Python scipy.stats.gamma.rvs() Examples
The following are 11
code examples of scipy.stats.gamma.rvs().
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Example #1
Source File: From cadCAD with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gen_new_proposal(network, funds, supply, total_funds, trigger_func): j = len([node for node in network.nodes]) network.add_node(j) network.nodes[j]['type']="proposal" network.nodes[j]['conviction']=0 network.nodes[j]['status']='candidate' network.nodes[j]['age']=0 rescale = scale_factor*funds/total_funds r_rv = gamma.rvs(3,loc=0.001, scale=rescale) network.node[j]['funds_requested'] = r_rv network.nodes[j]['trigger']= trigger_func(r_rv, funds, supply) participants = get_nodes_by_type(network, 'participant') proposing_participant = np.random.choice(participants) for i in participants: network.add_edge(i, j) if i==proposing_participant: network.edges[(i, j)]['affinity']=1 else: rv = np.random.rand() a_rv = 1-4*(1-rv)*rv #polarized distribution network.edges[(i, j)]['affinity'] = a_rv network.edges[(i, j)]['conviction'] = 0 network.edges[(i,j)]['tokens'] = 0 return network
Example #2
Source File: From cadCAD with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gen_new_proposal(network, funds, supply, trigger_func): j = len([node for node in network.nodes]) network.add_node(j) network.nodes[j]['type']="proposal" network.nodes[j]['conviction']=0 network.nodes[j]['status']='candidate' network.nodes[j]['age']=0 rescale = scale_factor*funds r_rv = gamma.rvs(3,loc=0.001, scale=rescale) network.node[j]['funds_requested'] = r_rv network.nodes[j]['trigger']= trigger_func(r_rv, funds, supply) participants = get_nodes_by_type(network, 'participant') proposing_participant = np.random.choice(participants) for i in participants: network.add_edge(i, j) if i==proposing_participant: network.edges[(i, j)]['affinity']=1 else: rv = np.random.rand() a_rv = 1-4*(1-rv)*rv #polarized distribution network.edges[(i, j)]['affinity'] = a_rv network.edges[(i, j)]['conviction'] = 0 network.edges[(i,j)]['tokens'] = 0 return network
Example #3
Source File: From copula-py with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _gaussian(M, Rho): """ Generates samples from the Gaussian Copula, w/ dependency matrix described by Rho. Rho should be a numpy square matrix. It is assumed that we have a 0 mean. """ N = Rho.shape[0] mu = np.zeros(N) y = multivariate_normal(mu,Rho) mvnData = y.rvs(size=M) U = norm.cdf(mvnData) return U
Example #4
Source File: From copula-py with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _clayton(M, N, alpha): if(alpha<0): raise ValueError('Alpha must be >=0 for Clayton Copula Family') if(N<2): raise ValueError('Dimensionality Argument [N] must be an integer >= 2') elif(N==2): u1 = uniform.rvs(size=M) p = uniform.rvs(size=M) if(alpha<np.spacing(1)): u2 = p else: u2 = u1*np.power((np.power(p,(-alpha/(1.0+alpha))) - 1 + np.power(u1,alpha)),(-1.0/alpha)) U = np.column_stack((u1,u2)) else: # Algorithm 1 described in both the SAS Copula Procedure, as well as the # paper: "High Dimensional Archimedean Copula Generation Algorithm" U = np.empty((M,N)) for ii in range(0,M): shape = 1.0/alpha loc = 0 scale = 1 v = gamma.rvs(shape) # sample N independent uniform random variables x_i = uniform.rvs(size=N) t = -1*np.log(x_i)/v if(alpha<0): tmp = np.maximum(0, 1.0-t) else: tmp = 1.0 + t U[ii,:] = np.power(tmp, -1.0/alpha) return U
Example #5
Source File: From copula-py with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _frank(M, N, alpha): if(N<2): raise ValueError('Dimensionality Argument [N] must be an integer >= 2') elif(N==2): u1 = uniform.rvs(size=M) p = uniform.rvs(size=M) if abs(alpha) > math.log(sys.float_info.max): u2 = (u1 < 0).astype(int) + np.sign(alpha)*u1 # u1 or 1-u1 elif abs(alpha) > math.sqrt(np.spacing(1)): u2 = -1*np.log((np.exp(-alpha*u1)*(1-p)/p + np.exp(-alpha))/(1 + np.exp(-alpha*u1)*(1-p)/p))/alpha else: u2 = p U = np.column_stack((u1,u2)) else: # Algorithm 1 described in both the SAS Copula Procedure, as well as the # paper: "High Dimensional Archimedean Copula Generation Algorithm" if(alpha<=0): raise ValueError('For N>=3, alpha >0 in Frank Copula') U = np.empty((M,N)) #v_vec = np.empty(M) for ii in range(0,M): p = -1.0*np.expm1(-1*alpha) if(p==1): # boundary case protection p = 1 - np.spacing(1) v = logser.rvs(p, size=1) #v_vec[ii] = v # sample N independent uniform random variables x_i = uniform.rvs(size=N) t = -1*np.log(x_i)/v U[ii,:] = -1.0*np.log1p( np.exp(-t)*np.expm1(-1.0*alpha))/alpha #sio.savemat('logser_v.mat', {'v':v_vec}) return U
