Python sonnet.Linear() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of sonnet.Linear().
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Example #1
Source File: From RecSys2019_DeepLearning_Evaluation with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _build(self, inputs): """ Perform dense/fully connected layer with a activation function """ self._layer = snt.Linear(self._output_size, self._add_bias, self._initializers, self._partitioners, self._regularizers, name='LinearWx') output = self._layer(inputs) # Add GraphKeys if self._add_bias: tf.add_to_collection(GraphKeys.BIASES, self._layer.b) tf.add_to_collection(GraphKeys.WEIGHTS, self._layer.w) tf.add_to_collection(GraphKeys.PRE_ACTIVATIONS, output) if self._activation_fn is None or self._activation_fn == tf.identity: return output output = self._activation_fn(output) # Add to GraphKeys for activation output tf.add_to_collection(GraphKeys.ACTIVATIONS, output) return output # Below are just convenience to access properties from the underlying layer
Example #2
Source File: From differentiable-particle-filters with MIT License | 6 votes |
def custom_build(self, inputs): """A custom build method to wrap into a sonnet Module.""" outputs = snt.Conv2D(output_channels=16, kernel_shape=[7, 7], stride=[1, 1])(inputs) outputs = tf.nn.relu(outputs) outputs = snt.Conv2D(output_channels=16, kernel_shape=[5, 5], stride=[1, 2])(outputs) outputs = tf.nn.relu(outputs) outputs = snt.Conv2D(output_channels=16, kernel_shape=[5, 5], stride=[1, 2])(outputs) outputs = tf.nn.relu(outputs) outputs = snt.Conv2D(output_channels=16, kernel_shape=[5, 5], stride=[2, 2])(outputs) outputs = tf.nn.relu(outputs) outputs = tf.nn.dropout(outputs, self.placeholders['keep_prob']) outputs = snt.BatchFlatten()(outputs) outputs = snt.Linear(128)(outputs) outputs = tf.nn.relu(outputs) return outputs
Example #3
Source File: From interval-bound-propagation with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testFCIntervalBounds(self): m = snt.Linear(1, initializers={ 'w': tf.constant_initializer(1.), 'b': tf.constant_initializer(2.), }) z = tf.constant([[1, 2, 3]], dtype=tf.float32) m(z) # Connect to create weights. m = ibp.LinearFCWrapper(m) input_bounds = ibp.IntervalBounds(z - 1., z + 1.) output_bounds = m.propagate_bounds(input_bounds) with self.test_session() as sess: l, u =[output_bounds.lower, output_bounds.upper]) l = l.item() u = u.item() self.assertAlmostEqual(5., l) self.assertAlmostEqual(11., u)
Example #4
Source File: From interval-bound-propagation with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testVerifiableModelWrapperResnet(self): def _build(z0, is_training=False): # pylint: disable=unused-argument input_size =[1:]) # We make a resnet-like structure. z = snt.Linear(input_size)(z0) z_left = tf.nn.relu(z) z_left = snt.Linear(input_size)(z_left) z = z_left + z0 return snt.Linear(2)(z) z = tf.constant([[1, 2, 3, 4]], dtype=tf.float32) wrapper = ibp.VerifiableModelWrapper(_build) logits = wrapper(z) self.assertLen(wrapper.input_wrappers, 1) self.assertLen(wrapper.modules, 5) # Check input has fanout 2, as it is the start of the resnet block. self.assertEqual(wrapper.fanout_of(wrapper.input_wrappers[0]), 2) for module in wrapper.modules: self.assertEqual(wrapper.fanout_of(module), 1) # Check propagation. self._propagation_test(wrapper, z, logits)
Example #5
Source File: From leo with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def decoder(self, inputs): with tf.variable_scope("decoder"): l2_regularizer = tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(self._l2_penalty_weight) orthogonality_reg = get_orthogonality_regularizer( self._orthogonality_penalty_weight) initializer = tf.initializers.glorot_uniform(dtype=self._float_dtype) # 2 * embedding_dim, because we are returning means and variances decoder_module = snt.Linear( 2 * self.embedding_dim, use_bias=False, regularizers={"w": l2_regularizer}, initializers={"w": initializer}, ) outputs = snt.BatchApply(decoder_module)(inputs) self._orthogonality_reg = orthogonality_reg(decoder_module.w) return outputs
Example #6
