Python torch.cuda.FloatTensor() Examples
The following are 20
code examples of torch.cuda.FloatTensor().
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Example #1
Source File: From pytorch-vfi-cft with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def interpolation(self, uvm, image, index): u, v = torch.index_select(uvm, dim=1, index=LongTensor([0+3*index, 1+3*index])).permute(0, 2, 3, 1).split(1, dim=3) row_num = FloatTensor() col_num = FloatTensor() im_size = image.shape[2:4] torch.arange(im_size[0], out=row_num) torch.arange(im_size[1], out=col_num) row_num = row_num.view(1, im_size[0], 1, 1) col_num = col_num.view(1, 1, im_size[1], 1) x_norm = 2*(u+col_num)/(im_size[1]-1)-1 y_norm = 2*(v+row_num)/(im_size[0]-1)-1 xy_norm = torch.clamp(, y_norm), dim=3), -1, 1) interp = nn.functional.grid_sample(image, xy_norm) w = torch.index_select(uvm, dim=1, index=LongTensor([3*index+2]))+0.5 return interp, w, u, v
Example #2
Source File: From pytorch-deep-generative-replay with MIT License | 6 votes |
def visualize_image(tensor, name, label=None, env='main', w=250, h=250, update_window_without_label=False): tensor = tensor.cpu() if isinstance(tensor, CUDATensor) else tensor title = name + ('-{}'.format(label) if label is not None else '') _WINDOW_CASH[title] = _vis(env).image( tensor.numpy(), win=_WINDOW_CASH.get(title), opts=dict(title=title, width=w, height=h) ) # This is useful when you want to maintain the most recent images. if update_window_without_label: _WINDOW_CASH[name] = _vis(env).image( tensor.numpy(), win=_WINDOW_CASH.get(name), opts=dict(title=name, width=w, height=h) )
Example #3
Source File: From pytorch-deep-generative-replay with MIT License | 6 votes |
def visualize_images(tensor, name, label=None, env='main', w=400, h=400, update_window_without_label=False): tensor = tensor.cpu() if isinstance(tensor, CUDATensor) else tensor title = name + ('-{}'.format(label) if label is not None else '') _WINDOW_CASH[title] = _vis(env).images( tensor.numpy(), win=_WINDOW_CASH.get(title), nrow=6, opts=dict(title=title, width=w, height=h) ) # This is useful when you want to maintain the most recent images. if update_window_without_label: _WINDOW_CASH[name] = _vis(env).images( tensor.numpy(), win=_WINDOW_CASH.get(name), nrow=6, opts=dict(title=name, width=w, height=h) )
Example #4
Source File: From pytorch-ewc with MIT License | 6 votes |
def visualize_images(vis, tensor, name, label=None, w=250, h=250, update_window_without_label=False): tensor = tensor.cpu() if isinstance(tensor, CUDATensor) else tensor title = name + ('-{}'.format(label) if label is not None else '') _WINDOW_CASH[title] = vis.images( tensor.numpy(), win=_WINDOW_CASH.get(title), opts=dict(title=title, width=w, height=h) ) # This is useful when you want to maintain the most recent images. if update_window_without_label: _WINDOW_CASH[name] = vis.images( tensor.numpy(), win=_WINDOW_CASH.get(name), opts=dict(title=name, width=w, height=h) )
Example #5
Source File: From pytorch-ewc with MIT License | 6 votes |
def visualize_image(vis, tensor, name, label=None, w=250, h=250, update_window_without_label=False): tensor = tensor.cpu() if isinstance(tensor, CUDATensor) else tensor title = name + ('-{}'.format(label) if label is not None else '') _WINDOW_CASH[title] = vis.image( tensor.numpy(), win=_WINDOW_CASH.get(title), opts=dict(title=title, width=w, height=h) ) # This is useful when you want to maintain the most recent images. if update_window_without_label: _WINDOW_CASH[name] = vis.image( tensor.numpy(), win=_WINDOW_CASH.get(name), opts=dict(title=name, width=w, height=h) )
