Python Examples

The following are 11 code examples of You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From garden.matplotlib with MIT License 7 votes vote down vote up
def draw_path(self, gc, path, transform, rgbFace=None):
        '''Produce the rendering of the graphics elements using
           :class:`` and :class:`` kivy
           graphics instructions. The paths are converted into polygons and
           assigned either to a clip rectangle or to the same canvas for
           rendering. Paths are received in matplotlib coordinates. The
           aesthetics is defined by the `GraphicsContextKivy` gc.
        if _mpl_ge_2_0:
            polygons = path.to_polygons(transform, self.widget.width,
                                        self.widget.height, closed_only=False)
            polygons = path.to_polygons(transform, self.widget.width,
        list_canvas_instruction = self.get_path_instructions(gc, polygons,
                                    closed=True, rgbFace=rgbFace)
        for widget, instructions in list_canvas_instruction:
Example #2
Source File:    From kivy-smoothie-host with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Graph, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        with self.canvas:
            self._fbo = Fbo(size=self.size, with_stencilbuffer=self._with_stencilbuffer)

        with self._fbo:
            self._background_color = Color(*self.background_color)
            self._background_rect = Rectangle(size=self.size)
            self._mesh_ticks_color = Color(*self.tick_color)
            self._mesh_ticks = Mesh(mode='lines')
            self._mesh_rect_color = Color(*self.border_color)
            self._mesh_rect = Mesh(mode='line_strip')

        with self.canvas:
            Color(1, 1, 1)
            self._fbo_rect = Rectangle(size=self.size, texture=self._fbo.texture)

        mesh = self._mesh_rect
        mesh.vertices = [0] * (5 * 4)
        mesh.indices = range(5)

        self._plot_area = StencilView()

        t = self._trigger = Clock.create_trigger(self._redraw_all)
        ts = self._trigger_size = Clock.create_trigger(self._redraw_size)
        tc = self._trigger_color = Clock.create_trigger(self._update_colors)

        self.bind(center=ts, padding=ts, precision=ts, plots=ts, x_grid=ts,
                  y_grid=ts, draw_border=ts)
        self.bind(xmin=t, xmax=t, xlog=t, x_ticks_major=t, x_ticks_minor=t,
                  xlabel=t, x_grid_label=t, ymin=t, ymax=t, ylog=t,
                  y_ticks_major=t, y_ticks_minor=t, ylabel=t, y_grid_label=t,
                  font_size=t, label_options=t, x_ticks_angle=t)
        self.bind(tick_color=tc, background_color=tc, border_color=tc)
Example #3
Source File:    From kivy-smoothie-host with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def create_drawings(self):
        self._color = Color(*self.color)
        self._mesh = Mesh(mode='line_strip')
        self.bind(color=lambda instr, value: setattr(self._color, "rgba", value))
        return [self._color, self._mesh] 
Example #4
Source File:    From kivy-smoothie-host with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def create_drawings(self):
        self._color = Color(*self.color)
        self._mesh = Mesh()
        self.bind(color=lambda instr, value: setattr(self._color, 'rgba', value))
        return [self._color, self._mesh] 
Example #5
Source File:    From garden.matplotlib with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_graphics(self, gc, polygons, points_line, rgbFace, closed=False):
        '''Return an instruction group which contains the necessary graphics
           instructions to draw the respective graphics.
        instruction_group = InstructionGroup()
        if isinstance(gc.line['dash_list'], tuple):
            gc.line['dash_list'] = list(gc.line['dash_list'])
        if rgbFace is not None:
            if len(polygons.meshes) != 0:
                for vertices, indices in polygons.meshes:
        if _mpl_ge_1_5 and (not _mpl_ge_2_0) and closed:
            points_poly_line = points_line[:-2]
            points_poly_line = points_line
        if gc.line['width'] > 0:
                width=int(gc.line['width'] / 2),
        return instruction_group 
Example #6
Source File:    From Snu-Photo-Manager with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_mesh(self):
        v = []
        # first calculate the distance between endpoints of the inner
        # arc, so we know how many steps to use when calculating
        # vertices
        end_point_inner = polar_to_rect(
            self.origin, self.r_min, self.theta_max)

        d_inner = d_outer = 3.
        theta_step_inner = (self.theta_max - self.theta_min) / d_inner

        end_point_outer = polar_to_rect(
            self.origin, self.r_max, self.theta_max)

        if self.r_min == 0:
            theta_step_outer = (self.theta_max - self.theta_min) / d_outer
            for x in range(int(d_outer)):
                v += (polar_to_rect(self.origin, 0, 0) * 2)
                v += (polar_to_rect(
                    self.origin, self.r_max,
                    self.theta_min + x * theta_step_outer) * 2)
            for x in range(int(d_inner + 2)):
                v += (polar_to_rect(
                    self.origin, self.r_min - 1,
                    self.theta_min + x * theta_step_inner) * 2)
                v += (polar_to_rect(
                    self.origin, self.r_max + 1,
                    self.theta_min + x * theta_step_inner) * 2)

        v += (end_point_inner * 2)
        v += (end_point_outer * 2)

        return Mesh(vertices=v, indices=range(int(len(v) / 4)),
Example #7
Source File:    From Tickeys-linux with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_mesh(self):
        v = []
        # first calculate the distance between endpoints of the inner
        # arc, so we know how many steps to use when calculating
        # vertices
        end_point_inner = polar_to_rect(
            self.origin, self.r_min, self.theta_max)

