An `array`. In case of multiple tensors to predict, each tensor's prediction result is concatenated. """ with self.graph.as_default(): # Data Preprocessing dprep_dict = dict() for i in range(len(self.inputs)): # Support for custom inputs not using dprep/daug if len(self.dprep_collection) > i: if self.dprep_collection[i] is not None: dprep_dict[self.inputs[i]] = self.dprep_collection[i] # Apply pre-processing if len(dprep_dict) > 0: for k in dprep_dict: feed_dict[k] = dprep_dict[k].apply(feed_dict[k]) # Prediction for each tensor tflearn.is_training(False, self.session) prediction = [] if len(self.tensors) == 1: return[0], feed_dict=feed_dict) else: for output in self.tensors: o_pred =, feed_dict=feed_dict).tolist() for i, val in enumerate(o_pred): # Reshape pred per sample if len(self.tensors) > 1: if not len(prediction) > i: prediction.append([]) prediction[i].append(val) return prediction
Example #12
Source File: From FRU with MIT License | 5 votes |
def evaluate(self, feed_dict, ops, batch_size=128): """ Evaluate. Evaluate a list of tensors over a whole dataset. Generally, 'ops' argument are average performance metrics (such as average mean, top-3, etc...) Arguments: feed_dict: `dict`. The feed dictionary of data. ops: list of `Tensors`. The tensors to evaluate. batch_size: `int`. A batch size. Returns: The mean average result per tensor over all batches. """ tflearn.is_training(False, self.session) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() inputs = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.INPUTS) # Data Preprocessing dprep_dict = {} dprep_collection = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.DATA_PREP) for i in range(len(inputs)): # Support for custom inputs not using dprep/daug if len(dprep_collection) > i: if dprep_collection[i] is not None: dprep_dict[inputs[i]] = dprep_collection[i] # Data Flow df = data_flow.FeedDictFlow(feed_dict, coord, batch_size=batch_size, dprep_dict=dprep_dict, daug_dict=None, index_array=None, num_threads=1) return evaluate_flow(self.session, ops, df)
Example #13
Source File: From Recursive-Cascaded-Networks with MIT License | 4 votes |
def validate(self, sess, generator, keys=None, summary=False, predict=False, show_tqdm=False): if keys is None: keys = ['dice_score', 'landmark_dist', 'pt_mask', 'jacc_score'] # if self.segmentation_class_value is not None: # for k in self.segmentation_class_value: # keys.append('jacc_{}'.format(k)) full_results = dict([(k, list()) for k in keys]) if not summary: full_results['id1'] = [] full_results['id2'] = [] if predict: full_results['seg1'] = [] full_results['seg2'] = [] full_results['img1'] = [] full_results['img2'] = [] tflearn.is_training(False, sess) if show_tqdm: generator = tqdm(generator) for fd in generator: id1 = fd.pop('id1') id2 = fd.pop('id2') results = *keys), feed_dict=set_tf_keys(fd)) if not summary: results['id1'] = id1 results['id2'] = id2 if predict: results['seg1'] = fd['seg1'] results['seg2'] = fd['seg2'] results['img1'] = fd['voxel1'] results['img2'] = fd['voxel2'] mask = np.where([i and j for i, j in zip(id1, id2)]) for k, v in results.items(): full_results[k].append(v[mask]) if 'landmark_dist' in full_results and 'pt_mask' in full_results: pt_mask = full_results.pop('pt_mask') full_results['landmark_dist'] = [arr * mask for arr, mask in zip(full_results['landmark_dist'], pt_mask)] for k in full_results: full_results[k] = np.concatenate(full_results[k], axis=0) if summary: full_results[k] = full_results[k].mean() return full_results
Example #14
Source File: From icnn with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def train(self, args, dataX, dataY): save = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(, "{}.{}".format(args.model, args.dataset)) nTrain = dataX.shape[0] imgDir = os.path.join(save, 'imgs') if not os.path.exists(imgDir): os.makedirs(imgDir) trainFields = ['iter', 'loss'] trainF = open(os.path.join(save, 'train.csv'), 'w') trainW = csv.writer(trainF) trainW.writerow(trainFields) self.trainWriter = tf.train.SummaryWriter(os.path.join(save, 'train'), self.sess.graph) if not args.noncvx: nParams = np.sum(v.get_shape().num_elements() for v in tf.trainable_variables()) meta = {'nTrain': nTrain, 'nParams': nParams, 'nEpoch': args.nEpoch} metaP = os.path.join(save, 'meta.json') with open(metaP, 'w') as f: json.dump(meta, f, indent=2) bestMSE = None for i in range(args.nEpoch): tflearn.is_training(True) print("=== Epoch {} ===".format(i)) start = time.time() y0 = np.full(dataY.shape, 0.5) _, trainMSE, yn = [self.train_step, self.mse_, self.yn_], feed_dict={self.x_: dataX, self.y0_: y0, self.trueY_: dataY}) if not args.noncvx and len(self.proj) > 0: trainW.writerow((i, trainMSE)) trainF.flush() print(" + loss: {:0.5e}".format(trainMSE)) print(" + time: {:0.2f} s".format(time.time()-start)) if i % 10 == 0: loc = "{}/{:05d}".format(imgDir, i) self.plot(loc, dataX, dataY) if bestMSE is None or trainMSE < bestMSE: loc = os.path.join(save, 'best') self.plot(loc, dataX, dataY) bestMSE = trainMSE trainF.close()