Python tensorflow.python.ops.nn.convolution() Examples
The following are 23
code examples of tensorflow.python.ops.nn.convolution().
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Example #1
Source File: From tf-slim with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def convolution2d(inputs, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride=1, padding='SAME', data_format=None, rate=1, activation_fn=nn.relu, normalizer_fn=None, normalizer_params=None, weights_initializer=initializers.xavier_initializer(), weights_regularizer=None, biases_initializer=init_ops.zeros_initializer(), biases_regularizer=None, reuse=None, variables_collections=None, outputs_collections=None, trainable=True, scope=None): return convolution( inputs, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride, padding, data_format, rate, activation_fn, normalizer_fn, normalizer_params, weights_initializer, weights_regularizer, biases_initializer, biases_regularizer, reuse, variables_collections, outputs_collections, trainable, scope, conv_dims=2)
Example #2
Source File: From keras-lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def call(self, inputs): outputs = nn.convolution( input=inputs, filter=self.kernel, dilation_rate=self.dilation_rate, strides=self.strides, padding=self.padding.upper(), data_format=utils.convert_data_format(self.data_format, self.rank + 2)) if self.bias is not None: if self.rank != 2 and self.data_format == 'channels_first': # bias_add does not support channels_first for non-4D inputs. if self.rank == 1: bias = array_ops.reshape(self.bias, (1, self.filters, 1)) if self.rank == 3: bias = array_ops.reshape(self.bias, (1, self.filters, 1, 1)) outputs += bias else: outputs = nn.bias_add( outputs, self.bias, data_format=utils.convert_data_format(self.data_format, 4)) # Note that we passed rank=4 because bias_add will only accept # NHWC and NCWH even if the rank of the inputs is 3 or 5. if self.activation is not None: return self.activation(outputs) return outputs
Example #3
Source File: From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def local_conv1d(inputs, kernel, kernel_size, strides, data_format=None): """Apply 1D conv with un-shared weights. Arguments: inputs: 3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, steps, input_dim) kernel: the unshared weight for convolution, with shape (output_length, feature_dim, filters) kernel_size: a tuple of a single integer, specifying the length of the 1D convolution window strides: a tuple of a single integer, specifying the stride length of the convolution data_format: the data format, channels_first or channels_last Returns: the tensor after 1d conv with un-shared weights, with shape (batch_size, output_length, filters) Raises: ValueError: if `data_format` is neither `channels_last` or `channels_first`. """ if data_format is None: data_format = image_data_format() if data_format not in {'channels_first', 'channels_last'}: raise ValueError('Unknown data_format ' + str(data_format)) stride = strides[0] kernel_shape = int_shape(kernel) output_length = kernel_shape[0] feature_dim = kernel_shape[1] xs = [] for i in range(output_length): slice_length = slice(i * stride, i * stride + kernel_size[0]) xs.append(reshape(inputs[:, slice_length, :], (1, -1, feature_dim))) x_aggregate = concatenate(xs, axis=0) # Shape: `(output_length, batch_size, filters)`. output = batch_dot(x_aggregate, kernel) return permute_dimensions(output, (1, 0, 2))
Example #4
