Python Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From channelstream with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, request): self.__acl__ = [] config = request.registry.settings req_url_secret = request.params.get("secret") req_secret = request.headers.get("x-channelstream-secret", req_url_secret) addr = request.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"] if not is_allowed_ip(addr, config): log.warning("IP: {} is not whitelisted".format(addr)) return if req_secret: max_age = 60 if config["validate_requests"] else None request.registry.signature_checker.unsign(req_secret, max_age=max_age) else: return self.__acl__ = [(Allow, Everyone, ALL_PERMISSIONS)]
Example #2
Source File: From ramses with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def create_system_user(config):'Creating system user') crypt = cryptacular.bcrypt.BCRYPTPasswordManager() settings = config.registry.settings try: auth_model = config.registry.auth_model s_user = settings['system.user'] s_pass = str(crypt.encode(settings['system.password'])) s_email = settings[''] defaults = dict( password=s_pass, email=s_email, groups=['admin'], ) if config.registry.database_acls: defaults['_acl'] = [(Allow, 'g:admin', ALL_PERMISSIONS)] user, created = auth_model.get_or_create( username=s_user, defaults=defaults) if created: transaction.commit() except KeyError as e: log.error('Failed to create system user. Missing config: %s' % e)
Example #3
Source File: From ramses with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_create_system_user_created(self, mock_crypt, mock_trans): from ramses import auth encoder = mock_crypt.bcrypt.BCRYPTPasswordManager() encoder.encode.return_value = '654321' config = Mock() config.registry.settings = { 'system.user': 'user12', 'system.password': '123456', '': '', } config.registry.auth_model.get_or_create.return_value = ( Mock(), True) auth.create_system_user(config) mock_trans.commit.assert_called_once_with() encoder.encode.assert_called_once_with('123456') config.registry.auth_model.get_or_create.assert_called_once_with( username='user12', defaults={ 'password': '654321', 'email': '', 'groups': ['admin'], '_acl': [(Allow, 'g:admin', ALL_PERMISSIONS)], } )
Example #4
Source File: From ramses with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_create_system_user_exists(self, mock_crypt, mock_trans): from ramses import auth encoder = mock_crypt.bcrypt.BCRYPTPasswordManager() encoder.encode.return_value = '654321' config = Mock() config.registry.settings = { 'system.user': 'user12', 'system.password': '123456', '': '', } config.registry.auth_model.get_or_create.return_value = (1, False) auth.create_system_user(config) assert not mock_trans.commit.called encoder.encode.assert_called_once_with('123456') config.registry.auth_model.get_or_create.assert_called_once_with( username='user12', defaults={ 'password': '654321', 'email': '', 'groups': ['admin'], '_acl': [(Allow, 'g:admin', ALL_PERMISSIONS)], } )
Example #5
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, request): exercise_id = request.matchdict['exercise_id'] self.exercise = request.db.query(Exercise).get(exercise_id) if self.exercise is None: raise HTTPNotFound(detail='Exercise not found') self.exam = self.exercise.exam if 'tutorial_ids' in request.matchdict: self.tutorial_ids = request.matchdict['tutorial_ids'].split(',') if len(self.tutorial_ids)==1 and self.tutorial_ids[0]=='': self.tutorial_ids = [] self.tutorials = [] else: self.tutorials = request.db.query(Tutorial).filter( self.__acl__ = [ (Allow, Authenticated, 'view_points'), (Allow, 'group:administrators', ALL_PERMISSIONS), ]+[(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('statistics')) for tutor in self.exam.lecture.tutors ]+[(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('statistics')) for assistant in self.exam.lecture.assistants ]
Example #6
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request): self.__acl__ = [ (Allow, Everyone, ('view')), (Allow, 'group:administrators', ALL_PERMISSIONS) ]
Example #7
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request): self.__acl__ = [ (Allow, Authenticated, ('update', 'change_email', 'change_password','view_keys','remove_keys')), (Allow, 'group:administrators', ALL_PERMISSIONS), ]+[(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, 'create_lecture') for a in request.db.query(User).filter(User.is_assistant==1).all()]
Example #8
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request): grading_id = request.matchdict['grading_id'] self.grading = request.db.query(Grading).get(grading_id) if self.grading is None: raise HTTPNotFound(detail='Grading not found') self.__acl__ = [ (Allow, 'group:administrators', ALL_PERMISSIONS), ]+[(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('view', 'edit')) for assistant in self.grading.lecture.assistants]
Example #9
