Python sonnet.LSTM Examples
The following are 9
code examples of sonnet.LSTM().
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Example #1
Source File: From dnc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, access_config, controller_config, output_size, clip_value=None, name='dnc'): """Initializes the DNC core. Args: access_config: dictionary of access module configurations. controller_config: dictionary of controller (LSTM) module configurations. output_size: output dimension size of core. clip_value: clips controller and core output values to between `[-clip_value, clip_value]` if specified. name: module name (default 'dnc'). Raises: TypeError: if direct_input_size is not None for any access module other than KeyValueMemory. """ super(DNC, self).__init__(name=name) with self._enter_variable_scope(): self._controller = snt.LSTM(**controller_config) self._access = access.MemoryAccess(**access_config) self._access_output_size = self._output_size = output_size self._clip_value = clip_value or 0 self._output_size = tf.TensorShape([output_size]) self._state_size = DNCState( access_output=self._access_output_size, access_state=self._access.state_size, controller_state=self._controller.state_size)
Example #2
Source File: From vae-seq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_rnn(hparams, name): """Constructs a DeepRNN using hparams.rnn_hidden_sizes.""" regularizers = { snt.LSTM.W_GATES: regularizer(hparams) } with tf.variable_scope(name): layers = [snt.LSTM(size, regularizers=regularizers) for size in hparams.rnn_hidden_sizes] return snt.DeepRNN(layers, skip_connections=False, name=name)
Example #3
Source File: From bsuite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int], num_actions: int): super().__init__(name='policy_value_net') self._torso = snt.nets.MLP(hidden_sizes, activate_final=True, name='torso') self._core = snt.LSTM(hidden_sizes[-1], name='rnn') self._policy_head = snt.Linear(num_actions, name='policy_head') self._value_head = snt.Linear(1, name='value_head')
Example #4
Source File: From learning-to-learn with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, output_size, layers, preprocess_name="identity", preprocess_options=None, scale=1.0, initializer=None, name="deep_lstm"): """Creates an instance of `StandardDeepLSTM`. Args: output_size: Output sizes of the final linear layer. layers: Output sizes of LSTM layers. preprocess_name: Gradient preprocessing class name (in `l2l.preprocess` or tf modules). Default is `tf.identity`. preprocess_options: Gradient preprocessing options. scale: Gradient scaling (default is 1.0). initializer: Variable initializer for linear layer. See `snt.Linear` and `snt.LSTM` docs for more info. This parameter can be a string (e.g. "zeros" will be converted to tf.zeros_initializer). name: Module name. """ super(StandardDeepLSTM, self).__init__(name=name) self._output_size = output_size self._scale = scale if hasattr(preprocess, preprocess_name): preprocess_class = getattr(preprocess, preprocess_name) self._preprocess = preprocess_class(**preprocess_options) else: self._preprocess = getattr(tf, preprocess_name) with tf.variable_scope(self._template.variable_scope): self._cores = [] for i, size in enumerate(layers, start=1): name = "lstm_{}".format(i) init = _get_layer_initializers(initializer, name, ("w_gates", "b_gates")) self._cores.append(snt.LSTM(size, name=name, initializers=init)) self._rnn = snt.DeepRNN(self._cores, skip_connections=False, name="deep_rnn") init = _get_layer_initializers(initializer, "linear", ("w", "b")) self._linear = snt.Linear(output_size, name="linear", initializers=init)
Example #5
Source File: From differentiable-particle-filters with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, init_with_true_state=False, model='2lstm', **unused_kwargs): self.placeholders = {'o': tf.placeholder('float32', [None, None, 24, 24, 3], 'observations'), 'a': tf.placeholder('float32', [None, None, 3], 'actions'), 's': tf.placeholder('float32', [None, None, 3], 'states'), 'keep_prob': tf.placeholder('float32')} self.pred_states = None self.init_with_true_state = init_with_true_state self.model = model # build models # <-- observation self.encoder = snt.Sequential([ snt.nets.ConvNet2D([16, 32, 64], [[3, 3]], [2], [snt.SAME], activate_final=True, name='encoder/convnet'), snt.BatchFlatten(), lambda x: tf.nn.dropout(x, self.placeholders['keep_prob']), snt.Linear(128, name='encoder/Linear'), tf.nn.relu, ]) # <-- action if self.model == '2lstm': self.rnn1 = snt.LSTM(512) self.rnn2 = snt.LSTM(512) if self.model == '2gru': self.rnn1 = snt.GRU(512) self.rnn2 = snt.GRU(512) elif self.model == 'ff': self.ff_lstm_replacement = snt.Sequential([ snt.Linear(512), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(512), tf.nn.relu]) self.belief_decoder = snt.Sequential([ snt.Linear(256), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(256), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(3) ])
Example #6