Source File: From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def depthwise_conv2d(x, depthwise_kernel, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid', data_format=None, dilation_rate=(1, 1)): """2D convolution with separable filters. Arguments: x: input tensor depthwise_kernel: convolution kernel for the depthwise convolution. strides: strides tuple (length 2). padding: string, `"same"` or `"valid"`. data_format: string, `"channels_last"` or `"channels_first"`. dilation_rate: tuple of integers, dilation rates for the separable convolution. Returns: Output tensor. Raises: ValueError: if `data_format` is neither `channels_last` or `channels_first`. """ if data_format is None: data_format = image_data_format() if data_format not in {'channels_first', 'channels_last'}: raise ValueError('Unknown data_format ' + str(data_format)) x = _preprocess_conv2d_input(x, data_format) padding = _preprocess_padding(padding) strides = (1,) + strides + (1,) x = nn.depthwise_conv2d(x, depthwise_kernel, strides=strides, padding=padding, rate=dilation_rate) return _postprocess_conv2d_output(x, data_format)
Example #5
Source File: From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def conv1d(x, kernel, strides=1, padding='valid', data_format=None, dilation_rate=1): """1D convolution. Arguments: x: Tensor or variable. kernel: kernel tensor. strides: stride integer. padding: string, `"same"`, `"causal"` or `"valid"`. data_format: string, one of "channels_last", "channels_first". dilation_rate: integer dilate rate. Returns: A tensor, result of 1D convolution. """ kernel_shape = kernel.get_shape().as_list() if padding == 'causal': # causal (dilated) convolution: left_pad = dilation_rate * (kernel_shape[0] - 1) x = temporal_padding(x, (left_pad, 0)) padding = 'valid' padding = _preprocess_padding(padding) if data_format == 'channels_last': tf_data_format = 'NWC' else: tf_data_format = 'NCW' x = nn.convolution( input=x, filter=kernel, dilation_rate=(dilation_rate,), strides=(strides,), padding=padding, data_format=tf_data_format) return x
Example #6
Source File: From pcc_geo_cnn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def call(self, inputs): inputs = ops.convert_to_tensor(inputs, dtype=self.dtype) ndim = self._input_rank if self.rectify: inputs = nn.relu(inputs) # Compute normalization pool. if ndim == 2: norm_pool = math_ops.matmul(math_ops.square(inputs), self.gamma) norm_pool = nn.bias_add(norm_pool, self.beta) elif self.data_format == "channels_last" and ndim <= 5: shape = self.gamma.shape.as_list() gamma = array_ops.reshape(self.gamma, (ndim - 2) * [1] + shape) norm_pool = nn.convolution(math_ops.square(inputs), gamma, "VALID") norm_pool = nn.bias_add(norm_pool, self.beta) else: # generic implementation # This puts channels in the last dimension regardless of input. norm_pool = math_ops.tensordot( math_ops.square(inputs), self.gamma, [[self._channel_axis()], [0]]) norm_pool += self.beta if self.data_format == "channels_first": # Return to channels_first format if necessary. axes = list(range(ndim - 1)) axes.insert(1, ndim - 1) norm_pool = array_ops.transpose(norm_pool, axes) if self.inverse: norm_pool = math_ops.sqrt(norm_pool) else: norm_pool = math_ops.rsqrt(norm_pool) outputs = inputs * norm_pool if not context.executing_eagerly(): outputs.set_shape(self.compute_output_shape(inputs.shape)) return outputs
Example #7
Source File: From pcc_geo_cnn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _conv_class_factory(name, rank): """Subclass from _SignalConv, fixing convolution rank.""" def init(self, *args, **kwargs): return _SignalConv.__init__(self, rank, *args, **kwargs) clsdict = {"__init__": init, "__doc__": _SignalConv.__doc__.format(rank=rank)} return type(name, (_SignalConv,), clsdict) # pylint:disable=invalid-name # Subclass _SignalConv for each dimensionality.