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request): student_id = request.POST['student'] tutorial_id = request.POST['new_tutorial'] self.student = request.db.query(User).get(student_id) self.tutorial = request.db.query(Tutorial).get(tutorial_id) if self.student is None: raise HTTPNotFound(detail='Student not found') if self.tutorial is None: raise HTTPNotFound(detail='tutorial not found') self.__acl__ = [ (Allow, 'group:administrators', ALL_PERMISSIONS), ]+[ (Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('move')) for assistant in self.tutorial.lecture.assistants ]
Example #10
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request): exam_id = request.matchdict['exam_id'] self.exam = request.db.query(Exam).get(exam_id) if self.exam is None: raise HTTPNotFound(detail='Exam not found') self.tutorial_ids_str = request.matchdict.get('tutorial_ids', '') self.tutorials, self.tutorial_ids = getTutorials(request) self.__acl__ = [ #(Allow, Authenticated, 'view_own_points'), (Allow, 'group:administrators', ALL_PERMISSIONS), ]+[(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('statistics')) for tutor in self.exam.lecture.tutors ]+[(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('edit', 'view_points', 'enter_points', 'statistics')) for assistant in self.exam.lecture.assistants ] if self.exam.lecture.tutor_rights == editAllTutorials: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('enter_points', 'view_points')) for tutor in self.exam.lecture.tutors] else: if self.tutorials: if self.exam.lecture.tutor_rights == editOwnTutorials: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('view_points', 'enter_points')) for tutor in getTutorForTutorials(self.tutorials)] elif self.exam.lecture.tutor_rights == editNoTutorials: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('view_points')) for tutor in getTutorForTutorials(self.tutorials)] elif self.exam.lecture.tutor_rights == editAllTutorials: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('view_points', 'enter_points')) for tutor in self.exam.lecture.tutors] else: raise ValueError('Tutorrights %s not known' % self.exam.lecture.tutor_rights) # add exam specific links if self.exam.lecture is None: return if request.has_permission('edit', self): lecture_root = NavigationTree(, request.route_url('lecture_edit', else: lecture_root = NavigationTree(, request.route_url('lecture_view', nodes = get_lecture_specific_nodes(request, self, for node in nodes: lecture_root.append(node) request.navigationTree.prepend(lecture_root)
Example #11
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request): confirmation_hash = request.matchdict['confirmation'] self.confirmation = request.db.query(Confirmation).get(confirmation_hash) if self.confirmation is None: raise HTTPNotFound(detail='Confirmation not found') self.__acl__ = [ (Allow, 'group:administrators', ALL_PERMISSIONS), ]
Example #12
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request): source1 = request.GET['source1'] source2 = request.GET['source2'] ids1 = self.get_allowed_ids(source1, request) ids2 = self.get_allowed_ids(source2, request) ids = set(ids1).intersection(set(ids2)) self.__acl__ = [ (Allow, 'group:administrators', ALL_PERMISSIONS) ] + [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(id), ('correlation')) for id in ids]
Example #13
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request): tutorial_id = request.matchdict.get('tutorial_id', None) self.__acl__ = [(Allow, Authenticated, ('viewOverview')), (Allow, 'group:administrators', ALL_PERMISSIONS)] if tutorial_id is not None: tutorial = request.db.query(Tutorial).get(tutorial_id) if tutorial is not None: lecture = tutorial.lecture self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('viewAll', 'edit'))] if request.user in lecture.assistants else [] if lecture.tutor_rights == editOwnTutorials: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('viewAll'))] if request.user == tutorial.tutor else [] elif lecture.tutor_rights == editAllTutorials: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('viewAll'))] if request.user in lecture.tutors else []
Example #14
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request): exam_id = request.matchdict['exam_id'] self.exam = request.db.query(Exam).get(exam_id) if self.exam is None: raise HTTPNotFound(detail='Exam not found') lecture = self.exam.lecture lecture_students = lecture.students self.__acl__ = [(Allow, 'group:administrators', ALL_PERMISSIONS)] if request.user in lecture_students: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('view'))] self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('view', 'edit'))] if request.user in lecture.assistants else [] self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('view'))] if request.user in lecture.tutors else []
Example #15
