Python dockerfile_parse.DockerfileParser() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of dockerfile_parse.DockerfileParser().
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Example #1
Source File: From dockerfile-parse with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_context_structure_mixed_top_arg(self, tmpdir): dfp = DockerfileParser( str(tmpdir.realpath()), build_args={"version": "8", "key": "value❤"}, env_replace=True) dfp.content = dedent("""\ ARG image=centos ARG version=latest FROM $image:$version ARG image ARG key """) c = dfp.context_structure assert len(c) == 5 assert c[0].get_values(context_type='ARG') == {"image": "centos"} assert c[1].get_values(context_type='ARG') == {"image": "centos", "version": "8"} assert c[2].get_values(context_type='ARG') == {} assert c[3].get_values(context_type='ARG') == {"image": "centos"} assert c[4].get_values(context_type='ARG') == {"image": "centos", "key": "value❤"}
Example #2
Source File: From atomic-reactor with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def mock_workflow(tmpdir): if MOCK: mock_docker() workflow = DockerBuildWorkflow('test-image', source=SOURCE) setattr(workflow, 'builder', X()) flexmock(DockerfileParser, content='df_content') setattr(workflow.builder, 'get_built_image_info', flexmock()) flexmock(workflow.builder, get_built_image_info={'Id': 'some'}) setattr(workflow.builder, 'ensure_not_built', flexmock()) flexmock(workflow.builder, ensure_not_built=None) setattr(workflow.builder, 'image_id', 'image-id') setattr(workflow.builder, 'source', flexmock( dockerfile_path='dockerfile-path', path='path', config=flexmock(image_build_method=None), )) setattr(workflow.builder, 'df_path', 'df_path') setattr(workflow.builder, 'image', flexmock()) setattr(workflow.builder.image, 'to_str', lambda: 'image') setattr(workflow.builder, 'base_image', flexmock()) setattr(workflow.builder.base_image, 'to_str', lambda: 'base-image') return workflow
Example #3
Source File: From dockerfile-parse with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_get_parent_env(self, tmpdir): tmpdir_path = str(tmpdir.realpath()) p_env = {"bar": "baz❤"} df1 = DockerfileParser(tmpdir_path, env_replace=True, parent_env=p_env) df1.lines = [ "FROM parent\n", "ENV foo=\"$bar\"\n", "LABEL label=\"$foo $bar\"\n" ] # Even though we inherit an ENV, this .envs count should only be for the # ENVs defined in *this* Dockerfile as we're parsing the Dockerfile and # the parent_env is only to satisfy use of inherited ENVs. assert len(df1.envs) == 1 assert df1.envs.get('foo') == 'baz❤' assert len(df1.labels) == 1 assert df1.labels.get('label') == 'baz❤ baz❤'
Example #4
Source File: From atomic-reactor with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_source_not_removed_for_exit_plugins(): flexmock(DockerfileParser, content='df_content') this_file = inspect.getfile(PreRaises) mock_docker() fake_builder = MockInsideBuilder() flexmock(InsideBuilder).new_instances(fake_builder) watch_exit = Watcher() watch_buildstep = Watcher() workflow = DockerBuildWorkflow('test-image', source=SOURCE, exit_plugins=[{'name': 'uses_source', 'args': { 'watcher': watch_exit, }}], buildstep_plugins=[{'name': 'buildstep_watched', 'args': { 'watcher': watch_buildstep, }}], plugin_files=[this_file]) workflow.build_docker_image() # Make sure that the plugin was actually run assert watch_exit.was_called()
Example #5
Source File: From dockerfile-parse with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_dockerfileparser(self, dfparser, tmpdir): df_content = dedent("""\ FROM fedora LABEL label={0}""".format(NON_ASCII)) df_lines = ["FROM fedora\n", "LABEL label={0}".format(NON_ASCII)] dfparser.content = "" dfparser.content = df_content assert dfparser.content == df_content assert dfparser.lines == df_lines assert [isinstance(line, six.text_type) for line in dfparser.lines] dfparser.content = "" dfparser.lines = df_lines assert dfparser.content == df_content assert dfparser.lines == df_lines assert [isinstance(line, six.text_type) for line in dfparser.lines] dockerfile = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'Dockerfile') with open(dockerfile, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(df_content.encode('utf-8')) dfparser = DockerfileParser(dockerfile) assert dfparser.content == df_content assert dfparser.lines == df_lines assert [isinstance(line, six.text_type) for line in dfparser.lines]
