Python tflearn.layers.conv.global_avg_pool() Examples
The following are 11
code examples of tflearn.layers.conv.global_avg_pool().
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Example #1
Source File: From polar-transformer-networks with MIT License | 6 votes |
def finalize_get_model(net, flags): net['gap'], curr = dup(global_avg_pool(net['conv_final'], name='gap')) net['final'] = regression(curr, optimizer='adam',,, loss='softmax_categorical_crossentropy', name='target',, shuffle_batches=True) model = tflearn.DNN(net['final'], tensorboard_verbose=0, tensorboard_dir=flags.logdir, best_checkpoint_path=os.path.join(flags.logdir, flags.run_id, flags.run_id), best_val_accuracy=flags.acc_save) model.net_dict = net model.flags = flags return model
Example #2
Source File: From ResNeXt-Tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Global_Average_Pooling(x): return global_avg_pool(x, name='Global_avg_pooling')
Example #3
Source File: From Densenet-Tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Global_Average_Pooling(x, stride=1): """ width = np.shape(x)[1] height = np.shape(x)[2] pool_size = [width, height] return tf.layers.average_pooling2d(inputs=x, pool_size=pool_size, strides=stride) # The stride value does not matter It is global average pooling without tflearn """ return global_avg_pool(x, name='Global_avg_pooling') # But maybe you need to install h5py and curses or not
Example #4
Source File: From Densenet-Tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Global_Average_Pooling(x, stride=1): """ width = np.shape(x)[1] height = np.shape(x)[2] pool_size = [width, height] return tf.layers.average_pooling2d(inputs=x, pool_size=pool_size, strides=stride) # The stride value does not matter It is global average pooling without tflearn """ return global_avg_pool(x, name='Global_avg_pooling') # But maybe you need to install h5py and curses or not
Example #5
Source File: From cnn_lstm_ctc_ocr_for_ICPR with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def Global_Average_Pooling(x,stride=1): """ width = np.shape(x)[1] height = np.shape(x)[2] pool_size = [width,height] return tf.layer.average_pooling2d(inputs=x,pool_size=pool_size,strides=stride) # The strdie value does not matter.It is global average pooling without tflearn """ return global_avg_pool(x,name='Global_avg_pooling') # But maybe you need to install h5py and curses or not
Example #6
Source File: From SENet-Tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Global_Average_Pooling(x): return global_avg_pool(x, name='Global_avg_pooling')
Example #7
Source File: From SENet-Tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Global_Average_Pooling(x): return global_avg_pool(x, name='Global_avg_pooling')
Example #8
Source File: From SENet-Tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Global_Average_Pooling(x): return global_avg_pool(x, name='Global_avg_pooling')
Example #9
Source File: From PRIDNet with MIT License | 5 votes |
def squeeze_excitation_layer(input_x, out_dim, middle): squeeze = global_avg_pool(input_x) excitation = tf.layers.dense(squeeze, use_bias=True, units=middle) excitation = tf.nn.relu(excitation) excitation = tf.layers.dense(excitation, use_bias=True, units=out_dim) excitation = tf.nn.sigmoid(excitation) excitation = tf.reshape(excitation, [-1, 1, 1, out_dim]) scale = input_x * excitation return scale
Example #10
Source File: From PRIDNet with MIT License | 5 votes |
def selective_kernel_layer(sk_conv1, sk_conv2, sk_conv3, middle, out_dim): sum_u = sk_conv1 + sk_conv2 + sk_conv3 squeeze = global_avg_pool(sum_u) squeeze = tf.reshape(squeeze, [-1, 1, 1, out_dim]) z = tf.layers.dense(squeeze, use_bias=True, units=middle) z = tf.nn.relu(z) a1 = tf.layers.dense(z, use_bias=True, units=out_dim) a2 = tf.layers.dense(z, use_bias=True, units=out_dim) a3 = tf.layers.dense(z, use_bias=True, units=out_dim) before_softmax = tf.concat([a1, a2, a3], 1) after_softmax = tf.nn.softmax(before_softmax, dim=1) a1 = after_softmax[:, 0, :, :] a1 = tf.reshape(a1, [-1, 1, 1, out_dim]) a2 = after_softmax[:, 1, :, :] a2 = tf.reshape(a2, [-1, 1, 1, out_dim]) a3 = after_softmax[:, 2, :, :] a3 = tf.reshape(a3, [-1, 1, 1, out_dim]) select_1 = sk_conv1 * a1 select_2 = sk_conv2 * a2 select_3 = sk_conv3 * a3 out = select_1 + select_2 + select_3 return out
Example #11
Source File: From fire-detection-cnn with MIT License | 4 votes |
def construct_inceptionv4onfire(x,y, training=True, enable_batch_norm=True): network = input_data(shape=[None, y, x, 3]) #stem of inceptionV4 conv1_3_3 = conv_2d(network,32,3,strides=2,activation='relu',name='conv1_3_3_s2',padding='valid') conv2_3_3 = conv_2d(conv1_3_3,32,3,activation='relu',name='conv2_3_3') conv3_3_3 = conv_2d(conv2_3_3,64,3,activation='relu',name='conv3_3_3') b_conv_1_pool = max_pool_2d(conv3_3_3,kernel_size=3,strides=2,padding='valid',name='b_conv_1_pool') if enable_batch_norm: b_conv_1_pool = batch_normalization(b_conv_1_pool) b_conv_1_conv = conv_2d(conv3_3_3,96,3,strides=2,padding='valid',activation='relu',name='b_conv_1_conv') b_conv_1 = merge([b_conv_1_conv,b_conv_1_pool],mode='concat',axis=3) b_conv4_1_1 = conv_2d(b_conv_1,64,1,activation='relu',name='conv4_3_3') b_conv4_3_3 = conv_2d(b_conv4_1_1,96,3,padding='valid',activation='relu',name='conv5_3_3') b_conv4_1_1_reduce = conv_2d(b_conv_1,64,1,activation='relu',name='b_conv4_1_1_reduce') b_conv4_1_7 = conv_2d(b_conv4_1_1_reduce,64,[1,7],activation='relu',name='b_conv4_1_7') b_conv4_7_1 = conv_2d(b_conv4_1_7,64,[7,1],activation='relu',name='b_conv4_7_1') b_conv4_3_3_v = conv_2d(b_conv4_7_1,96,3,padding='valid',name='b_conv4_3_3_v') b_conv_4 = merge([b_conv4_3_3_v, b_conv4_3_3],mode='concat',axis=3) b_conv5_3_3 = conv_2d(b_conv_4,192,3,padding='valid',activation='relu',name='b_conv5_3_3',strides=2) b_pool5_3_3 = max_pool_2d(b_conv_4,kernel_size=3,padding='valid',strides=2,name='b_pool5_3_3') if enable_batch_norm: b_pool5_3_3 = batch_normalization(b_pool5_3_3) b_conv_5 = merge([b_conv5_3_3,b_pool5_3_3],mode='concat',axis=3) net = b_conv_5 # inceptionV4 modules net=inception_block_a(net) net=inception_block_b(net) net=inception_block_c(net) pool5_7_7=global_avg_pool(net) if(training): pool5_7_7=dropout(pool5_7_7,0.4) loss = fully_connected(pool5_7_7, 2,activation='softmax') if(training): network = regression(loss, optimizer='rmsprop', loss='categorical_crossentropy', learning_rate=0.001) else: network=loss model = tflearn.DNN(network, checkpoint_path='inceptionv4onfire', max_checkpoints=1, tensorboard_verbose=0) return model ################################################################################