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request): exercise_id = request.matchdict['exercise_id'] exercise_id = exercise_id.strip("/") user_id = request.matchdict.get('user_id', None) self.exercise = request.db.query(Exercise).get(exercise_id) if self.exercise is None: raise HTTPBadRequest("Die Angeforderte Übung existiert nicht!") self.lecture = self.exercise.exam.lecture student = None self.user = None if user_id is not None: user_id = user_id.strip("/") self.user = request.db.query(User).get(user_id) try: student = request.db.query(LectureStudent).filter(and_(LectureStudent.student_id ==, LectureStudent.lecture == self.lecture)).one() except SQLAlchemyError: student = None self.__acl__ = [(Allow, 'group:administrators', ALL_PERMISSIONS)] self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('view', 'viewAll', 'viewOwn'))] if request.user in self.lecture.assistants else [] if request.user == self.user and request.user is not None: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('view', 'viewOwn'))] if self.lecture.tutor_rights == editAllTutorials: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('view', 'viewAll', 'viewOwn'))] if request.user == self.lecture.tutors else [] else: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('view'))] if request.user in self.lecture.tutors else [] if student is not None: tutorial = student.tutorial self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('viewOwn'))] if request.user == tutorial.tutor else []
Example #16
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request): user_id = request.matchdict['user_id'] self.user = request.db.query(User).get(user_id) if self.user is None: raise HTTPNotFound(detail='User not found') self.__acl__ = [ (Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(user_id), ('view')), (Allow, 'group:administrators', ALL_PERMISSIONS), ]
Example #17
Source File: From channelstream with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request): self.__acl__ = [] user = request.authenticated_userid if user: self.__acl__ = [(Allow, Everyone, ALL_PERMISSIONS)] else: # try the API auth factory too for server requests context_obj = APIFactory(request) self.__acl__ = context_obj.__acl__
Example #18
Source File: From nefertari with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def set_collections_acl(self): """ Calculate and set ACL valid for requested collections. DENY_ALL is added to ACL to make sure no access rules are inherited. """ acl = [(Allow, 'g:admin', ALL_PERMISSIONS)] collections = self.get_collections() resources = self.get_resources(collections) aces = self._get_least_permissions_aces(resources) if aces is not None: for ace in aces: acl.append(ace) acl.append(DENY_ALL) self.__acl__ = tuple(acl)
Example #19
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, request): self.tutorial_ids_str = request.matchdict.get('tutorial_ids', request.matchdict.get('tutorial_id', '')) self.tutorials, self.tutorial_ids = getTutorials(request) if self.tutorials: self.lecture = self.tutorials[0].lecture else: lecture_id = request.matchdict.get('lecture_id', None) if lecture_id: self.lecture = request.db.query(Lecture).get(lecture_id) else: self.lecture = None self.__acl__ = [ (Allow, 'group:administrators', ALL_PERMISSIONS), ] if self.lecture: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('viewOverview', 'take_tutorial', 'mail_tutors')) for tutor in self.lecture.tutors] self.__acl__ += [((Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('viewOverview', 'viewAll', 'sendMail', 'edit', 'remove_student'))) for assistant in self.lecture.assistants] if self.tutorials: if self.lecture.tutor_rights == editOwnTutorials: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('viewAll', 'remove_student')) for tutor in getTutorForTutorials(self.tutorials)] elif self.lecture.tutor_rights == editNoTutorials: #TODO: This has to be a bug?! self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('viewAll', 'remove_student')) for tutor in getTutorForTutorials(self.tutorials)] elif self.lecture.tutor_rights == editAllTutorials: self.__acl__ += [(Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('viewAll', 'remove_student')) for tutor in self.lecture.tutors] else: raise ValueError('Tutorrights %s not known' % self.lecture.tutor_rights) for tutor in getTutorForTutorials(self.tutorials): self.__acl__.append((Allow, 'user:{0}'.format(, ('sendMail'))) if self.tutorials[0].lecture.mode == 'direct': self.__acl__.append((Allow, Authenticated, ('subscribe'))) if self.tutorials[0].lecture.mode in ['direct', 'off']: self.__acl__.append((Allow, Authenticated, ('unsubscribe'))) # add tutorial specific links if self.lecture is None: return if request.has_permission('edit', self): lecture_root = NavigationTree('Vorlesung: {}'.format(, request.route_url('lecture_edit', else: lecture_root = NavigationTree('Vorlesung: {}'.format(, request.route_url('lecture_view', nodes = get_lecture_specific_nodes(request, self, for node in nodes: lecture_root.append(node) for tutorial in self.tutorials: tutorial_root = NavigationTree("{} ({})".format(, tutorial.time.__html__()), request.route_url('tutorial_view', nodes = get_tutorial_specific_nodes(request, self,, for node in nodes: tutorial_root.append(node) if tutorial_root.children: request.navigationTree.prepend(tutorial_root) if lecture_root.children: request.navigationTree.prepend(lecture_root)