Source File: From streetlearn with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _head(self, policy_input, heading, xy, target_xy): """Build the head of the agent: linear policy and value function, and pass the auxiliary outputs through. """ # Linear policy and value function. policy_logits = snt.Linear( self._num_actions, name='policy_logits')(policy_input) baseline = tf.squeeze(snt.Linear(1, name='baseline')(policy_input), axis=-1) # Sample an action from the policy. new_action = tf.multinomial( policy_logits, num_samples=1, output_dtype=tf.int32) new_action = tf.squeeze(new_action, 1, name='new_action') return AgentOutput( new_action, policy_logits, baseline, heading, xy, target_xy)
Example #7
Source File: From kfac with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, output_sizes, regularizers=None, initializers=None, custom_getter=None, activation=_NONLINEARITY, activate_final=False, name='MLP'): super(MLPManualReg, self).__init__(custom_getter=custom_getter, name=name) self._output_sizes = output_sizes self._activation = activation self._activate_final = activate_final with self._enter_variable_scope(): self._layers = [snt.Linear(self._output_sizes[i], name='linear_{}'.format(i), initializers=initializers, regularizers=regularizers, custom_getter=custom_getter, use_bias=True) for i in range(len(self._output_sizes))]
Example #8
Source File: From bsuite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int], num_actions: int): super().__init__(name='policy_value_net') self._torso = snt.nets.MLP(hidden_sizes, activate_final=True, name='torso') self._core = snt.LSTM(hidden_sizes[-1], name='rnn') self._policy_head = snt.Linear(num_actions, name='policy_head') self._value_head = snt.Linear(1, name='value_head')
Example #9
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _build(self, x): x = tf.to_float(x) initializers={"w": tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01)} lin = snt.Linear(self.size, use_bias=False, initializers=initializers) z = lin(x) scale = tf.constant(1., dtype=tf.float32) offset = tf.get_variable( "b", shape=[1, z.shape.as_list()[1]], initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1), dtype=tf.float32 ) mean, var = tf.nn.moments(z, [0], keep_dims=True) z = ((z - mean) * tf.rsqrt(var + 1e-6)) * scale + offset x_p = self.activation_fn(z) return z, x_p # This needs to work by string name sadly due to how the variable replace # works and would also work even if the custom getter approuch was used. # This is verbose, but it should atleast be clear as to what is going on. # TODO(lmetz) a better way to do this (the next 3 functions: # _raw_name, w(), b() )
Example #10
Source File: From mnist-multi-gpu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def custom_build(inputs, is_training, keep_prob): x_inputs = tf.reshape(inputs, [-1, 28, 28, 1]) """A custom build method to wrap into a sonnet Module.""" outputs = snt.Conv2D(output_channels=32, kernel_shape=4, stride=2)(x_inputs) outputs = snt.BatchNorm()(outputs, is_training=is_training) outputs = tf.nn.relu(outputs) outputs = tf.nn.max_pool(outputs, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME') outputs = snt.Conv2D(output_channels=64, kernel_shape=4, stride=2)(outputs) outputs = snt.BatchNorm()(outputs, is_training=is_training) outputs = tf.nn.relu(outputs) outputs = tf.nn.max_pool(outputs, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME') outputs = snt.Conv2D(output_channels=1024, kernel_shape=1, stride=1)(outputs) outputs = snt.BatchNorm()(outputs, is_training=is_training) outputs = tf.nn.relu(outputs) outputs = snt.BatchFlatten()(outputs) outputs = tf.nn.dropout(outputs, keep_prob=keep_prob) outputs = snt.Linear(output_size=10)(outputs) # _activation_summary(outputs) return outputs
Example #11
Source File: From learning-to-learn with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_initializers(initializers, fields): """Produces a nn initialization `dict` (see Linear docs for a example). Grabs initializers for relevant fields if the first argument is a `dict` or reuses the same initializer for all fields otherwise. All initializers are processed using `_convert_to_initializer`. Args: initializers: Initializer or <variable, initializer> dictionary. fields: Fields nn is expecting for module initialization. Returns: nn initialization dictionary. """ result = {} for f in fields: if isinstance(initializers, dict): if f in initializers: # Variable-specific initializer. result[f] = _convert_to_initializer(initializers[f]) else: # Common initiliazer for all variables. result[f] = _convert_to_initializer(initializers) return result
