Python rasterio.uint8() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of rasterio.uint8().
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Example #1
Source File: From earthpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def basic_image_tif(tmpdir, basic_image): """ A GeoTIFF representation of the basic_image array. Borrowed from rasterio/tests/ Returns ------- string path to raster file """ outfilename = str(tmpdir.join("basic_image.tif")) kwargs = { "crs":{"init": "epsg:4326"}), "transform": Affine.identity(), "count": 1, "dtype": rio.uint8, "driver": "GTiff", "width": basic_image.shape[1], "height": basic_image.shape[0], "nodata": None, } with, "w", **kwargs) as out: out.write(basic_image, indexes=1) return outfilename
Example #2
Source File: From earthpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def basic_image_tif_2(tmpdir, basic_image_2): """ A GeoTIFF representation of the basic_image_2 array. Borrowed from rasterio/tests/ Returns ------- string path to raster file """ outfilename = str(tmpdir.join("basic_image_2.tif")) kwargs = { "crs":{"init": "epsg:4326"}), "transform": Affine.identity(), "count": 1, "dtype": rio.uint8, "driver": "GTiff", "width": basic_image_2.shape[1], "height": basic_image_2.shape[0], "nodata": None, } with, "w", **kwargs) as out: out.write(basic_image_2, indexes=1) return outfilename
Example #3
Source File: From earthpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def basic_image_tif_CRS(tmpdir, basic_image): """ A GeoTIFF representation of the basic_image array with a different CRS. Borrowed from rasterio/tests/ Returns ------- string path to raster file """ outfilename = str(tmpdir.join("basic_image_CRS.tif")) kwargs = { "crs":{"init": "epsg:3857"}), "transform": Affine.identity(), "count": 1, "dtype": rio.uint8, "driver": "GTiff", "width": basic_image.shape[1], "height": basic_image.shape[0], "nodata": None, } with, "w", **kwargs) as out: out.write(basic_image, indexes=1) return outfilename
Example #4
Source File: From WaterNet with MIT License | 5 votes |
def save_bitmap(file_path, image, source): """Save a bitmap given as a 2D matrix as a GeoTIFF.""" print("Save result at {}.".format(file_path)) with file_path, 'w', driver='GTiff', dtype=rasterio.uint8, count=1, width=source.width, height=source.height, transform=source.transform) as dst: dst.write(image, indexes=1)
Example #5
Source File: From earthpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def basic_image(): """ A 10x10 array with a square (3x3) feature Equivalent to results of rasterizing basic_geometry with all_touched=True. Borrowed from rasterio/tests/ Returns ------- numpy ndarray """ image = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.uint8) image[2:5, 2:5] = 1 return image
Example #6
Source File: From earthpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def basic_image_2(): """ A 10x10 array with a square (3x3) feature Equivalent to results of rasterizing basic_geometry with all_touched=True. Borrowed from rasterio/tests/ Returns ------- numpy ndarray """ image = np.zeros((20, 20), dtype=np.uint8) image[2:5, 2:5] = 1 return image
Example #7
Source File: From label-maker with MIT License | 5 votes |
def download_tile_tms(tile, imagery, folder, kwargs): """Download a satellite image tile from a tms endpoint""" image_format = get_image_format(imagery, kwargs) if os.environ.get('ACCESS_TOKEN'): token = os.environ.get('ACCESS_TOKEN') imagery = imagery.format_map(SafeDict(ACCESS_TOKEN=token)) r = requests.get(url(tile.split('-'), imagery), auth=kwargs.get('http_auth')) tile_img = op.join(folder, '{}{}'.format(tile, image_format)) tile = tile.split('-') over_zoom = kwargs.get('over_zoom') if over_zoom: new_zoom = over_zoom + kwargs.get('zoom') # get children child_tiles = children(int(tile[0]), int(tile[1]), int(tile[2]), zoom=new_zoom) child_tiles.sort() new_dim = 256 * (2 * over_zoom) w_lst = [] for i in range (2 * over_zoom): for j in range(2 * over_zoom): window = Window(i * 256, j * 256, 256, 256) w_lst.append(window) # request children with, 'w', driver='jpeg', height=new_dim, width=new_dim, count=3, dtype=rasterio.uint8) as w: for num, t in enumerate(child_tiles): t = [str(t[0]), str(t[1]), str(t[2])] r = requests.get(url(t, imagery), auth=kwargs.get('http_auth')) img = np.array(, dtype=np.uint8) try: img = img.reshape((256, 256, 3)) # 4 channels returned from some endpoints, but not all except ValueError: img = img.reshape((256, 256, 4)) img = img[:, :, :3] img = np.rollaxis(img, 2, 0) w.write(img, window=w_lst[num]) else: r = requests.get(url(tile, imagery), auth=kwargs.get('http_auth')) with open(tile_img, 'wb')as w: w.write(r.content) return tile_img
Example #8
Source File: From spandex with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def to_geotiff(array, src, path_to_tif): kwargs = src.meta kwargs.update( dtype=rasterio.uint8, count=1, compress='lzw') with, 'w', **kwargs) as dst: dst.write_band(1, array.astype(rasterio.uint8)) # Modified version of rasterstats function of same name. Added functionality to # return the np array image of each geometry and apply arbitrary function instead # of precanned set. See notebook in the spandex examples dir for example usage.
