Python sonnet.Sequential() Examples
The following are 24
code examples of sonnet.Sequential().
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Example #1
Source File: From bsuite with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_ensemble(num_actions: int, num_ensemble: int = 20, num_hidden_layers: int = 2, num_units: int = 50, prior_scale: float = 3.) -> Sequence[snt.Module]: """Convenience function to make an ensemble from flags.""" output_sizes = [num_units] * num_hidden_layers + [num_actions] ensemble = [] for _ in range(num_ensemble): network = snt.Sequential([ snt.Flatten(), snt.nets.MLP(output_sizes), ]) prior_network = snt.Sequential([ snt.Flatten(), snt.nets.MLP(output_sizes), ]) ensemble.append(NetworkWithPrior(network, prior_network, prior_scale)) return ensemble
Example #2
Source File: From bsuite with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def default_agent(obs_spec: specs.Array, action_spec: specs.DiscreteArray): """Initialize a DQN agent with default parameters.""" del obs_spec # Unused. network = snt.Sequential([ snt.Flatten(), snt.nets.MLP([50, 50, action_spec.num_values]), ]) optimizer = snt.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=1e-3) return DQN( action_spec=action_spec, network=network, batch_size=32, discount=0.99, replay_capacity=10000, min_replay_size=100, sgd_period=1, target_update_period=4, optimizer=optimizer, epsilon=0.05, seed=42)
Example #3
Source File: From interval-bound-propagation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def add_train_ops(self, num_classes, joint_rep, minibatch): """Add ops for training in the computation graph. Args: num_classes: number of classes to predict in the task. joint_rep: the joint sentence representation if the input is sentence pairs or the representation for the sentence if the input is a single sentence. minibatch: a minibatch of sequences of embeddings. Returns: train_accuracy: the accuracy on the training dataset loss: training loss. opt_step: training op. """ if self.linear_classifier is None: classifier_layers = [] classifier_layers.append(snt.Linear(num_classes)) self.linear_classifier = snt.Sequential(classifier_layers) logits = self.linear_classifier(joint_rep) # Losses and optimizer. def get_loss(logits, labels): return tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=labels, logits=logits)) loss = get_loss(logits, minibatch.sentiment) train_accuracy = utils.get_accuracy(logits, minibatch.sentiment) opt_step = self._add_optimize_op(loss) return train_accuracy, loss, opt_step
Example #4
Source File: From graph_nets with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_mlp_model(): """Instantiates a new MLP, followed by LayerNorm. The parameters of each new MLP are not shared with others generated by this function. Returns: A Sonnet module which contains the MLP and LayerNorm. """ return snt.Sequential([ snt.nets.MLP([LATENT_SIZE] * NUM_LAYERS, activate_final=True), snt.LayerNorm(axis=-1, create_offset=True, create_scale=True) ])
Example #5
Source File: From graph_nets with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_mlp_model(): """Instantiates a new MLP, followed by LayerNorm. The parameters of each new MLP are not shared with others generated by this function. Returns: A Sonnet module which contains the MLP and LayerNorm. """ return snt.Sequential([ snt.nets.MLP([LATENT_SIZE] * NUM_LAYERS, activate_final=True), snt.LayerNorm() ])
Example #6
Source File: From attend_infer_repeat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _build(self, inpt): layers = [] for n_hidden, hidden_transfer in zip(self._n_hiddens, self._hidden_transfers): layers.append(Affine(n_hidden, hidden_transfer, self._initializers)) if self._n_out is not None: layers.append(Affine(self._n_out, self._transfer, self._initializers)) module = snt.Sequential(layers) return module(inpt)
Example #7
Source File: From attend_infer_repeat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _build(self, inpt): n = mlp = MLP(self._n_hidden, n_out=n) reshape = snt.BatchReshape(self._output_size) seq = snt.Sequential([mlp, reshape]) return seq(inpt)
Example #8
Source File: From attend_infer_repeat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _build(self, inpt): flat = snt.BatchFlatten() mlp = MLP(self._n_hidden) seq = snt.Sequential([flat, mlp]) return seq(inpt)
Example #9
Source File: From attend_infer_repeat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _embed(self, inpt): flatten = snt.BatchFlatten() mlp = MLP(self._n_hidden, n_out=self._n_param) seq = snt.Sequential([flatten, mlp]) return seq(inpt)
Example #10
Source File: From kglib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _node_model(self): return snt.Sequential([self._thing_embedder, snt.nets.MLP([self._latent_size] * self._num_layers, activate_final=True), snt.LayerNorm()])