Example #6
Source File: From P4J with MIT License | 4 votes |
def generate_uncertainties(N, dist='Gamma', rseed=None): """ This function generates a uncertainties for the white noise component in the synthetic light curve. Parameters --------- N: positive integer Lenght of the returned uncertainty vector dist: {'EMG', 'Gamma'} Probability density function (PDF) used to generate the uncertainties rseed: Seed for the random number generator Returns ------- s: ndarray Vector containing the uncertainties expected_s_2: float Expectation of the square of s computed analytically """ np.random.seed(rseed) #print(dist) if dist == 'EMG': # Exponential modified Gaussian # the mean of a EMG rv is mu + 1/(K*sigma) # the variance of a EMG rv is sigma**2 + 1/(K*sigma)**2 K = 1.824328605481941 sigma = 0.05*0.068768312946785953 mu = 0.05*0.87452567616276777 # IMPORTANT NOTE # These parameters were obtained after fitting uncertainties # coming from 10,000 light curves of the VVV survey expected_s_2 = sigma**2 + mu**2 + 2*K*mu*sigma + 2*K**2*sigma**2 s = exponnorm.rvs(K, loc=mu, scale=sigma, size=N) elif dist == 'Gamma': # The mean of a gamma rv is k*sigma # The variance of a gamma rv is k*sigma**2 k = 3.0 sigma = 0.05/k # mean=0.05, var=0.05**2/k s = gamma.rvs(k, loc=0.0, scale=sigma, size=N) expected_s_2 = k*(1+k)*sigma**2 return s, expected_s_2
Example #7
Source File: From cadCAD with MIT License | 4 votes |
def driving_process(params, step, sL, s): #placeholder plumbing for random processes arrival_rate = 10/s['sentiment'] rv1 = np.random.rand() new_participant = bool(rv1<1/arrival_rate) if new_participant: h_rv = expon.rvs(loc=0.0, scale=1000) new_participant_holdings = h_rv else: new_participant_holdings = 0 network = s['network'] affinities = [network.edges[e]['affinity'] for e in network.edges ] median_affinity = np.median(affinities) proposals = get_nodes_by_type(network, 'proposal') fund_requests = [network.nodes[j]['funds_requested'] for j in proposals if network.nodes[j]['status']=='candidate' ] funds = s['funds'] total_funds_requested = np.sum(fund_requests) proposal_rate = 10/median_affinity * total_funds_requested/funds rv2 = np.random.rand() new_proposal = bool(rv2<1/proposal_rate) sentiment = s['sentiment'] funds = s['funds'] scale_factor = 1+4000*sentiment**2 #this shouldn't happen but expon is throwing domain errors if scale_factor > 1: funds_arrival = expon.rvs(loc = 0, scale = scale_factor ) else: funds_arrival = 0 return({'new_participant':new_participant, 'new_participant_holdings':new_participant_holdings, 'new_proposal':new_proposal, 'funds_arrival':funds_arrival}) #Mechanisms for updating the state based on driving processes ##---
Example #8
Source File: From cadCAD with MIT License | 4 votes |
def driving_process(params, step, sL, s): #placeholder plumbing for random processes arrival_rate = 10/s['sentiment'] rv1 = np.random.rand() new_participant = bool(rv1<1/arrival_rate) if new_participant: h_rv = expon.rvs(loc=0.0, scale=1000) new_participant_holdings = h_rv else: new_participant_holdings = 0 network = s['network'] affinities = [network.edges[e]['affinity'] for e in network.edges ] median_affinity = np.median(affinities) proposals = get_nodes_by_type(network, 'proposal') fund_requests = [network.nodes[j]['funds_requested'] for j in proposals if network.nodes[j]['status']=='candidate' ] funds = s['funds'] total_funds_requested = np.sum(fund_requests) proposal_rate = 10/median_affinity * total_funds_requested/funds rv2 = np.random.rand() new_proposal = bool(rv2<1/proposal_rate) sentiment = s['sentiment'] funds = s['funds'] scale_factor = 1+4000*sentiment**2 #this shouldn't happen but expon is throwing domain errors if scale_factor > 1: funds_arrival = expon.rvs(loc = 0, scale = scale_factor ) else: funds_arrival = 0 return({'new_participant':new_participant, 'new_participant_holdings':new_participant_holdings, 'new_proposal':new_proposal, 'funds_arrival':funds_arrival}) #Mechanisms for updating the state based on driving processes ##---