Example #6
Source File: From PointCNN.Pytorch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def knn_indices_func_cpu(rep_pts : FloatTensor, # (N, pts, dim) pts : FloatTensor, # (N, x, dim) K : int, D : int ) -> LongTensor: # (N, pts, K) """ CPU-based Indexing function based on K-Nearest Neighbors search. :param rep_pts: Representative points. :param pts: Point cloud to get indices from. :param K: Number of nearest neighbors to collect. :param D: "Spread" of neighboring points. :return: Array of indices, P_idx, into pts such that pts[n][P_idx[n],:] is the set k-nearest neighbors for the representative points in pts[n]. """ rep_pts = pts = region_idx = [] for n, p in enumerate(rep_pts): P_particular = pts[n] nbrs = NearestNeighbors(D*K + 1, algorithm = "ball_tree").fit(P_particular) indices = nbrs.kneighbors(p)[1] region_idx.append(indices[:,1::D]) region_idx = torch.from_numpy(np.stack(region_idx, axis = 0)) return region_idx
Example #7
Source File: From pytorch-ewc with MIT License | 5 votes |
def visualize_scalars(vis, scalars, names, title, iteration): assert len(scalars) == len(names) # Convert scalar tensors to numpy arrays. scalars, names = list(scalars), list(names) scalars = [s.cpu() if isinstance(s, CUDATensor) else s for s in scalars] scalars = [s.detach().numpy() if hasattr(s, 'numpy') else np.array([s]) for s in scalars] multi = len(scalars) > 1 num = len(scalars) options = dict( fillarea=True, legend=names, width=400, height=400, xlabel='Iterations', ylabel=title, title=title, marginleft=30, marginright=30, marginbottom=80, margintop=30, ) X = ( np.column_stack(np.array([iteration] * num)) if multi else np.array([iteration] * num) ) Y = np.column_stack(scalars) if multi else scalars[0] if title in _WINDOW_CASH: vis.line( X=X, Y=Y, win=_WINDOW_CASH[title], opts=options, update='append' ) else: _WINDOW_CASH[title] = vis.line(X=X, Y=Y, opts=options)
Example #8
Source File: From pytorch-vfi-cft with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): super(VGG, self).__init__() vgg = vgg19(pretrained=True) self.vgg_mean = FloatTensor([[[[0.485]], [[0.456]], [[0.406]]]]) self.vgg_std = FloatTensor([[[[0.229]], [[0.224]], [[0.225]]]]) self.vgg_relu4_4 = vgg.features[:27]
Example #9
Source File: From pytorch-ewc with MIT License | 5 votes |
def visualize_kernel(vis, kernel, name, label=None, w=250, h=250, update_window_without_label=False, compress_tensor=False): # Do not visualize kernels that does not exists. if kernel is None: return assert len(kernel.size()) in (2, 4) title = name + ('-{}'.format(label) if label is not None else '') kernel = kernel.cpu() if isinstance(kernel, CUDATensor) else kernel kernel_norm = kernel if len(kernel.size()) == 2 else ( (kernel**2).mean(-1).mean(-1) if compress_tensor else kernel.view( kernel.size()[0] * kernel.size()[2], kernel.size()[1] * kernel.size()[3], ) ) kernel_norm = kernel_norm.abs() visualized = ( (kernel_norm - kernel_norm.min()) / (kernel_norm.max() - kernel_norm.min()) ).numpy() _WINDOW_CASH[title] = vis.image( visualized, win=_WINDOW_CASH.get(title), opts=dict(title=title, width=w, height=h) ) # This is useful when you want to maintain the most recent images. if update_window_without_label: _WINDOW_CASH[name] = vis.image( visualized, win=_WINDOW_CASH.get(name), opts=dict(title=name, width=w, height=h) )
Example #10
