Python rasterio.drivers() Examples
The following are 5
code examples of rasterio.drivers().
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Example #1
Source File: From grib-doctor with MIT License | 5 votes |
def loadBands(inputRaster, snapshape, gfs): import rasterio with rasterio.drivers(): with, 'r') as src: if gfs: return list(handleBands(src.read_band(i), snapshape) for i in range(1, src.count + 1)) else: return list(
Example #2
Source File: From grib-doctor with MIT License | 5 votes |
def upwrap_raster(inputRaster, outputRaster, bidx, bandtags): import rasterio with rasterio.drivers(): with, 'r') as src: if bidx == 'all': bandNos = np.arange(src.count) + 1 else: bandNos = list(int(i.replace(' ', '')) for i in bidx.split(',')) fixedArrays = list(gribdoctor.handleArrays(src.read_band(i)) for i in bandNos) fixAff = gribdoctor.updateBoundsAffine(src.affine) if bandtags: tags = list(src.tags(i + 1) for i in range(src.count)) click.echo(json.dumps(tags, indent=2)) with, 'w', driver='GTiff', count=len(bandNos), dtype=src.meta['dtype'], height=src.shape[0] * 2, width=src.shape[1] * 2, transform=fixAff, ) as dst: for i, b in enumerate(fixedArrays): dst.write_band(i + 1, b)
Example #3
Source File: From grib-doctor with MIT License | 5 votes |
def smoosh_rasters(inputRasters, outputRaster, gfs, development): import rasterio rasInfo = list(gribdoctor.loadRasterInfo(b) for b in inputRasters) if abs(rasInfo[0]['affine'].c) > 360 and development == True: gfs = False kwargs = rasInfo[0]['kwargs'] elif development == True: gfs = True snapShape = gribdoctor.getSnapDims(rasInfo) snapSrc = gribdoctor.getSnapAffine(rasInfo, snapShape) allBands = list(gribdoctor.loadBands(b, snapShape, gfs) for b in inputRasters) allBands = list(b for sub in allBands for b in sub) if gfs: zoomFactor = 2 kwargs = gribdoctor.makeKwargs(allBands, snapSrc, snapShape, zoomFactor) else: zoomFactor = 1 kwargs['count'] = len(allBands) kwargs['driver'] = 'GTiff' with rasterio.drivers(): with, 'w', **kwargs) as dst: for i, b in enumerate(allBands): dst.write_band(i + 1, b)
Example #4
Source File: From make-surface with MIT License | 5 votes |
def loadRaster(filePath, bands, bounds): """ """ with rasterio.drivers(): with,'r') as src: oaff = src.affine upperLeft = src.index(bounds.left, lowerRight = src.index(bounds.right, bounds.bottom) filler = np.zeros((lowerRight[0] - upperLeft[0], lowerRight[1] - upperLeft[1])) - 999 return np.dstack(list([1], boundless=True, out=filler, window=((upperLeft[0], lowerRight[0]),(upperLeft[1], lowerRight[1])) ) for i in bands )), oaff
Example #5
Source File: From spandex with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def from_geotiff(path_to_tif): with rasterio.drivers(CPL_DEBUG=True): with as src: b, g, r = total = np.zeros(r.shape, dtype=rasterio.uint16) for band in r, g, b: total += band total /= 3 return total, src