Python ldap3.ServerPool() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of ldap3.ServerPool().
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Example #1
Source File: From privacyidea with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ldap3.ServerPool.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._lock = threading.RLock()
Example #2
Source File: From privacyidea with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def initialize(self, connection): with self._lock: return ldap3.ServerPool.initialize(self, connection)
Example #3
Source File: From privacyidea with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_server(self, connection): with self._lock: return ldap3.ServerPool.get_server(self, connection)
Example #4
Source File: From privacyidea with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_current_server(self, connection): with self._lock: return ldap3.ServerPool.get_current_server(self, connection)
Example #5
Source File: From privacyidea with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_35_persistent_serverpool(self): ldap3mock.setLDAPDirectory(LDAPDirectory) params = {'LDAPURI': 'ldap://localhost, ldap://, ldap://', 'LDAPBASE': 'o=test', 'BINDDN': 'cn=manager,ou=example,o=test', 'BINDPW': 'ldaptest', 'LOGINNAMEATTRIBUTE': 'cn', 'LDAPSEARCHFILTER': '(cn=*)', 'USERINFO': '{ "username": "cn", "phone": "telephoneNumber", ' '"mobile" : "mobile", "email": "mail", ' '"surname" : "sn", "givenname": "givenName" }', 'UIDTYPE': 'DN', 'CACHE_TIMEOUT': '0', # to disable the per-process cache 'resolver': 'testpool', 'type': 'ldapresolver'} y1 = LDAPResolver() y1.loadConfig(params) y2 = LDAPResolver() y2.loadConfig(params) # Make a query, so that a ServerPool is instantiated y1.getUserId('bob') y2.getUserId('bob') # We haven't configured a persistent serverpool, so every resolver has its own ServerPool self.assertIs(type(y1.serverpool), ldap3.ServerPool) self.assertIs(type(y2.serverpool), ldap3.ServerPool) self.assertIsNot(y1.serverpool, y2.serverpool) # Now, we configure a persistent serverpool params["SERVERPOOL_PERSISTENT"] = "true" y3 = LDAPResolver() y3.loadConfig(params) y4 = LDAPResolver() y4.loadConfig(params) y3.getUserId('bob') y4.getUserId('bob') # The resolvers share a ServerPool self.assertIs(type(y3.serverpool), LockingServerPool) self.assertIs(type(y4.serverpool), LockingServerPool) self.assertIs(y3.serverpool, y4.serverpool)
Example #6
Source File: From privacyidea with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_36_locking_serverpool(self): # check that the LockingServerPool correctly forwards all relevant method calls pool = LockingServerPool() pool.add(ldap3.Server('server1')) pool.add(ldap3.Server('server2')) with mock.patch('ldap3.ServerPool.initialize') as mock_method: pool.initialize(None) mock_method.assert_called_once() with mock.patch('ldap3.ServerPool.get_server') as mock_method: pool.get_server(None) mock_method.assert_called_once() with mock.patch('ldap3.ServerPool.get_current_server') as mock_method: pool.get_current_server(None) mock_method.assert_called_once()
Example #7
Source File: From flask-ldap3-login with MIT License | 5 votes |
def init_app(self, app): """ Configures this extension with the given app. This registers an ``teardown_appcontext`` call, and attaches this ``LDAP3LoginManager`` to it as ``app.ldap3_login_manager``. Args: app (flask.Flask): The flask app to initialise with """ app.ldap3_login_manager = self for k, v in _CONFIG_DEFAULTS: app.config.setdefault(k, v) app.ldap3_login_manager_server_pool = ldap3.ServerPool( [], ldap3.FIRST, active=1, # Loop through all servers once. exhaust=10, # Remove unreachable servers for 10 seconds. ) if app.config["LDAP_ADD_SERVER"]: self.add_server( hostname=app.config["LDAP_HOST"], port=app.config["LDAP_PORT"], use_ssl=app.config["LDAP_USE_SSL"], app=app, ) if hasattr(app, "teardown_appcontext"): app.teardown_appcontext(self.teardown) else: # pragma: no cover app.teardown_request(self.teardown)
Example #8
Source File: From django_auth_ldap3_ad with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def connect(self): # check configuration if not (hasattr(settings, 'LDAP_SERVERS') and hasattr(settings, 'LDAP_BIND_ADMIN') and hasattr(settings, 'LDAP_BIND_ADMIN_PASS') and hasattr(settings, 'LDAP_AD_DOMAIN') and hasattr(settings, 'LDAP_CERT_FILE') ): raise ImproperlyConfigured() # first: build server pool from settings tls = Tls(validate=ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL, version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, ca_certs_file=settings.LDAP_CERT_FILE) if self.pool is None: self.pool = ServerPool(None, pool_strategy=FIRST, active=True) for srv in settings.LDAP_SERVERS: # Only add servers that supports SSL, impossible to make changes without if srv['use_ssl']: server = Server(srv['host'], srv['port'], srv['use_ssl'], tls=tls) self.pool.add(server) # then, try to connect with user/pass from settings self.con = Connection(self.pool, auto_bind=True, authentication=SIMPLE, user=settings.LDAP_BIND_ADMIN, password=settings.LDAP_BIND_ADMIN_PASS)
Example #9
Source File: From ops_sdk with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, ldap_server_host, ldap_admin_dn, ldap_admin_password, ldap_server_port=389, ldap_use_ssl=False): self._ldap_admin_dn = ldap_admin_dn self._ldap_admin_password = ldap_admin_password # ldap_server_pool = ServerPool(["",'']) self.ldap_server = Server(ldap_server_host, port=ldap_server_port, use_ssl=ldap_use_ssl)
Example #10
Source File: From privacyidea with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def create_serverpool(cls, urilist, timeout, get_info=None, tls_context=None, rounds=SERVERPOOL_ROUNDS, exhaust=SERVERPOOL_SKIP, pool_cls=ldap3.ServerPool): """ This create the serverpool for the ldap3 connection. The URI from the LDAP resolver can contain a comma separated list of LDAP servers. These are split and then added to the pool. See :param urilist: The list of LDAP URIs, comma separated :type urilist: basestring :param timeout: The connection timeout :type timeout: float :param get_info: The get_info type passed to the ldap3.Sever constructor. default: ldap3.SCHEMA, should be ldap3.NONE in case of a bind. :param tls_context: A ldap3.tls object, which defines if certificate verification should be performed :param rounds: The number of rounds we should cycle through the server pool before giving up :param exhaust: The seconds, for how long a non-reachable server should be removed from the serverpool :param pool_cls: ``ldap3.ServerPool`` subclass that should be instantiated :return: Server Pool :rtype: serverpool_cls """ get_info = get_info or ldap3.SCHEMA server_pool = pool_cls(None, ldap3.ROUND_ROBIN, active=rounds, exhaust=exhaust) for uri in urilist.split(","): uri = uri.strip() host, port, ssl = cls.split_uri(uri) server = ldap3.Server(host, port=port, use_ssl=ssl, connect_timeout=float(timeout), get_info=get_info, tls=tls_context) server_pool.add(server) log.debug("Added {0!s}, {1!s}, {2!s} to server pool.".format(host, port, ssl)) return server_pool