Example #6
Source File: From dockerfile-parse with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_get_build_args(self, tmpdir): tmpdir_path = str(tmpdir.realpath()) b_args = {"bar": "baz❤"} df1 = DockerfileParser(tmpdir_path, env_replace=True, build_args=b_args) df1.lines = [ "ARG foo=\"baz❤\"\n", "ARG not=\"used\"\n", "FROM parent\n", "ARG foo\n", "ARG bar\n", "LABEL label=\"$foo $bar\"\n" ] # Even though we inherit an ARG, this .args count should only be for the # ARGs defined in *this* Dockerfile as we're parsing the Dockerfile and # the build_args is only to satisfy use of this build. assert len(df1.args) == 2 assert df1.args.get('foo') == 'baz❤' assert df1.args.get('bar') == 'baz❤' assert len(df1.labels) == 1 assert df1.labels.get('label') == 'baz❤ baz❤'
Example #7
Source File: From atomic-reactor with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_failed_build(workflow): cmd_output = "spam spam spam spam spam spam spam baked beans spam spam spam and spam\n" cmd_error = "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!\n" ib_process = flexmock( stdout=StringIO(cmd_output + cmd_error), poll=lambda: True, returncode=1, ) flexmock(subprocess).should_receive('Popen').and_return(ib_process) flexmock(DockerfileParser, content='df_content') fake_builder = MockInsideBuilder(image_id='abcde') flexmock(InsideBuilder).new_instances(fake_builder) with pytest.raises(PluginFailedException): workflow.build_docker_image() assert isinstance(workflow.build_result, BuildResult) assert workflow.build_result.is_failed() assert cmd_output in workflow.build_result.logs assert cmd_error in workflow.build_result.logs assert cmd_error in workflow.build_result.fail_reason assert workflow.build_result.skip_layer_squash is False
Example #8
Source File: From atomic-reactor with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_failed_build(workflow): cmd_output = "spam spam spam spam spam spam spam baked beans spam spam spam and spam\n" cmd_error = "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!\n" ib_process = flexmock( stdout=StringIO(cmd_output + cmd_error), poll=lambda: True, returncode=1, ) flexmock(subprocess).should_receive('Popen').and_return(ib_process) flexmock(DockerfileParser, content='df_content') fake_builder = MockInsideBuilder(image_id='abcde') flexmock(InsideBuilder).new_instances(fake_builder) with pytest.raises(PluginFailedException): workflow.build_docker_image() assert isinstance(workflow.build_result, BuildResult) assert workflow.build_result.is_failed() assert cmd_output in workflow.build_result.logs assert cmd_error in workflow.build_result.logs assert cmd_error in workflow.build_result.fail_reason assert workflow.build_result.skip_layer_squash is False
Example #9
Source File: From atomic-reactor with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_popen_cmd(docker_tasker, workflow, image_id): """ tests buildah build plugin working """ flexmock(DockerfileParser, content='df_content') fake_builder = MockInsideBuilder(image_id=image_id) fake_builder.tasker = docker_tasker mock_docker_tasker(docker_tasker) flexmock(InsideBuilder).new_instances(fake_builder) cmd_output = "spam spam spam spam spam spam spam baked beans spam spam spam and spam" real_popen = subprocess.Popen flexmock(subprocess, Popen=lambda *_, **kw: real_popen(['echo', '-n', cmd_output], **kw)) workflow.build_docker_image() assert isinstance(workflow.buildstep_result['buildah_bud'], BuildResult) assert workflow.build_result == workflow.buildstep_result['buildah_bud'] assert not workflow.build_result.is_failed() assert workflow.build_result.image_id.startswith('sha256:') assert workflow.build_result.image_id.count(':') == 1 assert workflow.build_result.skip_layer_squash assert len(workflow.exported_image_sequence) == 1 assert cmd_output in workflow.build_result.logs
Example #10