Source File: From SAE-NAD with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, D_in, H, D_out, da=20, dropout_rate=0.5): """ Initialize the model configurations and parameters. In the model, the network structure is like [D_in, H1, H, H1, D_out], and D_in equals to D_out. :param D_in: the dimension of the input :param H: the dimension of the bottleneck layer :param D_out: the dimension of the output :param H1: the dimension of the first hidden layer :param da: the dimension of the attention model """ super(AutoEncoder, self).__init__() self.H1 = H[0] self.H = H[1] self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate if torch.cuda.is_available(): self.linear1 = torch.nn.Linear(D_in, self.H1, bias=False).cuda() self.linear2 = torch.nn.Linear(self.H1, self.H).cuda() self.linear3 = torch.nn.Linear(self.H, self.H1).cuda() self.linear4 = torch.nn.Linear(self.H1, D_out).cuda() self.attention_matrix1 = Variable(torch.zeros(da, self.H1).type(T.FloatTensor), requires_grad=True) # self.attention_matrix2 = Variable(torch.zeros(20, 30).type(T.FloatTensor), requires_grad=True) self.attention_matrix1 = torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.attention_matrix1) # self.attention_matrix2 = torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform(self.attention_matrix2) self.self_attention = torch.nn.Linear(da, 1).cuda() else: self.linear1 = torch.nn.Linear(D_in, self.H1, bias=False) self.linear2 = torch.nn.Linear(self.H1, self.H) self.linear3 = torch.nn.Linear(self.H, self.H1) self.linear4 = torch.nn.Linear(self.H1, D_out) self.attention_matrix1 = Variable(torch.zeros(da, self.H1).type(T.FloatTensor), requires_grad=True) # self.attention_matrix2 = Variable(torch.zeros(20, 30).type(T.FloatTensor), requires_grad=True) self.attention_matrix1 = torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.attention_matrix1) # self.attention_matrix2 = torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform(self.attention_matrix2) self.self_attention = torch.nn.Linear(da, 1)
Example #11
Source File: From GATE with MIT License | 5 votes |
def forward(self, batch_item_index, batch_x, batch_word_seq, batch_neighbor_index): z_1 = F.tanh(self.linear1(batch_x)) # z_1 = F.dropout(z_1, self.drop_rate) z_rating = F.tanh(self.linear2(z_1)) z_content = self.get_content_z(batch_word_seq) gate = F.sigmoid( + + self.gate_bias) gated_embedding = gate * z_rating + (1 - gate) * z_content # save the embedding for direct lookup self.item_gated_embedding.weight[batch_item_index] = gated_neighbor_embedding = self.item_gated_embedding(batch_neighbor_index) # aug_gated_embedding: [256, 1, 50] aug_gated_embedding = torch.unsqueeze(gated_embedding, 1) score = torch.matmul(aug_gated_embedding, torch.unsqueeze(self.neighbor_attention, 0)) # score: [256, 1, 480] score = torch.bmm(score, gated_neighbor_embedding.permute(0, 2, 1)) # make the 0 in score, which will make a difference in softmax score = torch.where(score == 0, T.FloatTensor([float('-inf')]), score) score = F.softmax(score, dim=2) # if the vectors all are '-inf', softmax will generate 'nan', so replace with 0 score = torch.where(score != score, T.FloatTensor([0]), score) gated_neighbor_embedding = torch.bmm(score, gated_neighbor_embedding) gated_neighbor_embedding = torch.squeeze(gated_neighbor_embedding, 1) # gated_embedding = F.dropout(gated_embedding, self.drop_rate) # gated_neighbor_embedding = F.dropout(gated_neighbor_embedding, self.drop_rate) z_3 = F.tanh(self.linear3(gated_embedding)) # z_3 = F.dropout(z_3, self.drop_rate) z_3_neighbor = F.tanh(self.linear3(gated_neighbor_embedding)) # z_3_neighbor = F.dropout(z_3_neighbor, self.drop_rate) y_pred = F.sigmoid(self.linear4(z_3) + return y_pred
