Python torchvision.models.inception_v3() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of torchvision.models.inception_v3().
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Example #1
Source File: From AttnGAN with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, nef): super(CNN_ENCODER, self).__init__() if cfg.TRAIN.FLAG: self.nef = nef else: self.nef = 256 # define a uniform ranker model = models.inception_v3() url = '' model.load_state_dict(model_zoo.load_url(url)) for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False print('Load pretrained model from ', url) # print(model) self.define_module(model) self.init_trainable_weights()
Example #2
Source File: From semantic-object-accuracy-for-generative-text-to-image-synthesis with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, nef): super(CNN_ENCODER, self).__init__() if cfg.TRAIN.FLAG: self.nef = nef else: self.nef = 256 # define a uniform ranker model = models.inception_v3() url = '' model.load_state_dict(model_zoo.load_url(url)) for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False print('Load pretrained model from ', url) # print(model) self.define_module(model) self.init_trainable_weights()
Example #3
Source File: From Grad-CAM.pytorch with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_net(net_name, weight_path=None): """ 根据网络名称获取模型 :param net_name: 网络名称 :param weight_path: 与训练权重路径 :return: """ pretrain = weight_path is None # 没有指定权重路径,则加载默认的预训练权重 if net_name in ['vgg', 'vgg16']: net = models.vgg16(pretrained=pretrain) elif net_name == 'vgg19': net = models.vgg19(pretrained=pretrain) elif net_name in ['resnet', 'resnet50']: net = models.resnet50(pretrained=pretrain) elif net_name == 'resnet101': net = models.resnet101(pretrained=pretrain) elif net_name in ['densenet', 'densenet121']: net = models.densenet121(pretrained=pretrain) elif net_name in ['inception']: net = models.inception_v3(pretrained=pretrain) elif net_name in ['mobilenet_v2']: net = models.mobilenet_v2(pretrained=pretrain) elif net_name in ['shufflenet_v2']: net = models.shufflenet_v2_x1_0(pretrained=pretrain) else: raise ValueError('invalid network name:{}'.format(net_name)) # 加载指定路径的权重参数 if weight_path is not None and net_name.startswith('densenet'): pattern = re.compile( r'^(.*denselayer\d+\.(?:norm|relu|conv))\.((?:[12])\.(?:weight|bias|running_mean|running_var))$') state_dict = torch.load(weight_path) for key in list(state_dict.keys()): res = pattern.match(key) if res: new_key = + state_dict[new_key] = state_dict[key] del state_dict[key] net.load_state_dict(state_dict) elif weight_path is not None: net.load_state_dict(torch.load(weight_path)) return net
Example #4
Source File: From torch-light with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, vocab_size, dec_hsz, rnn_layers, bsz, max_len, dropout, use_cuda): super().__init__() self.torch = torch.cuda if use_cuda else torch self.dec_hsz = dec_hsz self.rnn_layers = rnn_layers self.bsz = bsz self.max_len = max_len self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.dropout = dropout self.enc = inception_v3(True) self.enc_out = nn.Linear(1000, dec_hsz) self.lookup_table = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, dec_hsz, padding_idx=PAD) self.rnn = nn.LSTM(dec_hsz + dec_hsz, dec_hsz, rnn_layers, batch_first=True, dropout=dropout) self.attn = Attention(dec_hsz) self.out = nn.Linear(self.dec_hsz, vocab_size) self._reset_parameters()
Example #5
Source File: From attn-gan with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, nef): super(CNN_ENCODER, self).__init__() if cfg.TRAIN.FLAG: self.nef = nef else: self.nef = 256 # define a uniform ranker model = models.inception_v3() url = '' model.load_state_dict(model_zoo.load_url(url)) for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False print('Load pretrained model from ', url) # print(model) self.define_module(model) self.init_trainable_weights()
Example #6
Source File: From SMIT with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_inception(path='data/RafD/normal/inception_v3.pth'): from torchvision.models import inception_v3 import torch import torch.nn as nn state_dict = torch.load(path) net = inception_v3(pretrained=False, transform_input=True) print("Loading inception_v3 from " + path) net.aux_logits = False num_ftrs = net.fc.in_features net.fc = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, state_dict['fc.weight'].size(0)) net.load_state_dict(state_dict) for param in net.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False return net # ==================================================================# # ==================================================================#