Source File: From dockerfile-parse with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_constructor_cache(self, tmpdir): tmpdir_path = str(tmpdir.realpath()) df1 = DockerfileParser(tmpdir_path) df1.lines = ["From fedora:latest\n", "LABEL a b\n"] df2 = DockerfileParser(tmpdir_path, True) assert df2.cached_content
Example #11
Source File: From binaryanalysis-ng with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def unpack_dockerfile(fileresult, scanenvironment, offset, unpackdir): '''Verify a Dockerfile.''' filesize = fileresult.filesize filename_full = scanenvironment.unpack_path(fileresult.filename) unpackedfilesandlabels = [] labels = [] unpackingerror = {} unpackedsize = 0 renamed = False if not'Dockerfile'): dockerdir = pathlib.Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=scanenvironment.temporarydirectory)) shutil.copy(filename_full, dockerdir / 'Dockerfile') dockerfileparser = dockerfile_parse.DockerfileParser(str(dockerdir / 'Dockerfile')) renamed = True else: dockerfileparser = dockerfile_parse.DockerfileParser(str(filename_full)) try: dfcontent = dockerfileparser.content except Exception: if renamed: shutil.rmtree(dockerdir) unpackingerror = {'offset': offset, 'fatal': False, 'reason': 'not a valid Dockerfile'} return {'status': False, 'error': unpackingerror} labels.append('dockerfile') if renamed: shutil.rmtree(dockerdir) return {'status': True, 'length': filesize, 'labels': labels, 'filesandlabels': unpackedfilesandlabels}
Example #12
Source File: From dockerfile-parse with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def dfparser(tmpdir, request): """ :param tmpdir: already existing fixture defined in pytest :param request: parameter, cache_content arg to DockerfileParser :return: DockerfileParser instance """ use_fileobj, cache_content = request.param if use_fileobj: fileobj = six.BytesIO() return DockerfileParser(fileobj=fileobj, cache_content=cache_content) else: tmpdir_path = str(tmpdir.realpath()) return DockerfileParser(path=tmpdir_path, cache_content=cache_content)
Example #13
Source File: From dockerfile-parse with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_dockerfileparser_exceptions(self, tmpdir): df_content = dedent("""\ FROM fedora LABEL label={0}""".format(NON_ASCII)) df_lines = ["FROM fedora\n", "LABEL label={0}".format(NON_ASCII)] dfp = DockerfileParser(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'no-directory')) with pytest.raises(IOError): assert dfp.content with pytest.raises(IOError): dfp.content = df_content with pytest.raises(IOError): assert dfp.lines with pytest.raises(IOError): dfp.lines = df_lines
Example #14
Source File: From dockerfile-parse with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_internal_exceptions(self, tmpdir): dfp = DockerfileParser(str(tmpdir)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): dfp._instruction_getter('FOO', env_replace=True) with pytest.raises(ValueError): dfp._instructions_setter('FOO', {}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): dfp._modify_instruction_label_env('FOO', 'key', 'value')
Example #15
Source File: From osbs-client with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def bump_release(df_path, branch): parser = DockerfileParser(df_path) oldrelease = parser.labels["Release"] if not oldrelease: raise RuntimeError("Dockerfile has no Release label") m = re.match(r"(.*\D)?(\d+)", oldrelease) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Release does not end with number") num = int( newrelease = "{}{:03d}".format(, num+1) parser.labels["Release"] = newrelease return newrelease
Example #16
Source File: From dockerfile-parse with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_get_build_args_from_scratch(self, tmpdir): tmpdir_path = str(tmpdir.realpath()) b_args = {"bar": "baz"} df1 = DockerfileParser(tmpdir_path, env_replace=True, build_args=b_args) df1.lines = [ "FROM scratch\n", ] assert not df1.args assert not (df1.args == ['bar', 'baz']) assert hash(df1.args)
Example #17