Example #12
Source File: From PointCNN.Pytorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def knn_indices_func_gpu(rep_pts : cuda.FloatTensor, # (N, pts, dim) pts : cuda.FloatTensor, # (N, x, dim) k : int, d : int ) -> cuda.LongTensor: # (N, pts, K) """ GPU-based Indexing function based on K-Nearest Neighbors search. Very memory intensive, and thus unoptimal for large numbers of points. :param rep_pts: Representative points. :param pts: Point cloud to get indices from. :param K: Number of nearest neighbors to collect. :param D: "Spread" of neighboring points. :return: Array of indices, P_idx, into pts such that pts[n][P_idx[n],:] is the set k-nearest neighbors for the representative points in pts[n]. """ region_idx = [] for n, qry in enumerate(rep_pts): ref = pts[n] n, d = ref.size() m, d = qry.size() mref = ref.expand(m, n, d) mqry = qry.expand(n, m, d).transpose(0, 1) dist2 = torch.sum((mqry - mref)**2, 2).squeeze() _, inds = torch.topk(dist2, k*d + 1, dim = 1, largest = False) region_idx.append(inds[:,1::d]) region_idx = torch.stack(region_idx, dim = 0) return region_idx
Example #13
Source File: From PointCNN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def knn_indices_func_gpu(rep_pts : cuda.FloatTensor, # (N, pts, dim) pts : cuda.FloatTensor, # (N, x, dim) K : int, D : int ) -> cuda.LongTensor: # (N, pts, K) """ GPU-based Indexing function based on K-Nearest Neighbors search. Very memory intensive, and thus unoptimal for large numbers of points. :param rep_pts: Representative points. :param pts: Point cloud to get indices from. :param K: Number of nearest neighbors to collect. :param D: "Spread" of neighboring points. :return: Array of indices, P_idx, into pts such that pts[n][P_idx[n],:] is the set k-nearest neighbors for the representative points in pts[n]. """ region_idx = [] for n, qry in enumerate(rep_pts): qry = qry.half() ref = pts[n].half() r_A = torch.sum(qry * qry, dim = 1, keepdim = True) r_B = torch.sum(ref * ref, dim = 1, keepdim = True) dist2 = r_A - 2 * torch.matmul(qry, torch.t(ref)) + torch.t(r_B) _, inds = torch.topk(dist2, D*K + 1, dim = 1, largest = False) region_idx.append(inds[:,1::D]) region_idx = torch.stack(region_idx, dim = 0) return region_idx
Example #14
Source File: From PointCNN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def knn_indices_func_approx(rep_pts : FloatTensor, # (N, pts, dim) pts : FloatTensor, # (N, x, dim) K : int, D : int ) -> LongTensor: # (N, pts, K) """ Approximate CPU-based Indexing function based on K-Nearest Neighbors search. :param rep_pts: Representative points. :param pts: Point cloud to get indices from. :param K: Number of nearest neighbors to collect. :param D: "Spread" of neighboring points. :return: Array of indices, P_idx, into pts such that pts[n][P_idx[n],:] is the set k-nearest neighbors for the representative points in pts[n]. """ if rep_pts.is_cuda: rep_pts = rep_pts.cpu() if pts.is_cuda: pts = pts.cpu() rep_pts = pts = region_idx = [] for n, p in enumerate(rep_pts): P_particular = pts[n] lshf = LSHForest(n_estimators = 20, n_candidates = 100, n_neighbors = D*K + 1) indices = lshf.kneighbors(p, return_distance = False) region_idx.append(indices[:,1::D])
Example #15
