Python pypandoc.get_pandoc_version() Examples
The following are 6
code examples of pypandoc.get_pandoc_version().
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Example #1
Source File: From CS231n-2017-Summary with MIT License | 6 votes |
def main(): marks_down_links = { "Standford CS231n 2017 Summary": "", } # Extracting pandoc version print("pandoc_version:", pypandoc.get_pandoc_version()) print("pandoc_path:", pypandoc.get_pandoc_path()) print("\n") # Starting downloading and converting for key, value in marks_down_links.items(): print("Converting", key) pypandoc.convert_file( value, 'pdf', extra_args=['--latex-engine=xelatex', '-V', 'geometry:margin=1.5cm'], outputfile=(key + ".pdf") ) print("Converting", key, "completed")
Example #2
Source File: From redmine-gitlab-migrator with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self): # make sure we use at least version 17 of pandoc # TODO: fix this test, it will not work properly for version 1.2 or 1.100 version = pypandoc.get_pandoc_version() if (version < "1.17"): log.error('You need at least pandoc 1.17.0, download from') exit(1) # precompile regular expressions self.regexWikiLinkWithText = re.compile(r'\\\[\\\[\s*([^\]]*?)\s*\|\s*([^\]]*?)\s*\\\]\\\]') self.regexWikiLinkWithoutText = re.compile(r'\\\[\\\[\s*([^\]]*?)\s*\\\]\\\]') self.regexTipMacro = re.compile(r'\{\{tip\((.*?)\)\}\}') self.regexNoteMacro = re.compile(r'\{\{note\((.*?)\)\}\}') self.regexWarningMacro = re.compile(r'\{\{warning\((.*?)\)\}\}') self.regexImportantMacro = re.compile(r'\{\{important\((.*?)\)\}\}') self.regexAnyMacro = re.compile(r'\{\{(.*)\}\}') self.regexCodeBlock = re.compile(r'\A ((.|\n)*)', re.MULTILINE) self.regexCollapse = re.compile(r'({{collapse\s?\(([^)]+)\))(.*)(}})', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) self.regexParagraph = re.compile(r'p(\(+|(\)+)?>?|=)?\.', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) self.regexCodeHighlight = re.compile(r'(<code\s?(class=\"(.*)\")?>).*(</code>)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) self.regexAttachment = re.compile(r'attachment:[\'\"“”‘’„”«»](.*)[\'\"“”‘’„”«»]', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
Example #3
Source File: From with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): home_link = "" marks_down_links = { " summary Homepage": home_link + "", "01- Neural Networks and Deep Learning": home_link + "1-%20Neural%20Networks%20and%20Deep%20Learning/", "02- Improving Deep Neural Networks Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization": home_link + "2-%20Improving%20Deep%20Neural%20Networks/", "03- Structuring Machine Learning Projects": home_link + "3-%20Structuring%20Machine%20Learning%20Projects/", "04- Convolutional Neural Networks": home_link + "4-%20Convolutional%20Neural%20Networks/", "05- Sequence Models": home_link + "5-%20Sequence%20Models/", } # Extracting pandoc version print("pandoc_version:", pypandoc.get_pandoc_version()) print("pandoc_path:", pypandoc.get_pandoc_path()) print("\n") # Starting downloading and converting for key, value in marks_down_links.items(): print("Converting", key) pypandoc.convert_file( value, 'pdf', extra_args=['--pdf-engine=xelatex', '-V', 'geometry:margin=1.5cm'], outputfile=(key + ".pdf") ) print("Converting", key, "completed")
Example #4
Source File: From podoc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def has_pandoc(): # pragma: no cover try: with captured_output(): import pypandoc pypandoc.get_pandoc_version() return True except (OSError, ImportError):"pypandoc is not installed.") except FileNotFoundError:"pandoc is not installed.") return False
Example #5
Source File: From redmine-gitlab-migrator with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, local_repo_path): self.repo_path = local_repo_path self.repo = Repo(local_repo_path) # make sure we use at least version 17 of pandoc # TODO: fix this test, it will not work properly for version 1.2 or 1.100 version = pypandoc.get_pandoc_version() if (version < "1.17"): log.error('You need at least pandoc 1.17.0, download from') exit(1) self.textile_converter = TextileConverter()
Example #6
Source File: From rdmo with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def render_to_format(request, format, title, template_src, context): if format in dict(settings.EXPORT_FORMATS): # render the template to a html string template = get_template(template_src) html = template.render(context) # remove empty lines html = os.linesep.join([line for line in html.splitlines() if line.strip()]) if format == 'html': # create the response object response = HttpResponse(html) else: if format == 'pdf': # check pandoc version (the pdf arg changed to version 2) if pypandoc.get_pandoc_version().split('.')[0] == '1': args = ['-V', 'geometry:margin=1in', '--latex-engine=xelatex'] else: args = ['-V', 'geometry:margin=1in', '--pdf-engine=xelatex'] content_disposition = 'filename="%s.%s"' % (title, format) else: args = [] content_disposition = 'attachment; filename="%s.%s"' % (title, format) # use reference document for certain file formats refdoc = set_export_reference_document(format) if refdoc is not None and (format == 'docx' or format == 'odt'): if pypandoc.get_pandoc_version().startswith("1"): refdoc_param = '--reference-' + format + '=' + refdoc args.extend([refdoc_param]) else: refdoc_param = '--reference-doc=' + refdoc args.extend([refdoc_param]) # create a temporary file (tmp_fd, tmp_filename) = mkstemp('.' + format)"Export " + format + " document using args " + str(args)) # convert the file using pandoc pypandoc.convert_text(html, format, format='html', outputfile=tmp_filename, extra_args=args) # read the temporary file file_handler = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'rb') file_content = file_handler.close() # delete the temporary file os.remove(tmp_filename) # create the response object response = HttpResponse(file_content, content_type='application/%s' % format) response['Content-Disposition'] = content_disposition.encode('utf-8') return response else: return HttpResponseBadRequest(_('This format is not supported.'))