Example #11
Source File: From kglib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _edge_model(self): return snt.Sequential([self._role_embedder, snt.nets.MLP([self._latent_size] * self._num_layers, activate_final=True), snt.LayerNorm()])
Example #12
Source File: From kglib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_mlp_model(latent_size=16, num_layers=2): """Instantiates a new MLP, followed by LayerNorm. The parameters of each new MLP are not shared with others generated by this function. Returns: A Sonnet module which contains the MLP and LayerNorm. """ return snt.Sequential([ snt.nets.MLP([latent_size] * num_layers, activate_final=True), snt.LayerNorm() ])
Example #13
Source File: From kglib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _build(self, attribute_value): tf.summary.histogram('cont_attribute_value_histogram', attribute_value) embedding = snt.Sequential([ snt.nets.MLP([self._attr_embedding_dim] * 3, activate_final=True, use_dropout=True), snt.LayerNorm(), ])(tf.cast(attribute_value, dtype=tf.float32)) tf.summary.histogram('cont_embedding_histogram', embedding) return embedding
Example #14
Source File: From differentiable-particle-filters with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, init_with_true_state=False, model='2lstm', **unused_kwargs): self.placeholders = {'o': tf.placeholder('float32', [None, None, 24, 24, 3], 'observations'), 'a': tf.placeholder('float32', [None, None, 3], 'actions'), 's': tf.placeholder('float32', [None, None, 3], 'states'), 'keep_prob': tf.placeholder('float32')} self.pred_states = None self.init_with_true_state = init_with_true_state self.model = model # build models # <-- observation self.encoder = snt.Sequential([ snt.nets.ConvNet2D([16, 32, 64], [[3, 3]], [2], [snt.SAME], activate_final=True, name='encoder/convnet'), snt.BatchFlatten(), lambda x: tf.nn.dropout(x, self.placeholders['keep_prob']), snt.Linear(128, name='encoder/Linear'), tf.nn.relu, ]) # <-- action if self.model == '2lstm': self.rnn1 = snt.LSTM(512) self.rnn2 = snt.LSTM(512) if self.model == '2gru': self.rnn1 = snt.GRU(512) self.rnn2 = snt.GRU(512) elif self.model == 'ff': self.ff_lstm_replacement = snt.Sequential([ snt.Linear(512), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(512), tf.nn.relu]) self.belief_decoder = snt.Sequential([ snt.Linear(256), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(256), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(3) ])
Example #15
Source File: From learning-to-learn with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def mnist(layers, # pylint: disable=invalid-name activation="sigmoid", batch_size=128, mode="train"): """Mnist classification with a multi-layer perceptron.""" if activation == "sigmoid": activation_op = tf.sigmoid elif activation == "relu": activation_op = tf.nn.relu else: raise ValueError("{} activation not supported".format(activation)) # Data. data = mnist_dataset.load_mnist() data = getattr(data, mode) images = tf.constant(data.images, dtype=tf.float32, name="MNIST_images") images = tf.reshape(images, [-1, 28, 28, 1]) labels = tf.constant(data.labels, dtype=tf.int64, name="MNIST_labels") # Network. mlp = snt.nets.MLP(list(layers) + [10], activation=activation_op, initializers=_nn_initializers) network = snt.Sequential([snt.BatchFlatten(), mlp]) def build(): indices = tf.random_uniform([batch_size], 0, data.num_examples, tf.int64) batch_images = tf.gather(images, indices) batch_labels = tf.gather(labels, indices) output = network(batch_images) return _xent_loss(output, batch_labels) return build
Example #16
Source File: From bsuite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, hidden_sizes: Sequence[int], action_spec: specs.DiscreteArray): super().__init__(name='policy_value_net') self._torso = snt.Sequential([ snt.Flatten(), snt.nets.MLP(hidden_sizes, activate_final=True), ]) self._policy_head = snt.Linear(action_spec.num_values) self._value_head = snt.Linear(1) self._action_dtype = action_spec.dtype
Example #17
Source File: From bsuite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run(bsuite_id: str) -> str: """Runs a DQN agent on a given bsuite environment, logging to CSV.""" env = bsuite.load_and_record( bsuite_id=bsuite_id, save_path=FLAGS.save_path, logging_mode=FLAGS.logging_mode, overwrite=FLAGS.overwrite, ) # Making the networks. hidden_units = [FLAGS.num_units] * FLAGS.num_hidden_layers network = snt.Sequential([ snt.Flatten(), snt.nets.MLP(hidden_units + [env.action_spec().num_values]), ]) optimizer = snt.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate) agent = dqn.DQN( action_spec=env.action_spec(), network=network, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size,, replay_capacity=FLAGS.replay_capacity, min_replay_size=FLAGS.min_replay_size, sgd_period=FLAGS.sgd_period, target_update_period=FLAGS.target_update_period, optimizer=optimizer, epsilon=FLAGS.epsilon, seed=FLAGS.seed, ) num_episodes = FLAGS.num_episodes or getattr(env, 'bsuite_num_episodes') agent=agent, environment=env, num_episodes=num_episodes, verbose=FLAGS.verbose) return bsuite_id