Example #9
Source File: From python-urbanPlanning with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reprojectedRaster(rasterFn,ref_vectorFn,dst_raster_projected): dst_crs=gpd.read_file(ref_vectorFn).crs print(dst_crs) #{'init': 'epsg:4326'} a_T = # dst_crs='EPSG:4326' with as src: transform, width, height = calculate_default_transform(, dst_crs, src.width, src.height, *src.bounds) kwargs = src.meta.copy() kwargs.update({ 'crs': dst_crs, 'transform': transform, 'width': width, 'height': height, # 'compress': "LZW", 'dtype':rasterio.uint8, #rasterio.float32 }) # print(src.count) with, 'w', **kwargs) as dst: for i in range(1, src.count + 1): reproject(, i),, i), src_transform=src.transform,, dst_transform=transform, dst_crs=dst_crs, resampling=Resampling.nearest ) b_T = print("reprojected time span:", b_T-a_T) #根据Polgyon统计raster栅格信息
Example #10
Source File: From NGVEO with MIT License | 4 votes |
def cloud_detection(self, input_file): print("cloud_detection", input_file) input_dir = os.path.join(input_file, "GRANULE") sub_directories = utils.get_immediate_subdirectories(input_dir) image_dir = os.path.join(input_dir, sub_directories[0], "IMG_DATA") input_bands = ['B01', 'B02', 'B04', 'B05', 'B08', 'B8A', 'B09', 'B10', 'B11', 'B12'] # Band order is strict # num_bands = len(input_bands) scale_factor = 10000.0 #Read from metadata ? band_paths = self.get_band_paths(input_file, input_bands) for band_ind, img_filename in enumerate(band_paths): with as ds: img = if band_ind == 0: # First band need to be 60m tmparr = np.empty_like(img) aff60 = ds.transform img_stack = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], img.shape[2], len(input_bands))) img_stack[:, :, :, band_ind] = img / scale_factor elif input_bands[band_ind].upper() == "B09" or input_bands[band_ind].upper() == "B10": # 60m img_stack[:, :, :, band_ind] = img / scale_factor else: reproject(img, tmparr, src_transform=ds.transform, dst_transform=aff60,,, resampling=Resampling.bilinear) img_stack[:, :, :, band_ind] = tmparr / scale_factor if input_bands[band_ind].upper() == "B02": # 10m aff10 = ds.transform nrows10 = img.shape[1] ncols10 = img.shape[2] ds10 = ds cloud_detector = S2PixelCloudDetector(threshold=0.4, average_over=4, dilation_size=2) cloud_probs = cloud_detector.get_cloud_probability_maps(img_stack) cloud_mask = cloud_detector.get_cloud_masks(img_stack).astype(rasterio.uint8) cloud_probs_10 = np.zeros((1, nrows10, ncols10)) reproject(cloud_probs, cloud_probs_10, src_transform=aff60, dst_transform=aff10,,, resampling=Resampling.cubic_spline) cloud_mask_10 = np.zeros((1, nrows10, ncols10)) reproject(cloud_mask, cloud_mask_10, src_transform=aff60, dst_transform=aff10,,, resampling=Resampling.nearest) return (cloud_probs_10, cloud_mask_10, ds10)