Python predictor.Predictor() Examples
The following are 4
code examples of predictor.Predictor().
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Example #1
Source File: From RegRCNN with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test(cf, logger, max_fold=None): """performs testing for a given fold (or held out set). saves stats in evaluator. """ logger.time("test_fold")'starting testing model of fold {} in exp {}'.format(cf.fold, cf.exp_dir)) net =, logger).cuda() batch_gen = data_loader.get_test_generator(cf, logger) test_predictor = Predictor(cf, net, logger, mode='test') test_results_list = test_predictor.predict_test_set(batch_gen, return_results = not hasattr( cf, "eval_test_separately") or not cf.eval_test_separately) if test_results_list is not None: test_evaluator = Evaluator(cf, logger, mode='test') test_evaluator.evaluate_predictions(test_results_list) test_evaluator.score_test_df(max_fold=max_fold)'Testing of fold {} took {}.\n'.format(cf.fold, logger.get_time("test_fold", reset=True, format="hms")))
Example #2
Source File: From medicaldetectiontoolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test(logger): """ perform testing for a given fold (or hold out set). save stats in evaluator. """'starting testing model of fold {} in exp {}'.format(cf.fold, cf.exp_dir)) net =, logger).cuda() test_predictor = Predictor(cf, net, logger, mode='test') test_evaluator = Evaluator(cf, logger, mode='test') batch_gen = data_loader.get_test_generator(cf, logger) test_results_list = test_predictor.predict_test_set(batch_gen, return_results=True) test_evaluator.evaluate_predictions(test_results_list) test_evaluator.score_test_df()
Example #3
Source File: From Describing_a_Knowledge_Base with MIT License | 5 votes |
def train_epoches(t_dataset, v_dataset, model, n_epochs, teacher_forcing_ratio): eval_f = Evaluate_test() best_dev = 0 train_loader = t_dataset.corpus len_batch = len(train_loader) epoch_examples_total = t_dataset.len for epoch in range(1, n_epochs + 1): model.train(True) torch.set_grad_enabled(True) epoch_loss = 0 for batch_idx in range(len_batch): loss, num_examples = train_batch(t_dataset, batch_idx, model, teacher_forcing_ratio) epoch_loss += loss * num_examples sys.stdout.write( '%d batches processed. current batch loss: %f\r' % (batch_idx, loss) ) sys.stdout.flush() epoch_loss /= epoch_examples_total log_msg = "Finished epoch %d with losses: %.4f" % (epoch, epoch_loss) print(log_msg) predictor = Predictor(model, v_dataset.vocab, args.cuda) print("Start Evaluating") cand, ref = predictor.preeval_batch(v_dataset) print('Result:') print('ref: ', ref[1][0]) print('cand: ', cand[1]) final_scores = eval_f.evaluate(live=True, cand=cand, ref=ref) epoch_score = 2*final_scores['ROUGE_L']*final_scores['Bleu_4']/(final_scores['Bleu_4']+ final_scores['ROUGE_L']) if epoch_score > best_dev:, print("model saved") best_dev = epoch_score
Example #4
Source File: From TuSimple-DUC with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, config): self.config = config # model self.model_dir = config.get('model', 'model_dir') self.model_prefix = config.get('model', 'model_prefix') self.model_epoch = config.getint('model', 'model_epoch') self.label_num = config.getint('model', 'label_num') self.ctx = mx.gpu(config.getint('model', 'gpu')) # data self.ds_rate = int(config.get('data', 'ds_rate')) self.cell_width = int(config.get('data', 'cell_width')) self.test_shape = [int(f) for f in config.get('data', 'test_shape').split(',')] self.result_shape = [int(f) for f in config.get('data', 'result_shape').split(',')] self.rgb_mean = [float(f) for f in config.get('data', 'rgb_mean').split(',')] # rescale for test self.test_scales = [float(f) for f in config.get('data', 'test_scales').split(',')] self.cell_shapes = [[math.ceil(l * s / self.ds_rate)*self.ds_rate for l in self.test_shape] for s in self.test_scales] self.modules = [] for i, test_scale in enumerate(self.test_scales): predictor = mx.module.Module.load( prefix=os.path.join(self.model_dir, self.model_prefix), epoch=self.model_epoch, context=self.ctx) data_shape = (1, 3, int(self.cell_shapes[i][0]), int(self.cell_shapes[i][1])) predictor.bind(data_shapes=[('data', data_shape)], for_training=False) self.modules.append(predictor) self.predictor = Predictor( modules=self.modules, label_num=self.label_num, ds_rate=self.ds_rate, cell_width=self.cell_width, result_shape=self.result_shape, test_scales=self.test_scales )