Python maya.cmds.floatField() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of maya.cmds.floatField().
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Example #1
Source File: From ssds with MIT License | 6 votes |
def invokeBuild(arg): maxInfluence = cmds.intField(uiMaxInfluenceName[1], query = True, value = True) numJoints = cmds.intField(uiNumJointsName[1], query = True, value = True) numIterations = cmds.intField(uiNumIterationsName[1], query = True, value = True) transformStr = cmds.radioCollection(uiTransformRadioCollectionName, query = True, select = True) transformType = uiTransformNames.index(transformStr) concentrate = cmds.floatField(uiConcentrateName[1], query = True, value = True) cmds.undoInfo(openChunk = True) try: = numJoints, transformType = transformType, numMaxInfluences = maxInfluence, numIterations = numIterations, concentrate = concentrate) except Exception as e: raise e finally: cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk = True)
Example #2
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def changeShapeSize(self, *args): """ Set the attribute value for shapeSize. """ cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".shapeSize", cmds.floatField(self.shapeSizeFF, query=True, value=True))
Example #3
Source File: From dpa-pipe with MIT License | 5 votes |
def floatUI(): # Check to see if window exists if cmds.window("PBQuality", exists=True): cmds.deleteUI("PBQuality") # Create window window = cmds.window("PBQuality", title="DPA Playblast", w=300, h=100, mnb=False, mxb=False, sizeable=False) # Create a main layout mainLayout = cmds.columnLayout(adj=True) blastLayout = cmds.columnLayout("blastLayout", p=mainLayout, w=260, adj=False, rs=5, cat=('left', 5)) cmds.separator(p=blastLayout) cmds.text(label="Enter desired playbast quality:", p=blastLayout) qualityField = cmds.floatField("playblastValue", p=blastLayout, w=250, min=50, max=100, pre=0, step=1, v=90, ed=True) qualitySlider = cmds.floatSlider("playblastPercentage", p=blastLayout, w=250, min=50, max=100, step=1, v=90, dc=updatePercent) cmds.separator(p=blastLayout) sequenceOption = cmds.checkBox("sequenceOption", label="From Sequence", value=False) reviewOption = cmds.checkBox("reviewOption", label="Auto-bot review submission", value=False) cmds.separator(p=blastLayout) confirmLayout = cmds.rowColumnLayout("confirmLayout", p=mainLayout, w=250, nc=2, rs=(5, 5), co=[(1, 'left', 5), (2, 'right', 5)], cw=[(1, 125), (2, 125)]) cancelButton = cmds.button("cancelButton", p=confirmLayout, label="Cancel", c="cmds.deleteUI('PBQuality')", w=80, h=30) pbButton = cmds.button("pbButton", p=confirmLayout, label="Playblast", c=handlePB, w=100, h=30) cmds.separator(p=confirmLayout) cmds.showWindow(window)
Example #4
Source File: From dpa-pipe with MIT License | 5 votes |
def updatePercent(*args): percent = cmds.floatSlider("playblastPercentage", q=True, v=True) cmds.floatField("playblastValue", e=True, v=percent)
Example #5
Source File: From dpa-pipe with MIT License | 5 votes |
def handlePB(*args): percent = cmds.floatField("playblastValue", q=True, v=True) #check to see if sequence option is selected seqTag = cmds.checkBox("sequenceOption", query=True, value =True) #check for auto review submission revTag = cmds.checkBox("reviewOption", query=True, value =True) runPB(percent, seqTag, revTag)
Example #6
Source File: From cmt with MIT License | 5 votes |
def offset_orient_x(self, direction): joints =, type="joint") or [] amount = cmds.floatField(self.offset_x, q=True, value=True) * direction offset_orient(joints, amount, Axis.x)
Example #7
Source File: From cmt with MIT License | 5 votes |
def offset_orient_y(self, direction): joints =, type="joint") or [] amount = cmds.floatField(self.offset_y, q=True, value=True) * direction offset_orient(joints, amount, Axis.y)
Example #8
Source File: From cmt with MIT License | 5 votes |
def offset_orient_z(self, direction): joints =, type="joint") or [] amount = cmds.floatField(self.offset_z, q=True, value=True) * direction offset_orient(joints, amount, Axis.z)
Example #9