Example #18
Source File: From vae-seq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _build(self, inputs): if self._input_encoders: inputs = snt.Sequential(self._input_encoders)(inputs) return self._decoder(inputs)
Example #19
Source File: From vae-seq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _build(self, inputs): hparams = self._hparams hidden = snt.Sequential([ util.concat_features, util.make_mlp( hparams, hparams.obs_decoder_fc_hidden_layers, activate_final=True), ])(inputs) return (self._build_game_output(hidden), self._build_score(hidden), self._build_game_over(hidden))
Example #20
Source File: From kfac with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_train(self): image = tf.random_uniform(shape=(_BATCH_SIZE, 784), maxval=1.) labels = tf.random_uniform(shape=(_BATCH_SIZE,), maxval=10, dtype=tf.int32) labels_one_hot = tf.one_hot(labels, 10) model = snt.Sequential([snt.BatchFlatten(), snt.nets.MLP([128, 128, 10])]) logits = model(image) all_losses = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2( logits=logits, labels=labels_one_hot) loss = tf.reduce_mean(all_losses) layers = layer_collection.LayerCollection() optimizer = periodic_inv_cov_update_kfac_opt.PeriodicInvCovUpdateKfacOpt( invert_every=10, cov_update_every=1, learning_rate=0.03, cov_ema_decay=0.95, damping=100., layer_collection=layers, momentum=0.9, num_burnin_steps=0, placement_strategy="round_robin") _construct_layer_collection(layers, [logits], tf.trainable_variables()) train_step = optimizer.minimize(loss) counter = optimizer.counter max_iterations = 50 with self.test_session() as sess: coord = tf.train.Coordinator() tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) for iteration in range(max_iterations):[loss, train_step]) counter_ = self.assertEqual(counter_, iteration + 1.0)
Example #21
Source File: From RecSys2019_DeepLearning_Evaluation with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def _construct_weights(self): """ Constructs the user/item memories and user/item external memory/outputs Also add the embedding lookups """ self.user_memory = snt.Embed(self.config.user_count, self.config.embed_size, initializers=self._embedding_initializers, name='MemoryEmbed') self.user_output = snt.Embed(self.config.user_count, self.config.embed_size, initializers=self._embedding_initializers, name='MemoryOutput') self.item_memory = snt.Embed(self.config.item_count, self.config.embed_size, initializers=self._embedding_initializers, name="ItemMemory") self._mem_layer = VariableLengthMemoryLayer(self.config.hops, self.config.embed_size, tf.nn.relu, initializers=self._hops_init, regularizers=self._regularizers, name='UserMemoryLayer') self._output_module = snt.Sequential([ DenseLayer(self.config.embed_size, True, tf.nn.relu, initializers=self._initializers, regularizers=self._regularizers, name='Layer'), snt.Linear(1, False, initializers=self._output_initializers, regularizers=self._regularizers, name='OutputVector'), tf.squeeze]) # [batch, embedding size] self._cur_user = self.user_memory(self.input_users) self._cur_user_output = self.user_output(self.input_users) # Item memories a query self._cur_item = self.item_memory(self.input_items) self._cur_item_negative = self.item_memory(self.input_items_negative) # Share Embeddings self._cur_item_output = self._cur_item self._cur_item_output_negative = self._cur_item_negative
Example #22
Source File: From stacked_capsule_autoencoders with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def create(which, batch_size, subset=None, n_replicas=1, transforms=None, **kwargs): """Creates data loaders according to the dataset name `which`.""" func = globals().get('_create_{}'.format(which), None) if func is None: raise ValueError('Dataset "{}" not supported. Only {} are' ' supported.'.format(which, SUPPORTED_DATSETS)) dataset = func(subset, batch_size, **kwargs) if transforms is not None: if not isinstance(transforms, dict): transforms = {'image': transforms} for k, v in transforms.items(): transforms[k] = snt.Sequential(nest.flatten(v)) if transforms is not None or n_replicas > 1: def map_func(data): """Replicates data if necessary.""" data = dict(data) if n_replicas > 1: tile_by_batch = snt.TileByDim([0], [n_replicas]) data = {k: tile_by_batch(v) for k, v in data.items()} if transforms is not None: img = data['image'] for k, transform in transforms.items(): data[k] = transform(img) return data dataset = iter_data = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() input_batch = iter_data.get_next() for _, v in input_batch.items(): v.set_shape([batch_size * n_replicas] + v.shape[1:].as_list()) return input_batch