        d_inner = d_outer = 3.
        theta_step_inner = (self.theta_max - self.theta_min) / d_inner

        end_point_outer = polar_to_rect(
            self.origin, self.r_max, self.theta_max)

        if self.r_min == 0:
            theta_step_outer = (self.theta_max - self.theta_min) / d_outer
            for x in range(int(d_outer)):
                v += (polar_to_rect(self.origin, 0, 0) * 2)
                v += (polar_to_rect(
                    self.origin, self.r_max,
                    self.theta_min + x * theta_step_outer) * 2)
            for x in range(int(d_inner + 2)):
                v += (polar_to_rect(
                    self.origin, self.r_min - 1,
                    self.theta_min + x * theta_step_inner) * 2)
                v += (polar_to_rect(
                    self.origin, self.r_max + 1,
                    self.theta_min + x * theta_step_inner) * 2)

        v += (end_point_inner * 2)
        v += (end_point_outer * 2)

        return Mesh(vertices=v, indices=range(int(len(v) / 4)),
Example #8
Source File:    From Tickeys-linux with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_mesh(self):
        v = []
        # first calculate the distance between endpoints of the inner
        # arc, so we know how many steps to use when calculating
        # vertices
        end_point_inner = polar_to_rect(
            self.origin, self.r_min, self.theta_max)

        d_inner = d_outer = 3.
        theta_step_inner = (self.theta_max - self.theta_min) / d_inner

        end_point_outer = polar_to_rect(
            self.origin, self.r_max, self.theta_max)

        if self.r_min == 0:
            theta_step_outer = (self.theta_max - self.theta_min) / d_outer
            for x in range(int(d_outer)):
                v += (polar_to_rect(self.origin, 0, 0) * 2)
                v += (polar_to_rect(
                    self.origin, self.r_max,
                    self.theta_min + x * theta_step_outer) * 2)
            for x in range(int(d_inner + 2)):
                v += (polar_to_rect(
                    self.origin, self.r_min - 1,
                    self.theta_min + x * theta_step_inner) * 2)
                v += (polar_to_rect(
                    self.origin, self.r_max + 1,
                    self.theta_min + x * theta_step_inner) * 2)

        v += (end_point_inner * 2)
        v += (end_point_outer * 2)

        return Mesh(vertices=v, indices=range(int(len(v) / 4)),
Example #9
Source File:    From RaceCapture_App with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Graph, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        with self.canvas:
            self._fbo = Fbo(size=self.size)
            self._marker_color = Color(self.marker_color)
            self._marker = Line()

        with self._fbo:
            self._background_color = Color(*self.background_color)
            self._background_rect = Rectangle(size=self.size)
            self._mesh_ticks_color = Color(*self.tick_color)
            self._mesh_ticks = Mesh(mode='lines')
            self._mesh_rect_color = Color(*self.border_color)
            self._mesh_rect = Mesh(mode='line_strip')

        with self.canvas:
            Color(1, 1, 1)
            self._fbo_rect = Rectangle(size=self.size)

        mesh = self._mesh_rect
        mesh.vertices = [0] * (5 * 4)
        mesh.indices = range(5)

        self._plot_area = StencilView()

        t = self._trigger = Clock.create_trigger(self._redraw_all)
        ts = self._trigger_size = Clock.create_trigger(self._redraw_size)
        tc = self._trigger_color = Clock.create_trigger(self._update_colors)

        self.bind(center=ts, padding=ts, precision=ts, plots=ts, x_grid=ts,
                  y_grid=ts, draw_border=ts)
        self.bind(xmin=t, xmax=t, xlog=t, x_ticks_major=t, x_ticks_minor=t,
                  xlabel=t, x_grid_label=t, ymin=t, ymax=t, ylog=t,
                  y_ticks_major=t, y_ticks_minor=t, ylabel=t, y_grid_label=t,
                  font_size=t, label_options=t)
        self.bind(tick_color=tc, background_color=tc, border_color=tc)
Example #10
Source File:    From RaceCapture_App with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def create_drawings(self):
        self._color = Color(*self.color)
        self._mesh = Mesh(mode='line_strip')
        self.bind(color=lambda instr, value: setattr(self._color.rgba, value))
        return [self._color, self._mesh] 
Example #11
Source File:    From kivy-2014 with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def update_glsl(self, nap):

        if Game.REPLACE_CURSOR:
            cur_x, cur_y = g_window.mouse_pos
            cur_x += CURSOR_OFFSET_X
            cur_y += CURSOR_OFFSET_Y

            for c in (self.begin_cursor,
                      self.begin_cursor + VERTEX_SIZE,
                      self.begin_cursor + VERTEX_SIZE * 2,
                      self.begin_cursor + VERTEX_SIZE * 3):

                self.vertices[c] = cur_x
                self.vertices[c + 1] = cur_y

        if self.animate:
            for i in self.animate.copy():
                idx = i * VERTEX_SIZE * 4 + 2
                val = self.vertices[idx] * (nap * 25 + 1)

                if val >= 1:
                    val = 1

                for c in (idx,
                          idx + VERTEX_SIZE,
                          idx + VERTEX_SIZE * 2,
                          idx + VERTEX_SIZE * 3):

                    self.vertices[c] = val

        if not self.animate and not Game.REPLACE_CURSOR:


        if self.blending_is_broken:

        self.canvas.add(Mesh(indices=self.indices, vertices=self.vertices,
                             fmt=VERTEX_FORMAT, mode='triangles',