Source File: From dockerfile-parse with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_get_parent_env_from_scratch(self, tmpdir): tmpdir_path = str(tmpdir.realpath()) p_env = {"bar": "baz"} df1 = DockerfileParser(tmpdir_path, env_replace=True, parent_env=p_env) df1.lines = [ "FROM scratch\n", ] assert not df1.envs assert not (df1.envs == ['bar', 'baz']) assert hash(df1.envs)
Example #18
Source File: From dockerfile-parse with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_path_and_fileobj_together(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): DockerfileParser(path='.', fileobj=six.StringIO())
Example #19
Source File: From dockerfile-parse with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_remove_whitespace(self, tmpdir): """ Verify keys are parsed correctly even if there is no final newline. """ with open(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'Dockerfile'), 'w') as fp: fp.write('FROM scratch') tmpdir_path = str(tmpdir.realpath()) df1 = DockerfileParser(tmpdir_path) df1.labels['foo'] = 'bar ❤' df2 = DockerfileParser(tmpdir_path, True) assert df2.baseimage == 'scratch' assert df2.labels['foo'] == 'bar ❤'
Example #20
Source File: From mattermost-openshift with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): """lets start our task""" # clone the repo cleanup(LOCAL_WORK_COPY) try: r = Repo.clone_from(git_url, LOCAL_WORK_COPY) except GitCommandError as git_error: print(git_error) exit(-1) d = feedparser.parse( '') release_version = d.entries[0].title[1:] # lets read the dockerfile of the current master dfp = DockerfileParser() with open('./mattermost-openshift-workdir/Dockerfile') as f: dfp.content = if 'MATTERMOST_VERSION' in dfp.envs: dockerfile_version = dfp.envs['MATTERMOST_VERSION'] # Lets check if we got a new release if, dockerfile_version) == 1: print("Updating from %s to %s" % (dockerfile_version, release_version)) target_branch = 'bots-life/update-to-' + release_version if not pr_in_progress(target_branch): patch_and_push(dfp, r, target_branch, release_version) cleanup(LOCAL_WORK_COPY) create_pr_to_master(target_branch) else: print("There is an open PR for %s, aborting..." % (target_branch)) else: print("we are even with Mattermost %s, no need to update" % release_version)
Example #21
Source File: From osbs-client with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_repo_info(git_uri, git_ref, git_branch=None, depth=None): with checkout_git_repo(git_uri, commit=git_ref, branch=git_branch, depth=depth) as code_dir_info: code_dir = code_dir_info.repo_path depth = code_dir_info.commit_depth dfp = DockerfileParser(os.path.join(code_dir), cache_content=True) config = RepoConfiguration(git_uri=git_uri, git_ref=git_ref, git_branch=git_branch, dir_path=code_dir, depth=depth) tags_config = AdditionalTagsConfig(dir_path=code_dir, tags=config.container.get('tags', set())) repo_info = RepoInfo(dfp, config, tags_config) return repo_info
Example #22
Source File: From osbs-client with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def set_initial_release(df_path, branch): parser = DockerfileParser(df_path) oldrelease = parser.labels.get("Release", "1") newrelease = "{}.{}.iteration001".format(oldrelease, branch) parser.labels["Release"] = newrelease return newrelease
Example #23
Source File: From colin with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, target, **_): super().__init__() self.target_name = target logger.debug("Target is a dockerfile.") if isinstance(target, io.IOBase): logger.debug("Target is a dockerfile loaded from the file-like object.") self.instance = DockerfileParser(fileobj=target) else: self.instance = DockerfileParser(fileobj=open(target))
Example #24