Source File: From PointCNN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def knn_indices_func_cpu(rep_pts : FloatTensor, # (N, pts, dim) pts : FloatTensor, # (N, x, dim) K : int, D : int ) -> LongTensor: # (N, pts, K) """ CPU-based Indexing function based on K-Nearest Neighbors search. :param rep_pts: Representative points. :param pts: Point cloud to get indices from. :param K: Number of nearest neighbors to collect. :param D: "Spread" of neighboring points. :return: Array of indices, P_idx, into pts such that pts[n][P_idx[n],:] is the set k-nearest neighbors for the representative points in pts[n]. """ if rep_pts.is_cuda: rep_pts = rep_pts.cpu() if pts.is_cuda: pts = pts.cpu() rep_pts = pts = region_idx = [] for n, p in enumerate(rep_pts): P_particular = pts[n] nbrs = NearestNeighbors(D*K + 1, algorithm = "auto").fit(P_particular) indices = nbrs.kneighbors(p)[1] region_idx.append(indices[:,1::D]) region_idx = torch.from_numpy(np.stack(region_idx, axis = 0)) return region_idx
Example #16
Source File: From pytorch-deep-generative-replay with MIT License | 5 votes |
def visualize_scalars(scalars, names, title, iteration, env='main'): assert len(scalars) == len(names) # Convert scalar tensors to numpy arrays. scalars, names = list(scalars), list(names) scalars = [s.cpu() if isinstance(s, CUDATensor) else s for s in scalars] scalars = [s.numpy() if hasattr(s, 'numpy') else np.array([s]) for s in scalars] multi = len(scalars) > 1 num = len(scalars) options = dict( fillarea=True, legend=names, width=400, height=400, xlabel='Iterations', ylabel=title, title=title, marginleft=30, marginright=30, marginbottom=80, margintop=30, ) X = ( np.column_stack(np.array([iteration] * num)) if multi else np.array([iteration] * num) ) Y = np.column_stack(scalars) if multi else scalars[0] if title in _WINDOW_CASH: _vis(env).updateTrace(X=X, Y=Y, win=_WINDOW_CASH[title], opts=options) else: _WINDOW_CASH[title] = _vis(env).line(X=X, Y=Y, opts=options)
Example #17
Source File: From pytorch-deep-generative-replay with MIT License | 5 votes |
def visualize_kernel(kernel, name, label=None, env='main', w=250, h=250, update_window_without_label=False, compress_tensor=False): # Do not visualize kernels that does not exists. if kernel is None: return assert len(kernel.size()) in (2, 4) title = name + ('-{}'.format(label) if label is not None else '') kernel = kernel.cpu() if isinstance(kernel, CUDATensor) else kernel kernel_norm = kernel if len(kernel.size()) == 2 else ( (kernel**2).mean(-1).mean(-1) if compress_tensor else kernel.view( kernel.size()[0] * kernel.size()[2], kernel.size()[1] * kernel.size()[3], ) ) kernel_norm = kernel_norm.abs() visualized = ( (kernel_norm - kernel_norm.min()) / (kernel_norm.max() - kernel_norm.min()) ).numpy() _WINDOW_CASH[title] = _vis(env).image( visualized, win=_WINDOW_CASH.get(title), opts=dict(title=title, width=w, height=h) ) # This is useful when you want to maintain the most recent images. if update_window_without_label: _WINDOW_CASH[name] = _vis(env).image( visualized, win=_WINDOW_CASH.get(name), opts=dict(title=name, width=w, height=h) )
Example #18
Source File: From pytorch-vfi-cft with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def forward(self, input): vgg_mean = FloatTensor([[[[0.485]], [[0.456]], [[0.406]]]]) vgg_std = FloatTensor([[[[0.229]], [[0.224]], [[0.225]]]]) return self.vgg_relu4_4((input-vgg_mean)/vgg_std)
Example #19
Source File: From GATE with MIT License | 4 votes |