Example #12
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def q_zt(self, observations, prev_state, t): """Computes a distribution over z_t. Args: observations: a [batch_size, num_observations, state_size] Tensor. prev_state: a [batch_size, state_size] Tensor. t: The current timestep, an int Tensor. """ # filter out unneeded past obs first_relevant_obs_index = int(math.floor(max(t-1, 0) / self.steps_per_obs)) num_relevant_observations = self.num_obs - first_relevant_obs_index observations = observations[:,first_relevant_obs_index:,:] batch_size = tf.shape(prev_state)[0] # concatenate the prev state and observations along the second axis (that is # not the batch or state size axis, and then flatten it to # [batch_size, (num_relevant_observations + 1) * state_size] to feed it into # the linear layer. q_input = tf.concat([observations, prev_state[:,tf.newaxis, :]], axis=1) q_input = tf.reshape(q_input, [batch_size, (num_relevant_observations + 1) * self.state_size]) q_mu = self.mus[t](q_input) q_sigma = tf.maximum(tf.nn.softplus(self.sigmas[t]), self.sigma_min) q_sigma = tf.tile(q_sigma[tf.newaxis, :], [batch_size, 1]) q_zt = tf.contrib.distributions.Normal(loc=q_mu, scale=tf.sqrt(q_sigma)) "q(z_{t} | z_{tm1}, x_{obsf}:{obst}) ~ N(Linear([z_{tm1},x_{obsf}:{obst}]), sigma_{t})".format( **{"t": t, "tm1": t-1, "obsf": (first_relevant_obs_index+1)*self.steps_per_obs, "obst":self.steps_per_obs*self.num_obs})) return q_zt
Example #13
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, state_size, num_timesteps, sigma_min=1e-5, dtype=tf.float32, sigma_init=1., random_seed=None, graph_collection_name="R_VARS"): self.dtype = dtype self.sigma_min = sigma_min initializers = {"w": tf.truncated_normal_initializer(seed=random_seed), "b": tf.zeros_initializer} self.graph_collection_name=graph_collection_name def custom_getter(getter, *args, **kwargs): out = getter(*args, **kwargs) ref = tf.get_collection_ref(self.graph_collection_name) if out not in ref: ref.append(out) return out self.mus= [ snt.Linear(output_size=state_size, initializers=initializers, name="r_mu_%d" % t, custom_getter=custom_getter) for t in xrange(num_timesteps) ] self.sigmas = [ tf.get_variable( shape=[state_size], dtype=self.dtype, name="r_sigma_%d" % (t + 1), collections=[tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, graph_collection_name], #initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(seed=random_seed, maxval=100)) initializer=tf.constant_initializer(sigma_init)) for t in xrange(num_timesteps) ]
Example #14
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, state_size, num_timesteps, sigma_min=1e-5, dtype=tf.float32): self.state_size = state_size self.num_timesteps = num_timesteps self.sigma_min = sigma_min self.dtype = dtype = [ tf.get_variable( shape=[state_size], dtype=self.dtype, name="b_%d" % (t + 1), initializer=tf.zeros_initializer) for t in xrange(num_timesteps) ] self.Bs = tf.cumsum(, reverse=True, axis=0) self.q_mus = [ snt.Linear(output_size=state_size) for _ in xrange(num_timesteps) ] self.q_sigmas = [ tf.get_variable( shape=[state_size], dtype=self.dtype, name="q_sigma_%d" % (t + 1), initializer=tf.zeros_initializer) for t in xrange(num_timesteps) ] self.r_mus = [ tf.get_variable( shape=[state_size], dtype=self.dtype, name="r_mu_%d" % (t + 1), initializer=tf.zeros_initializer) for t in xrange(num_timesteps) ] self.r_sigmas = [ tf.get_variable( shape=[state_size], dtype=self.dtype, name="r_sigma_%d" % (t + 1), initializer=tf.zeros_initializer) for t in xrange(num_timesteps) ]
Example #15