Example #8
Source File: From tf-slim with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def call(self, inputs): inputs = ops.convert_to_tensor(inputs, dtype=self.dtype) ndim = self._input_rank shape = self.gamma.get_shape().as_list() gamma = array_ops.reshape(self.gamma, (ndim - 2) * [1] + shape) # Compute normalization pool. if self.data_format == 'channels_first': norm_pool = nn.convolution( math_ops.square(inputs), gamma, 'VALID', data_format='NC' + 'DHW' [-(ndim - 2):]) if ndim == 3: norm_pool = array_ops.expand_dims(norm_pool, 2) norm_pool = nn.bias_add(norm_pool, self.beta, data_format='NCHW') norm_pool = array_ops.squeeze(norm_pool, [2]) elif ndim == 5: shape = array_ops.shape(norm_pool) norm_pool = array_ops.reshape(norm_pool, shape[:3] + [-1]) norm_pool = nn.bias_add(norm_pool, self.beta, data_format='NCHW') norm_pool = array_ops.reshape(norm_pool, shape) else: # ndim == 4 norm_pool = nn.bias_add(norm_pool, self.beta, data_format='NCHW') else: # channels_last norm_pool = nn.convolution(math_ops.square(inputs), gamma, 'VALID') norm_pool = nn.bias_add(norm_pool, self.beta, data_format='NHWC') norm_pool = math_ops.sqrt(norm_pool) if self.inverse: outputs = inputs * norm_pool else: outputs = inputs / norm_pool outputs.set_shape(inputs.get_shape()) return outputs
Example #9
Source File: From tf-slim with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def convolution3d(inputs, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride=1, padding='SAME', data_format=None, rate=1, activation_fn=nn.relu, normalizer_fn=None, normalizer_params=None, weights_initializer=initializers.xavier_initializer(), weights_regularizer=None, biases_initializer=init_ops.zeros_initializer(), biases_regularizer=None, reuse=None, variables_collections=None, outputs_collections=None, trainable=True, scope=None): return convolution( inputs, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride, padding, data_format, rate, activation_fn, normalizer_fn, normalizer_params, weights_initializer, weights_regularizer, biases_initializer, biases_regularizer, reuse, variables_collections, outputs_collections, trainable, scope, conv_dims=3)
Example #10
Source File: From tensornets with MIT License | 5 votes |
def convolution1d(inputs, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride=1, padding='SAME', data_format=None, rate=1, activation_fn=nn.relu, normalizer_fn=None, normalizer_params=None, weights_initializer=initializers.xavier_initializer(), weights_regularizer=None, biases_initializer=init_ops.zeros_initializer(), biases_regularizer=None, reuse=None, variables_collections=None, outputs_collections=None, trainable=True, scope=None): return convolution( inputs, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride, padding, data_format, rate, activation_fn, normalizer_fn, normalizer_params, weights_initializer, weights_regularizer, biases_initializer, biases_regularizer, reuse, variables_collections, outputs_collections, trainable, scope, conv_dims=1)
Example #11
Source File: From tf-slim with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def convolution1d(inputs, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride=1, padding='SAME', data_format=None, rate=1, activation_fn=nn.relu, normalizer_fn=None, normalizer_params=None, weights_initializer=initializers.xavier_initializer(), weights_regularizer=None, biases_initializer=init_ops.zeros_initializer(), biases_regularizer=None, reuse=None, variables_collections=None, outputs_collections=None, trainable=True, scope=None): return convolution( inputs, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride, padding, data_format, rate, activation_fn, normalizer_fn, normalizer_params, weights_initializer, weights_regularizer, biases_initializer, biases_regularizer, reuse, variables_collections, outputs_collections, trainable, scope, conv_dims=1)
Example #12
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def call(self, inputs): outputs = nn.convolution( input=inputs, filter=self.kernel, dilation_rate=self.dilation_rate, strides=self.strides, padding=self.padding.upper(), data_format=utils.convert_data_format(self.data_format, self.rank + 2)) if self.bias is not None: if self.rank != 2 and self.data_format == 'channels_first': # bias_add does not support channels_first for non-4D inputs. if self.rank == 1: bias = array_ops.reshape(self.bias, (1, self.filters, 1)) if self.rank == 3: bias = array_ops.reshape(self.bias, (1, self.filters, 1, 1)) outputs += bias else: outputs = nn.bias_add( outputs, self.bias, data_format=utils.convert_data_format(self.data_format, 4)) # Note that we passed rank=4 because bias_add will only accept # NHWC and NCWH even if the rank of the inputs is 3 or 5. if self.activation is not None: return self.activation(outputs) return outputs