Example #7
Source File: From strike-with-a-pose with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, device): super(Model, self).__init__() self.device = device = models.inception_v3(pretrained=True) for param in param.requires_grad = False # Set up preprocessor. self.preprocess = transforms.Normalize( mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225] ) (self.width, self.height) = (299, 299)
Example #8
Source File: From multiple-objects-gan with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, nef): super(CNN_ENCODER, self).__init__() if cfg.TRAIN.FLAG: self.nef = nef else: self.nef = 256 # define a uniform ranker model = models.inception_v3() url = '' model.load_state_dict(model_zoo.load_url(url)) for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False print('Load pretrained model from ', url) # print(model) self.define_module(model) self.init_trainable_weights()
Example #9
Source File: From strike-with-a-pose with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, true_class): super(ImageClassifier, self).__init__() self.device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") = models.inception_v3(pretrained=True).to(self.device) for param in param.requires_grad = False self.preprocess = transforms.Normalize( mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225] ) self.label_map = self.load_imagenet_label_map() self.true_class = true_class self.true_label = self.label_map[self.true_class]
Example #10
Source File: From perceptron-benchmark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_untargeted_inception_v3(image, label=None): import torch import torchvision.models as models from perceptron.models.classification import PyTorchModel mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).reshape((3, 1, 1)) std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).reshape((3, 1, 1)) model_pyt = models.inception_v3(pretrained=True).eval() if torch.cuda.is_available(): model_pyt = model_pyt.cuda() model = PyTorchModel( model_pyt, bounds=(0, 1), num_classes=1000, preprocessing=(mean, std)) print(np.argmax(model.predictions(image))) attack = Attack(model, criterion=Misclassification()) adversarial_obj = attack(image, label, unpack=False, epsilons=10000) distance = adversarial_obj.distance adversarial = adversarial_obj.image return distance, adversarial
Example #11
Source File: From perceptron-benchmark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_untargeted_inception_v3(image, label=None): import torch import torchvision.models as models from perceptron.models.classification import PyTorchModel mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).reshape((3, 1, 1)) std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).reshape((3, 1, 1)) model_pyt = models.inception_v3(pretrained=True).eval() if torch.cuda.is_available(): model_pyt = model_pyt.cuda() model = PyTorchModel( model_pyt, bounds=(0, 1), num_classes=1000, preprocessing=(mean, std)) print(np.argmax(model.predictions(image))) attack = Attack(model, criterion=Misclassification()) adversarial_obj = attack(image, label, unpack=False, epsilons=10000) distance = adversarial_obj.distance adversarial = adversarial_obj.image return distance, adversarial
Example #12
Source File: From perceptron-benchmark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_untargeted_inception_v3(image, label=None): import torch import torchvision.models as models from perceptron.models.classification import PyTorchModel mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).reshape((3, 1, 1)) std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).reshape((3, 1, 1)) model_pyt = models.inception_v3(pretrained=True).eval() if torch.cuda.is_available(): model_pyt = model_pyt.cuda() model = PyTorchModel( model_pyt, bounds=(0, 1), num_classes=1000, preprocessing=(mean, std)) print(np.argmax(model.predictions(image))) attack = Attack(model, criterion=Misclassification()) adversarial_obj = attack(image, label, unpack=False, epsilons=10000) distance = adversarial_obj.distance adversarial = adversarial_obj.image return distance, adversarial
Example #13