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def basicModuleLayout(self, *args): """ Create a Basic Module Layout. """ # BASIC MODULE LAYOUT: self.basicColumn = cmds.rowLayout(numberOfColumns=5, width=190, columnWidth5=(30, 20, 80, 20, 35), adjustableColumn=3, columnAlign=[(1, 'left'), (2, 'left'), (3, 'left'), (4, 'left'), (5, 'left')], columnAttach=[(1, 'both', 2), (2, 'both', 2), (3, 'both', 2), (4, 'both', 2), (5, 'both', 2)], parent=self.topColumn) # create basic module UI: self.selectButton = cmds.button(label=" ", annotation=self.langDic[self.langName]['m004_select'], command=partial(self.reCreateEditSelectedModuleLayout, True), backgroundColor=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), parent=self.basicColumn) self.annotationCheckBox = cmds.checkBox(label=" ", annotation=self.langDic[self.langName]['m014_annotation'], onCommand=partial(self.displayAnnotation, 1), offCommand=partial(self.displayAnnotation, 0), value=0, parent=self.basicColumn) self.userName = cmds.textField('userName', annotation=self.langDic[self.langName]['m006_customName'], text=cmds.getAttr(self.moduleGrp+".customName"), changeCommand=self.editUserName, parent=self.basicColumn) self.colorButton = cmds.button(label=" ", annotation=self.langDic[self.langName]['m013_color'], command=self.colorizeModuleUI, backgroundColor=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), parent=self.basicColumn) shapeSizeValue = cmds.getAttr(self.moduleGrp+'.shapeSize') self.shapeSizeFF = cmds.floatField('shapeSizeFF', annotation=self.langDic[self.langName]['m067_shapeSize'], minValue=0.001, value=shapeSizeValue, precision=2, step=0.01, changeCommand=self.changeShapeSize, parent=self.basicColumn) # edit values reading from guide: displayAnnotationValue = cmds.getAttr(self.moduleGrp+'.displayAnnotation') cmds.checkBox(self.annotationCheckBox, edit=True, value=displayAnnotationValue) # declaring the index color list to override and background color of buttons: # Manually add the "none" color self.colorList = [[0.627, 0.627, 0.627]] #WARNING --> color index in maya start to 1 self.colorList += [cmds.colorIndex(iColor, q=True) for iColor in range(1,32)] ''' self.colorList = [ [0.627, 0.627, 0.627], [0, 0, 0], [0.247, 0.247, 0.247], [0.498, 0.498, 0.498], [0.608, 0, 0.157], [0, 0.016, 0.373], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0.275, 0.094], [0.145, 0, 0.263], [0.780, 0, 0.78], [0.537, 0.278, 0.2], [0.243, 0.133, 0.122], [0.600, 0.145, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0.255, 0.6], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [0.388, 0.863, 1], [0.263, 1, 0.635], [1, 0.686, 0.686], [0.890, 0.675, 0.475], [1, 1, 0.384], [0, 0.6, 0.325], [0.627, 0.412, 0.188], [0.620, 0.627, 0.188], [0.408, 0.627, 0.188], [0.188, 0.627, 0.365], [0.188, 0.627, 0.627], [0.188, 0.404, 0.627], [0.435, 0.188, 0.627], [0.627, 0.188, 0.412] ] ''' # edit current colorIndex: currentIndexColor = cmds.getAttr(self.moduleGrp+'.guideColor') self.setColorModule(currentIndexColor) self.reCreateEditSelectedModuleLayout(self)
Example #10
Source File: From ssds with MIT License | 4 votes |
def showBuildWindow(arg): labelWidth = 100 fieldWidth = 100 cmds.window(uiWindowName, title = 'SSDS') cmds.formLayout(uiFormName) cmds.columnLayout(uiFormLayoutName, rowSpacing = 5) # joints cmds.rowLayout(uiNumJointsName[0], numberOfColumns = 2, columnWidth2 = (labelWidth, fieldWidth), columnAlign2 = ('right', 'right')) cmds.text(label = '# Joints') cmds.intField(uiNumJointsName[1], minValue = 0, maxValue = 100, value = 1, width = fieldWidth) cmds.setParent('..') # max influences cmds.rowLayout(uiMaxInfluenceName[0], numberOfColumns = 2, columnWidth2 = (labelWidth, fieldWidth), columnAlign2 = ('right', 'right')) cmds.text(label = 'Max Influences') cmds.intField(uiMaxInfluenceName[1], minValue = 1, maxValue = 8, value = 4, width = fieldWidth) cmds.setParent('..') # iterations cmds.rowLayout(uiNumIterationsName[0], numberOfColumns = 2, columnWidth2 = (labelWidth, fieldWidth), columnAlign2 = ('right', 'right')) cmds.text(label = '# Iterations') cmds.intField(uiNumIterationsName[1], minValue = 0, maxValue = 100, value = 10, width = fieldWidth) cmds.setParent('..') # transform type cmds.rowLayout('SsdsTransformTypeLayout', numberOfColumns = 2, columnWidth2 = (labelWidth, fieldWidth), columnAlign2 = ('right', 'right')) cmds.text(label = 'Transform Type') cmds.columnLayout('temporary', rowSpacing = 3) cmds.radioCollection(uiTransformRadioCollectionName) cmds.radioButton(uiTransformNames[0], label = 'T') cmds.radioButton(uiTransformNames[1], label = 'R+T') cmds.radioButton(uiTransformNames[2], label = 'S+R+T') cmds.radioCollection(uiTransformRadioCollectionName, edit = True, select = uiTransformNames[2]) cmds.setParent(uiFormLayoutName) # concentrate cmds.rowLayout(uiConcentrateName[0], numberOfColumns = 2, columnWidth2 = (labelWidth, fieldWidth), columnAlign2 = ('right', 'right')) cmds.text(label = 'Concentrate') cmds.floatField(uiConcentrateName[1], minValue = 0, maxValue = 100, value = 0.0, precision = 3, width = fieldWidth) cmds.setParent('..') # build cmds.button(uiBuildButtonName, label='Build', command = invokeBuild, width = labelWidth + fieldWidth) cmds.formLayout(uiFormName, edit = True, attachForm = [(uiFormLayoutName, 'top', 5), (uiFormLayoutName, 'left', 5), (uiFormLayoutName, 'right', 5)]) cmds.showWindow(uiWindowName)