Example #13
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def conv1d(x, kernel, strides=1, padding='valid', data_format=None, dilation_rate=1): """1D convolution. Arguments: x: Tensor or variable. kernel: kernel tensor. strides: stride integer. padding: string, `"same"`, `"causal"` or `"valid"`. data_format: string, one of "channels_last", "channels_first". dilation_rate: integer dilate rate. Returns: A tensor, result of 1D convolution. """ kernel_shape = kernel.get_shape().as_list() if padding == 'causal': # causal (dilated) convolution: left_pad = dilation_rate * (kernel_shape[0] - 1) x = temporal_padding(x, (left_pad, 0)) padding = 'valid' padding = _preprocess_padding(padding) if data_format == 'channels_last': tf_data_format = 'NWC' else: tf_data_format = 'NCW' x = nn.convolution( input=x, filter=kernel, dilation_rate=(dilation_rate,), strides=(strides,), padding=padding, data_format=tf_data_format) return x
Example #14
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def call(self, inputs): outputs = nn.convolution( input=inputs, filter=self.kernel, dilation_rate=self.dilation_rate, strides=self.strides, padding=self.padding.upper(), data_format=utils.convert_data_format(self.data_format, self.rank + 2)) if self.bias is not None: if self.data_format == 'channels_first': # bias_add only supports NHWC. # TODO(fchollet): remove this when `bias_add` is feature-complete. if self.rank == 1: bias = array_ops.reshape(self.bias, (1, self.filters, 1)) outputs += bias if self.rank == 2: bias = array_ops.reshape(self.bias, (1, self.filters, 1, 1)) outputs += bias if self.rank == 3: # As of Mar 2017, direct addition is significantly slower than # bias_add when computing gradients. To use bias_add, we collapse Z # and Y into a single dimension to obtain a 4D input tensor. outputs_shape = outputs.shape.as_list() outputs_4d = array_ops.reshape(outputs, [outputs_shape[0], outputs_shape[1], outputs_shape[2] * outputs_shape[3], outputs_shape[4]]) outputs_4d = nn.bias_add(outputs_4d, self.bias, data_format='NCHW') outputs = array_ops.reshape(outputs_4d, outputs_shape) else: outputs = nn.bias_add(outputs, self.bias, data_format='NHWC') if self.activation is not None: return self.activation(outputs) return outputs
Example #15
Source File: From tensornets with MIT License | 5 votes |
def call(self, inputs): inputs = ops.convert_to_tensor(inputs, dtype=self.dtype) ndim = self._input_rank shape = self.gamma.get_shape().as_list() gamma = array_ops.reshape(self.gamma, (ndim - 2) * [1] + shape) # Compute normalization pool. if self.data_format == 'channels_first': norm_pool = nn.convolution( math_ops.square(inputs), gamma, 'VALID', data_format='NC' + 'DHW' [-(ndim - 2):]) if ndim == 3: norm_pool = array_ops.expand_dims(norm_pool, 2) norm_pool = nn.bias_add(norm_pool, self.beta, data_format='NCHW') norm_pool = array_ops.squeeze(norm_pool, [2]) elif ndim == 5: shape = array_ops.shape(norm_pool) norm_pool = array_ops.reshape(norm_pool, shape[:3] + [-1]) norm_pool = nn.bias_add(norm_pool, self.beta, data_format='NCHW') norm_pool = array_ops.reshape(norm_pool, shape) else: # ndim == 4 norm_pool = nn.bias_add(norm_pool, self.beta, data_format='NCHW') else: # channels_last norm_pool = nn.convolution(math_ops.square(inputs), gamma, 'VALID') norm_pool = nn.bias_add(norm_pool, self.beta, data_format='NHWC') norm_pool = math_ops.sqrt(norm_pool) if self.inverse: outputs = inputs * norm_pool else: outputs = inputs / norm_pool outputs.set_shape(inputs.get_shape()) return outputs
Example #16
Source File: From tensornets with MIT License | 5 votes |
