Python rasterio.features.shapes() Examples
The following are 4
code examples of rasterio.features.shapes().
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Example #1
Source File: From supermercado with MIT License | 5 votes |
def union(inputtiles, parsenames): tiles = sutils.tile_parser(inputtiles, parsenames) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = sutils.get_range(tiles) zoom = sutils.get_zoom(tiles) # make an array of shape (xrange + 3, yrange + 3) burn = sutils.burnXYZs(tiles, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0) nw = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(xmin, ymin, zoom)) se = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(xmax + 1, ymax + 1, zoom)) aff = Affine(((se[0] - nw[0]) / float(xmax - xmin + 1)), 0.0, nw[0], 0.0, -((nw[1] - se[1]) / float(ymax - ymin + 1)), nw[1]) unprojecter = sutils.Unprojecter() unionedTiles = [ { 'geometry': unprojecter.unproject(feature), 'properties': {}, 'type': 'Feature' } for feature, shapes in features.shapes(np.asarray(np.flipud(np.rot90(burn)).astype(np.uint8), order='C'), transform=aff) if shapes == 1 ] return unionedTiles
Example #2
Source File: From pycrown with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def crowns_to_polys_raster(self): ''' Converts tree crown raster to individual polygons and stores them in the tree dataframe ''' polys = [] for feature in rioshapes(self.crowns, mask=self.crowns.astype(bool)): # Convert pixel coordinates to lon/lat edges = feature[0]['coordinates'][0].copy() for i in range(len(edges)): edges[i] = self._to_lonlat(*edges[i], self.resolution) # poly_smooth = self.smooth_poly(Polygon(edges), s=None, k=9) polys.append(Polygon(edges)) self.trees.crown_poly_raster = polys
Example #3
Source File: From terracotta with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _compute_image_stats_chunked(dataset: 'DatasetReader') -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Compute statistics for the given rasterio dataset by looping over chunks.""" from rasterio import features, warp, windows from shapely import geometry total_count = valid_data_count = 0 tdigest = TDigest() sstats = SummaryStats() convex_hull = geometry.Polygon() block_windows = [w for _, w in dataset.block_windows(1)] for w in block_windows: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='invalid value encountered.*') block_data =, window=w, masked=True) total_count += int(block_data.size) valid_data = block_data.compressed() if valid_data.size == 0: continue valid_data_count += int(valid_data.size) if np.any(block_data.mask): hull_candidates = RasterDriver._hull_candidate_mask(~block_data.mask) hull_shapes = [geometry.shape(s) for s, _ in features.shapes( np.ones(hull_candidates.shape, 'uint8'), mask=hull_candidates, transform=windows.transform(w, dataset.transform) )] else: w, s, e, n = windows.bounds(w, dataset.transform) hull_shapes = [geometry.Polygon([(w, s), (e, s), (e, n), (w, n)])] convex_hull = geometry.MultiPolygon([convex_hull, *hull_shapes]).convex_hull tdigest.update(valid_data) sstats.update(valid_data) if sstats.count() == 0: return None convex_hull_wgs = warp.transform_geom(, 'epsg:4326', geometry.mapping(convex_hull) ) return { 'valid_percentage': valid_data_count / total_count * 100, 'range': (sstats.min(), sstats.max()), 'mean': sstats.mean(), 'stdev': sstats.std(), 'percentiles': tdigest.quantile(np.arange(0.01, 1, 0.01)), 'convex_hull': convex_hull_wgs }
Example #4
Source File: From terracotta with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _compute_image_stats(dataset: 'DatasetReader', max_shape: Sequence[int] = None) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Compute statistics for the given rasterio dataset by reading it into memory.""" from rasterio import features, warp, transform from shapely import geometry out_shape = (dataset.height, dataset.width) if max_shape is not None: out_shape = ( min(max_shape[0], out_shape[0]), min(max_shape[1], out_shape[1]) ) data_transform = transform.from_bounds( *dataset.bounds, height=out_shape[0], width=out_shape[1] ) raster_data =, out_shape=out_shape, masked=True) if dataset.nodata is not None: # nodata values might slip into output array if out_shape < dataset.shape raster_data[raster_data == dataset.nodata] = valid_data = raster_data.compressed() if valid_data.size == 0: return None if np.any(raster_data.mask): hull_candidates = RasterDriver._hull_candidate_mask(~raster_data.mask) hull_shapes = (geometry.shape(s) for s, _ in features.shapes( np.ones(hull_candidates.shape, 'uint8'), mask=hull_candidates, transform=data_transform )) convex_hull = geometry.MultiPolygon(hull_shapes).convex_hull else: # no masked entries -> convex hull == dataset bounds w, s, e, n = dataset.bounds convex_hull = geometry.Polygon([(w, s), (e, s), (e, n), (w, n)]) convex_hull_wgs = warp.transform_geom(, 'epsg:4326', geometry.mapping(convex_hull) ) return { 'valid_percentage': valid_data.size / raster_data.size * 100, 'range': (float(valid_data.min()), float(valid_data.max())), 'mean': float(valid_data.mean()), 'stdev': float(valid_data.std()), 'percentiles': np.percentile(valid_data, np.arange(1, 100)), 'convex_hull': convex_hull_wgs }