def evaluate_model(train_matrix, test_set, item_word_seq, item_neighbor_index, GAT, batch_size): num_items, num_users = train_matrix.shape num_batches = int(num_items / batch_size) + 1 item_indexes = np.arange(num_items) pred_matrix = None for batchID in range(num_batches): start = batchID * batch_size end = start + batch_size if batchID == num_batches - 1: if start < num_items: end = num_items else: break batch_item_index = item_indexes[start:end] # get mini-batch data batch_x = train_matrix[batch_item_index].toarray() batch_word_seq = item_word_seq[batch_item_index] batch_neighbor_index = item_neighbor_index[batch_item_index] batch_item_index = Variable(torch.from_numpy(batch_item_index).type(T.LongTensor), requires_grad=False) batch_word_seq = Variable(torch.from_numpy(batch_word_seq).type(T.LongTensor), requires_grad=False) batch_neighbor_index = Variable(torch.from_numpy(batch_neighbor_index).type(T.LongTensor), requires_grad=False) batch_x = Variable(torch.from_numpy(batch_x.astype(np.float32)).type(T.FloatTensor), requires_grad=False) # Forward pass: Compute predicted y by passing x to the model rating_pred = GAT(batch_item_index, batch_x, batch_word_seq, batch_neighbor_index) rating_pred = rating_pred.cpu().data.numpy().copy() if batchID == 0: pred_matrix = rating_pred.copy() else: pred_matrix = np.append(pred_matrix, rating_pred, axis=0) topk = 50 pred_matrix[train_matrix.nonzero()] = 0 pred_matrix = pred_matrix.transpose() # reference:, ind = np.argpartition(pred_matrix, -topk) ind = ind[:, -topk:] arr_ind = pred_matrix[np.arange(len(pred_matrix))[:, None], ind] arr_ind_argsort = np.argsort(arr_ind)[np.arange(len(pred_matrix)), ::-1] pred_list = ind[np.arange(len(pred_matrix))[:, None], arr_ind_argsort] precision, recall, MAP, ndcg = [], [], [], [] for k in [5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50]: precision.append(precision_at_k(test_set, pred_list, k)) recall.append(recall_at_k(test_set, pred_list, k)) MAP.append(mapk(test_set, pred_list, k)) ndcg.append(ndcg_k(test_set, pred_list, k)) return precision, recall, MAP, ndcg
Example #20
Source File: From SAE-NAD with MIT License | 4 votes |
def forward(self, batch_item_index, place_correlation): """ The forward pass of the autoencoder. :param batch_item_index: a list of arrays that each array stores the place id a user has been to :param place_correlation: the pairwise poi relation matrix :return: the predicted ratings """ item_vector = self.linear1.weight[:, T.LongTensor(batch_item_index[0].astype(np.int32))] # Compute the neighbor inner products inner_product = item_vector.t().mm(self.linear4.weight.t()) item_corr = Variable( torch.from_numpy(place_correlation[batch_item_index[0]].toarray()).type(T.FloatTensor)) inner_product = inner_product * item_corr neighbor_product = inner_product.sum(dim=0).unsqueeze(0) # Compute the self attention score score = F.tanh( score = F.softmax(score, dim=1) embedding_matrix = linear_z = self.self_attention(embedding_matrix.t()).t() # print score for i in range(1, len(batch_item_index)): item_vector = self.linear1.weight[:, T.LongTensor(batch_item_index[i].astype(np.int32))] # Compute the neighbor inner products inner_product = item_vector.t().mm(self.linear4.weight.t()) item_corr = Variable( torch.from_numpy(place_correlation[batch_item_index[i]].toarray()).type(T.FloatTensor)) inner_product = inner_product * item_corr inner_product = inner_product.sum(dim=0).unsqueeze(0) neighbor_product =, inner_product), 0) # Compute the self attention score score = F.tanh( score = F.softmax(score, dim=1) embedding_matrix = tmp_z = self.self_attention(embedding_matrix.t()).t() linear_z =, tmp_z), 0) z = F.tanh(linear_z) z = F.dropout(z,, p=self.dropout_rate) z = F.tanh(self.linear2(z)) z = F.dropout(z,, p=self.dropout_rate) d_z = F.tanh(self.linear3(z)) d_z = F.dropout(d_z,, p=self.dropout_rate) y_pred = F.sigmoid(self.linear4(d_z) + neighbor_product) return y_pred