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, state_size, num_obs, steps_per_obs, sigma_min=1e-5, dtype=tf.float32, random_seed=None): self.state_size = state_size self.sigma_min = sigma_min self.dtype = dtype self.steps_per_obs = steps_per_obs self.num_obs = num_obs self.num_timesteps = num_obs*steps_per_obs +1 initializers = { "w": tf.random_uniform_initializer(seed=random_seed), "b": tf.zeros_initializer } self.mus = [ snt.Linear(output_size=state_size, initializers=initializers) for t in xrange(self.num_timesteps) ] self.sigmas = [ tf.get_variable( shape=[state_size], dtype=self.dtype, name="q_sigma_%d" % (t + 1), initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(seed=random_seed)) for t in xrange(self.num_timesteps) ]
Example #16
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, size, use_bias=True, init_const_mag=True): self.size = size self.use_bias = use_bias self.init_const_mag = init_const_mag super(Linear, self).__init__(name="commonLinear")
Example #17
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _build(self, x): if self.init_const_mag: initializers={"w": tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01)} else: initializers={} lin = snt.Linear(self.size, use_bias=self.use_bias, initializers=initializers) z = lin(x) return z # This needs to work by string name sadly due to how the variable replace # works and would also work even if the custom getter approuch was used. # This is verbose, but it should atleast be clear as to what is going on. # TODO(lmetz) a better way to do this (the next 3 functions: # _raw_name, w(), b() )
Example #18
Source File: From grid-cells with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _build(self, init_conds, vels, training=False): """Outputs place, and head direction cell predictions from velocity inputs. Args: init_conds: Initial conditions given by ensemble activatons, list [BxN_i] vels: Translational and angular velocities [BxTxV] training: Activates and deactivates dropout Returns: [logits_i]: logits_i: Logits predicting i-th ensemble activations (BxTxN_i) """ # Calculate initialization for LSTM. Concatenate pc and hdc activations concat_init = tf.concat(init_conds, axis=1) init_lstm_state = snt.Linear(self._nh_lstm, name="state_init")(concat_init) init_lstm_cell = snt.Linear(self._nh_lstm, name="cell_init")(concat_init) = training # Run LSTM output_seq, final_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=self._core, inputs=(vels,), time_major=False, initial_state=(init_lstm_state, init_lstm_cell)) ens_targets = output_seq[:-2] bottleneck = output_seq[-2] lstm_output = output_seq[-1] # Return return (ens_targets, bottleneck, lstm_output), final_state
Example #19
Source File: From bsuite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int], action_spec: specs.DiscreteArray): super().__init__(name='policy_value_net') self._torso = snt.Sequential([ snt.Flatten(), snt.nets.MLP(hidden_sizes, activate_final=True), ]) self._policy_head = snt.Linear(action_spec.num_values) self._value_head = snt.Linear(1) self._action_dtype = action_spec.dtype
Example #20
Source File: From vae-seq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _build_game_over(self, hidden): """Parameters for the game over prediction.""" lin = snt.Linear(2, name="game_over") loc, scale_unproj = tf.unstack(lin(hidden), axis=-1) scale = util.positive_projection(self._hparams)(scale_unproj) return loc, scale
Example #21
Source File: From vae-seq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _build_score(self, hidden): """Parameters for the game score prediction.""" lin = snt.Linear(2, name="score") loc, scale_unproj = tf.unstack(lin(hidden), axis=-1) scale = util.positive_projection(self._hparams)(scale_unproj) return loc, scale
Example #22
Source File: From vae-seq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _build_game_output(self, hidden): """Parameters for the game output prediction.""" game_outputs = np.product(self._hparams.game_output_size) lin = snt.Linear(2 * game_outputs, name="game_obs") loc, scale_diag_unproj = tf.split(lin(hidden), 2, axis=-1) scale_diag = util.positive_projection(self._hparams)(scale_diag_unproj) return loc, scale_diag
Example #23