Source File: From attend_infer_repeat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, obs, nums, glimpse_size=(20, 20), inpt_encoder_hidden=[256]*2, glimpse_encoder_hidden=[256]*2, glimpse_decoder_hidden=[252]*2, transform_estimator_hidden=[256]*2, steps_pred_hidden=[50]*1, baseline_hidden=[256, 128]*1, transform_var_bias=-2., step_bias=0., *args, **kwargs): self.transform_var_bias = tf.Variable(transform_var_bias, trainable=False, dtype=tf.float32, name='transform_var_bias') self.step_bias = tf.Variable(step_bias, trainable=False, dtype=tf.float32, name='step_bias') self.baseline = BaselineMLP(baseline_hidden) super(AIRonMNIST, self).__init__( *args, obs=obs, nums=nums, glimpse_size=glimpse_size, n_appearance=50, transition=snt.LSTM(256), input_encoder=partial(Encoder, inpt_encoder_hidden), glimpse_encoder=partial(Encoder, glimpse_encoder_hidden), glimpse_decoder=partial(Decoder, glimpse_decoder_hidden), transform_estimator=partial(StochasticTransformParam, transform_estimator_hidden, scale_bias=self.transform_var_bias), steps_predictor=partial(StepsPredictor, steps_pred_hidden, self.step_bias), output_std=.3, **kwargs )
Example #7
Source File: From grid-cells with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, target_ensembles, nh_lstm, nh_bottleneck, nh_embed=None, dropoutrates_bottleneck=None, bottleneck_weight_decay=0.0, bottleneck_has_bias=False, init_weight_disp=0.0, name="grid_cells_core"): """Constructor of the RNN cell. Args: target_ensembles: Targets, place cells and head direction cells. nh_lstm: Size of LSTM cell. nh_bottleneck: Size of the linear layer between LSTM output and output. nh_embed: Number of hiddens between input and LSTM input. dropoutrates_bottleneck: Iterable of keep rates (0,1]. The linear layer is partitioned into as many groups as the len of this parameter. bottleneck_weight_decay: Weight decay used in the bottleneck layer. bottleneck_has_bias: If the bottleneck has a bias. init_weight_disp: Displacement in the weights initialisation. name: the name of the module. """ super(GridCellsRNNCell, self).__init__(name=name) self._target_ensembles = target_ensembles self._nh_embed = nh_embed self._nh_lstm = nh_lstm self._nh_bottleneck = nh_bottleneck self._dropoutrates_bottleneck = dropoutrates_bottleneck self._bottleneck_weight_decay = bottleneck_weight_decay self._bottleneck_has_bias = bottleneck_has_bias self._init_weight_disp = init_weight_disp = False with self._enter_variable_scope(): self._lstm = snt.LSTM(self._nh_lstm)
Example #8
Source File: From grid-cells with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _build(self, init_conds, vels, training=False): """Outputs place, and head direction cell predictions from velocity inputs. Args: init_conds: Initial conditions given by ensemble activatons, list [BxN_i] vels: Translational and angular velocities [BxTxV] training: Activates and deactivates dropout Returns: [logits_i]: logits_i: Logits predicting i-th ensemble activations (BxTxN_i) """ # Calculate initialization for LSTM. Concatenate pc and hdc activations concat_init = tf.concat(init_conds, axis=1) init_lstm_state = snt.Linear(self._nh_lstm, name="state_init")(concat_init) init_lstm_cell = snt.Linear(self._nh_lstm, name="cell_init")(concat_init) = training # Run LSTM output_seq, final_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=self._core, inputs=(vels,), time_major=False, initial_state=(init_lstm_state, init_lstm_cell)) ens_targets = output_seq[:-2] bottleneck = output_seq[-2] lstm_output = output_seq[-1] # Return return (ens_targets, bottleneck, lstm_output), final_state
Example #9
Source File: From grid-cells with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _build(self, inputs, prev_state): """Build the module. Args: inputs: Egocentric velocity (BxN) prev_state: Previous state of the recurrent network Returns: ((predictions, bottleneck, lstm_outputs), next_state) The predictions """ conc_inputs = tf.concat(inputs, axis=1, name="conc_inputs") # Embedding layer lstm_inputs = conc_inputs # LSTM lstm_output, next_state = self._lstm(lstm_inputs, prev_state) # Bottleneck bottleneck = snt.Linear(self._nh_bottleneck, use_bias=self._bottleneck_has_bias, regularizers={ "w": tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer( self._bottleneck_weight_decay)}, name="bottleneck")(lstm_output) if and self._dropoutrates_bottleneck is not None:"Adding dropout layers") n_scales = len(self._dropoutrates_bottleneck) scale_pops = tf.split(bottleneck, n_scales, axis=1) dropped_pops = [tf.nn.dropout(pop, rate, name="dropout") for rate, pop in zip(self._dropoutrates_bottleneck, scale_pops)] bottleneck = tf.concat(dropped_pops, axis=1) # Outputs ens_outputs = [snt.Linear( ens.n_cells, regularizers={ "w": tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer( self._bottleneck_weight_decay)}, initializers={ "w": displaced_linear_initializer(self._nh_bottleneck, self._init_weight_disp, dtype=tf.float32)}, name="pc_logits")(bottleneck) for ens in self._target_ensembles] return (ens_outputs, bottleneck, lstm_output), tuple(list(next_state))