Source File: From perceptron-benchmark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_untargeted_inception_v3(image, label=None): import torch import torchvision.models as models from perceptron.models.classification import PyTorchModel mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).reshape((3, 1, 1)) std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).reshape((3, 1, 1)) model_pyt = models.inception_v3(pretrained=True).eval() if torch.cuda.is_available(): model_pyt = model_pyt.cuda() model = PyTorchModel( model_pyt, bounds=(0, 1), num_classes=1000, preprocessing=(mean, std)) print(np.argmax(model.predictions(image))) attack = Attack(model, criterion=Misclassification()) adversarial_obj = attack(image, label, unpack=False, epsilons=10000) distance = adversarial_obj.distance adversarial = adversarial_obj.image return distance, adversarial
Example #14
Source File: From perceptron-benchmark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_untargeted_inception_v3(image, label=None): import torch import torchvision.models as models from perceptron.models.classification import PyTorchModel mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).reshape((3, 1, 1)) std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).reshape((3, 1, 1)) model_pyt = models.inception_v3(pretrained=True).eval() if torch.cuda.is_available(): model_pyt = model_pyt.cuda() model = PyTorchModel( model_pyt, bounds=(0, 1), num_classes=1000, preprocessing=(mean, std)) print(np.argmax(model.predictions(image))) attack = Attack(model, criterion=Misclassification()) adversarial_obj = attack(image, label, unpack=False, epsilons=10000) distance = adversarial_obj.distance adversarial = adversarial_obj.image return distance, adversarial
Example #15
Source File: From perceptron-benchmark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_image_format(framework_name, model_name): """Return the correct input range and shape for target framework and model""" special_shape = {'pytorch':{'inception_v3': (299, 299)}, 'keras': {'xception': (299, 299), 'inception_v3':(299, 299), 'yolo_v3': (416, 416), 'ssd300': (300, 300)}} special_bound = {'keras':{'vgg16':(0, 255), 'vgg19':(0, 255), 'resnet50':(0, 255), 'ssd300': (0, 255)}, 'cloud': {'aip_antiporn': (0, 255), 'google_safesearch': (0, 255), 'google_objectdetection': (0, 255)}} default_shape = (224, 224) default_bound = (0, 1) if special_shape.get(framework_name, None): if special_shape[framework_name].get(model_name, None): default_shape = special_shape[framework_name][model_name] if special_bound.get(framework_name, None): if special_bound[framework_name].get(model_name, None): default_bound = special_bound[framework_name][model_name] return {'shape': default_shape, 'bounds': default_bound}
Example #16
Source File: From DM-GAN with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, nef): super(CNN_ENCODER, self).__init__() if cfg.TRAIN.FLAG: self.nef = nef else: self.nef = 256 # define a uniform ranker model = models.inception_v3() url = '' model.load_state_dict(model_zoo.load_url(url)) for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False print('Load pretrained model from ', url) # print(model) self.define_module(model) self.init_trainable_weights()
Example #17
Source File: From AttnGAN with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, nef): super(CNN_ENCODER, self).__init__() if cfg.TRAIN.FLAG: self.nef = nef else: self.nef = 256 # define a uniform ranker model = models.inception_v3() url = '' model.load_state_dict(model_zoo.load_url(url)) for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False print('Load pretrained model from ', url) # print(model) self.define_module(model) self.init_trainable_weights()
Example #18
Source File: From strike-with-a-pose with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, true_class): super(ClassActivationMapper, self).__init__() self.device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") = models.inception_v3(pretrained=True).to(self.device) for param in param.requires_grad = False self.preprocess = transforms.Normalize( mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225] ) self.label_map = self.load_imagenet_label_map() self.true_class = true_class self.true_label = self.label_map[self.true_class] feature_params = list([-2] self.weight_softmax = np.squeeze( # Get features from Mixed_7c layer. self.features = torch.zeros((1, 2048, 8, 8)) def copy_data(module, input, output):"Mixed_7c").register_forward_hook(copy_data) (bn, feat_nc, feat_h, feat_w) = self.features.shape self.feat_shape = (feat_nc, feat_h * feat_w) self.cam_shape = (feat_h, feat_w) self.out_shape = (299, 299)
Example #19