Source File: From interval-bound-propagation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def add_train_ops(self, num_classes, joint_rep, minibatch): """Add ops for training in the computation graph. Args: num_classes: number of classes to predict in the task. joint_rep: the joint sentence representation if the input is sentence pairs or the representation for the sentence if the input is a single sentence. minibatch: a minibatch of sequences of embeddings. Returns: train_accuracy: the accuracy on the training dataset loss: training loss. opt_step: training op. """ if self.linear_classifier is None: classifier_layers = [] classifier_layers.append(snt.Linear(num_classes)) self.linear_classifier = snt.Sequential(classifier_layers) logits = self.linear_classifier(joint_rep) # Losses and optimizer. def get_loss(logits, labels): return tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=labels, logits=logits)) loss = get_loss(logits, minibatch.sentiment) train_accuracy = utils.get_accuracy(logits, minibatch.sentiment) opt_step = self._add_optimize_op(loss) return train_accuracy, loss, opt_step
Example #24
Source File: From interval-bound-propagation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _build(self, padded_word_embeddings, length): x = padded_word_embeddings for layer in self._config['conv_architecture']: if isinstance(layer, tuple) or isinstance(layer, list): filters, kernel_size, pooling_size = layer conv = snt.Conv1D( output_channels=filters, kernel_shape=kernel_size) x = conv(x) if pooling_size and pooling_size > 1: x = _max_pool_1d(x, pooling_size) elif layer == 'relu': x = tf.nn.relu(x) if self._keep_prob < 1: x = tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob=self._keep_prob) else: raise RuntimeError('Bad layer type {} in conv'.format(layer)) # Final layer pools over the remaining sequence length to get a # fixed sized vector. if self._pooling == 'max': x = tf.reduce_max(x, axis=1) elif self._pooling == 'average': x = tf.reduce_sum(x, axis=1) lengths = tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(length, tf.float32), axis=1) x = x / lengths if self._config['conv_fc1']: fc1_layer = snt.Linear(output_size=self._config['conv_fc1']) x = tf.nn.relu(fc1_layer(x)) if self._keep_prob < 1: x = tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob=self._keep_prob) if self._config['conv_fc2']: fc2_layer = snt.Linear(output_size=self._config['conv_fc2']) x = tf.nn.relu(fc2_layer(x)) if self._keep_prob < 1: x = tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob=self._keep_prob) return x
Example #25
Source File: From interval-bound-propagation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testEndToEnd(self, predictor_cls, attack_cls, optimizer_cls, epsilon, restarted=False): # l-\infty norm of perturbation ball. if isinstance(epsilon, list): # We test the ability to have different epsilons across dimensions. epsilon = tf.constant([epsilon], dtype=tf.float32) bounds = (-.5, 2.5) # Create a simple network. m = snt.Linear(1, initializers={ 'w': tf.constant_initializer(1.), 'b': tf.constant_initializer(1.), }) z = tf.constant([[1, 2]], dtype=tf.float32) predictor = predictor_cls(m, self) # Not important for the test but needed. labels = tf.constant([1], dtype=tf.int64) # We create two attacks to maximize and then minimize the output. max_spec = ibp.LinearSpecification(tf.constant([[[1.]]])) max_attack = attack_cls(predictor, max_spec, epsilon, input_bounds=bounds, optimizer_builder=optimizer_cls) if restarted: max_attack = ibp.RestartedAttack(max_attack, num_restarts=10) z_max = max_attack(z, labels) min_spec = ibp.LinearSpecification(tf.constant([[[-1.]]])) min_attack = attack_cls(predictor, min_spec, epsilon, input_bounds=bounds, optimizer_builder=optimizer_cls) if restarted: min_attack = ibp.RestartedAttack(min_attack, num_restarts=10) z_min = min_attack(z, labels) with self.test_session() as sess: z_max_values, z_min_values =[z_max, z_min]) z_max_values = z_max_values[0] z_min_values = z_min_values[0] self.assertAlmostEqual(2., z_max_values[0]) self.assertAlmostEqual(2.5, z_max_values[1]) self.assertAlmostEqual(0., z_min_values[0]) self.assertAlmostEqual(1., z_min_values[1])
Example #26