Example #9
Source File: From cadCAD with MIT License | 4 votes |
def initialize_network(n,m, funds_func=total_funds_given_total_supply, trigger_func =trigger_threshold ): network = nx.DiGraph() for i in range(n): network.add_node(i) network.nodes[i]['type']="participant" h_rv = expon.rvs(loc=0.0, scale=1000) network.nodes[i]['holdings'] = h_rv s_rv = np.random.rand() network.nodes[i]['sentiment'] = s_rv participants = get_nodes_by_type(network, 'participant') initial_supply = np.sum([ network.nodes[i]['holdings'] for i in participants]) initial_funds = funds_func(initial_supply) #generate initial proposals for ind in range(m): j = n+ind network.add_node(j) network.nodes[j]['type']="proposal" network.nodes[j]['conviction']=0 network.nodes[j]['status']='candidate' network.nodes[j]['age']=0 r_rv = gamma.rvs(3,loc=0.001, scale=10000) network.node[j]['funds_requested'] = r_rv network.nodes[j]['trigger']= trigger_threshold(r_rv, initial_funds, initial_supply) for i in range(n): network.add_edge(i, j) rv = np.random.rand() a_rv = 1-4*(1-rv)*rv #polarized distribution network.edges[(i, j)]['affinity'] = a_rv network.edges[(i,j)]['tokens'] = 0 network.edges[(i, j)]['conviction'] = 0 proposals = get_nodes_by_type(network, 'proposal') total_requested = np.sum([ network.nodes[i]['funds_requested'] for i in proposals]) return network, initial_funds, initial_supply, total_requested
Example #10
Source File: From copula-py with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def _gumbel(M, N, alpha): if alpha < 1: raise ValueError('Alpha must be >=1 for Gumbel Copula Family!') if(N<2): raise ValueError('Dimensionality Argument [N] must be an integer >= 2') elif(N==2): if alpha < (1 + math.sqrt(np.spacing(1))): u1 = uniform.rvs(size=M); u2 = uniform.rvs(size=M); else: # use the Marshal-Olkin method # Generate gamma as Stable(1/alpha,1), c.f. Devroye, Thm. IV.6.7 u = (uniform.rvs(size=M) - .5) * math.pi # Generate M uniformly distributed RV's between -pi/2 and pi/2 u2 = u + math.pi/2 e = -1*np.log(uniform.rvs(size=M)) t = np.cos(u - u2/alpha)/e gamma = np.power(np.sin(u2/alpha)/t,(1.0/alpha)) * t/np.cos(u); # Frees&Valdez, eqn 3.5 u1 = np.exp(-1* (np.power(-1*np.log(uniform.rvs(size=M)), 1.0/alpha) / gamma) ) u2 = np.exp(-1* (np.power(-1*np.log(uniform.rvs(size=M)), 1.0/alpha) / gamma) ) U = np.column_stack((u1,u2)) else: # Algorithm 1 described in both the SAS Copula Procedure, as well as the # paper: "High Dimensional Archimedean Copula Generation Algorithm" U = np.empty((M,N)) #v_vec = np.empty(M) for ii in range(0,M): a = 1.0/alpha b = 1 g = np.power(np.cos(math.pi/(2.0*alpha)), alpha) d = 0 pm = 1 v = rstable1(1,a,b,g,d,pm) #v_vec[ii] = v # sample N independent uniform random variables x_i = uniform.rvs(size=N) t = -1*np.log(x_i)/v U[ii,:] = np.exp(-1*np.power(t, 1.0/alpha)) #sio.savemat('gamma_v.mat', {'v':v_vec}) return U
Example #11
Source File: From treetime with MIT License | 4 votes |
def random(cls, L=1, avg_mu=1.0, alphabet='nuc', pi_dirichlet_alpha=1, W_dirichlet_alpha=3.0, mu_gamma_alpha=3.0): """ Creates a random GTR model Parameters ---------- L : int, optional number of sites for which to generate a model avg_mu : float Substitution rate alphabet : str Alphabet name (should be standard: 'nuc', 'nuc_gap', 'aa', 'aa_gap') pi_dirichlet_alpha : float, optional parameter of dirichlet distribution W_dirichlet_alpha : float, optional parameter of dirichlet distribution mu_gamma_alpha : float, optional parameter of dirichlet distribution Returns ------- GTR_site_specific model with randomly sampled frequencies """ from scipy.stats import gamma alphabet=alphabets[alphabet] gtr = cls(alphabet=alphabet, seq_len=L) n = gtr.alphabet.shape[0] # Dirichlet distribution == l_1 normalized vector of samples of the Gamma distribution if pi_dirichlet_alpha: pi = 1.0*gamma.rvs(pi_dirichlet_alpha, size=(n,L)) else: pi = np.ones((n,L)) pi /= pi.sum(axis=0) if W_dirichlet_alpha: tmp = 1.0*gamma.rvs(W_dirichlet_alpha, size=(n,n)) else: tmp = np.ones((n,n)) tmp = np.tril(tmp,k=-1) W = tmp + tmp.T if mu_gamma_alpha: mu = gamma.rvs(mu_gamma_alpha, size=(L,)) else: mu = np.ones(L) gtr.assign_rates(mu=mu, pi=pi, W=W) *= avg_mu/np.mean(gtr.average_rate()) return gtr