Example #23
Source File: From differentiable-particle-filters with MIT License | 4 votes |
def build_modules(self, min_obs_likelihood, proposer_keep_ratio): """ :param min_obs_likelihood: :param proposer_keep_ratio: :return: None """ # MEASUREMENT MODEL # conv net for encoding the image self.encoder = snt.Sequential([ snt.nets.ConvNet2D([16, 32, 64], [[3, 3]], [2], [snt.SAME], activate_final=True, name='encoder/convnet'), snt.BatchFlatten(), lambda x: tf.nn.dropout(x, self.placeholders['keep_prob']), snt.Linear(128, name='encoder/linear'), tf.nn.relu ]) # observation likelihood estimator that maps states and image encodings to probabilities self.obs_like_estimator = snt.Sequential([ snt.Linear(128, name='obs_like_estimator/linear'), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(128, name='obs_like_estimator/linear'), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(1, name='obs_like_estimator/linear'), tf.nn.sigmoid, lambda x: x * (1 - min_obs_likelihood) + min_obs_likelihood ], name='obs_like_estimator') # motion noise generator used for motion sampling self.mo_noise_generator = snt.nets.MLP([32, 32, self.state_dim], activate_final=False, name='mo_noise_generator') # odometry model (if we want to learn it) if self.learn_odom: self.mo_transition_model = snt.nets.MLP([128, 128, 128, self.state_dim], activate_final=False, name='mo_transition_model') # particle proposer that maps encodings to particles (if we want to use it) if self.use_proposer: self.particle_proposer = snt.Sequential([ snt.Linear(128, name='particle_proposer/linear'), tf.nn.relu, lambda x: tf.nn.dropout(x, proposer_keep_ratio), snt.Linear(128, name='particle_proposer/linear'), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(128, name='particle_proposer/linear'), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(128, name='particle_proposer/linear'), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(4, name='particle_proposer/linear'), tf.nn.tanh, ])
Example #24
Source File: From differentiable-particle-filters with MIT License | 4 votes |
def build_modules(self, min_obs_likelihood, proposer_keep_ratio, learn_gaussian_mle): """ :param min_obs_likelihood: :param proposer_keep_ratio: :return: None """ # MEASUREMENT MODEL # conv net for encoding the image self.encoder = snt.Sequential([ snt.nets.ConvNet2D([16, 16, 16, 16], [[7, 7], [5, 5], [5, 5], [5, 5]], [[1,1], [1, 2], [1, 2], [2, 2]], [snt.SAME], activate_final=True, name='encoder/convnet'), snt.BatchFlatten(), lambda x: tf.nn.dropout(x, self.placeholders['keep_prob']), snt.Linear(128, name='encoder/linear'), tf.nn.relu ]) # observation likelihood estimator that maps states and image encodings to probabilities self.obs_like_estimator = snt.Sequential([ snt.Linear(128, name='obs_like_estimator/linear'), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(128, name='obs_like_estimator/linear'), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(1, name='obs_like_estimator/linear'), tf.nn.sigmoid, lambda x: x * (1 - min_obs_likelihood) + min_obs_likelihood ], name='obs_like_estimator') # motion noise generator used for motion sampling if learn_gaussian_mle: self.mo_noise_generator = snt.nets.MLP([32, 32, 4], activate_final=False, name='mo_noise_generator') else: self.mo_noise_generator = snt.nets.MLP([32, 32, 2], activate_final=False, name='mo_noise_generator') # odometry model (if we want to learn it) if self.learn_odom: self.mo_transition_model = snt.nets.MLP([128, 128, 128, self.state_dim], activate_final=False, name='mo_transition_model') # particle proposer that maps encodings to particles (if we want to use it) if self.use_proposer: self.particle_proposer = snt.Sequential([ snt.Linear(128, name='particle_proposer/linear'), tf.nn.relu, lambda x: tf.nn.dropout(x, proposer_keep_ratio), snt.Linear(128, name='particle_proposer/linear'), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(128, name='particle_proposer/linear'), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(128, name='particle_proposer/linear'), tf.nn.relu, snt.Linear(4, name='particle_proposer/linear'), tf.nn.tanh, ]) self.noise_scaler1 = snt.Module(lambda x: x * tf.exp(10 * tf.get_variable('motion_sampler/noise_scaler1', initializer=np.array(0.0, dtype='float32')))) self.noise_scaler2 = snt.Module(lambda x: x * tf.exp(10 * tf.get_variable('motion_sampler/noise_scaler2', initializer=np.array(0.0, dtype='float32'))))