Source File: From atomic-reactor with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_build(docker_tasker, workflow, is_failed, image_id): """ tests docker build api plugin working """ flexmock(DockerfileParser, content='df_content') mock_docker() fake_builder = MockInsideBuilder(image_id=image_id) fake_builder.tasker = docker_tasker mock_docker_tasker(docker_tasker) flexmock(InsideBuilder).new_instances(fake_builder) flexmock(CommandResult).should_receive('is_failed').and_return(is_failed) error = "error message" error_detail = "{u'message': u\"%s\"}" % error if is_failed: flexmock(CommandResult, error=error, error_detail=error_detail) with pytest.raises(PluginFailedException): workflow.build_docker_image() else: workflow.build_docker_image() assert isinstance(workflow.buildstep_result['docker_api'], BuildResult) assert workflow.build_result == workflow.buildstep_result['docker_api'] assert workflow.build_result.is_failed() == is_failed if is_failed: assert workflow.build_result.fail_reason == error assert '\\' not in workflow.plugins_errors['docker_api'] assert error in workflow.plugins_errors['docker_api'] else: assert workflow.build_result.image_id.startswith('sha256:') assert workflow.build_result.image_id.count(':') == 1
Example #25
Source File: From atomic-reactor with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_popen_cmd(docker_tasker, workflow, image_id): """ tests imagebuilder build plugin working """ flexmock(DockerfileParser, content='df_content') fake_builder = MockInsideBuilder(image_id=image_id) fake_builder.tasker = docker_tasker mock_docker_tasker(docker_tasker) flexmock(InsideBuilder).new_instances(fake_builder) real_popen = subprocess.Popen process_args = ['imagebuilder', '-t', fake_builder.image.to_str()] for argname, argval in fake_builder.buildargs.items(): process_args.append('--build-arg') process_args.append('%s=%s' % (argname, argval)) process_args.append(fake_builder.df_dir) flexmock(subprocess, Popen=lambda *args, **kw: real_popen(['echo', '-n', str(args)], **kw)) workflow.build_docker_image() assert isinstance(workflow.buildstep_result['imagebuilder'], BuildResult) assert workflow.build_result == workflow.buildstep_result['imagebuilder'] assert not workflow.build_result.is_failed() assert workflow.build_result.image_id.startswith('sha256:') assert workflow.build_result.image_id.count(':') == 1 assert workflow.build_result.skip_layer_squash assert len(workflow.exported_image_sequence) == 1 assert str((process_args, )) in workflow.build_result.logs
Example #26
Source File: From atomic-reactor with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_show_version(has_version, caplog): """ Test atomic-reactor print version of osbs-client used to build the build json if available """ VERSION = "1.0" flexmock(DockerfileParser, content='df_content') this_file = inspect.getfile(PreRaises) mock_docker() fake_builder = MockInsideBuilder() flexmock(InsideBuilder).new_instances(fake_builder) watch_buildstep = Watcher() caplog.clear() params = { 'prebuild_plugins': [], 'buildstep_plugins': [{'name': 'buildstep_watched', 'args': {'watcher': watch_buildstep}}], 'prepublish_plugins': [], 'postbuild_plugins': [], 'exit_plugins': [], 'plugin_files': [this_file], } if has_version: params['client_version'] = VERSION workflow = DockerBuildWorkflow('test-image', source=MOCK_SOURCE, **params) workflow.build_docker_image() expected_log_message = "build json was built by osbs-client {}".format(VERSION) assert any( expected_log_message in record.message for record in caplog.records if record.levelno == logging.DEBUG ) == has_version
Example #27
Source File: From atomic-reactor with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_plugin_errors(plugins, should_fail, should_log, caplog): """ Try bad plugin configuration. """ flexmock(DockerfileParser, content='df_content') flexmock(DockerApiPlugin).should_receive('run').and_return(DUMMY_BUILD_RESULT) this_file = inspect.getfile(PreRaises) mock_docker() fake_builder = MockInsideBuilder() flexmock(InsideBuilder).new_instances(fake_builder) caplog.clear() workflow = DockerBuildWorkflow('test-image', source=MOCK_SOURCE, plugin_files=[this_file], **plugins) # Find the 'watcher' parameter watchers = [conf.get('args', {}).get('watcher') for plugin in plugins.values() for conf in plugin] watcher = [x for x in watchers if x][0] if should_fail: with pytest.raises(PluginFailedException): workflow.build_docker_image() assert not watcher.was_called() assert workflow.plugins_errors assert all([is_string_type(plugin) for plugin in workflow.plugins_errors]) assert all([is_string_type(reason) for reason in workflow.plugins_errors.values()]) else: workflow.build_docker_image() assert watcher.was_called() assert not workflow.plugins_errors if should_log: assert any(record.levelno == logging.ERROR for record in caplog.records) else: assert all(record.levelno != logging.ERROR for record in caplog.records)