Source File: From pytorch-cnn-finetune with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_inception_v3_model(input_var): original_model = torchvision_models.inception_v3( pretrained=True, transform_input=False, ) finetune_model = make_model( 'inception_v3', num_classes=1000, pool=default, pretrained=True ) copy_module_weights(original_model.fc, finetune_model._classifier) assert_equal_model_outputs(input_var, original_model, finetune_model)
Example #20
Source File: From pytorch-cnn-finetune with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_inception_v3_model_with_another_input_size(input_var): model = make_model('inception_v3', num_classes=1000, pretrained=True) model(input_var)
Example #21
Source File: From StackGAN-v2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): super(INCEPTION_V3, self).__init__() self.model = models.inception_v3() url = '' # print(next(model.parameters()).data) state_dict = \ model_zoo.load_url(url, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) self.model.load_state_dict(state_dict) for param in self.model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False print('Load pretrained model from ', url) # print(next(self.model.parameters()).data) # print(self.model)
Example #22
Source File: From sagan-pytorch with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def load_patched_inception_v3(): inception = inception_v3(pretrained=True) inception.eval() inception.forward = forward.__get__(inception, Inception3) return
Example #23
Source File: From MCD_DA with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): super(InceptionBase, self).__init__() model_ft = models.inception_v3(pretrained=True) #mod = list(model_ft.children()) #mod.pop() self.features = model_ft#nn.Sequential(*mod)
Example #24
Source File: From Recipe2ImageGAN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): super(INCEPTION_V3, self).__init__() self.model = models.inception_v3() url = '' # print(next(model.parameters()).data) state_dict = \ model_zoo.load_url(url, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) self.model.load_state_dict(state_dict) for param in self.model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False print('Load pretrained model from ', url) # print(next(self.model.parameters()).data) # print(self.model)
Example #25
Source File: From DeepPrivacy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, transform_input=True): super().__init__() self.inception_network = inception_v3(pretrained=False, transform_input=False) # Load state dict state_dict = torch.utils.model_zoo.load_url("", model_dir="metrics/inception") self.inception_network.load_state_dict(state_dict) self.inception_network.Mixed_7c.register_forward_hook(self.output_hook) self.transform_input = transform_input
Example #26
Source File: From RobGAN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_inception(): inception_model = inception_v3(pretrained=True, transform_input=False) inception_model.cuda() inception_model = torch.nn.DataParallel(inception_model, \ device_ids=range(opt.ngpu)) inception_model.eval() return inception_model
Example #27
Source File: From flashtorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_checks_input_size_for_inception_model(mocker): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error: model = models.inception_v3() backprop = Backprop(model) target_class = 5 input_ = torch.zeros([1, 3, 224, 224]) backprop.calculate_gradients(input_, target_class) assert 'Image must be 299x299 for Inception models.' in str(error.value)
Example #28
Source File: From perceptron-benchmark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def load_pytorch_model(model_name): import torchvision.models as models switcher = { 'alexnet': lambda: models.alexnet(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg11": lambda: models.vgg11(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg11_bn": lambda: models.vgg11_bn(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg13": lambda: models.vgg13(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg13_bn": lambda: models.vgg13_bn(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg16": lambda: models.vgg16(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg16_bn": lambda: models.vgg16_bn(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg19": lambda: models.vgg19(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg19_bn": lambda: models.vgg19_bn(pretrained=True).eval(), "resnet18": lambda: models.resnet18(pretrained=True).eval(), "resnet34": lambda: models.resnet34(pretrained=True).eval(), "resnet50": lambda: models.resnet50(pretrained=True).eval(), "resnet101": lambda: models.resnet101(pretrained=True).eval(), "resnet152": lambda: models.resnet152(pretrained=True).eval(), "squeezenet1_0": lambda: models.squeezenet1_0(pretrained=True).eval(), "squeezenet1_1": lambda: models.squeezenet1_1(pretrained=True).eval(), "densenet121": lambda: models.densenet121(pretrained=True).eval(), "densenet161": lambda: models.densenet161(pretrained=True).eval(), "densenet201": lambda: models.densenet201(pretrained=True).eval(), "inception_v3": lambda: models.inception_v3(pretrained=True).eval(), } _load_model = switcher.get(model_name, None) _model = _load_model() return _model