def convolution3d(inputs, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride=1, padding='SAME', data_format=None, rate=1, activation_fn=nn.relu, normalizer_fn=None, normalizer_params=None, weights_initializer=initializers.xavier_initializer(), weights_regularizer=None, biases_initializer=init_ops.zeros_initializer(), biases_regularizer=None, reuse=None, variables_collections=None, outputs_collections=None, trainable=True, scope=None): return convolution( inputs, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride, padding, data_format, rate, activation_fn, normalizer_fn, normalizer_params, weights_initializer, weights_regularizer, biases_initializer, biases_regularizer, reuse, variables_collections, outputs_collections, trainable, scope, conv_dims=3)
Example #17
Source File: From tensornets with MIT License | 5 votes |
def convolution2d(inputs, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride=1, padding='SAME', data_format=None, rate=1, activation_fn=nn.relu, normalizer_fn=None, normalizer_params=None, weights_initializer=initializers.xavier_initializer(), weights_regularizer=None, biases_initializer=init_ops.zeros_initializer(), biases_regularizer=None, reuse=None, variables_collections=None, outputs_collections=None, trainable=True, scope=None): return convolution( inputs, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride, padding, data_format, rate, activation_fn, normalizer_fn, normalizer_params, weights_initializer, weights_regularizer, biases_initializer, biases_regularizer, reuse, variables_collections, outputs_collections, trainable, scope, conv_dims=2)
Example #18
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 4 votes |
def separable_conv2d(x, depthwise_kernel, pointwise_kernel, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid', data_format=None, dilation_rate=(1, 1)): """2D convolution with separable filters. Arguments: x: input tensor depthwise_kernel: convolution kernel for the depthwise convolution. pointwise_kernel: kernel for the 1x1 convolution. strides: strides tuple (length 2). padding: padding mode, "valid" or "same". data_format: data format, "channels_first" or "channels_last". dilation_rate: tuple of integers, dilation rates for the separable convolution. Returns: Output tensor. Raises: ValueError: if `data_format` is neither `channels_last` or `channels_first`. """ if data_format is None: data_format = image_data_format() if data_format not in {'channels_first', 'channels_last'}: raise ValueError('Unknown data_format ' + str(data_format)) x = _preprocess_conv2d_input(x, data_format) padding = _preprocess_padding(padding) strides = (1,) + strides + (1,) x = nn.separable_conv2d( x, depthwise_kernel, pointwise_kernel, strides=strides, padding=padding, rate=dilation_rate) return _postprocess_conv2d_output(x, data_format)
Example #19
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 4 votes |
def conv2d_transpose(x, kernel, output_shape, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid', data_format=None): """2D deconvolution (i.e. transposed convolution). Arguments: x: Tensor or variable. kernel: kernel tensor. output_shape: 1D int tensor for the output shape. strides: strides tuple. padding: string, `"same"` or `"valid"`. data_format: `"channels_last"` or `"channels_first"`. Whether to use Theano or TensorFlow data format for inputs/kernels/ouputs. Returns: A tensor, result of transposed 2D convolution. Raises: ValueError: if `data_format` is neither `channels_last` or `channels_first`. """ if data_format is None: data_format = image_data_format() if data_format not in {'channels_first', 'channels_last'}: raise ValueError('Unknown data_format ' + str(data_format)) if isinstance(output_shape, (tuple, list)): output_shape = array_ops.stack(output_shape) x = _preprocess_conv2d_input(x, data_format) output_shape = _preprocess_deconv_output_shape(x, output_shape, data_format) padding = _preprocess_padding(padding) strides = (1,) + strides + (1,) x = nn.conv2d_transpose(x, kernel, output_shape, strides, padding=padding) x = _postprocess_conv2d_output(x, data_format) return x
Example #20
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 4 votes |