Example #28
Source File: From atomic-reactor with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_workflow_compat(caplog): """ Some of our plugins have changed from being run post-build to being run at exit. Let's test what happens when we try running an exit plugin as a post-build plugin. """ flexmock(DockerfileParser, content='df_content') this_file = inspect.getfile(PreWatched) mock_docker() fake_builder = MockInsideBuilder() flexmock(InsideBuilder).new_instances(fake_builder) watch_exit = Watcher() watch_buildstep = Watcher() caplog.clear() workflow = DockerBuildWorkflow('test-image', source=MOCK_SOURCE, postbuild_plugins=[{'name': 'store_logs_to_file', 'args': { 'watcher': watch_exit }}], buildstep_plugins=[{'name': 'buildstep_watched', 'args': { 'watcher': watch_buildstep }}], plugin_files=[this_file]) workflow.build_docker_image() assert watch_exit.was_called() for record in caplog.records: assert record.levelno != logging.ERROR
Example #29
Source File: From atomic-reactor with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def test_buildstep_alias(buildstep_alias, buildstep_plugin): """ Verifies that buildstep plugin is changed when buildstep_alias is defined """ flexmock(DockerfileParser, content='df_content') this_file = inspect.getfile(PreRaises) mock_docker() fake_builder = MockInsideBuilder() flexmock(InsideBuilder).new_instances(fake_builder) prebuild_plugins = [{'name': 'reactor_config'}] buildstep_plugins = [] postbuild_plugins = [] prepublish_plugins = [] exit_plugins = [] os.environ['REACTOR_CONFIG'] = dedent("""\ version: 1 koji: hub_url: / root_url: '' auth: {} """) os.environ['USER_PARAMS'] = "{}" if buildstep_alias: os.environ['REACTOR_CONFIG'] += dedent("""\ buildstep_alias: docker_api: imagebuilder """) workflow = DockerBuildWorkflow('test-image', source=MOCK_SOURCE, prebuild_plugins=prebuild_plugins, buildstep_plugins=buildstep_plugins, prepublish_plugins=prepublish_plugins, postbuild_plugins=postbuild_plugins, exit_plugins=exit_plugins, plugin_files=[this_file]) workflow.build_docker_image() os.environ.pop('REACTOR_CONFIG', None) assert buildstep_plugin in workflow.buildstep_result assert isinstance(workflow.buildstep_result[buildstep_plugin], BuildResult)
Example #30
Source File: From atomic-reactor with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def test_workflow_plugin_results(buildstep_plugin, buildstep_raises): """ Verifies the results of plugins in different phases are stored properly. It also verifies failed and remote BuildResult is handled properly. """ flexmock(DockerfileParser, content='df_content') this_file = inspect.getfile(PreRaises) mock_docker() fake_builder = MockInsideBuilder() flexmock(InsideBuilder).new_instances(fake_builder) prebuild_plugins = [{'name': 'pre_build_value'}] buildstep_plugins = [{'name': buildstep_plugin}] postbuild_plugins = [{'name': 'post_build_value'}] prepublish_plugins = [{'name': 'pre_publish_value'}] exit_plugins = [{'name': 'exit_value'}] workflow = DockerBuildWorkflow('test-image', source=MOCK_SOURCE, prebuild_plugins=prebuild_plugins, buildstep_plugins=buildstep_plugins, prepublish_plugins=prepublish_plugins, postbuild_plugins=postbuild_plugins, exit_plugins=exit_plugins, plugin_files=[this_file]) if buildstep_raises: with pytest.raises(PluginFailedException): workflow.build_docker_image() else: workflow.build_docker_image() assert workflow.prebuild_results == {'pre_build_value': 'pre_build_value_result'} assert isinstance(workflow.buildstep_result[buildstep_plugin], BuildResult) if buildstep_raises: assert workflow.postbuild_results == {} assert workflow.prepub_results == {} else: assert workflow.postbuild_results == {'post_build_value': 'post_build_value_result'} assert workflow.prepub_results == {'pre_publish_value': 'pre_publish_value_result'} assert workflow.exit_results == {'exit_value': 'exit_value_result'}