Example #29
Source File: From perceptron-benchmark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _load_pytorch_model(model_name, summary): import torchvision.models as models switcher = { 'alexnet': lambda: models.alexnet(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg11": lambda: models.vgg11(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg11_bn": lambda: models.vgg11_bn(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg13": lambda: models.vgg13(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg13_bn": lambda: models.vgg13_bn(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg16": lambda: models.vgg16(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg16_bn": lambda: models.vgg16_bn(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg19": lambda: models.vgg19(pretrained=True).eval(), "vgg19_bn": lambda: models.vgg19_bn(pretrained=True).eval(), "resnet18": lambda: models.resnet18(pretrained=True).eval(), "resnet34": lambda: models.resnet34(pretrained=True).eval(), "resnet50": lambda: models.resnet50(pretrained=True).eval(), "resnet101": lambda: models.resnet101(pretrained=True).eval(), "resnet152": lambda: models.resnet152(pretrained=True).eval(), "squeezenet1_0": lambda: models.squeezenet1_0(pretrained=True).eval(), "squeezenet1_1": lambda: models.squeezenet1_1(pretrained=True).eval(), "densenet121": lambda: models.densenet121(pretrained=True).eval(), "densenet161": lambda: models.densenet161(pretrained=True).eval(), "densenet201": lambda: models.densenet201(pretrained=True).eval(), "inception_v3": lambda: models.inception_v3(pretrained=True).eval(), } _load_model = switcher.get(model_name, None) _model = _load_model() import torch if torch.cuda.is_available(): _model = _model.cuda() from perceptron.models.classification.pytorch import PyTorchModel as ClsPyTorchModel import numpy as np mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).reshape((3, 1, 1)) std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).reshape((3, 1, 1)) pmodel = ClsPyTorchModel( _model, bounds=( 0, 1), num_classes=1000, preprocessing=( mean, std)) return pmodel
Example #30
Source File: From perceptron-benchmark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _load_keras_model(model_name, summary): import keras.applications as models switcher = { 'xception': lambda: models.xception.Xception(weights='imagenet'), 'vgg16': lambda: models.vgg16.VGG16(weights='imagenet'), 'vgg19': lambda: models.vgg19.VGG19(weights='imagenet'), "resnet50": lambda: models.resnet50.ResNet50(weights='imagenet'), "inception_v3": lambda: models.inception_v3.InceptionV3(weights='imagenet'), "yolo_v3": lambda: _load_yolov3_model(), "ssd300": lambda: _load_ssd300_model(), "retina_resnet_50": lambda: _load_retinanet_resnet50_model() } _load_model = switcher.get(model_name, None) _model = _load_model() from perceptron.models.classification.keras import KerasModel as ClsKerasModel from perceptron.models.detection.keras_ssd300 import KerasSSD300Model from perceptron.models.detection.keras_yolov3 import KerasYOLOv3Model from perceptron.models.detection.keras_retina_resnet50 import KerasResNet50RetinaNetModel import numpy as np format = get_image_format('keras', model_name) if format['bounds'][1] == 1: mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).reshape((1, 1, 3)) std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).reshape((1, 1, 3)) preprocessing = (mean, std) else: preprocessing = (np.array([104, 116, 123]), 1) switcher = { 'yolo_v3': lambda x: KerasYOLOv3Model(x, bounds=(0, 1)), 'ssd300': lambda x: KerasSSD300Model(x, bounds=(0, 255)), 'retina_resnet_50': lambda x: KerasResNet50RetinaNetModel(None, bounds=(0, 255)), } _wrap_model = switcher.get( model_name, lambda x: ClsKerasModel(x, bounds=format['bounds'], preprocessing=preprocessing)) kmodel = _wrap_model(_model) return kmodel