Source File: From interval-bound-propagation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testCaching(self): m = snt.Linear(1, initializers={ 'w': tf.constant_initializer(1.), 'b': tf.constant_initializer(2.), }) z = tf.placeholder(shape=(1, 3), dtype=tf.float32) m(z) # Connect to create weights. m = ibp.LinearFCWrapper(m) input_bounds = ibp.IntervalBounds(z - 1., z + 1.) output_bounds = m.propagate_bounds(input_bounds) input_bounds.enable_caching() output_bounds.enable_caching() update_all_caches_op =[input_bounds.update_cache_op, output_bounds.update_cache_op]) with self.test_session() as sess: # Initialise the caches based on the model inputs., feed_dict={z: [[1., 2., 3.]]}) l, u =[output_bounds.lower, output_bounds.upper]) l = l.item() u = u.item() self.assertAlmostEqual(5., l) self.assertAlmostEqual(11., u) # Update the cache based on a different set of inputs.[output_bounds.update_cache_op], feed_dict={z: [[2., 3., 7.]]}) # We only updated the output bounds' cache. # This asserts that the computation depends on the underlying # input bounds tensor, not on cached version of it. # (Thus it doesn't matter what order the caches are updated.) l, u =[output_bounds.lower, output_bounds.upper]) l = l.item() u = u.item() self.assertAlmostEqual(11., l) self.assertAlmostEqual(17., u)
Example #27
Source File: From streetlearn with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _head(self, core_output): """Build the head of the agent: linear policy and value function.""" policy_logits = snt.Linear( self._num_actions, name='policy_logits')( core_output) baseline = tf.squeeze(snt.Linear(1, name='baseline')(core_output), axis=-1) # Sample an action from the policy. new_action = tf.multinomial( policy_logits, num_samples=1, output_dtype=tf.int32) new_action = tf.squeeze(new_action, 1, name='new_action') return AgentOutput(new_action, policy_logits, baseline)
Example #28
Source File: From interval-bound-propagation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testLeakyRelu(self): def _build(z0): z = snt.Linear(10)(z0) z = tf.nn.leaky_relu(z0, alpha=0.375) return snt.Linear(2)(z) z = tf.constant([[1, 2, 3, 4]], dtype=tf.float32) wrapper = ibp.VerifiableModelWrapper(_build) logits = wrapper(z) self.assertLen(wrapper.modules, 3) self.assertEqual(wrapper.modules[1].module.__name__, 'leaky_relu') self.assertEqual(wrapper.modules[1].parameters['alpha'], 0.375) # Check propagation. self._propagation_test(wrapper, z, logits)
Example #29
Source File: From interval-bound-propagation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testVerifiableModelWrapperSimple(self, fn, expected_modules): def _build(z0): z = snt.Linear(10)(z0) z = fn(z) return snt.Linear(2)(z) z = tf.constant([[1, 2, 3, 4]], dtype=tf.float32) wrapper = ibp.VerifiableModelWrapper(_build) logits = wrapper(z) self.assertLen(wrapper.modules, expected_modules) # Check propagation. self._propagation_test(wrapper, z, logits)
Example #30
Source File: From learning-to-learn with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, output_size, layers, preprocess_name="identity", preprocess_options=None, scale=1.0, initializer=None, name="deep_lstm"): """Creates an instance of `StandardDeepLSTM`. Args: output_size: Output sizes of the final linear layer. layers: Output sizes of LSTM layers. preprocess_name: Gradient preprocessing class name (in `l2l.preprocess` or tf modules). Default is `tf.identity`. preprocess_options: Gradient preprocessing options. scale: Gradient scaling (default is 1.0). initializer: Variable initializer for linear layer. See `snt.Linear` and `snt.LSTM` docs for more info. This parameter can be a string (e.g. "zeros" will be converted to tf.zeros_initializer). name: Module name. """ super(StandardDeepLSTM, self).__init__(name=name) self._output_size = output_size self._scale = scale if hasattr(preprocess, preprocess_name): preprocess_class = getattr(preprocess, preprocess_name) self._preprocess = preprocess_class(**preprocess_options) else: self._preprocess = getattr(tf, preprocess_name) with tf.variable_scope(self._template.variable_scope): self._cores = [] for i, size in enumerate(layers, start=1): name = "lstm_{}".format(i) init = _get_layer_initializers(initializer, name, ("w_gates", "b_gates")) self._cores.append(snt.LSTM(size, name=name, initializers=init)) self._rnn = snt.DeepRNN(self._cores, skip_connections=False, name="deep_rnn") init = _get_layer_initializers(initializer, "linear", ("w", "b")) self._linear = snt.Linear(output_size, name="linear", initializers=init)