def conv2d(x, kernel, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid', data_format=None, dilation_rate=(1, 1)): """2D convolution. Arguments: x: Tensor or variable. kernel: kernel tensor. strides: strides tuple. padding: string, `"same"` or `"valid"`. data_format: `"channels_last"` or `"channels_first"`. Whether to use Theano or TensorFlow data format for inputs/kernels/ouputs. dilation_rate: tuple of 2 integers. Returns: A tensor, result of 2D convolution. Raises: ValueError: if `data_format` is neither `channels_last` or `channels_first`. """ if data_format is None: data_format = image_data_format() if data_format not in {'channels_first', 'channels_last'}: raise ValueError('Unknown data_format ' + str(data_format)) # With 4d inputs, nn.convolution only supports # data_format NHWC, so we transpose the inputs # in case we are in data_format channels_first. x = _preprocess_conv2d_input(x, data_format) padding = _preprocess_padding(padding) x = nn.convolution( input=x, filter=kernel, dilation_rate=dilation_rate, strides=strides, padding=padding, data_format='NHWC') return _postprocess_conv2d_output(x, data_format)
Example #21
Source File: From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License | 4 votes |
def conv2d(x, kernel, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid', data_format=None, dilation_rate=(1, 1)): """2D convolution. Arguments: x: Tensor or variable. kernel: kernel tensor. strides: strides tuple. padding: string, `"same"` or `"valid"`. data_format: `"channels_last"` or `"channels_first"`. Whether to use Theano or TensorFlow data format for inputs/kernels/outputs. dilation_rate: tuple of 2 integers. Returns: A tensor, result of 2D convolution. Raises: ValueError: if `data_format` is neither `channels_last` or `channels_first`. """ if data_format is None: data_format = image_data_format() if data_format not in {'channels_first', 'channels_last'}: raise ValueError('Unknown data_format ' + str(data_format)) # With 4d inputs, nn.convolution only supports # data_format NHWC, so we transpose the inputs # in case we are in data_format channels_first. x = _preprocess_conv2d_input(x, data_format) padding = _preprocess_padding(padding) x = nn.convolution( input=x, filter=kernel, dilation_rate=dilation_rate, strides=strides, padding=padding, data_format='NHWC') return _postprocess_conv2d_output(x, data_format)
Example #22
Source File: From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License | 4 votes |
def conv2d_transpose(x, kernel, output_shape, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid', data_format=None): """2D deconvolution (i.e. transposed convolution). Arguments: x: Tensor or variable. kernel: kernel tensor. output_shape: 1D int tensor for the output shape. strides: strides tuple. padding: string, `"same"` or `"valid"`. data_format: `"channels_last"` or `"channels_first"`. Whether to use Theano or TensorFlow data format for inputs/kernels/outputs. Returns: A tensor, result of transposed 2D convolution. Raises: ValueError: if `data_format` is neither `channels_last` or `channels_first`. """ if data_format is None: data_format = image_data_format() if data_format not in {'channels_first', 'channels_last'}: raise ValueError('Unknown data_format ' + str(data_format)) if isinstance(output_shape, (tuple, list)): output_shape = array_ops.stack(output_shape) x = _preprocess_conv2d_input(x, data_format) output_shape = _preprocess_deconv_output_shape(x, output_shape, data_format) padding = _preprocess_padding(padding) strides = (1,) + strides + (1,) x = nn.conv2d_transpose(x, kernel, output_shape, strides, padding=padding) x = _postprocess_conv2d_output(x, data_format) return x
Example #23
Source File: From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License | 4 votes |
def separable_conv2d(x, depthwise_kernel, pointwise_kernel, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid', data_format=None, dilation_rate=(1, 1)): """2D convolution with separable filters. Arguments: x: input tensor depthwise_kernel: convolution kernel for the depthwise convolution. pointwise_kernel: kernel for the 1x1 convolution. strides: strides tuple (length 2). padding: padding mode, "valid" or "same". data_format: data format, "channels_first" or "channels_last". dilation_rate: tuple of integers, dilation rates for the separable convolution. Returns: Output tensor. Raises: ValueError: if `data_format` is neither `channels_last` or `channels_first`. """ if data_format is None: data_format = image_data_format() if data_format not in {'channels_first', 'channels_last'}: raise ValueError('Unknown data_format ' + str(data_format)) x = _preprocess_conv2d_input(x, data_format) padding = _preprocess_padding(padding) strides = (1,) + strides + (1,) x = nn.separable_conv2d( x, depthwise_kernel, pointwise_kernel, strides=strides, padding=padding, rate=dilation_rate) return _postprocess_conv2d_output(x, data_format)